Festival Itinérant Du Film D´ecole De Mboro ()

Festival Itinérant du Film d´Ecole de Mboro


16 Aug 2022
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

01 Apr 2023
Festival geschlossen

01 Mai 2023

23 Mai 2023
27 Mai 2023


Centre CIFOP.,  -, Mboro, Région de Thiès, Senegal

Festival Beschreibung
School Films

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Online und physischer Standort
 Produktionsdatum: Jede
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Festival Itinérant Du Film D´ecole De Mboro
Photo of Festival Itinérant Du Film D´ecole De Mboro
Photo of Festival Itinérant Du Film D´ecole De Mboro
Photo of Festival Itinérant Du Film D´ecole De Mboro

German ML

Festival Start: 23 Mai 2023      Festival Ende: 27 Mai 2023

This festival offers films from different schools and film students from Senegal, Africa and other continents. It also broadcasts films made by professionals and amateurs in the sector. It offers a virtual and physical program evolving with the health conditions imposed by the Covid 19 pandemic, and open to dialogue between cultures of the world. Juries are composed by professionals of the 7th art and the public to distinguish the best directors, the best actors, the best treatment of subjects on childhood and inclusion.

TYPES OF DISTINCTIONS: 6 Prizes are awarded.

1. Prize for the best short film director.
2. Prize for the best performance
3. Prize for the best image
4. Prize for the best treatment of the child,
5. Special price for inclusion
6. Best Scout Film


Article 1: The Itinerant School Film Festival (FIFE) is an annual event of cinema, audiovisual and digital creation. The festival proceeds before each edition, to a call for films to the various cinema schools of Senegal, Africa and other countries. It is open to industry professionals and amateurs. It offers a virtual and physical program, exchange workshops, training, animations in different localities of Senegal and internationally through the Internet.

Article 2: The Itinerant School Film Festival (FIFE) is initiated by the Multimedia Training Center of Mboro, the NGO Youth and Development and counts on the partnership of the association of Girl Scouts and Girl Scouts of Senegal and several other actors in Senegal and around the world.

Article 3: The festival welcomes films and audiovisual works of all kinds that respect the human rights and moral values ​​of the Senegalese people. Films that offend the conscience of young people or communities are not expected.

Long, medium and short films in the documentary, reportage, fiction, animation or other genres will be welcomed. Films must be in the national language of Senegal (Wolof, Pulaar, Seereer, Joolaa, Manding, etc.), or in French. Films in other languages ​​must have French subtitles.

Production dates are not considered. The theme is open but must conform to the concerns of the peoples of today's world.
Article 4: A scientific committee composed of personalities from culture, media, arts and events oversees the orientation of the festival. This committee meets at least once per quarter, by physical presence or by electronic conference.

Article 5: An organizing committee prepares and manages the festival. It periodically reports to the Scientific Committee on the evolution of situations. It is based on an annual action plan and democratic management rules.

Article 6: The proposal of a work to participate in the festival entails the unreserved acceptance of these rules.

Article 7: Films and productions are transmitted to the festival as a proposal for selection through a link, a copy, or any other quality medium. Registration for the festival, of a work, is supported by the transmission of a duly completed registration form. The selected candidates will be contacted and invited to complete their files (if necessary) by sending the existing promotional tools: film presentation note, trailer, poster, photos, director's biography, press articles, etc.
Article 8: The films and productions entered in the festival are free of charge. The festival does not provide for remuneration of the authors of films or productions, nor of the rights holders for the participation of their works.

Article 9: The conveyance of works or promotional tools are at the expense of the sender. The festival declines all responsibility for the loss, theft or destruction of media during transport. However, for certain particular works, the transport could be supported by the organizers.

Article 10: The films proposed to the festival are subject to the appreciation of a selection committee. The list of selected films will be published in social networks, the festival website and the email addresses of the holders. The program for the dissemination of the works will be drawn up by the organizing committee. The methods of exploitation of the work (screening, exhibition, publication in the documents of the festival) will be defined by the organizing committee.

Article 11: The withdrawal from the programming, of a film (or work) selected, is solely the responsibility of the decision of the organizing committee.

Article 12: The participant guarantees that the film or work proposed has obtained all the required authorizations, in particular with regard to the use of images, music or various documents.

Article 13: The participant expressly declares that he has all the rights transferred, by accepting these rules and guarantees the festival against any disturbance, claim or counterfeit that could harm his reputation or his property.

Article 14: In order to ensure the promotion of the festival, the producers and beneficiaries of the selected work authorize the festival to present extracts from the film or the presentation of the work by television broadcasting, radio broadcasting, Internet broadcasting, written press or other means of dissemination.

However, a free broadcast on a television channel, a radio station, can be programmed for each registered work.

Article 15: The supports of the broadcast works and promotional tools will remain the possession of the organizers for the purpose of promotional use for the next festivals. Nevertheless no commercial use will be made of it.

Article 16: Film screenings will be free and may be followed by debates or other entertainment activities and will be organized in public spaces, outdoors, in halls, in schools and universities.

The directors, producers or actors of the selected films or works may be invited to come and present their film at the festival depending on the means available.

Article 17: The films selected and entered in competition are subject to the vote of a jury. The prizes will consist of a certificate and possibly a trophy, materials or cash.

Article 18: Any dispute that may arise over the application or interpretation of these rules will be expressly submitted to the discretion of the sovereign scientific committee.

Dakar, August 1, 2022

The organizing committee



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