Blog: Festivals de cinéma

Logo of El Páramo Cineclub

Date limite
01 Sep 2015

Publié: 19 Aug 2015
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Long métrages

Banner Ciclo de Cine El Páramo

El Páramo Cineclub

Paracho, Mexico

El Páramo, Cultural Forum is a space created for the dissemination, preservation and support of the arts and culture in the Purhepecha region. Within the same, we include several disciplines like painting, sculpture, music, photography and cinematography in addition to literature and dance. Our goal is to bring culture to the region and bring the region to the world. Have inside a film club activities, which aim to show the work of directors from around the world to an audience that is anxious to see the world through the eyes of the artist.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Fantastique  Terreur  Experimental