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Shorts México–International Short Film Festival of Mexico, invites filmmakers, filmmakers, producers, film directors, film students and the general public, to register one or more short film projects in the post-production process, to this call: COMPETITION MEXICANA – WORK IN PROGRESS – SHORTS MÉXICO 2024¨ (WIP SHORTS MÉXICO). with the aim of promoting the production of quality Mexican cinema and supporting the completion of national short films in the post-production phase.
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Shorts México - Work in Progress
Shorts México–International Short Film Festival of Mexico, invites filmmakers, directors, producers, film directors, film students and the general public, to register one or more short film projects in the script process, to this call: COMPETITION MEXICAN SHORT FILM SCRIPT – SHORTS MÉXICO 2024¨ with the aim of promoting the writing and production of quality Mexican cinema.
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Shorts Mexico - Short film script
Shorts México – International Short Film Festival of Mexico invites filmmakers, filmmakers, producers, film directors, film students and the general public to register one or more short film projects, to this call: Mexican Short Film Pitching Competition – Shorts México 2024. The registration of projects constitutes acceptance of these regulations. We invite you to register your projects and be part of Shorts México 2024.
The production of the short film by the winning director will be carried out, with an approximate value of $800,000.00 MXN. The prize includes: 3 days of filming package, Mini Mobile, 800 amp light plant, high speed camera and lens set, by the company CTT Exp & Rentals; image post-production – color correction and DCP by Cinecolor México, 100% discount on the cost of acquiring filming insurance by LCI Seguros, SHALALA Studios audio post-production – sound design, LA FACULTAD DE CINE $15,000.00 (Fifteen thousand pesos 00 /100 MXN), in cash, MAXY'S Catering 3 days of catering for 20 people, RETROBYTE and DINAMITA POST award Trailer and Poster, IP9 STUDIOS awards 2 days of forum and Alonso Alaman original music.
In addition, a statuette and diploma are awarded. Decisions regarding the production and realization of the short film of the winning project will be made with the festival committee by consensus. The short film will be shown in the next edition of SHORTS MÉXICO.
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Shorts Mexico - Short Film Pitching
El concurso de guiones Hollywood Storytellers (antes conocido como concurso internacional de guiones de Los Ángeles) es un evento anual en el que se evalúan los mejores guiones de largometrajes, cortometrajes y pilotos de televisión y se los coloca en nuestro concurso de géneros que incluye todo. Un escritor de cada categoría será el ganador general en su género y medio respectivos.
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Festival de cine Hollywood Storytellers - CONCURSO DE GUIÓN
Sykehouse FilmFest es un festival de cine internacional dedicado a premiar a cineastas de todo el mundo. Nuestro próximo evento en vivo se llevará a cabo el 28 de junio de 2025 con proyecciones consecutivas de las obras seleccionadas y una ceremonia de premios al final del día para anunciar a los ganadores.
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Sykehouse Film - Writers's Conference