The 1st edition is integrated with the Sentiero Film LAB, during the annual activities of the Sentiero Film Factory, to implement the training offer and improve the development specifications of the two residencies. The screenplay lab is for authors who have an idea or topic that has not yet been scripted.
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Sentiero Film Factory - FILM LAB
APIMA, PAC, Macabro FICH, and FantasoLab launch the call for submissions in their respective countries, evaluate the received projects, and select 5 finalists each.
The finalist projects will be those that, in addition to their inherent artistic qualities, have the greatest potential for organic co-production among Argentina, Colombia, Spain, and Mexico, always considering the conditions and limitations of the existing co-production agreements.
Additionally, each country may choose 5 more projects as semifinalists, which will not participate in the Pitching sessions but will have a profile on the intranet of the website visible to attending companies.
Information about registrations, invitations, and membership:
APIMA (Argentina) – administracion@apima.com.ar
PAC (Spain) – pac@pac.cat
Macabro (Mexico) – contacto.macabrofich@gmail.com
FantasoLab (Colombia) – info@ovejaelectrica.com
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IV Ibero-American Co-Production Forum for Horror and Fantastic Projects
Individuals or legal entities who present Spanish production or co-production films that are in an advanced stage of editing, with filming already finished or in its final phase may participate. The works presented must have a duration between 50 and 120 minutes.
Directors of Spanish nationality may also apply to this call, even if they do not have a production company in the national territory.
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Final Cut - Documenta Madrid Festival
The program called “IsLABentura Canarias, Script Laboratory” is an initiative of the Department of Universities, Science and Innovation and Culture of the Government of the Canary Islands, which is managed through the Canary Islands Film unit of the public entity Canarian Institute of Cultural Development , S.A., which will act as the competent body in the processing of this call and the Executive CEO of the Instituto Canario de Desarrollo Cultural, S.A. as the head of the competent body.
The objective of the Laboratory is the tutoring of selected participants in the creation of feature film scripts and television series based on stories and/or locations in the Canary Islands over six months by professionals of recognized prestige and extensive experience in training, consulting and script writing.
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isLABentura Screenwriting Laboratory
It consists of an innovative workshop in Latin America, inspired by @jacksonwildorg's Jackson Wild Media Lab Festival, in which 12 scholarship recipients will learn from audiovisual industry leaders about science communication, audiovisual project realization and impact, and will be challenged to make a short film that will be presented within the festival.
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Santiago Wild - Lab