Logo of Super International Teenager Film Festival

10 Apr 2016

公開済み: 19 Jan 2016

Banner Super International Teenager Film Festival

Super International Teenager Film Festival

Bucharest, Romania

Super! is the festival showing shorts made by teenagers, full of art, movies, workshops, courses and parties! Super started in 2013, out of the wish of some teenagers to have a space to screen their films and to meet other people who have the same passions as they do.

What makes Super SUPER, what makes it unique is that only teenagers can screen their films here, so it is all about in-born talent, about passion and not about sophisticated film schools or artificial technique. We don't have big budgets or high-tech equipment, but our shorts are immediate reactions to the world we live in, experiments in which other young people can find their own ideas and problems.

The festival encourages youth to make film- both beginners, who are encouraged through workshops, and teenagers who are already making films, through our screenings and awards.

Super has got to exist due to the lack of cinema-related education in schools, and thus youth needs the impulse to start shooting and making great films. Young people need to know they have a place where to screen their shorts.



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  その他  実験映画  Music Video