Logo of Molise Cinema Film Festival

16 May 2016

공개됨: 02 Feb 2016
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Banner Molise Cinema Film Festival

Molise Cinema Film Festival

Casacalenda, Italy

MoliseCinema intends to promote the latest and most innovative productions of Italian and international cinema, giving priority to young authors and new languages, with particular attention to short films and documentaries.

In thirteen editions held so far, the festival has brought to the public a schedule very articulate hosting hundreds of actors, directors, producers and experts.

The success achieved so far, the participation of numerous guests and protagonists of the film world, the visibility in the local and national press and a general consensus that there was on the part of the institutions and civil society confirms the growing interest MoliseCinema , which has become a constant reference point in the cultural life of Molise and the South and it becomes more and more a national and international importance.
With "Filming Molise" the festival will enhance the Molise as a location for productions cinematographic and audiovisual.

The association also organizes during all the year exhibitions, screenings, meetings, exhibitions and events related to culture film.

The festival has 4 competitive sections:

International short movies
Italian short movies
Feature Films (first and second works)

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 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  실험영화