출품 마감일
30 6월 24
Cortometrajes Documentales realizados en Colombia o por colombianos en el exterior. Terminados después del 1 de enero de 2023
01 4월 2024
출품 요청
01 6월 2024
표준 마감일
30 6월 2024
늦은 마감일
30 6월 2024
영화제 마감
01 9월 2024
07 10월 2024
11 10월 2024
영화제 시작: 07 10월 2024 영화제 끝: 11 10월 2024
The objective is to present a selection of the best short films in the fiction, animation, experimental and documentary genres in order to allow the dissemination, dialogue and evaluation of the development and importance of the short film within audiovisual production.
Recognitions will be awarded to the winners in the categories:
7.1. Best Short Film in the Documentary genre
7.2. Best Short Film in the Fiction Genre
7.3. Best Animated Short Film
7.4. Best Experimental Short Film.
7.5. Best Indigenous Film Short Film
7.6. Best Community Short Film.
7.7 Best Short Film from Cauca.
7.8 Best Afro Short Film.
7.9 Best Children's Short Film
* The jury will be free to award mentions to other short films if it deems necessary. The curatorial committee may decide not to open the competition to any category.
1. Objetives
The objective is to present a selection of the best short films made in Colombia or by Colombians abroad, in the categories of fiction, animation, documentary, community, indigenous, Afro, experimental and children in order to allow dissemination, dialogue and the evaluation of the development and importance of the short film within filmmaking.
Accepted categories: Documentary, Animation, Community, Fiction, Experimental, Indigenous, Afro and children
Accepted formats: Digital
Minimum duration 3 minutes
Maximum duration: 30 minutes.
Spoken or subtitled in Spanish, if Spanish is not the original language.
Comply with the technical standards that ensure its reproduction and projection on screen.
Completed or released after January 1, 2023.
Registration deadline: Until June 30, 2024.
Acceptance of the short film will be confirmed via email to selected participants. Those selected will be announced in September 2020.
Selected participants must send a quality digital file for exhibition during the Festival. If possible, a full HD H264 mp4 file
Those selected will be able to send advertising material (posters, banners, still photos, postcards, dossier, etc.).
Registration of a Short Film implies accepting the Festival rules.
The organization reserves the right to suspend or modify the Festival if appropriate. If this happens, participants will be notified. The Popayán Short Film Festival will resolve in its sound judgment, without appeal, any eventuality not specified in these Regulations.
Licensing provisions for short films registered in the Popayán Short Film Festival
The Popayán Short Film Festival will hold a maximum of two screenings in physical space and with an audience during the days of the festival.
Time: These screenings will take place between October 7 and 17, 2024. The programming will be announced in advance on the festival website and its social networks.
Licensing modality: the use of the work will be permitted in the modalities of reproduction, public communication, making it available to the public, for free access to users, through physical projection with the public. Likewise, I authorize the use of the film information in different formats and media only for advertising purposes regarding the Popayán Short Film Festival.
Type of access: Free access to registered users at the Popayán Short Film Festival.
It is also authorized that the film may be available in an exclusive video library for agents in the film sector during the days of the festival, however, no copies will be delivered nor will any infringement of copyright or property rights be permitted.
The Cine Corto Corporation is authorized to keep the copy of the short film and additional materials in its private archive for the purpose of research, conservation and memory.
The Cine Corto Corporation is authorized to have information on the short film, technical sheet, photographs and poster on the websites www.festicinepopayan.com and www.cinecorto.co.
In the event that the Festival wishes to hold cultural screenings at other times and spaces other than the Festival, direct communication will be made to sign said authorizations.
Indemnity: I agree to hold harmless the directors of the Popayán Short Film Festival for said event from any type of claim, demand or litigation in which the violation of copyright, image rights, related rights, fundamental rights or any other rights is invoked. another class in relation to the work and/or each and every one of the elements that compose it in its broadest terms.
It will be made up of national representatives of the academic, audiovisual, artistic and cultural media chosen by the Festival Directorate, whose decisions regarding the awards will be final. In due course the members of the jury will be announced to those registered.
Recognitions will be awarded to the winners in the categories:
7.1. Best Short Film in the Documentary genre
7.2. Best Short Film in the Fiction Genre
7.3. Best Animated Short Film
7.4. Best Experimental Short Film.
7.5. Best Indigenous Film Short Film
7.6. Best Community Short Film.
7.7 Best Short Film from Cauca.
7.8 Best Afro Short Film.
7.9 Best Children's Short Film
* The jury will be free to award mentions to other short films if it deems necessary. The curatorial committee may decide not to open the competition to any category.
In addition to the competition categories, there will be Panorama and International Shows that will expand the universe of short films seen at the festival.
The official report with the results will be delivered at the closing ceremony of the festival.
The short films are an official part of the Festival and will be presented in the rooms, auditoriums and projections in open spaces located for the development of the Festival, at previously informed times. They will also be able to take part in special Festival shows, held in other locations, dates and times; The filmmakers will always be informed of said projections.
The short films received will be part of the archive of the Popayán Short Film Festival, which will be used, solely and exclusively, for cultural and educational exhibitions, and non-profit investigative, training and didactic activities. Such screenings outside the festival will be informed and will require acceptance by the rights holders.
Community Cinema: Cinematographic works made from and for communities, which express their particular ways of life, claiming it or denouncing exclusions and conflicts.
Cinema made from community participation in all stages and roles of production.
Indigenous Cinema: Cinematographic expression created and starring indigenous communities, which seek to portray the reality, experiences, cosmogonies and perspectives of indigenous communities. It is distinguished by its focus on the accurate and authentic representation of the cultures, traditions, languages and problems of indigenous peoples, challenging stereotypes and providing an inside view of the realities of these communities.
Afro, black, raizal or palenquero cinema refers to a cinematographic movement that focuses on the experiences, perspectives and cultures of people of African descent. Afro cinema seeks to explore and make visible the historical, cultural, social and political realities of Afro-descendant communities in the African diaspora in Colombia.
Experimental Cinema: Films that delimit the limits of the language of conventional narrative cinema that is structured around a plot story, using new resources to express and make the viewer feel emotions, experiences, feelings and conceptions of the world.
Children's Cinema is a category of films aimed specifically at boys and girls based on their age and level of development. These films are designed and produced to entertain, educate and stimulate the imagination and creativity of children while addressing themes and narratives appropriate to their understanding and sensitivity.
Caucano Short Film: Short film made in the geography of the department of Cauca or in other places with relevant participation of Caucano filmmakers.
출품 마감일
30 6월 24
Cortometrajes Documentales realizados en Colombia o por colombianos en el exterior. Terminados después del 1 de enero de 2023
출품 마감일
30 6월 24
Cortometrajes de Animación realizados en Colombia o por colombianos en el exterior. Terminados después del 1 de enero de 2023
출품 마감일
30 6월 24
Cortometrajes de Ficción realizados en Colombia o por colombianos en el exterior. Terminados después del 1 de enero de 2023
출품 마감일
30 6월 24
Sólo cortometrajes producidos en Colombia o el el exterior con participación predominante de colombianos y estrenado después de enero de 2023
출품 마감일
30 6월 24
Children's Cinema is a category of films aimed specifically at boys and girls based on their age and level of development. These films are designed and produced to entertain, educate and stimulate the imagination and creativity of children while addressing themes and narratives appropriate to their understanding and sensitivity.
출품 마감일
30 6월 24
Obras cinematográficas realizadas desde y para comunidades, que expresan sus formas particulares de vida reivindicándola o denunciando las exclusiones y conflictos.
Cine hecho desde la participación comunitaria en todas las etapas y roles de la producción.
출품 마감일
30 6월 24
Non-competitive sample of international short films. Short films of high technical and artistic quality that propose valuable cinematographic narrative constructions and that wish to be part of a non-competitive selection that shows the best of international short films. Spoken or subtitled in Spanish
출품 마감일
30 6월 24
Cine Indígena: Expresión cinematográfica creada y protagonizada por comunidades indígenas, que buscan retratar la realidad, las experiencias, las cosmogonías y las perspectivas de las comunidades indígenas. Se distingue por su enfoque en la representación precisa y auténtica de las culturas, tradiciones, lenguajes y problemáticas de los pueblos indígenas, desafiando estereotipos y proporcionando una visión interna de las realidades de estas comunidades.
출품 마감일
30 6월 24
Cine afro, negro, raizal o palenquero, se refiere a una corriente cinematográfica que se centra en las experiencias, perspectivas y culturas de las personas de ascendencia africana. El cine afro busca explorar y visibilizar las realidades históricas, culturales, sociales y políticas de las comunidades afrodescendientes, en la diáspora africana en Colombia.
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.