Début du Festival: 08 septembre 2025
Fin du Festival: 15 septembre 2025
The Esseoesse Cultural Association announces the competition "CortoDino Film Festival Dino De Laurentiis 2025 - XV Edition", a competition that stems from desire to remember and celebrate, in his native land and in commemorative and propositive terms, the figure and work of Dino De Laurentis. The Metropolitan city of Naples, Vesuvian areas, “Giorgio De Chirico’s Secondary School of Art and Communication”, the others secondary schools of the area and the main cultural associations of the Vesuvian and Campanian areas will collaborate in the event.
So, the main aim of the initiative is to create an opportunity for meeting, confrontation and knowledge of young filmmakers who enter the cinematographic sector, in which the influence left by the illustrious “Torrese” has certainly been significant, promoting cinematographic culture through the inclusion of disadvantaged people and the research and promotion of works by talents from Campania, and also national and international.
The presence of the world of solidarity, cultural associations and of school is the clearest sign of the purpose of connecting in particular with the world of young people.
Cortodino Film Festival XV edition will take place in september-November 2025. Cities, places and days of the event will be subsequently communicated.
The prizes, consisting of hand decorated lava stone, will be awarded to the winners of the following categories:
- Best Italian Short Film;
- Best International Short Film;
- Best Short Film “Talento Campania”;
- Best School Short Film;
- Best Over Italian Short Film;
- Best Over International Short Film;
- Best Short Documentary;
- Best Documentary;
- Best Animated Short Film;
The "Talento Campano" prize is reserved to the author, born in Campania (Italy region), of the best classified film.
Prizes will be awarded only with the presence of at least 3 works in competition.
The Artistic Jury reserves the right to report, in addition to the awarded, works and artists deemed to merit "Special Mention".
Festival Management will award prizes during the event:
- Manolo Bolognini to the most distinguished producer in the last year;
- Public Jury;
- Cortodino alla Carriera to established artists of cinema and entertainment;
- Buon Vento to young emerging artists;
- The works in foreign languages, under penalty of exclusion, must have Italian subtitles.
The jury will also be able to award prizes for works that stand out in the new audiovisual frontiers (virtual reality, video art, video mapping, web series, etc.) and for works created with mobile phones and published on social networks, which tell the history of Campania.
Art. 1 – Partecipation
Who can participate to the following sections of the contest:
“Cortodino” section
Short films with a maximum duration of 20 (twenty) minutes (including opening and closing credits), produced between 2020 and 2025, made by authors born after the 1st of January 1989.
“Cortodino Over” section
Short films with a maximum duration of 52 (fifty-two) minutes (including opening and closing credits), produced between 2020 and 2025. No age limits.
“Cortodino School” section
Short films with a maximum duration of 15 (fifteen) minutes (including opening and closing credits), produced between 2020 and 2025, produced by first and second degree secondary schools.
“Cortodino Cartoon” section
Animated short films with a maximum duration of 15 (fifteen) minutes (including opening and closing credits), produced between 2020 and 2025. No age limits.
Cortodino Doc” section short
Documentaries and “Docufilms” with a maximum duration of 30 (thirty) minutes (including opening and closing credits), produced between 2020 and 2024. No age limits.
“Cortodino Doc”
Documentaries and “Docufilms” with a maximum duration of 70 (seventy) minutes (including opening and closing credits), produced between 2020 and 2025. No age limits.
“Talento Campano” section
Short films, documentaries and animated shorts produced between 2020 to 2025 by authors born in Campania.
Foreign language films must have Italian subtitles.
Pre-registration for the 2025 competition takes place via the Festhome portal.
Authors interested in participating must complete the registration by sending for each submitted work (also through their delegates, including distribution companies):
a) application form (attached here) duly completed in all its parts, signed by the author or delegate and sent in .pdf format;
b) document’s copy of the author in .pdf format;
c) one director’s photo;
d) film’s poster;
e) Three set photos;
f) Link to the proposed film;
g) Link to the film trailer;
Participation documents and the links to the works must be received by 30 August 2024 to: “concorso@cortodino.it Write in the subject of the email: Title of the film – Director's name - Participation section
In addition:
-Foreign language films must have italian subtitles
-The same director/author can submit up to five different works
-The same production company can submit works with no number limit.
The organization reserves the right to ask participants for further documentation deemed useful for achieving the Festival's objectives. Communication will be given to the authors of the selected works.
We inform you that:
Among the works submitted by the defined deadline, Artistic Direction, in its sole discrection, will select the finalists of each selection, that will be screened during special events in the course of the 11th edition of Cortodino Film Festival (CFF).
Any shipping charges for the submission of works (customs duties and other costs) are charged to the participants (round trip), unless agreed otherwise with the Artistic Direction.
The director or producer/distributor and the protagonists of selected works, in particular those who are nominated for a specific Award, will be invited to take part in the debate with the jury, spectators and journalists after each screening in live streaming or by a recorded interview/speech.
The schedule, dates, times of film’s screening will be defined,in his sole discretion, by the Artistic Director.
In case of submission of works by a distribution society, this must provide the contacts (even just the e-mail address) of the author/director/producer and/or the artists nominated for one or more awards. The Organisation will communicate directly with the authors/directors/artists, informing (in copy) the Distribution Company.
Art. 3 - Selection. Jury. awards.
The organization will nominate a Selection Committee that will have the task of choosing the works to be submitted to the judgment of the Public Jury, formed by the spectators at the screenings, Young Jury and Artistic Jury. The latter, made up of experts in the sector, having evaluated the voting indications of the Public Jury, will proclaim, in its sole discretion, the winners among the works selected in the various categories.
The prizes, consisting of hand decorated lava stone, will be awarded to the winners of the following categories:
- Best Italian Short Film;
- Best International Short Film;
- Best Short Film “Talento Campano”
- Best Short Film School;
- Best Short Film “Over”;
- Best Short Film “Over International”;
- Best Documentary short;
- Best Documentary;
- Best Animated Short Film;
The "Talento Campano" prize is reserved to the author, born in Campania (Italy region), of the best classified film.
prizes will be awarded only with the presence of at least 3 works in competition.
The Artistic Jury reserves the right to report, in addition to the awarded, works and artists deemed to merit "Special Mention".
Festival Management will award prizes during the event:
- Manolo Bolognini to the most distinguished producer in the last year;
- Public Jury;
- Cortodino alla Carriera to established artists of cinema and entertainment;
- Buon Vento to young emerging artists;
- The works in foreign languages, under penalty of exclusion, must have Italian subtitles.
The jury will also be able to award prizes for works that stand out in the new audiovisual frontiers (virtual reality, video art, video mapping, web series, etc.) and for works created with mobile phones and published on social networks, which tell the history of Campania.
Reports and related links must be sent to concorso@cortodino.it
The Organization reserves the right to make improvements and/or additions to the categories and nature of the prizes.
The selected works will be published on the site indicated (http://www.cortodino.it)
The winners will be notified in advance to ensure their presence at the awards ceremony. For the awarding of prizes, it is necessary for the author or a delegated attend the event.
The awards will be presented by well-known personalities from the world of film, directly to the winners or their delegates. For winners coming from outside the Campania region facilities can be provided for their stay in the city, to be agreed with the organization. The non-participation of the author, or delegate, at the final awards evening, does not oblige the organization to send the prize to the residence of the winner.
The Organization, in case the obligations of social distancing persist due to the pandemic from Covid19:
- Reserves the right to allow the public to watch the films in competition with the help of streaming platforms;
- will virtually deliver the prizes through a live streaming published on the Cortodino page and website; the presence of guests and winners will be allowed via the web by conferencing services.
The selected works cannot be withdrawn and will be included in the program with no need of further acceptance. In case of production company (or the owner of the rights of the works) needs to withdraw his work from the Festival program, it has to pay a penalty of € 500,00 a compensation to the Festival Organization.
No fee will be paid for the screening of works included in the selections of Cortodino Film Festival. Shipping costs are charged to the participants.
The author of the selected work, nominated for a specific Award, or the cast member, or the producer or the distributor, will be invited to take part in the debate with the speaker and the audience after the screening or in live streaming or by a recorded interview/speech.
Distribution Companies must provide their contacts, or the email address of the author/director/producer and/or the artists who are nominated for one or more awards. Distribution Companies will be informed of the communications with the author/director/producer by a copy of the email.
Art. 4 – Communication/Advertising
On the promoter site http://www.cortodino.it and on the official Facebook page of CortoDino:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/CortoDino-Premio-Internazionale-del-Cortometraggio-Dino-De-Laurentiis/140613655989144?fref=ts and by the sending of e-mails, all news relating to the receipt of the works, to the possible selection phases, venues, locations and calendars of the projections, the date and places of awarding, as well as the event brochures will be communicated.
The authors, producers and distributors of the films admitted to the Official Selection of the "CortoDino" competition are required to indicate in their opening credits, promotional materials and press, and on any official websites, the Festival logo and the prize received.
Art. 5 – General rules.
1- The duly signed application form has the value of authorizing the processing of personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree n.196/2003, by the organization of the Competition. The participant, pursuant to art. 7 of the aforementioned Legislative Decree, may obtain the correction of their data or object to their use through Certified Mail to be sent to: acesseoesse@pec.it.
2- The organizers are committed to the care and custody of the works received but are not responsible for any theft, loss or damage. The selected and awarded works will be conserved in the archives of the Esseoesse Cultural Association and used in non-profit cultural events and occasions to be communicated to the authors.
3- Foreign language works, under penalty of exclusion, must have Italian subtitles.
Considering the international vocation of the Competition, in the eventuality of projecting the selected shorts in various countries of the world, for works not in the english language, subtitles in english may be requested. This subtitling is the responsibility of each author (or the holder of the rights of the short).
4- Works of an advertising nature of commercial products, pornographic, racist, discriminatory or that apologize for violence, as well as propaganda works, will not be accepted.
5- The author is the only responsible for his work. The organizers of the competition, in accordance with the established rules on copyright, consider that the works presented are exempt from any artistic property rights or rights that could belong to third parties. The authors undertake to guarantee the organizers against any action that could be exercised against them by those entitled, including the musical theme and background music. The organization of the competition can not in any way be held responsible in the event of a dispute or litigation. The author is solely responsible for the content of the work.
6- For reasons of force majeure, for technical-administrative problems or to make improvements or in case of unforeseen exceptions, the organization may modify the present rules, communicating information on the promoting sites.
7- Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these Rules. For each case not explicitly foreseen by the Regulations, the organizers of the competition will adjudicate.
Any other aspect not included in the following selection procedure is the responsibility of the Executive Council of the Esseoesse Association, which has the power to derogate from the regulation itself in very specific and well-motivated cases. In the event of particular disputes, the laws in force prevail.
CONTACTS: Cortodino Film Festival Tel: (+39) 392.5219430 (Whatsapp) - E-mail: concorso@cortodino.it - Web site: www.cortodino.it
CortoDino Short film
Court-métrages >1' 20'<
Frais standard8€ -8% 7.36€ PRO 33% 5.36€
Obtenez un Passe Annuel et obtenez la réduction maximum sur les frais de festival et d’inscription
Date limite d’inscriptions
15 juil. 25
Short films with a maximum duration of 20 (twenty minutes, including opening and closing credits), produced from the year 2020 to 2025, created by authors born after 1 January 1989.
Short films with a maximum duration of 20 (twenty) minutes (including opening and closing credits), produced between 2020 and 2025, made by authors born after the 1st of January 1989
CortoDino School
Court-métrages >1' 15'<
Frais standard5€ -8% 4.6€ PRO 33% 3.35€
Obtenez un Passe Annuel et obtenez la réduction maximum sur les frais de festival et d’inscription
Date limite d’inscriptions
15 juil. 25
Section Short films with a maximum duration of 15 minutes (including opening and closing credits), produced between 2020 and 2025, produced by first and second degree secondary schools.
Court-métrages >1' 15'<
Frais standard8€ -8% 7.36€ PRO 33% 5.36€
Obtenez un Passe Annuel et obtenez la réduction maximum sur les frais de festival et d’inscription
Date limite d’inscriptions
15 juil. 25
Cortodino Animation
Animated short films with a maximum duration of 15 (fifteen minutes, including opening and closing credits), produced from the year 2020 to 2025. Author without age limits.
Cartoon Cortodino
Animated short films with a maximum duration of 15 (fifteen) minutes (including opening and closing credits), produced between 2020 and 2025. No age limits.
CortoDino Doc
Court et Long-métrages >1' 70'<
Frais standard16€ -8% 14.72€ PRO 33% 10.72€
Obtenez un Passe Annuel et obtenez la réduction maximum sur les frais de festival et d’inscription
Date limite d’inscriptions
15 juil. 25
Documentaries and “Docufilms” with a maximum duration of 70 (seventy) minutes (including opening and closing credits), produced between 2020 and 2025. No age limits.
CortoDino Talento Campano
Court-métrages >1' 52'<
Frais standard8€ -8% 7.36€ PRO 33% 5.36€
Obtenez un Passe Annuel et obtenez la réduction maximum sur les frais de festival et d’inscription
Date limite d’inscriptions
15 juil. 25
Cortodino Talento Campano
Short films, short animated documentaries made from 2020 to 2025 by authors born in Campania.
Cortodino Talento Campano
made for the authors born in Campania, Italy.
CortoDino Over Short
Court-métrages >1' 52'<
Frais standard15€ -8% 13.8€ PRO 33% 10.05€
Obtenez un Passe Annuel et obtenez la réduction maximum sur les frais de festival et d’inscription
Date limite d’inscriptions
15 juil. 25
Short films with a maximum duration of 52 (fifty-two) minutes (including opening and closing credits), produced between 2020 and 2025. No age limits.
Cortodino Doc Short
Court-métrages 30'<
Frais standard8€ -8% 7.36€ PRO 33% 5.36€
Obtenez un Passe Annuel et obtenez la réduction maximum sur les frais de festival et d’inscription
Date limite d’inscriptions
15 juil. 25
Cortodino Doc short
Documentaries and Docufilms with a maximum duration of 30 (thirty minutes, including opening and closing credits), produced from 2020 to 2025. Author without age limits.
Cortodino Doc short
Documentaries and Docufilms with a maximum duration of 30 minutes (including opening and closing credits), produced between 2020 and 2025. No age limits.
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