Mediterraneo Festival Corto Xv Edizione 2025 (15)

Mediterraneo Festival Corto XV Edizione 2025


31 Oct 2024
Call for entries

31 Mar 2025
Final deadline


31 May 2025
Notification date

02 Jul 2025
06 Jul 2025


Cavour, 4,  87023, Diamante, Cosenza, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival 20'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  20'<
 Any language
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Photo of Mediterraneo Festival Corto Xv Edizione 2025
Photo of Mediterraneo Festival Corto Xv Edizione 2025

Photo of Mediterraneo Festival Corto Xv Edizione 2025
Photo of Mediterraneo Festival Corto Xv Edizione 2025


Festival start: 02 July 2025      Festival end: 06 July 2025

The CineCircolo Maurizio Grande, registered office in Diamante (CS), Via Cavour N ° 4, with the Patronage of the Town Hall of Scalea - Department of Tourism Culture, in collaboration with the online magazine MATCHNEWS, Radio DIGIESSE, FEDIC (italian federation of cineclub) and in collaboration with AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL ITALIA for the section “Human Rights” index fourteenth edition of the “MEDITERRANEO FESTIVAL CORTOTM”, international competition for short films, Videoclips.

The Festival will be divided into five evenings in which the winning films of the competition will be screened and awarded, in the presence of qualified guests from the cinema sector, as well as in the preparation conferences, introspectives and/or retrospectives on a character of national importance and/or international, present or past.

Cash Prizes: 800€

Best Short Film: 500,00 Euro + Mediterranean Award Short Festival + motivation parchment;

Best Short film Human Right: Plaque + parchment motivation;

Best Photography: Plaque + parchment motivation;

Press Award Matchnews: Matchnews Award + parchment motivation;

Best Actor / Actress: Plaque + parchment motivation;

Best Soundtrack: Plaque + parchment motivation;

Best Documentary: Plaque + parchment motivation;

Best Animation Short Films “Cuore matto”: 300,00. Euro + parchment motivation Extraordinary mention:

Targa + parchment motivation, with delivery in an "ad hoc" screening event in December 2023.

For the Schools Section (E1 and E2): Best Short Film: Plaque + parchment motivation.

FEDIC AWARD: A FEDIC (Italian Federation of Cineclubs) prize will be awarded by unquestionable decision of the juries to a deserving work among all those registered in the various sections of this announcement.

The complete competition notice are at:

duration max 20 minutes titles included. Small excess scraps will be tolerated.

subtitles are MANDATORY for films not in Italian.

Please prepare the download of the entered films.

The complete competition notice are at:

Competition Notice 2025
(International Short Film Festival)

The CineCircolo Maurizio Grande, registered office in Diamante (CS), Via Cavour N ° 4, with the Patronage of the Town Hall of Scalea - Department of Tourism Culture, in collaboration with the online magazine MATCHNEWS, Radio DIGIESSE, FEDIC (italian federation of cineclub) and in collaboration with AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL ITALIA for the section “Human Rights” index fourteenth edition of the “MEDITERRANEO FESTIVAL CORTOTM”, international competition for short films, Videoclips that will take place on 2025, July, 02/03/04/05/06.

The Festival will be divided into five evenings in which the winning films of the competition will be screened and awarded, in the presence of qualified guests from the cinema sector, as well as in the preparation conferences, introspectives and/or retrospectives on a character of national importance and/or international, present or past.

Art. 1) - The aim of the Festival is to promote the expressive and artistic form of the short film by authors and of independent production companies, operating not only in the Mediterranean area.

Art. 2) - Works taken in Italy and abroad may take part in the competition, provided that they are included in the Article 1 of the present competition notice.

Art. 3) - A fee of Euro 7.00 (Seven) is required for each short film submission, as a contribution for secretarial expenses, to be paid by bank transfer to the current bank account:
IT03 G083 6580 7100 0400 0040 138 payable to CineCircolo Maurizio Grande, via Cavour, 4 - 87023 Diamante (CS), or with PAYPAL at the mail, indicating in the subject the registration to the aforementioned competition. A proof of the payment must be attached to the documentation to be sent alongside the work.

Failing to do so will incur in the exclusion from the competition. It is possible to participate in one or more sections, paying the respective fees for each film submitted.

For Distribution companies who send ten or more films, the contribution can be agreed directly with the festival organization based on the number of works to be entered.

Art. 4) - There are seven sections of the competition:

Sec. A: SHORT FILMS - The theme will be free as wellas the genre (fiction, drama, horror, etc.). The duration of the works must not exceed 20 (twenty) minutes including titles (works with small excess waste will be admitted).

Sec. B: HUMAN RIGHTS (in collaboration with Amnesty International Italy): The issue must expressly concern human rights. The duration of the works must not exceed 20 (twenty) minutes including titles (works with small excess waste will be admitted).

Sec. C: DOCUMENTARY - The duration of the works must not exceed 20 (twenty) minutes including titles (works with small excess waste will be admitted).

Sec. D: ANIMATION SHORT FILMS - The theme of the film will be free. The duration of the works submitted must not exceed 20 (twenty) minutes with titles and credits included (works with small exceedings will still be allowed).

Sec. E: STUDENT FILMS - The prize, with a free theme, has two subsections:

E / 1 - Film schools, reserved for film institutes. The duration of the works must not exceed 20 twenty) minutes included titles and credits (works with small exceedings will still be allowed);

E / 2 - Institutional schools, reserved for pupils of lower and higher compulsory schools.
The duration of the works must not exceed 20 twenty) minutes included titles and credits (works with small exceedings will still be allowed);

Sec. F: MUSIC VIDEOCLIP - It will be awarded, at the discretion of the jury by the radio RETE 3 DIGIESSE of Praia a Mare (CS, Italy), the first classified work that falls into the aforementioned category, or a video choreographed to promote a song and the singer that interprets it, of the duration of the song itself or of a little longer.

Section G – SOCIAL SPOT: The theme must deal with a social message. Social advertising is a form of communication aimed at transmitting a message of general interest, raising public awareness of a cause or issue. The duration of the works must not exceed 1 (one) minute including titles.

Art. 5) - The prizes will be assigned as follows:

Best Short Film: 500.00 Euro + Mediterranean Award Short Festival + motivation parchment;

Best Short film Human Right: Plaque + parchment motivation;

Best Photography: Plaque + parchment motivation;

Press Award Matchnews: Matchnews Award + parchment motivation:

Best Actor / Actress: Plaque + parchment motivation;

Best Soundtrack: Plaque + parchment motivation

Best Documentary: Plaque + parchment motivation;

Best Animation Short Films “Cuore matto”: 300.00 Euro + parchment motivation

Extraordinary mention: Targa + parchment motivation, with delivery in an "ad hoc" screening event in December 2025.

For the Schools Section (E1 and E2):

Best Short Film: Plaque + parchment motivation.
For the Videoclip section:

Best Videoclip: Plaque + parchment motivation

Best Trailer of Theatre: Plaque + parchment motivation

FEDIC AWARD: A FEDIC (Italian Federation of Cineclubs) prize will be awarded by unquestionable decision of the juries to a deserving work among all those registered in the various sections of this announcement.

Art. 6) - Short films in foreign languages (with the exception of video clips) they must necessarily be subtitled in Italian, under penalty of disqualification of the work presented.

Art. 7) - The works can be sent to the office of the prize by electronic mailing of the file (.mov, .avi, .mp4) by we-transfer or similar to the e-mail address or a link to access and download the film on the most common video platforms (Vimeo, Dropbox, etc.), or by post to the address: Cinecircolo Maurizio Grande - Via Cavour, 4 - 87023 Diamante (CS) no later than 2025, 31 March (the postmark will attest), with the obligation to send it before the end of the deadline with all the documents required by the Art.8 of the present competition notice. The works are considered entered in the competition only upon receipt of the documents required under Art. 8 of this competition notice. All the requested material is sent to the participants.

Art. 8) - Each short film, as well as any Videoclip (Section F) must be accompanied by the registration form, the release form and the declaration for the 2025 Festival, filled in each part, and with the receipt of the payment (compulsory documents); One or more digital stills from the film, from the movie poster (Where available) a director's resume (optional but strongly recommended). Each author is responsible for the content of the presented work.

Art. 9) - The organization cannot be held responsible for damage or loss of materials during the journey of sending them by mail or during the online reception of the files.

Art.10) - By registering for the Festival the authors fully accept the articles of this competition notice, as well as to meet all the requirements, under penalty of exclusion from the competition. The absence of only one of the mandatory items listed in Art. 8 will not allow access to the selection and any loss of the amount already paid.

Art. 11) - The jury of the Festival, which will decree the winners, will be composed of artists, experts, operators, characters related to the field of cinema, audiovisual and entertainment. The jury's motivations, unappealable, will be announced on the day of the award ceremony. The final decision on the disputed cases lies with the organization of the Festival.

Art. 12) – It is hoped that the authors will be present during the screening and awarding evenings, also by proxy. The jury will take into consideration any needs should the winners come from other European countries or other continents other than Europe. In any case, the organization of the Festival undertakes, at its own expense, to send the prizes to the winners, except for cash prizes as “the absence of a legal representative of the winning works, even by proxy, gives the right to organization to be exempt from paying the cash prize”, without prejudice to the guarantee of sending the “Mediterraneo Festival CortoTM” Prize and the motivation parchment.

Although no reimbursement of expenses is foreseen, in any capacity, for the participation of the authors and/or their delegates for participation in the awards evenings, the organization nevertheless reserves the right to be able to provide for the hospitality of the winners only. However, as of now there are particularly advantageous agreements for board and lodging in structures close to the venues of the event.

Art. 13) – A selection of the participating shorts can be projected during other initiatives promoted and organized by “CineCircolo Maurizio Grande”, used to disseminate, without profit, the cinematographic culture.

Art. 14) - The projects sent will not be returned and will be kept as part of the Festival archive.

Art. 15) - Participation at the “Mediterraneo Festival CortoTM” implies acceptance of the conditions set out in all the articles of this regulation.

Art. 16) - According to the law 196/2003 the data will be processed only for the organization of the MEDITERRANEO FESTIVAL CORTOTM.

For any information you can contact the following numbers:
+39 331/5794601 (Francesco Presta)
+39 392/4289577 (Ferdinando Romito)
Facebook page: Mediterraneo Festival Corto
Web page:

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