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The program called “IsLABentura Canarias, Script Laboratory” is an initiative of the Department of Universities, Science and Innovation and Culture of the Government of the Canary Islands, which is managed through the Canary Islands Film unit of the public entity Canarian Institute of Cultural Development , S.A., which will act as the competent body in the processing of this call and the Executive CEO of the Instituto Canario de Desarrollo Cultural, S.A. as the head of the competent body.
The objective of the Laboratory is the tutoring of selected participants in the creation of feature film scripts and television series based on stories and/or locations in the Canary Islands over six months by professionals of recognized prestige and extensive experience in training, consulting and script writing.
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isLABentura Screenwriting Laboratory
Take part in the Annecy International Animated Film Market (Mifa), the industry's unmissable event. Discover all the richness and productivity of animation and meet all the professionals to discuss, network and make purchases.
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MIFA Annecy
Sheffield DocFest es el principal festival de documentales del Reino Unido y uno de los mercados más influyentes del mundo para proyectos documentales. Defendemos y presentamos la amplitud de la forma documental (cine, televisión, inmersión y arte) en la vibrante ciudad de Sheffield cada junio. Ofrecemos a los creadores y al público un lugar para la inspiración, el debate, el desarrollo, el aprendizaje y el desafío. Nuestra programación representa nuestros valores fundamentales: creatividad, empatía, libertad, inclusión e internacionalismo.
Revisar cada una de las actividades del Mercado.
Mercado de Sheffield DocFest
We open our call for filmmakers and producers Latin Americans and/or based in Latin America who currently
have a short film or feature film project in development documentary, fiction, experimental or animation in the native language of the Peru or Latin America.
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Originario Lab
Pitching is the competition section of ANIMARKT. It gives you the opportunity to present your project to a group of experts from the global animation industry, gain partners and win prizes that will bring the creators closer to making the film.
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ANIMARKT - Pitching