No Fee
Submissions deadline
05 May 25
Lugo Film Week
16 Nov 2024
Call for entries
05 May 2025
Final deadline
18 Aug 2025
Notification date
22 Sep 2025
27 Sep 2025
Festival start: 22 September 2025 Festival end: 27 September 2025
47th Lugo Film Week (Spain). Celebrated from September 22 to 27, 2025 (SECILUGO 47).
- Best Film of the Official Section (Prize of the Public). Award Lugo Film Week.
- Prize of the Jury to the Best Documentary Film. Award Lugo Film Week.
- Prize of the Jury to the Best Galician Film. Award Lugo Film Week.
- Prize of the Public to the Best Galician Film (full-length film). Award Lugo Film Week.
- Prize of the Public to the Best Galician Film (short film). Award Lugo Film Week.
- Prize of the Public to the Best unpublished Spanish Film. Award Lugo Film Week
- Prize of the Public to the Best Short film. Award Lugo Film Week.
The main objective of this announcement is to detect and to spread the talent of the emergent film-makers, with special emphasis in author cinema and the prizes regulation to films: Full-length films (Official Section Film Week). Galician cinema (Full-length film, short film, documentary). Documentaries (Full-length films, short films). Short films (Prize short films are also cinema), of the 47th Lugo Film Week (Spain), organised by Groupo Fotocinematográfico Fonmiñá and relied on the auspices of the Xunta de Galicia, Provincial Deputation of Lugo and City council of Lugo, it will take place in Lugo (Spain) from September 22 to 27, 2025.
They will be able to participate the physical or juridical people with capacity to act (producing, directors, distributors) that owns the legal control over the works that the want to present to the contest.
The person or organization (or their manager) that sings the authorization form of registration will be considered, by the Festival, the only valid spokesperson to treat aspects related to the participation of the film in the event and as only responsible in front of other people or companies that have taken part in the production of the film.
They should be produced in 2023, 2024 or 2025. They could not have been previously shown or published commercially in Spain in public spaces (except in Festivals), television, VoD or Webs before September 22, 2025 (The Jury will be strict in that sense).
Works have to be fiction (real image or animated films) with more than 60 minutes of length in full-length films. Short films could not to exceed 30 minutes. It is essential to be subtitled in Spanish in those copies whose original language is Galician, English or any other. Films which do not keep the requirement will be excluded.
It will have a SPECIAL PRIORITY those films which treat the genders and the following topics and have as main objective to detect and to spread the talent of the emergent film-makers, with special emphasis in author cinema:
International cinema.
Galician cinema.
Spanish cinema.
Spanish unpublished cinema.
Santiago’s Way.
Photograph and cinema.
Radio and cinema.
The cinema within the cinema.
Animated films (full-length films and short films).
Cinema and food.
Sing up can be made requesting to:
The Jury will accept or refused the request after viewing the work presented.
The deadline of registration in this case is on May 5, 2025 at 14:00 hours (local time of Lugo).
To complete the registration, you will have to include the following data and material:
- Contact data of the owner of the rights and assignment of exhibition rights in Lugo Film Week.
- Filmographic card file of the film (poster, technical card file, artistic, synopsis, length, etc) and assignment of exhibition rights for advertising in social webs.
- A copy of the film with Spanish subtitles (indispensable, if the original language is Galician, English or any other).
- Trailer. In case of not having trailer, it can be send a selection of images from film (minimum: 30 seconds).
- High resolution frames of the film, in digital format (300 dpi or more).
- High resolution photograph of the director (or directors), in digital format (300 dpi or more).
- The 47th SECILUGO organisation will not maintain correspondence (neither oral nor written) about the originals sent. It only it will be done by the corresponding reseller (digital or traditional).
Sing up in 47th Lugo Film Week involves:
- Total approval of the present bases by all the participants, their agents or managers.
- The authorisation, in case of not being selected for the competition, the festival organisation can show their film in one of the parallel sections no competitive, making the most of the advertising and promotion from the festival.
- The authorisation to spread material of the films (frames, posters, cards, script fragments, press texts, etc.).
- The approval that in case of win any of the prizes in the contest, it will be included a written mention of that prize at the beginning of all and each one of the film copies given to display in commercial spaces and/or in audiovisual contests, as well as in all the informative and promotional material form (press-books, posters, etc.). The reference should be a text with the name of the won prize, and an invariably corporate Festival image (trademark and name).
A commission of selection named by the Committee Organiser Lugo Film Week will have the task of advise in relation with the films that competes in each section. Moreover, it will be able to suggest those films not chosen for the competition but considered with special importance for his exhibition in parallel stages.
The selection will be done having in account that the contest is a sample of the most distinguished productions of the independent cinema all around the world, putting face to films thematically committed and formally innovative.
In any case, the final decision of the competitive sections will concerns to the Direction Committee.
Contestans whose films were selected for competitive sections will be required to fulfill the following orders and behaviours:
-The film’s producers and sellers selected will provide all necessary material for the preparation of the Lugo Film Week catalogue that could be requested by the organisatio.
-The producers and sellers will give up the rights for public exhibition of their films without any cost for the organisation.
-They should facilitate to the organisation, for free, the copy of the projection. All the films enrolled and not selected for the Official Competitions (Full-length films, Documentary and Short films), will be take into account to be included in other sections of the Festival schedule.
-They should allow the incorporation of the films selected at the Lugo’s Film Week videografic files, allocated to the non-profit audiovisual spreading, always with cultural character. In any case, Fonmiñá (entity organiser) will communicate to the participants the use done with these films.
-They will not remove the film from the schedule or present it commercially in Spain before the projection in Lugo.
The 47th Lugo Film Week projections will be made in the formats or the system that consider the Festival. During the celebration of the contest, from the September 23 to 29, 2024, the organisation reserves the right to show the films selected in the cinematographic spaces and spaces linked to this event in those that public sessions feels proper. The organisation will establish the order, date and schedule of the exhibition.
A Jury chosen among professionals of the cinematographic world, audiovisual, press and culture will be the responsible for the selection of the different films for the competitive sections.
The Best Film of the Official Section, will be chosen by the public attendee to the projections, that will vote each one of the exhibited films.
Best Film of the Official Section (Prize of the Public). Award Lugo Film Week.
Prize of the Jury to the Best Documentary Film. Award Lugo Film Week.
Prize of the Jury to the Best Galician Film. Award Lugo Film Week.
Prize of the Public to the Best Galician Film (full-length film). Award Lugo Film Week.
Prize of the Public to the Best Galician Film (short film). Award Lugo Film Week.
Prize of the Public to the Best unpublished Spanish Film. Award Lugo Film Week
Prize of the Public to the Best Short film. Award Lugo Film Week.
The doubts that can rise up on the interpretation of these bases, as well as the conflicts that could produce derived of his application, regarding the organisation or operation, will be solved by the Committee Organiser of the 47th Lugo Film Week.
The jury’s decision will be unappelable.
The Festival (Lugo Film Week), will only and excepcionalmente bear the costs or certain support to those guests to the Festival related to trips, stays and maintenance of the days that agree to. There will not be any another type of payment for trips, if it is not through the opportune invitation.
If the future situation demanded it, the committee organiser of the Festival will congratulate all those actions that guarantee the measures promoted by the sanitary authorities and the different administrations; although this supposed to alter the design and development of the Festival.
No Fee
Submissions deadline
05 May 25
No Fee
Submissions deadline
05 May 25
No Fee
Submissions deadline
05 May 25
No Fee
Submissions deadline
05 May 25
No Fee
Submissions deadline
05 May 25
No Fee
Submissions deadline
05 May 25