Festival Cine do Mar (2)


01 Jan 2025
Call for entries

30 Apr 2025
Final deadline


15 May 2025
Notification date

23 Jun 2025
29 Jun 2025


Rúa Concepción Arenal, 2,  36900 , Marín, Pontevedra, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival 30'<
Feature film festival >31'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2022
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Feature Films  >31'
 Any language
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Photo of Festival Cine do Mar
Photo of Festival Cine do Mar
Photo of Festival Cine do Mar
Photo of Festival Cine do Mar


Festival start: 23 June 2025      Festival end: 29 June 2025

The II Cine do Mar Festival will be held in the week of June 23 to 29, 2025 in the town of Marín.
The Cultural Association for a Museum of the Sea for Marín is the organizing body of this festival.

O Marín Sea Museum, since its creation, has as one of its main objectives a recovery of the seafaring identity of the town of Marín, as well as the conservation and dissemination of the cultural heritage linked to the sea, maritime and seafaring culture, especially among the new generations On the other hand, the Galician language is an inseparable part of our culture. Language and sea ​​are two fundamental elements to understand and spread our identity. So, the Cine do Mar Festival is fully within the objectives of the Marín Sea Museum.

The Cine do Mar Festival promotes the appreciation of the sea as an ecosystem and awareness of it importance of its protection and conservation, as well as the dignity of the trades related to sea ​​and the recognition of the people who dedicated and dedicate their lives to work both at sea as on land linked directly or indirectly to the world of fishing and shellfish.

The Cine do Mar Festival is an event that promotes creation in the Galician language and that contributes to it promotion, dissemination and defense of the Galician language, encouraging the normalization of the use of Galician
in cultural activities. Among its main objectives are to encourage the use of the language Galician among the population, namely among children and youth; as well as the promotion of artistic creation in the audiovisual field in the Galician language aimed at childhood and youth, ranges age where Galician has less use and prestige.

The Cultural Association for a Museum of the Sea for Marín is calling for the second edition of this festival.

Cash Prizes: 1,300€

Golden Sardine: Jury Award for the best audiovisual work - Official Section. Gifted with 500 euros, trophy and diploma.

Golden Octopus: Audience Award for the best audiovisual work - Official Section. Gifted with 300 euros, trophy and diploma.

Golden Turbot: Jury Award for the best audiovisual work - Education Section. Gifted with 500 euros, trophy and diploma.

If this is the case, the two prizes of the Official Section may go to the same work.

The attending public will evaluate each work of the Official Section after its screening, giving the score awarded. The Audience Award will be awarded based on the votes of the people attending the screenings of the works of the Official Section.

The prizes, which include a financial endowment, trophy and diploma, will be given to the persons/entities that registered the works or, failing that, to a representative appointed by them.

Economically endowed prizes are subject to current legislation and the corresponding tax withholding tax must be applied.

The cash prizes awarded by the festival depend economically, directly, on aid that comes from public administrations, so the receipt of the amount with which the prize is awarded can be delayed for up to three months. In case of non-response by the person/entity beneficiary of the prize within two months from the organization of the festival comes into contact with this to make the payment of the prize in cash, it will mean its cancellation.


Participation in this festival will be completely free and free, and creators of any nationality can participate.

The works presented must focus on any subject related to the sea, either from a natural perspective or from a cultural one; and must have been produced after January 1, 2022.

Works of any genre, fiction or non-fiction, may be submitted, which may not exceed 30 minutes in length (credit titles included). Works of longer duration may be submitted to participate in the festival outside the Official Competition, in non-competitive sections.

Within the Official Competition of the festival, two categories are established: Official Section and Education Section.

Participants may submit as many works as they wish to the competition. The works that had been presented in the previous edition will not be accepted.

Works that have any direct connection with the organization of the festival or the Jury cannot be part of the Official Competition, but they can participate outside of it.

The works may be filmed in any format and with any audiovisual recording device (including smartphones), however, in order to be accepted, a digital copy must be sent.

Works that do not meet the minimum display conditions will not be accepted, either because of poor image or sound quality, or because of other types of display problems.

The participants guarantee that the works presented do not violate the rights of honor, privacy and image. Under no circumstances will those works be accepted that attack the honor of a group or person, include discriminatory material and/or violate the rights or dignity of people. The organization reserves the right to leave out of the call any work that it considers does not meet any of these requirements.

Works may be selected to participate in the festival outside of the Official Competition. In this case, the works cannot be removed from the program or demand the collection of exhibition rights. With the registration of the work in the festival within the established period and the acceptance of these bases, this point is accepted.

Registration must be done through the Festhome platform. It can also be done by sending to the email cinedomardemarin@gmail.com the registration form (which will be provided through the email itself) and the digital copy of the work, directly or through a download link (google drive, wetransfer, ydray, etc.).
The deadline for the submission of works will extend from January 1 to April 30, 2025, both inclusive, excluding those submitted outside this deadline.
All the material sent for the registration of each work will be considered private and will only be accessible by the organization of the festival.


The organization of the festival will be in charge of deciding the selection of works that will be part of the program, as well as the days and times of projection of each of them.

After the selection process has been completed, the people responsible for the selected works that will be part of the programming of the second edition of the festival will be notified by email.

In the selection phase, works filmed in languages ​​other than Galician, which are not part of the Teaching Section, may be presented with subtitles, preferably in Galician, but works with subtitles in Spanish, Portuguese or english will be accepted for this phase. In the event that the work is selected to be part of the festival's programming, a copy of projection subtitled in Galician.

Participating persons must deliver before May 31, 2025, together with the projection copy, the following digital documentation: promotional poster, a minimum of 3 frames or representative photographs of the work (300 dpi) and the synopsis in Galician. They can also deliver, if they wish, the materials they consider appropriate (press kit, trailer, etc.) to promote their
works on social networks and the media.

The organization of the festival may exclude a work after it has been selected for not presenting the required materials or documentation.


The organization of the festival will choose the people who will make up the Jury, which will be made up of professionals from the cinematographic, audiovisual and cultural fields.

The Jury will be composed of a minimum of three people. Decisions will be made by absolute majority of votes. People who have a direct connection with any work participating in the competition cannot be part of the Jury.

Its main function will be to determine the award of the Jury of the Official Section and that of the Teaching Section.

The Jury reserves the right to award an additional special mention (without financial endowment).

The Jury will be free to award a prize ex aequo. In this case, the amount of the prize will be distributed at 50%.


The person who registers the work in the festival declares to be authorized by the production company to lend the copy of the film and to accept these rules. The registration is equivalent to the acceptance of the conditions of these bases, the interpretation and application of which corresponds to the organization of the festival.

Participation in this call implies acceptance of the Jury's decision, which will be final. Likewise, the organization of the festival will resolve any eventuality not specified in these rules that may arise and its decision will also be final.

The person who enters the work in the festival is responsible for its authorship and originality, guaranteeing that the submitted work does not violate copyright, exploitation rights, intellectual and industrial property rights or any other right of third parties and that it does not violate the legislation current The organization of the festival declines all legal responsibility for the works presented, being exempted from all responsibility in terms of their content.


The II Cine do Mar Festival will take place in Marín on the dates already mentioned, with appropriate prior advertising to announce the schedule, times and location of the different sections and activities, which include the screening of the participating works.

After the screening of the works, the closing Gala will take place on June 28, 2025, where the prize-winning works will be announced. After the award ceremony, the winning works will be shown again.

The participating people authorize the organization of the festival to use the promotional materials of the work sent, for their dissemination in any means of communication and on social networks, as well as a fragment of up to three minutes duration of the selected works.

Delivery of these materials implies acceptance of these conditions.

The owners of the works that are selected undertake to allow their projection, during the twelve months following the celebration of this edition, in activities that the organization of the festival can promote, of a social, educational and free nature, always with exclusively cultural purposes and non-commercial. In any case, the person holding the work will be notified if this is included in one of these possible activities.

Once the festival is over, the films selected to be part of the festival program will become part of the Marín Sea Museum's archive, authorizing private consultation for exclusively educational and research purposes.

The acceptance of the festival's selection and awards implies including these awards in the subsequent publicity of the work.

The organization of the festival reserves the right to alter, modify or suspend the program of the II Cine do Mar Festival.

For any questions or information, contact the festival organization via email: cinedomaremarin@gmail.com.



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