Fiaticorti Film Festival (23)


10 Jul 2024
Call for entries

30 Nov 2024
Standard deadline

31 Mar 2025
Late deadline

30 Apr 2025
Extended deadline


30 Sep 2025
Notification date

22 Aug 2025
31 Oct 2025


Via s. pio X 15,  31036, Istrana, Treviso, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival 20'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 January 2023
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  20'<
 Any language
English Italian
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Photo of Fiaticorti Film Festival
Photo of Fiaticorti Film Festival

Photo of Fiaticorti Film Festival
Photo of Fiaticorti Film Festival


Festival start: 22 August 2025      Festival end: 31 October 2025

Fiaticorti was born in 2000 from the idea of some members of Istrana’s “Youth Project”.

The event name was selected for two reasons: firstly, 'shortness of breath' (fiato corto) is the effect of physical effort of short duration (the same duration of short movies). Moreover, a film that can last up to 20 minutes is able to convey strong emotions to the viewer, leaving her or him 'out of breath'.

Initially, fiaticorti was condensed into a single evening, namely an awards night. However, from the 4th edition on, the format has been enhanced, and the festival develops over four stages, during which the best works are presented.

In 2006 the section FiatiVeneti was introduced, to reward short film-makers from the Veneto region.

2011 represented fiaticorti’s turning point. Not only did longtime artistic director Gianni Billio pass the baton to Bartolo Ayroldi Sagarriga (the new artistic director), Andrea Grespan and Simone Perotto, but the quality of the films in competition increased dramatically, together with the number of foreign participants, mainly from France, Great Britain, Romania and Spain. fiaticorti increasingly became an international event.

But the identity of the festival, connected to the Italian film club culture of the Seventies, has always remained the same. Its goal is that of transmitting culture and passion for short films. That’s why the artistic direction has chosen not to accompany the festival with events of other kinds.

Cash Prizes: 1,000€

A commission of experts and operators in the field will evaluate the works admitted in the competition and will grant by irrevocable decision the following awards:

Premio Fiaticorti – best short film (prize 1000 euro);

Premio Fiaticomici – best short film in the section Fiaticomici;

Premio FiatiVeneti – best short film in the section FiatiVeneti;

Premio Miglior Interprete Fiaticorti – best actor or actress in the short film competition.

The commission and the organizing board reserve the right to confer any other awards or special mentions in addition to those listed above.



1. Type and title of the competition.

The Progetto Giovani of Comune di Istrana (TV) announces the international short film competition "Fiaticorti".

The event is organized by Comune di Istrana (TV), via S. Pio X 15, phone +39 0422 831810, fax 0422831890, e-mail
The twentythird edition of Fiaticorti is divided into three sections:

▪ Fiaticorti: it is dedicated to short films with a maximum running time of 20 (twenty) minutes;

▪ FiatiComici: it is dedicated to short films with a maximum running time of 20 (twenty) minutes and pertaining to the genres of comedy, satire or slapstick;

▪ FiatiVeneti: it is dedicated to short films with a maximum running time of 20 (twenty) minutes and realized by film-makers residing in Veneto.

2. Patronage and collaborations.
The contest is realized in collaboration with:
Pro Loco of Comune di Istrana, 51° Wing Istrana – Italian Air Force.


3. Terms of partecipation.
All sections are thematically open.
The main sections in the contest are Fiaticorti and FiatiComici. The participation of a film in either one of these sections automatically excludes its participation in the other one. Every film-maker can register one single work for each of these sections.The participation in the section FiatiVeneti is automatic upon registration for one of the other two sections, if necessary requirements are fulfilled. Participation in this section, therefore, does not exclude participation in one of the other sections.

Works already presented in other competitions are admitted as well.

Partecipation includes a 2 steps rate card based on the registration date:

1- From the opening to March 31, 2025 include a submission fee of 10€

2- From April 1, 2025 to the end of the call for submission (April 30, 2025), include a submission fee of 20€

For production/distribution there the possibility to subscribe at special prices (asking to the organization):

1- From the opening to March 31, 2025 include a submission fee of 15 € until 5 shortmovies, 30€ until 10 shortmovies and so on.

2 - From April 1, 2025 to the end of the call for submission (April 31, 2025), include a submission fee of 25€ until 5 shortmovies, 50€ until 10 and so on.

4. Incompatibilities and requirements.
Works already presented in previous editions of Fiaticorti are not admitted.

Shorts must not contain material that may be offensive or detrimental to other people.
Works in a foreign language or dialect must be subtitled in italian.

Only short films realized after January 1, 2023 are admitted to the competition.

Maximum running time is 20 (twenty) minutes.

5. Subscription through online platform.
Fiaticorti Film Festival use the following online platform:

▪ Festhome:

The submission must be accompanied by the official partecipation entry form and data sheet compiled in capital letters in its entirety and signed and sent to

The organization of the festival will send an email alert to the director in the event of failure to send the additional documentation required for registration. In case of non submit documents by May 16, 2025 after the communication from the organization, the short film concerned will be excluded from the competition.

6. Entry fee Payment method.
The entry fee payment, like include on art.3, is managed by the online platform of art.5. The author have to respect the procedures of each site. The organization isn't responsible of author mistake on the submission and payment.
The organization don't have to pay back the fee in case of double submission in 2 or more online platform, or in case of the author ask to retire his shortmovie or in case of irregularity on the submission.


7. Fiaticorti
This is the main section in the competition, and is thematically open.

8. FiatiComici.
Into this section fall the shorts which their authors indicate as pertaining to the genres of comedy, satire or slapstick. The authors can choose to participate either in the main section Fiaticorti or in the section FiatiComici. In any case, participation in one section excludes participation in the other one.

9. FiatiVeneti.
The special section FiatiVeneti is sponsored by Pro Loco di Istrana and is dedicated to short films shot by authors living in Veneto, or films that the committee deems to be representative of Veneto as for their themes or settings. Participation in this section is automatic upon registration, and does not exclude participation in the latter ones.


10. Acceptance of applications.
The organizing committee verifies the terms and requirements for the admission of submitted works in the competition.

11. Custody of works.
The organizing board takes care of the custody of submitted works.

Upon reception, all works will be archived and put at disposal of those wanting to watch them in the video library "Fiaticorti" managed by Progetto Giovani of Comune di Istrana (TV).

12. Shortfilm showings
The artistic direction will select the films being screened at the festival biennial sessions.

The best short movies subscribed before September 30, 2023 will partecipate to the preselection and wil be screen in the first part of the festival in October 2022. Among them the audience will choose 2 short movies that will automatically partecipate to selction of the festival in 2023.

The admission of a film to the competition does not imply its screening at the festival sessions.

The organization will communicate dates and place of screenings and any modify on the site and on the social network.
The selected shortmovies will be screening online during the festival on platform and with modality that will be announced by the organization.


13. Prize-awarding
A commission of experts and operators in the field will evaluate the works admitted in the competition and will grant by irrevocable decision the following awards:

Premio Fiaticorti – best short film;
Premio Fiaticomici – best short film in the section Fiaticomici;
Premio FiatiVeneti – best short film in the section FiatiVeneti;
Premio Miglior Interprete Fiaticorti – best actor or actress in the short film competition.

The commission and the organizing board reserve the right to confer any other awards or special mentions in addition to those listed above.

F) awards
The organization will comunicate date and place of the award ceremony on and on the social network.


14. Acceptance of competition terms.
Participation in the competition implies the acceptance of the terms contained in the present announcement. The organization reserves the right to change the present announcement, and is anyhow entitled to have full decision-making power as to what is not contemplated in it.

Any possible change will be notified on the website and the social network web pages.

15. Permissions
The submitted and competing works are the property of the legitimate authors or companies, who will nonetheless agree to their use, free of charge and for an unlimited period, on the part of Comune di Istrana, for the following purposes:

publication of information about the shortfilm on the website and on any other website operated by the organization and other sponsors of the event;

In particular, the authors give their consent to the screening of the works during the festival sessions, the closing night or any other non-profit events for the promotion of the festival (in these case the author will be contact for an other permission).
The author also authorize the online screening during the making of the festival.

16. Information on the use of personal data
According to the art. 13 of EU Regulation 679/16, the Comune of Istrana informs that your personal data are processed, both in paper form and by electronic means, for institutional purposes, to manage the instructive and administrative fulfilments necessary for the present procedure and to fulfil the legal requirements, and also for the purpose of verifying self-certifications, publication in the public register or transparent administration and for archiving and saving for the  period of time required by the law. As part of these aims, the data processing may concern the data necessary for the management of relations with the Comune of Istrana, including the data provided during the registration process or using onlineservices.
The data will be processed for the exclusive use of the Comune of Istrana by internal parties and may be accessible to external parties as for instance people incharge of the management or maintenance of electronic instruments or to other external subjects when is required by the law.

The treatments described above are lawful pursuant to Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter. C and E of the GDPR. The person in charge of processing your data is the Head of the Administrative and Cultural Services Area. Interested parties may at any time exercise the rights provided for by EU Regulation 679/16, using the documentation available on the institutional website. The contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) as well as the complete information model are published in the privacy section in the homepage of the Comune of Istrana website.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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