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ABYCINE Albacete Independent Film Festival and Market

Logo of ABYCINE Albacete Independent Film Festival and Market

ABYCINE – FESTIVAL Y MERCADO DE CINE INDEPENDIENTE DE ALBACETE tiene entre sus objetivos fundamentales la difusión y promoción de películas y cortometrajes de categoría artística que, por una u otra razón, no disfrutan de la distribución regular en los circuitos convencionales de exhibición.

El Festival trata de cubrir, en la medida de lo posible, este importante vacío, siendo otro de sus objetivos, y no de menor importancia, presentar una selección de películas participantes que atiendan las nuevas corrientes del cine joven contemporáneo, el fenómeno “indie” en el cine español y la educación de la mirada en las nuevas generaciones de espectadores.

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Most recent calls for entries and upcoming deadlines.

Logo of Zaragoza International Film Festival
Published: 13 Apr 2024
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Zaragoza International Film Festival

Deadline: 10 Aug 2024

Call for entries

GOYA Qualifiers

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

The Zaragoza Film Festival, founded in 1995 to create a cinematic activity in the city. At first his main title was the Young Filmmakers. Since 2007 its official name became the Zaragoza Film Festival.

Festival with various events, generalist and national character (although some of its events are international).

Starting in 2021, after celebrating the 25th edition of the Festival, we propose an evolution of the project.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Zaragoza, Spain

Logo of International short film competition for new Latin American talents (FCZ)
Published: 13 Apr 2024
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

International short film competition for new Latin American talents (FCZ)

Deadline: 10 Aug 2024

Call for entries


International Festival

Short film festival

The Zaragoza Film Festival was born in 1995 to create a cinematographic activity in the city. In principle its main denomination was that of Young Directors. As of 2007, its official name became the Zaragoza Film Festival.

Festival with different Contests, of a general and national nature (although some of its Contests are International).

As of our silver anniversary, we are carrying out a renovation and updating of the project.

As of our 28th edition and within the Official Section of our Festival, the Short Film Contest for New Latin American Talents was born, thanks to the collaboration with the Pampa Film Commission, from Argentina.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Zaragoza, Spain


Logo of FENAVID Santa Cruz International Film Festival
Published: 12 Apr 2024
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

FENAVID Santa Cruz International Film Festival

Deadline: 31 Jul 2024

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

The FENAVID International Film Festival is held annually in the city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Organized by the Audiovisual Foundation (FUNDAV), the Festival has become the most important film event in Bolivia and one of the most relevant in Latin America.

Since its first version, carried out in 2001, more than 10,000 audiovisual works from 30 countries have been presented at this meeting, which has transcended the borders of Bolivia and America.

In each version, FENAVID offers the public more than 150 screenings of feature films, short films, music videos and a series of audiovisual works that are exhibited free of charge for the public.

FENAVID always has first-rate guests. The event was attended by internationally renowned figures such as Celso Franco, protagonist of "7 [...]

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

Logo of Ourense International Film Festival
Published: 06 Apr 2024
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Ourense International Film Festival

Deadline: 30 Jul 2024

Call for entries

International Festival

Feature film festival

The OUFF (an acronym standing for Ourense Film Festival) presents annually a selection of the most innovative and outstanding films and audiovisual productions in Galicia, Europe, Latin America and the rest of the world. The OUFF receives each year works from a hundred of countries, whose common denominator are their socially aware subjects and their innovative forms.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Ourense, Spain


Logo of Lamarr Film Festival
Published: 05 Apr 2024
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Lamarr Film Festival

Deadline: 16 Feb 2025

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

Festival Internacional de cortometrajes y largometrajes de todos los géneros.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Barcelona, Spain

Logo of Festival  Nacional de Cinema Estudantil de Guaíba/RS/Brazil/ Mostra de curtas e longas nacionais e internacionais
Published: 04 Apr 2024
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Festival Nacional de Cinema Estudantil de Guaíba/RS/Brazil/ Mostra de curtas e longas nacionais e internacionais

Deadline: 18 Aug 2024

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

Guaíba, birthplace of the Farroupilha Revolution, has been consolidating itself as the birthplace of new filmmakers. For 20 years, it has held the National Student Film Festival, which opens space for productions from all over Brazil and abroad and aims to encourage audiovisual production as a pedagogical activity linked to the school curriculum. This Festival is a pioneer in Brazil in encouraging the use of audiovisual as a pedagogical practice, integrating students and teachers in film production.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Guaíba, Brazil


Logo of Claqueta Emérita
Published: 04 Apr 2024
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Claqueta Emérita

Deadline: 15 Sep 2024

Call for entries

Short film festival

What is Claqueta Emérita?
Claqueta Emérita is a national short film festival that favors the production and promotion of audiovisual works made by national creators. Without losing the regional essence of its first years, Claqueta Emérita gives great value to the professional work made in Spain and Extremadura, as well as to the work made by young creators who have in the educational centers their most fervent reflection.

Claqueta Emérita is made up of several activities/actions:

● Short Film Contest aimed at individual or collective filmmakers who hold Spanish nationality.
● Workshops, meetings and audiovisual screenings carried out the days prior to the celebration of the Final Gala in Mérida or in towns of Extremadura.
● Final awards ceremony with the collaboration of [...]

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Mérida, Spain

Logo of Patrofest: Young Filmmakers Short Film Festival
Published: 02 Apr 2024
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Patrofest: Festival de Curtmetratges de Joves Cineastes

Deadline: 01 Sep 2024

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Patrofest is a small film festival where you can participate to see your work on the big screen and spend a relaxing time talking about cinema. We want to give a push to young authors who are taking their first steps in this world.

The festival will be held in the emblematic modernist theater "El Patronat", located in the old town of Premià de Mar.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Premià de Mar, Spain


Logo of PLAY - Lisbon`s International Kids Film Festival
Published: 02 Apr 2024
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

PLAY - Festival Internacional de Cinema Infantil e Juvenil de Lisboa

Deadline: 15 Oct 2024

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

PLAY is the first Portuguese film festival, exclusively dedicated to children and teenagers, determined to promote the access to culture for a younger audience through Cinema and screening films for audiences aged between 1 and 16 years old.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Lisboa, Portugal

Logo of Lloret Negre
Published: 02 Apr 2024
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Lloret Negre

Deadline: 31 Jul 2024

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

Lloret Negre is the first noir genre festival of the Costa Brava. It's objetive is to promote the noir genre and as well as Lloret de Mar and it's heritage.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Lloret de Mar, Spain