Festival Internacional De Cine Documental · Pampa Docfest ()

International Documentary Film Festival · Pampa DocFest · Colonia Santa Teresa

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17 окт 2023
Позвоните для записей

10 янв 2024
Фестиваль закрыт

06 мар 2024
дата извещения

07 мар 2024
09 мар 2024


Almirante Brown 740,  6312, Colonia Santa Teresa, La Pampa, Argentina

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов >5'
Фестиваль художественных фильмов

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Любая тема
 Не имеет платы за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Онлайн расположение и Физическое расположение
 Январь 2019
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  >5'
 Полнометражные фильмы 
 Любой язык
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Documental · Pampa Docfest
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Documental · Pampa Docfest
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Documental · Pampa Docfest
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Documental · Pampa Docfest

Russian ML

Фестиваль начинается: 07 Март 2024      Фестиваль заканчивается: 09 Март 2024

International Documentary Film Festival
III PampaDocFest – March 7 – 9, 2024

Produced by the Culture and Communication Area of the Municipality of Colonia Santa Teresa and the narrative journalism platform Angular; declared of Legislative Interest and declared of Cultural Interest by the government of the Province of La Pampa, the III International Documentary Film Festival "PampaDocFest" will take place in person in the town, from March 7th to 9th , 2024.

This festival aims to stimulate and facilitate the encounter between members of national and international cinematography and present non-fiction films, in addition to promoting meetings between filmmakers, technicians and those interested in this genre; and promote a training space to contribute to the development of the culture and dissemination of documentary filmmaking.

Денежные призы: 100€

The Jury may award, along with the official prizes with financial amounts, a special mention in each of the sections, without these having any financial award. The prizes may not be declared void nor those that entail a financial award may be awarded ex aequo.
PampaDocFest Award for Best International Documentary Short Film, worth Ar$ 100,000
PampaDocFest Award for Best International Documentary Feature Film, worth Ar$ 100,000
“Colonia Santa Teresa” Award for Best Documentary on Rurality, worth Ar$ 100,000
Audience Award for Best Documentary (*)

• Recognitions:
Retrospective and angular “Respects”: outstanding documentary filmmaker.
Special Mention to the Patagonian documentary.

(*) The Audience Award granted at PampaDocFest will be made through the public vote (whose score will be the average of the votes cast) and with special participation from the Accredited Press. Both this and the Recognitions include a diploma and Laurels (PNG), but not financial remuneration.

In all categories, the financial allocation of the prizes will be made to the production company or the director of the audiovisual. In the event that there are several directors, the prizes will be awarded to the one whom, by mutual agreement between them, they designate as the main director before the Organization and communicate this in writing. If there are several production companies participating in the financing of the audiovisuals, the prizes will be awarded to the production company with the greatest economic participation (which will act as representative of the entire production), upon presentation of the authorization to its favor of the remaining producing companies.
The financial amount of the prizes will be subject to the withholdings determined by the legislation in force at the time of payment by the Festival Organization, and will be understood, in any case, to be included in the financial allocation of said prizes.
The financial award will be paid through bank transfer or the international shipping system.

Terms and Conditions:

Produced by the Culture and Communication Area of the Municipality of Colonia Santa Teresa and the narrative journalism platform Angular; declared of Legislative Interest and declared of Cultural Interest by the government of the Province of La Pampa, the III International Documentary Film Festival "PampaDocFest" will take place in person in the town, from March 7th to 9th , 2024.

This festival aims to stimulate and facilitate the encounter between members of national and international cinematography and present non-fiction films, in addition to promoting meetings between filmmakers, technicians and those interested in this genre; and promote a training space to contribute to the development of the culture and dissemination of documentary filmmaking.

Registration and Documentation
Film registration is free and is open to feature films and short films, national and international, of exclusively documentary genre.

To participate in the 3rd. Edition of the International Documentary Film Festival in Colonia Santa Teresa, it is mandatory to register and complete the information requested through FESTHOME (www.festhome.com) prior to the following dates:

Documentaries Official Section: January 7, 2024.
If what is indicated is not complete, the audiovisuals will be excluded from the selection process.
The registration of an audiovisual in competition implies full acceptance and compliance with these Participation Rules and their possible annexes.

International Documentary Short Film
The duration of the short films may not exceed 30 minutes.
The following will be accepted: Documentaries made after January 1, 2019, that have NOT been commercially released in exhibition halls, video, television, audiovisual events in Argentina or VOD platforms.
International Documentary Feature Film
The duration of the feature films must be greater than 30 minutes.
The following will be accepted: Documentaries made after January 1, 2019, that have NOT been commercially released in exhibition halls, video, television, audiovisual events in Argentina or VOD platforms.
Short Documentary Film on “Rurality”
Documentaries that portray aspects of rural life (those films shot outside of urban contexts will be considered in this category), made after January 1, 2019; that have not been commercially released in exhibition halls, video, television, audiovisual events in Argentina or VOD platforms.

The Film Commission of the Festival will recommend to the Jury the films that, in the opinion of its members, should be chosen to be part of this edition of the Festival.
The decisions of the Jury will be final and will not have to be justified.
Anyone with interests in the production, distribution or any other type of exploitation or participation with the audiovisuals selected for the competition may not be part of the Jury.
The Jury may award a maximum of two prizes to the same audiovisual, and may award, along with the official prizes, special mentions. Prizes in all categories may not be declared void nor may those that entail a financial award be awarded ex aequo.

The Jury may award, along with the official prizes with financial amounts, a special mention in each of the sections, without these having any financial award. The prizes may not be declared void nor those that entail a financial award may be awarded ex aequo.
PampaDocFest Award for Best International Documentary Short Film, worth Ar$ 100,000
PampaDocFest Award for Best International Documentary Feature Film, worth Ar$ 100,000
“Colonia Santa Teresa” Award for Best Documentary on Rurality, worth Ar$ 100,000
Audience Award for Best Documentary (*)

• Recognitions:
Retrospective and angular “Respects”: outstanding documentary filmmaker.
Special Mention to the Patagonian documentary.

(*) The Audience Award granted at PampaDocFest will be made through the public vote (whose score will be the average of the votes cast) and with special participation from the Accredited Press. Both this and the Recognitions include a diploma and Laurels (PNG), but not financial remuneration.

In all categories, the financial allocation of the prizes will be made to the production company or the director of the audiovisual. In the event that there are several directors, the prizes will be awarded to the one whom, by mutual agreement between them, they designate as the main director before the Organization and communicate this in writing. If there are several production companies participating in the financing of the audiovisuals, the prizes will be awarded to the production company with the greatest economic participation (which will act as representative of the entire production), upon presentation of the authorization to its favor of the remaining producing companies.
The financial amount of the prizes will be subject to the withholdings determined by the legislation in force at the time of payment by the Festival Organization, and will be understood, in any case, to be included in the financial allocation of said prizes.
The financial award will be paid through bank transfer or the international shipping system.

Production companies must send copies of the award-winning audiovisuals or screening passes in high quality to the Festival. It would be appreciated if they include the reference of the award received (logo/rewards).

Once the selection of an audiovisual has been made and communicated by the Festival and its participation has also been confirmed by the production/distribution company that registered it, it cannot be withdrawn.
The award event will be held in the town of Colonia Santa Teresa. We hope to have the filmmakers present, but the Organization will not finance travel. It will provide lodging and lunch for the duration of the Festival. Due to public health reasons (pandemic), if the date of the event is modified by order of the provincial government, it will be communicated through official channels.

During the celebration of the contest, the organization reserves the right to exhibit the selected audiovisuals in —at least one— public session. In this regard, the production companies transfer the rights for its public exhibition during the time of the Festival at no cost to the Festival and are exempt from paying screening fees.
The organization reserves the right to incorporate a copy of the winning audiovisuals into the Festival archive for non-profit cultural uses.
Likewise, the documentaries in the Official Selection will be incorporated for viewing - under 'private' mode - through the digital platform "PampaPlay", from Angular (organizing platform of the Festival), during the period of one month, within the framework of the "PampaDocFest Month" and under the Pass Payment modality (whose funds will be used to carry out the Festival) and are exempt from paying fees. Once the month ends, the producer or director of the film may decide to remain on the PampaPlay platform with the on-demand payment method. This will be resolved later and directly between the parties involved.

All projection copies of the audiovisuals selected in the different sections of the Festival will be presented in the original version, and those whose original language is not Spanish must include subtitles in this language.
The company, distributor and/or representative that has registered the selected film must certify the proper functioning of the copy (audio/video synchronization, color, etc.). The Festival reserves the right not to accept copies that, after the necessary technical checks, are not suitable for screening, providing a technical report to the representatives of the film and requesting a new copy. The festival will not be responsible for the return of physical copies sent.
The documentation and materials requested by the festival for the official catalogue, programming guide and website (synopsis, biofilmography, artistic and technical sheet, photographs of the director and the film, trailers and other audiovisual materials) will be taken from the online registration form of selected audiovisuals that must be completed before the dates indicated in point 2.
If additional material is needed, it will be required by the Festival to be delivered on specified dates.
The Festival Press Department will contact the respective production and/or distribution companies of the selected audiovisuals, if required, to supervise and coordinate the materials included in the selection form, and to which the media will have access. and those accredited through the “Press Room” of the Web.
The production and/or distribution companies of the selected feature films, short films and documentaries authorize, by accepting their participation, the use of one or more fragments of their title for dissemination as informative material in any media.

These participation bases may be complemented or modified by the Festival Management with any other annexes it deems appropriate, prior to the start date of the II edition of the International Documentary Film Festival, Colonia Santa Teresa and prior communication to the interested parties.
Their interpretation will be the exclusive responsibility of the Festival Management.

International Documentary Film Festival, Colonia Santa Teresa.
+54 9 2923 412655



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