No Fee
Submissions deadline
05 Mar 25
31 Jan 2025
Call for entries
05 Mar 2025
Final deadline
13 May 2025
Notification date
20 Jun 2025
28 Jun 2025
Festival start: 20 June 2025 Festival end: 28 June 2025
Festival that is celebrated in CIUDAD REAL from June 20 to 28 2025.
This year celebrates its 27th Edition. It is a Municipal Festival in which €12,500 in prizes are distributed.
The Official Section is made up of 15 works that compete for the different awards of the Jury and Public
The Parallel Section is made up of the works that will be screened during the first 3 days of the celebration and compete for four prizes from the public.
The projections are held outdoors in different spaces of the city with free admission where the public has a leading role since it awards half of the Festival prizes, 6 out of 12.
In addition to the prizes by modality, different special prizes are awarded such as:
Awards and Public Mentions in both Sections
Young Director Award for directors under 35 years of age
Best Director Award
"Ciudad Real Deporte" Award
Cash Prizes: 12,500€
The prizes awarded by the Jury and the Public are:
- Best Fiction Short, endowed with € 1,500 and a Trophy.
- Best Documentary Short, endowed with € 1,000 and a Trophy.
- Best Animation Short, endowed with € 1,000 and a Trophy.
- Best Local Short, endowed with € 700 and a Trophy.
- Young Director for the best short finalist directed by authors under 35 years of age, endowed with € 600 and a trophy.
- Audience Award for the most voted NON-LOCAL work during the OFFICIAL SECTION screenings, endowed with € 600 and a trophy.
- Best Director, for the best finalist work directed by a woman endowed with € 600 and a trophy.
- Local Mention of the public, to the most voted local work during the projections of the OFFICIAL SECTION endowed with a trophy and without economic amount.
- "Ciudad Real Deporte" (Ciudad Real Sport) Special Award, sponsored by the Patronato Municipal de Deportes (Sports Board of Ciudad Real), endowed with € 500 €.
The works of the OFFICIAL SECTION, in addition to the option to prizes have an endowment of € 300 in expenses generated by attending the festival.
Attendance to the Festival is compulsory.
The works selected in PARALELL SECTION will be elegible for a Special Audience Mention of € 300 for each of the three days of screenings.
The selected short films will be screened in the Parallel Section and the prize will be awarded by the audience.
The financial endowments and the amount of the prizes will be made effective in a single payment, after the celebration of the Awards Ceremony and closing of the Festival, once the winners have provided the data requested for this purpose.
The organization assumes that the people who register the shorts must necessarily hold the rights to exhibit the works they represent, as well as the authorization to receive the award. In any case, the organization disclaims any liability that may arise from the violation of this base.
The organization may use fragments of the selected works to promote them and the festival.
The winning titles will be obliged to include the prizes obtained in this contest in their press and advertising dossiers of the short film.
The City Council of Ciudad Real, through its Youth Department, opens this Call on a competitive basis of the XXVII Edition of the Short-Film Festival, in order to recognize and stimulate creativity in the world of short-film and turn our municipality into a benchmark in the field. The Call for 2023 will be abided by these rules.
The present Call aims to award several prizes in the world of short-film in order to recognize and stimulate creativity and support its production and dissemination.
An amount of 11.900,00 € will set aside for the current Call. This total amount will be assigned in the Budget number 2312 22625 “Other expenses in Festival Corto Ciudad Real” in the General Budget extended of the Local Government of Ciudad Real in 2025.
The Regulatory Bases of this Call were approved by the Local Government Board in session held on May 27, two thousand twenty one and published in the Official Gazzete of the Province of Ciudad Real nº 120 of June 25, 2021.
The call for applications will be published in the National Grants Database, and an extract will be published in the Official Gazette of the Province of Ciudad Real, in accordance with the procedure established in Article 20.8 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November 2003 on General Subsidies.
The deadline for the submission of works runs from 31th January to 5th March 2025, once the extract of the call has been published in the Official Gazette of the Province of Ciudad Real through the National Grants Database, as laid down in 20 article of General Law 38/2003 on Subsidies.
The XXVII Edition of the Short- Film Festival Ciudad Real 2025 will be held from 20th to 28th June 2028.
• Work admission: from 31th January to 5th March
• Participants list publication for Official Section and Participants list publication for Parallel Section: 13th May
• Screenings: Short-films of the PARALLEL SECTION will be shown in the different places of the festival during 23, 24, 25 June. Short-films of the OFFICIAL SECTION will be shown on 26 and 27 June, where the audience could cast their vote.
• Final decision of winners, prizes-giving and closing ceremony of this 26th edition: 28th June
Three forms of participation are established:
• FICTION: works of fiction, with free theme
• DOCUMENTARY: free-themed documentary works
• ANIMATION: works of free theme made with any technique of animation
The scope of the Festival is European and Latin American.
Two sections are established:
• OFFICIAL SECTION: competitive section where the 15 works will be selected from the different modalities that are eligible for the prizes to be awarded. Of these 15 titles, 4 will be works of FICTION, 4 DOCUMENTARIES, 4 ANIMATION and 3 works directed or produced by local authors of any type.
• PARALLEL SECTION: Selected works will be screened during the first three days of the festival, where the audience will be able to choose their favorite short film of each day. The work with the most votes in each of the sessions will receive a Special Audience Mention of €300 and a certificate.
All admitted works will be watched by a Selection Committee that will be composed of technical staff of the City Council and professionals related to the world of cinema, audiovisual media and culture. The selection of works to form part of the Official Section and the Parallel Section will be carried out by the Committee.
The prizes and mentions awarded among the finalist works of the Official Section will be awarded by a Jury composed of independent professionals from the world of cinema, audiovisual media and culture. Their decisions shall not be subject to appeal.
The Award and the Local Mention of the Public, which will be granted by the votes of those attending the screenings of the Official Section, will be the exception. The ranking of votes shall be established by means of the best arithmetic mean resulting from dividing the total score obtained by the number of voters.
The Jury Decision and the rest of the awards and mentions will be announced during the celebration of the awards, on June 22.
Both the Selection Committee and the Jury will select the works according to their quality and suitability.
All works selected in both sections will receive a Certificate attesting their selection or award as well as the Festival’s laurels.
The works of the OFFICIAL SECTION, in addition to the option to prizes have an endowment of € 300 in expenses generated by attending the festival. If the celebration of the closing of the Festival does not take place in an on-site way, the works of the OFFICIAL SECTION will not be entitled to this financial endowment.
The prizes awarded by the Jury and the Public are:
• Best Fiction Short-Film, endowed with € 1.500 and Trophy.
• Best Documentary Short-Film, endowed with € 1.000 and Trophy.
• Best Animation Short-Film, endowed with € 1.000 and Trophy.
• Best Local Short-Film, endowed with € 700 and Trophy.
• Young Filmmaker to the best short finalist directed by authors under 35, endowed with € 600 and trophy.
• Audience Award, to the most voted NOT LOCAL work during the screenings of the OFFICIAL SECTION, endowed with € 600 and trophy.
• Best Female Director, for the best finalist work directed by a woman endowed with
€ 600 and trophy.
• Local mention of the public, to the most voted local work during the projections of the OFFICIAL SECTION endowed with trophy and without financial amount.
• "Ciudad Real Deporte" (Ciudad Real Sport) Special Award, sponsored by the Patronato Municipal de Deportes (Sports Board of Ciudad Real), endowed with € 500.
The selected short films will be screened in the Parallel Section and the prize will be awarded by the audience.
The financial allocations and the amount of the prizes will be paid in a single payment, after the celebration of the awards Ceremony and closure of the Festival, once the winners have provided the data requested for this purpose.
The organization assumes that the people who register the short-films must have the rights to exhibit the works they represent, as well as the authorization to receive the prize. In any case, the organization disclaims any liability that may arise from the breach of this basis.
The organisation may use pieces from the selected works to promote them and the festival.
The winning titles will be obliged to include in their press and advertising dossiers the prizes won in this event.
Cash prizes will be subject to withholding tax in according to current tax legislation in the Spanish Estate.
- Participation in this Festival is open to works produced in Europe and Latin America as well as works directed by authors born or living in Europe and Latin America.
- The works will not exceed 30 minutes in duration, including credits. Only works produced after January 1st 2023 that haven`t competed in previous editions of this Festival will be admitted.
- Each participant may submit a maximum of two works.
- A work cannot be presented in more than one modality.
- The works must be presented in full in Spanish or in original version subtitled to this language.
With the aim of reaching the greatest number of viewers and for a special attention to the deaf community, the subtitle of the work readable for the deaf is recommended.
All the works selected in both SECTIONS will be exhibited during the week of celebration of the Festival.
In view of the nature of the grant (short film competition), no proof of compliance with the requirements set out in Article 13 of the General Law on Grants shall be required to apply for the award.
Registration will only be done online through the following platform:
In addition to the short film, the following must be uploaded to the platform:
• Official short film Poster.
• Director`s Identity Card.
• Participants who opt for local awards must certify their birth or residence in the municipality of Ciudad Real.
It is recommended to send any information of interest (links to trailers, website of the work, bio filmography of the director, press kit, etc.).
Postal and face-to-face items are not allowed.
The cost of online registration will be borne by the participants.
The Selected in the different SECTIONS of the festival are obliged to send to it a Projection Copy of the work for its exhibition with a minimum resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels and subtitles in Spanish embedded in case of productions in other different language than this one.
The representatives of the Short Films of the Official Section must necessarily be present at the place agreed by the Festival Organization, the afternoon of Saturday June 27, this being a prerequisite for obtaining the corresponding prize, as well as for the receipt of the € 300 under the concept of generated expenses.
For the execution of the payments, they must send completed the DATA SHEET that the festival will send them after being selected.
Representatives of the works of the Official Section for presentation and promotion during the public screenings will have covered accommodation by the Organization in a city hotel with a double room per work, in regime Accommodation Only from the day of the projection of his/her short film until the Delivery of prizes.
The presence of a representative of the short films of the Parallel Section will also be appreciated for their presentation during the public screenings, being covered their accommodation with a double room in regime of Accommodation Only for the day of the screening.
The full text of this call is available on the website: and the National Grant Database (
In addition to the publicity proper to any call submitted to the General Law on Subsidies, it will be given the widest possible dissemination to those who might be interested.
In accordance with article 24.1 of the Ley 38/2003 General de Subvenciones, Head of the Youth and Childhood Service of the Ciudad Real City Council is designated as the instructing body for this call for applications. The instructing body will carry out, ex officio, as many actions as it deems necessary to determine, know and verify the necessary requirements to be able to participate in the competition and be eligible for the prizes.
The managing body of this call for applications is the Delegate Councillor for Youth, Children and Sports. For any consultation or clarification of this call, interested parties may contact the Department of Youth and Chilhood of the City Council of Ciudad Real, located on Calle Barcelona s/n, 13004-Ciudad Real, by telephone on +34 926251741 and +34 926251750 or by e-mail:;
For the purpose of justifying the prizes, the provision of Article 30.7 of the General Law on Subsidies shall apply.
The awarding of the prizes shall be governed by the provisions of the general rules for the awarding of subsidies by the City Council of Ciudad Real and its autonomous bodies, in this call for applications, in the General Law 38/2003 on Subsidies and its implementing provisions, in the remaining rules of administrative law which, where applicable, are applicable and, failing this, the rules of private law shall apply.
Participation in the festival implies the full acceptance of these rules, on any matter that is not subject to them, the organization will be responsible for deciding ultimately.
What is made public for general knowledge.
Ciudad Real, January 2025.
El Excmo. Sr. Alcalde-Presidente El Titular del Órgano de Apoyo a la Junta de Gobierno Local
No Fee
Submissions deadline
05 Mar 25
No Fee
Submissions deadline
05 Mar 25
No Fee
Submissions deadline
05 Mar 25
No Fee
Submissions deadline
05 Mar 25
Works directed or produced by local authors of any kind.
A local author is understood to be those people born or residing in the MUNICIPALITY OF CIUDAD REAL.
This circumstance must be demonstrated with the DNI or residence certificate, if applicable.