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A amostra de curtas-metragens de “La Cuna” é um evento que acontece na casa de chá “La Cuna” de Elche (Alicante), Espanha, no dia 15 de dezembro de 2019. É admitido qualquer gênero de curta-metragem, com uma duração máxima de 30 minutos.
Brussels Short Film Festival é uma exposição destinada aos amantes do cinema, tanto público como profissionais. O objetivo
é promover e circular curtas-metragens e gerar contatos entre público, jovens diretores e profissionais.
Existem 3 competições: Concurso
Nacional Concurso
Internacional de Filmes
Estudantes Competição “Next Generation”
“Next Generation Festival” é organizado como parte do Festival de Curtas de Bruxelas, pela associação sem fins lucrativos Un Soir... Un Grain em Bruxelas de 22 de abril a 02 de maio de 2020.
The Festival’s aim is to encourage, through cinematographic art and expression, a reflection on relevant issues for women related to their specific cultural, political and social context. The Festival is a place for intercultural dialogue and dialectical comparison between different cinematographies as well as an opportunity to promote distribution of films that are unlikely to have access to commercial venues.
The Short Film Festival Operas premiums and Barquisimeto , created eleven years ago with the idea of offering an annual Venezuelans living space where talent at home and abroad to exhibit their work and share with like-minded people their desire to improve and expand map of the audiovisual in Venezuela .
The International Sports Film Festival invites filmmakers from all over the world to participate with their short and feature films, fiction, documentary, experimental, animation or other, 2nd. International Sport Film Festival to be held from 17 to 23 March 2016 in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Selected works will be part of the Feature Film Competition, Short and special screenings.
Registration will be open until Sunday, January 31, 2016.
O Festival Internacional de Curtas-Metragens de Cali, com a abertura de sua chamada, será um espaço para a exibição de curtas-metragens profissionais e universitários da cidade de Cali e do mundo para servir como ponto de encontro entre os novos cineastas e os profissionais do curta-metragem.
O XVI Festival Internacional de Curtas-Metragens de Cali acontecerá de 1 a 5 de outubro de 2024, na cidade de Santiago de Cali, Colômbia.
A chamada para as categorias competitivas do festival estará aberta a partir de 11 de junho de 2024 e encerraremos o período de inscrição à meia-noite de 11 de agosto de 2024, horário local colombiano (UTC-5).
Os filmes enviados para as seguintes categorias: Seleção Oficial Nacional, Seleção Oficial Nacional da Universidade, Seleção Oficial Internacional e Seleção Oficial Internacional da Universidade devem ter sido concluídos após 15 de janeiro de 2023.
Os resultados da chamada para as categorias competitivas serão anunciados no site oficial do festival até 15 de agosto de 2024.
18º Festival de Cinema Ecozine, Cinema Internacional e Meio Ambiente de Zaragoza. Abril de 2025. Organizado por Asociación Cultural Ecozine
IMAGINARIA é o primeiro e único festival internacional de animação da região da Apúlia.
Em sua história, a Imaginaria cresceu enormemente, conquistando uma importante posição artística e social no setor dos festivais internacionais.
Festival de “pessoas e lugares”, Imaginaria consegue criar uma atmosfera familiar entre o público e os profissionais que vêm em cinemas ao ar livre de Conversano. Imaginaria, que se caracteriza pela importância dos “números” e pela excelente qualidade de milhares de obras de destaque internacional, é um projeto de promoção, divulgação, formação cinematográfica, que visa promover os autores independentes de filmes de animação. A Imaginaria pretende desencadear, numa perspectiva de longo prazo, todas as sinergias possíveis na comunidade contribuindo para criar oportunidades socioeconómicas na área e, ao mesmo tempo, promover a cultura da animação. O festival, portanto, é um projeto que visa difundir o uso e o conhecimento de filmes de animação não só durante o evento, realizado todos os anos em Conversano, mas também em lugares e épocas do ano usando diferentes redes, constituídas por outros festivais e exposições (nacionais e internacionais) às quais Imaginaria participa ou que é o promotor.
The Walthamstow International Film Festival is a launch platform for professional film-makers, experienced amateurs and first film-makers.
O Festival Internacional de Cinema de Palencia é organizado pela Associação Amigos do Filme e pela Universidade Popular de Palência.
Esta edição é a número 34 e, durante todos esses anos, nossa filosofia tem considerado o cinema uma ferramenta de desenvolvimento e coesão social.
Nosso festival colabora com a Academia Espanhola de Cinema e é um festival de qualificação para o GOYA Shortfilm Awards.
Além disso, o curta-metragem premiado pelo júri do MCIP (Prêmio Milagros Alcalde) irá diretamente para o finalista da Lista Curta do Prêmio FUGAZ, compondo a lista curta de filmes que serão avaliados para indicação pela comissão que concede esses prêmios a cada ano.
The 6-th annual international independent short film festival “Cinema Perpetuum Mobile” is a non-profit cultural event. The Organizing committee was formed by the members of community, which gathers enthusiasts and film-fans devoted to the values of continual and free cinema art.
Festival’s purposes:
To promote independent film-making. Short film is a low-budget, and thus, affordable democratic method of art expression. This allows to cover any actual and burning issue while staying laconic.
To support cultural diversity in cinema and discover new forms and methods in film art.
To assist in establishing and strengthening communication between film-makers and film societies in Belarus and around the world.
As reflected in its name, the idea of the festival is to touch upon eternal, perpetual subjects. The measure of how perpetual the subject is, is determined by it’s unquestionable importance and humanistic value. But also, with issues of this kind, a fresh and reasonable view is needed. That is why, both traditional and innovative approaches in interpretation of perpetual subjects are appreciated, as well as the whole spectrum of different cinematic forms — from silent to experimental.
Any interested person, who agrees with principles and ideas presented in the regulations, can become a participant of the festival, without regard to place of residence, age, color, height, weight, marital status and sexual orientation. The requirement for becoming a participant is a filled-in participant’s entry form and a completed film.
Festival screenings and selection of winners will take place simultaneously in Minsk, other locations in Belarus and on our planet as a whole, in April 2015, gathering more and more people who enjoy watching good films and are not indifferent to the problems of mankind.
The working languages of the festival are English, Belarusian, and Russian.
Participation in the festival is free of any charges.
Los Angeles CineFest é um evento mensal internacional online e anual. Todos os meses, os especialistas da indústria cinematográfica de Los Angeles assistem e votam em O Melhor do Festival em cada categoria. Além disso, o público online também pode votar. Eles votam no Melhor do Público.
The NYC Improv Video Festival (NYCIVF) will be held May 7, 2016, in Midtown, New York City, NY, USA as part of a series of festivals taking place from April 27 to May 8, 2016.
Improv is the art of creating something from nothing - it is the act of walking on stage with only your wits and the clothes on your back, and somehow pulling a show out of thin air. But the sparsity of the improv stage belies just how much the performers are actually working with - a positive, can-do attitude, an openness to collaboration and connecting with the audience, the willingness to try anything for a laugh, and of course, a deep, abiding commitment to the philosophy of "Yes, and." With such an abundance of skills and support at one's disposal, who needs a script?
Do you have a great video of your brilliant Improv Group? Well we want to see! The NYC Improv Video Festival will be part of a series of festivals taking place from April 27 to May 8, 2016. We will also offer the opportunity for the Improv Groups whose videos are accepted to the festival to perform live. Fun is guaranteed for all!
Join us for the 1st Annual NYC Improv Video Festival and become part of a new tradition!
Please be sure to review ALL submission guidelines before you mail the entry. We have limited time and resources to correct application mistakes. Please try and be as accurate as possible. We will contact you by e-mail if there are any problems, so please be sure to watch for e-mails from
We vastly prefer online submissions. If you are submitting with DVD it MUST be formatted as NTSC Region 0 or 1. If your film is selected we will provide full technical specifications but an .mov, mp4 or .mpg works great. All films will be played from a hard drive. Please note, if accepted, we MUST receive the exhibition media AT LEAST SIX (6) WEEKS before the festival.
If your submission is selected, you will be notified by e-mail in the end of March. Accepted filmmakers will be given one free admission pass to the festival. (We cannot help with any transportation, food or lodging costs.) If you are coming to the festival and want to be a part of a panel during the festivities we need to know by April 15, 2016 so we can make arrangements regarding the number and size of panels, etc.
The NYC Animation/Anime Short Fest (NYCAASF) will be held Marc 25, 2018, in Midtown, New York City, NY, USA.
**** This is a short film festival, only for films 20 minutes or less in length!! We will NOT be screening any films longer then 20 minutes in length!!!!****
Animation is a fantastic, creative medium capable of bringing a storyteller’s inner visual world to life and sharing it with audiences everywhere. As the capabilities of computer-generated imagery continue to increase, there are fewer and fewer limitations as to what can be created on the screen.
Anime means "animation" in Japanese. However, in English the word Anime is often used to describe the very distinct style of Japanese animation. In some ways, Anime can be used to explore the everyday lives and fears of young people more effectively than Western Animation.
Join us for the 3rd Annual Animation/Anime Short Fest and become part of a new tradition!
Please be sure to review ALL submission guidelines before you mail the entry. We have limited time and resources to correct application mistakes. Please try and be as accurate as possible. We will contact you by e-mail if there are any problems, so please be sure to watch for e-mails from
We vastly prefer online submissions. If you are submitting with DVD it MUST be formatted as NTSC Region 0 or 1. If your film is selected we will provide full technical specifications but an .mov, mp4 or .mpg works great. All films will be played from a hard drive. Please note, if accepted, we MUST receive the exhibition media AT LEAST TWO (2) WEEKS before the festival.
If your submission is selected, you will be notified by e-mail in the end of March. Accepted filmmakers will be given one free admission pass to the festival. (We cannot help with any transportation, food or lodging costs.) If you are coming to the festival and want to be a part of a panel during the festivities we need to know by March 15, 2018 so we can make arrangements regarding the number and size of panels, etc.
Digital Griffix film awards changed a bit over the years and is now an IMDB listed international online awards competition taking place each three months.
Each three months our jury determines the best films in each category. Note that we do NOT screen films online or onsite. The films are screened privately by the jury. Our goal is to help filmmakers take the next step in their career. Our jury is composed of award winning filmmakers who perfectly understand the hard work put in independent filmmaking !
Don't forget to check our film platform that has been upgraded in order to provide you with even a greater experience:
Stay Tuned - 2016 AUTUMN OFFICIAL SELECTION - To be announced in Early November!
ShortPole London International Film Festival is an online based film festival, headquartered in the heart of the United Kingdom.
The festival runs in 4 quarters, selections being made every 3 months.
The entry deadline for our next selection will be September 31st and the winners will be announced by the end of October 2016.
There will be 20 categories and Best Film will receive the London GoldenEye Trophy, a Professional Review from our jury board and a cash prize which will be set depending on the number of entries.
A ramificar-se do Festival Internacional de Cinema do Indie Gathering vem o United Latino Film Festival. O Indie Gathering começou em 1996, e através de todos os nossos anos de aceitação de inscrições de filmes, reconhecemos a excelente qualidade dos filmes em espanhol e uma maior demanda por um festival de cinema hispânico/latino. O United Latino Film Festival existe para mostrar o cineasta independente hispânico/latino. Nossa missão é incentivar os cineastas através de uma vitrine competitiva de recursos independentes, documentários, shorts e vídeos musicais. Os cineastas participam de suas exibições e depois dos filmes falam com os membros do público que buscam um olhar mais atento ao processo criativo.