Logo of Directed by Women SPAIN

01 May 2016

Published: 22 Mar 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

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Directed by Women SPAIN

Madrid, Spain

Directed by Women Spain is a film viewing celebration of films directed by women in Spain.

Our celebration is part of the International movement Directed by Women, that for the past 9 years has been dedicated to promote and give visibility to films directed by Women.

Cineteca of Madrid and the CICUS of Seville are hosting the tenth edition with a complete program of short film sessions, feature films, unseen documentaries, sessions for young audiences and children. Filmmakers will be invited to present their pieces to the public and to participate in a Q&A.

There will also be debates, professional gatherings, workshops and a lot of celebration!


Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Parma International Music Film Festival

30 Jun 2016

Published: 22 Mar 2016
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Feature films

Banner Parma International Music Film Festival

Parma International Music Film Festival

Parma, Italy

The international competition will reward the best soundtrack, then the best film music composer who will receive the Grand Prix The international competition will reward the best soundtrack, then the best film music composer who will receive the Grand Prix “VIOLETTA D’ORO” (Golden Violette), a flower that is the symbol of Parma, but also represents the name of the most famous female heroin created by Giuseppe Verdi, much loved by the public.

In addition to the first prize, the Violetta d'Oro, will be assigned the “Violetta d'Argento” to the best movie, and Honorable Mentions to best director, best photography best actor, best script and best short film.

The purpose of this initiative is not only pointing out to the audience recent and important features, but also underlining the value of a musical score as an essential element for the poetry and the success of a movie itself.

Besides, the contest will be a chance for film makers and producers to show their own works to a various audience and to a high-qualified international jury.

In addition of the section about feature films, it has been included also a section concerning short films, that will participate in the contest for a dedicated award.

The attendance is open to feature films and videos of any nationality, subject and length (musical productions but also dramatic films, comics, historical or Tv productions, etc).

SPECIAL CATEGORY: short film of Dance, with a Jury that will give a "DANCE AWARD".

Award Ceremony will take place at Casa della Musica in Parma on September 21th 2024 at 5.00pm with Dinner Gala, at which all producers or directors who have their film in nomination will be invited.

Deadline of inscription: 15th June 2024.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Caostica International Shortfilm and Music Video Festival

22 Apr 2016

Published: 22 Mar 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional  de Cortos y Videoclips Caostica

Caostica International Shortfilm and Music Video Festival

Bilbao, Spain

Caostica is an International Shortfilm an Videoclip Festival that takes place in Bilbao (Basque Country) with these sections: Videozinema (Fiction Shortfilms), Animation and Videoclip (Music Video).
All prizes are given by a professional jury except of Bizarre Prize. The Caostica Association will award the Bizarre Prize to the participant whom best represents the fresh, innovative, quirky, irreverent, Martian, jokester, weird, risky, brave and daring spirit that characterizes this festival, regardless of the section in which he or she is registered.In addition to this the Festival will award a prize to the best film in basque language, independently of the section in which its signed up.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Burguillos Film Festival

30 Apr 2016

Published: 22 Mar 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cine Andaluz de Burguillos

Burguillos Film Festival

Burguillos, Spain

The Burguillos Short Film Festival's goal is the promotion and exhibition of short films shot in Andalusia or made by Andalusian artists. Also, the support of cinematography and culture in the town of Burguillos (Sevilla).

ONLY FOR ANDALUSIAN FILM-MAKERS // Solo para cineastas andaluces (España).

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Indie Fest USA International Film Festival

01 Sep 2016

Published: 22 Mar 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Indie Fest USA International Film Festival

Indie Fest USA International Film Festival

Seal Beach, United States

It's time to have your film showcased at the Indie Fest USA International Film Festival! We have several new and exciting events and changes in store, all for the benefit of the filmmakers and your audiences. We are unique and proud that many films we have showcased and screened have received theatrical distribution, ancillary distribution and a few have even received Oscar consideration.

Check out this promo video by one of the filmmakers who attended in 2010, it captures the spirit of Indie Fest USA!


Indie Fest USA Int’l Film Festival was established in 2007 and is an exciting and entertaining eclectic mix of exceptional independent films from the U.S. and International filmmakers

To date we have screened over 2580 independent films from around the world, been attended by more than 2500 filmmakers and 23,000 film fans and go the extra step to provide an entertainment experience for everyone attending the film festival Complementing this we add red carpet events, special guests and celebrities including Academy Award nominees and Golden Globe Winners, opening and closing night parties, daily seminars and socials plus networking galore.

Combined with our sponsors and supporters we proudly present a festival which has worked hard for our reputation of being truly filmmaker friendly and willing to do everything we can to promote and showcase great independent films. We are an nontraditional film festival at nontraditional yet fun and exciting venues. We spotlight you the filmmaker and writer.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Curt.doc. International Short Documentary Film Festival.

31 Jul 2016

Published: 22 Mar 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Curt.doc. Festival Internacional de Cortometraje Documental

Curt.doc. International Short Documentary Film Festival.

Vidreres, Spain

Curt.Doc Vidreres International Short Documentary Festival is a cultural event devoted to short documentary film making. The aim of the Festival is to be an exhibition platform and meeting point for the general public, professionals and filmmakers from around the world, promoting documentaries and their makers in a innovative and accessible format.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Inclus, Barcelona International Disability Film Festival

03 Sep 2016

Published: 22 Mar 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Inclus Festival Internacional de Cine y Discapacidad

Inclus, Barcelona International Disability Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

Festival Inclús is a festival of audiovisual productions, both documentary and fiction centered on the theme of physical and mental disabilities. It is an initiative Associació Inclús and conducted by Fish Muvi.

The aim of Festival Inclús is to give visibility to audiovisual works produced around the theme of disability with a different point of view. The goal is to provide a deepest perspective of the reality of disabilities, whether the production is carried by entities directly involved in the world of disability, or other persons or groups.

We also are an inclusive festival that is why we have two new sections: Inclus values, cinema for kids and teens about social issues and Sing Language cinema, movies in sign language.

The Festival will be held in November, 2024, close to the International Day of Disability December 3rd. The Audiovisual material of the finalists will be played during this day according to the different categories. There will be awards for the best submittals. Inclús focuses on audiovisual productions, but it also has other artistic and commercial activities and disciplines in order to give visibility to this sector.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other

Logo of 1st Contest of short films made with mobile ““TRIMOVIL““

10 Apr 2016

Published: 20 Mar 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Concurso de cortometrajes realizados con el movil TRIMÓVIL

1st Contest of short films made with mobile ““TRIMOVIL““

Toledo, Spain

The short filme contest, on its first edition, is promoted by the Circle of Arts of Toledo in collaboration with the Youth Department of Toledo, the Social Film Festival of Castilla-La Mancha and with the support of the organization of the gastronomic capital.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of image+nation. festival film lgbt Montreal

03 Oct 2016

Published: 20 Mar 2016
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Feature films

Banner image+nation. festival film lgbt Montreal

image+nation. festival film lgbt Montreal

Montréal, Canada

As the oldest film festival of its kind in Canada, image+nation stands as a premiere site for launching new and innovative media works to a savvy and appreciative audience.

Located in the cultural mecca of Montreal, image+nation offers LGBTQueer filmmakers a unique opportunity to network with local creators, programmers and producers.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental


03 Jun 2016

Published: 19 Mar 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner XVI Festival De Cine: Infancia Y Adolescencia - 2025


Bogotá, Colombia

The XVI Film Festival: Childhood and Adolescence -2025, is a festival with spaces for circulation and audiovisual training for children, adolescents and young people, with exhibitions, recreational activities, workshops, panels and discussions, whose fundamental objective is to promote Bogotá, as a pioneering city in Latin America in terms of a visible, protagonist and full of rights childhood and adolescence through audiovisual construction. Participation is free of charge for the exhibition and circulation of audiovisual content. The Contest will be held from September 2 to 6, 2025. Children and adolescents will have access to an audiovisual program made up of national and international animated and fiction short films, television series and the category of the "FESTICINE AWARD" that is awarded to audiovisuals made by children in Colombia. They will be accompanied by recreational activities to reflect on the thematic axis: "CITIZEN CULTURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT".

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of FICARQ International Film & Architecture Festival

02 May 2016

Published: 19 Mar 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner FICARQ - Festival Internacional De Cine Y Arquitectura de España

FICARQ International Film & Architecture Festival


FICARQ is the International Film & Architecture Festival of Spain to screen both documentary and fiction films where architecture plays the main role.

This year, following the success of previous editions (in Avilés and Oviedo, Asturias, Santander, Madrid and Barcelona).

The official competitive sections are ARTE EN EL SÉPTIMO ARTE (fiction films) and ARQUITECTURAS FILMADAS (documentaries).

In this new edition of FICARQ, in addition to being a bridge between the cinematographic and architectural arts, we want to be a bridge between generations and for this reason we dedicate a special mention to those proposals that come to the festival made by people who are younger that twenty-five y.o. and over fifty y.o.

With this, we intend to encourage the participation of citizens, especially in the fiction and documentary short or micro-film categories to give a space of recognition to all those people who, by age range, are further away from the conventional circuits of audiovisual production and film festivals. cinema.

we sincerely believe in the transforming power of art and culture in our society and in this way we give way to many points of view of creation in freedom, showing in each city in which FICARQ is organized a window open to its citizens and their concerns, whether conventional through the urban, rural or archaeological landscape, as well as other ways of relating to their environment as occurs in urban art or showing forms of expression of people within an architectural environment such as contemporary urban dance, streetdance, breakdance, parkour movement, etc.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Art Film Festival

31 May 2016

Published: 19 Mar 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internazionale del Cinema d“Arte

International Art Film Festival

Bergamo, Italy

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of A-TAR  International Festival of Film Schools

21 Jul 2016

Published: 19 Mar 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner A-TAR Muestra Internacional de Escuelas de Cine y Medios Audiovisuales

A-TAR International Festival of Film Schools

Mexicali, Mexico

A-TAR: International Festival of Film Schools is now accepting submissions from all colleges, universities and film institutes. It will screen shorts and feature films produced by film students and faculty.

A-TAR will take place from September 23 rd to September 27 th, 2019 in the city of Mexicali, Mexico.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of La Mano, International Fantastic and Horror Film Festival

16 Sep 2016

Published: 19 Mar 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner La Mano, Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico y de Terror de Alcobendas

La Mano, International Fantastic and Horror Film Festival

Alcobendas, Spain

LA MANO, Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico y de Terror is a free and competitive festival and it is dedicated to fantasy, sci-fi and horror cinema.

We are a small nonprofit festival (free tickets for scifi audience) and we work with public libraries support (lectures, exhibitions...etc.) We have no corporate sponsorship. It is the people of the city, people who love horror (a lot of bakers, plumbers, teachers...etc) who fund us.

This festival was created as a contest with a-1000-Euro prize (best film) and 350 Euros (best short film). That's all we could offer, plus a quality projection in a really good theatre and Spanish press coverage.

Our organization wishes to create and perpetuate an exciting event that creates a community of horror and sci-fi fans and filmmakers who encourage and appreciate Spanish people about horror and sci-fi filmmaking.

LA MANO is proud and excited to offer the opportunity for innovative and creative filmmakers of the Sci-Fiction, Fantasy and Horror genres to have their works shown to appreciative audiences for 7 days before Halloween.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of My First Film Festival

31 May 2016

Published: 18 Mar 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Mi Primer Festival

My First Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

MI PRIMER FESTIVAL (MY FIRST FESTIVAL) - International film festival for children, Barcelona & Madrid - 17th edition: from November 9 to 23, 2025.

"Mi Primer Festival" is an International film festival for children from 2 to 12 years. My First Film Festival features over 100 films in a total of 21 screenings. In short, MPF is a film extravaganza that showcases both different techniques and formats and the creativity of artists from all around the world.

The international competition of SHORT FILMS for children will include 4 programmes:

- International Short Competition for children over 2 years old

- International Short Competition for children over 4 years old

- International Short Competition for children over 7 years old

- International Short Competition for children over 10 years old

The international competition of FEATURE FILMS will include one programme of films, with a maximum of 10 titles.

The festival will take place in November simultaneously in Barcelona and Madrid and is a great opportunity for boys and girls from 2 to 12 years old to discover unique and unprecedented cinema.

The festival also programs films that have not been created specifically for children, which is why it encourages film directors as well as distributors to present their works even if they have not been conceived for this audience profile. Younger viewers rise to the challenge, and the introductions and discussions that accompany viewings provide a good context for understanding and enjoying the films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Tlanchana Fest, Film and Digital Art Festival

18 Apr 2016

Published: 18 Mar 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Tlanchana Fest Festival de Cine y Arte Digital

Tlanchana Fest, Film and Digital Art Festival

Zinacantepec , Mexico

Tlanchana Fest, Festival of Cinema and Digital Art is carried out by Tlanchana Cultura Audiovisual AC, in order to create an exhibition space for emerging talents from Mexico and the world, by combining elements that promote cinematographic creation in conjunction with new media and digital art.

The Eighth Edition of Tlanchana Fest will be held from July 13 to 17, 2022 and will feature a series of screenings, conferences and workshops, as well as facilities and other activities that will be carried out virtually and in person and that will serve as an incentive for the work in cinematographic and digital art matters.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Asian Film Festival. Barcelona

12 Oct 2016

Published: 18 Mar 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films


Asian Film Festival. Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

Specializing in Asian films, Asian Film Festival. Barcelona is the gateway to Asian cinema in Spain. Asian Film Festival. Barcelona aims to bring the high quality narrative art of the Asian continent to the Spanish public, making it a place of gathering and dialogue of multiple cultures.

The Asian Film Festival. Barcelona (AFFB) took over in 2010 as Asian Film Festival of Barcelona (BAFF), which was closed in its twelfth edition despite the public requests and expectations to maintain the continuity of this event. Since then, the AFFB has proposed to provide the best recently produced Asian films and prominent Spanish productions related to Asia. As a specialist in Asian cinema festival, it aims to become one of the best events in this field of the world in Europe and the meeting point of other festivals that have a clear Asian mark. In the 2011 and 2015 editions of the Casa Asia Film Week (CAFW) it has received support from the audience and the collaboration of numerous agencies and institutions. The festival held in 2016 was named Casa Asia Film Festival and since 2017 it is called Asian Film Festival. Barcelona.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival

17 Apr 2016

Published: 18 Mar 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival

Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival

Bristol, United Kingdom

Encounters is the UK’s leading short film and animation festival.

The festival discovers, supports and develops new talent in filmmaking, providing a platform for emerging and established filmmakers from around the world, and a unique meeting place for the industry.

Encounters Festival presents one of the world’s leading International Competitions for short film and animation, and is also an official gateway to the world’s most prestigious awards; BAFTAs, European Film Awards and Cartoon d’Or and a qualifying festival for the The Academy Awards®.

Each year the Encounters Festival Grand Prix winners qualify for consideration in the Short Films category of the Annual Academy Awards®.

The 21st Encounters Festival in 2015 presented the annual International Competition showcasing the best new short film from around the world, alongside an intensive 3 day industry programme which featured masterclasses, panel discussions, talks and workshops with leading figures from the film and animation industries.

Connecting industry and audiences, the festival celebrates the creativity, diversity and impact of short film.

So whether you are a filmmaker looking to launch or develop your career, an Industry professional wanting to stay abreast of what’s new or a film lover wanting to soak up the festival atmosphere by watching great films and special events, come along to the next festival for a truly inspiring week of short film celebration!

In 2015 Encounters Festival celebrated 21 years as the UK’s leading short film and animation festival.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Weird

31 May 2016

Published: 18 Mar 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Weird


Segovia, Spain

3D Wire Fest takes place during the 11th edition of the International Animation, Video Games and New Media Market, with an oficial selection of international and national short films. 3D Wire Fest is qualifying festival to the European Animation Awards and the European and Spanish short film winners will be automatically preselected and can participate in the prestigious European award.

3D Wire has been qualified with the ‘AIC Quality Certificate for Short Film Festivals’ for its edition 2017. (AIC, Short film Industry Association).


International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Daroca & Prisión Film Fest

30 Jun 2016

Published: 18 Mar 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Daroca & Prisión Film Fest - Festival de Cine de Daroca

Daroca & Prisión Film Fest

Daroca, Spain

Daroca&Prisión Film Fest
Festival Internacional Cine de Daroca

This is the only online Film Festival in the world in which the prisoners belonging to the Film Workshop of the Daroca Penitentiary Center (Spain) have an intense and active participation:

Viewing, pre-selecting and deciding the Awards (along with a Jury of professionals of the sector);

Participating in the filming of a comedy sketch alongside an honored star, as well as in all the previous phases – such as the script, planning, acting, lighting, sound and production – and in its post-production;

And in the preparation and conduct of interviews with the aforementioned honored star and other illustrious visitors to the prison.

A job lasting several months that has a very positive impact on their social reintegration.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental