Logo of A.M. Ortigia Film Festival

30 May 2015

Published: 03 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner A.M. Ortigia Film Festival

A.M. Ortigia Film Festival

Siracusa, Italy

The cultural organisation Sa. Li. Ro' has since 2009 organised the A. M. Ortigia Film Festival. It takes place on the isle of Ortygia, which is the historic centre of the city of Syracuse. In 2015, the Festival will be celebrating its seventh edition, representing an important milestone in its history. For its seventh edition A.M. Ortigia Film Festival presents an engaging programme of films and events, screening a panorama of national and international films.

The A.M. Ortigia Film Festival presents an international competition of first and second feature films. It will also include retrospectives, previews, tributes to great filmmakers, documentaries, latest film productions, emerging filmmakers, focus on emerging national film scenes, masterpieces of film, exhibitions, installations, masterclasses, conversations with filmmakers and other events.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of IN.S.A.N.E. animation film festival

31 Jul 2015

Published: 03 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner IN.S.A.N.E. animation film festival

IN.S.A.N.E. animation film festival

Malmö , Sweden

IN.S.A.N.E. animation film festival- An INternational Animated film festival in Malmö, Sweden, that will take a stand for Noted events in Society, with an Echo.
We stand for anti-racism, equality and every human's right to express themselves.

The film festival is free and it is not a contest. Read more what it is about.

The festival will take place in Sweden's third largest city, Malmö, during the weekend of september 11-13 with a opening evening friday september 11.

IN.S.A.N.E animation film festival will screen animation features, shorts and stop-motion films, for the public. Industry conferences, panels, workshops on the state of the art(s) and educational platforms for children will also be held.

IN.S.A.N.E. animation film festival is a private initiative to make a platform for animation artists to show their work, meet like-minded people, grow the interest for animation and stop-motion films and to start a discussion about issues in society globally.
This is the first time ever for the festival to take place and we look forward to having your animation or stop-motion film and you as a visitor and special guest at the festival.

IN.S.A.N.E. stands for:

.IN International
.S Society
.A Animation
.N Noted
.E Echo

International Festival

Short film festival

 Animation  Other

Logo of Lumière 2015 - 6th CinemAvvenire Film Festival

30 Aug 2015

Published: 03 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Lumière 2015 - 6th CinemAvvenire Film Festival

Lumière 2015 - 6th CinemAvvenire Film Festival

Rome, Italy

6th CinemAvvenire Film Festival carries on and strengthens the International/European dimension of the Associazione Centro Internazionale CinemAvvenire, a project managed with enthusiasm and determination since 1992 through the starting idea by Gillo Pontecorvo.

Lumière 2015 signs a crucial step forward; the previous edition hosted 100 feature films and 200 shorts from 60 different Countries.
Each tool of the festival is at disposal for the discover and the exploration of new styles and talents, assisting and supporting the independent productions setting a European platform for their expectations. A look at the past won’t be ignored –bringing to light some unpopular zone of Cinema History – as it belongs to the logic of discovery too.
We have concluded many deals with several partners around Europe. This partnerships are planned to decentralize the event with the aim to promote young talents inside a European web allowing audiovisual works to get a broader circulation around EU.
This European direction led us choosing the platypus as logo for our festival. It unites different parts from different animals and this feature makes it unique. It has a duckbill, the tail as rodents, the paws as reptiles and it lays eggs notwithstanding it is a mammal animal. Its skills let it free form categorization and guardian of a precious metaphor: united in diversity.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of PLAY - Lisbon`s International Kids Film Festival

31 Jul 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner PLAY - Festival Internacional de Cinema Infantil e Juvenil de Lisboa

PLAY - Lisbon`s International Kids Film Festival

Lisboa, Portugal

PLAY is the first Portuguese film festival, exclusively dedicated to children and teenagers, determined to promote the access to culture for a younger audience through Cinema and screening films for audiences aged between 1 and 16 years old.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of 24th Bidasoa International Archaeological Film Festival

15 Jun 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner XXIV Festival Internacional De Cine Arqueológico Del Bidasoa

24th Bidasoa International Archaeological Film Festival

Irun, Spain

The Oiasso Roman Museum and the City Council of Irun organize the International Archaeological Film Festival of the Bidasoa.

The aim of the Festival is to present archaeology to the general public, through the diffusion of audio-visual material resulted from the work made by archaeologists, assuring the promotion and the spreading of these films.

The Festival is being celebrated since the year 2001 and from the year 2004 it has four prizes: the Grand Prize of the Festival, the Special Audience Prize, the Educational Values Prize and Arkeolan Prize for Contribution to Science. Since 2006, it’s inside Fedarcine, the European network of Archaeological Film Festivals.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Ciampino International Film Fest

31 May 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Ciampino International Film Fest

Ciampino International Film Fest

Ciampino, Italy

The Ciampino International Film Festival is organized by the Cultural Association Sincresia in collaboration with various partners and with the support of the Regional Council of Lazio and the municipality of Ciampino.
CIFF aims to promote film culture, giving visibility to authors and professionals of different cultures and backgrounds.
The Cultural Association Sincresia aims to encourage the development and promotion of new talent; using the festival to strengthen and educate the general public and make them aware of new artists in the audio visual arena

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Digital Griffix Awards

31 May 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Digital Griffix Awards

Digital Griffix Awards

Montreal, Canada

Digital Griffix film awards changed a bit over the years and is now an IMDB listed international online awards competition taking place each three months.

Each three months our jury determines the best films in each category. Note that we do NOT screen films online or onsite. The films are screened privately by the jury. Our goal is to help filmmakers take the next step in their career. Our jury is composed of award winning filmmakers who perfectly understand the hard work put in independent filmmaking !

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival (former Asiana International Short Film Festival)

31 Jul 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival (former Asiana International Short Film Festival)

Banner GhwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival (former Asiana International Short Film Festival)

GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival (former Asiana International Short Film Festival)

Jongno-gu, South Korea

The 19th GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival(GISFF2021, former Asiana International Short Film Festival) is presented by the GwangHwaMun Executive Committee.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Zoom Student Film Festival

10 Apr 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Zoom Student Film Festival

Zoom Student Film Festival

Toronto, Canada

The ZOOM Student Film Festival is a prestigious student event that is internationally renowned for showcasing undiscovered aspiring filmmakers. Awards are presented by the ZOOM Board of Directors to recognize exemplary achievement in promising filmmakers and encourage them to pursue their dreams within the film industry. Most recently, the local Toronto festival has broadened it's scope - accepting submissions from international students. The ZOOM Student Film Festival has lead many filmmakers to great success and connects thousands of filmmakers from around the world every year.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Arusha African Film Festival

30 Jun 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Arusha African Film Festival

Arusha African Film Festival

Tacomaa, United States

The Arusha African Film Festival (AAFF) is an international platform for the exhibition and celebration of films by filmmakers from around the world whose works are Africa-oriented.

AAFF is significantly a global traveling film festival, bent on promoting the understanding of Africa through film in all the regions of the world.

AAFF is also a forum for film education, production, distribution, marketing and networking.

The festival brings from around the world, filmmakers, actors, producers, commissioning editors, distributors, scholars, poets, performing artists, cinema enthusiasts, students, and the public together for the common purpose of understanding Africa through film.

AAFF is an eclectic, Africa-worldly cinematic niche that serves as a creative universe for the awakening of the African chi, memory, counter-memory, remembrance, and the symbiotic representations of our collective unconscious. These sensibilities are richly explored in the films we screen.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Lo Cercacurts, Montornes de Segarra Short Film Festival

15 May 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Lo Cercacurts, Festival de curtmetratges de Montornès de Segarra

Lo Cercacurts, Montornes de Segarra Short Film Festival

Montornès de Segarra, Spain

Lo Cercacurts is a short film festival that takes place during the second weekend of July in the small town of Montornès de Segarra.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror


01 Jun 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Международный фестиваль анимационных фильмов «Анимаёвка – 2025


Mogilev, Belarus

Mogilev State Enterprise "Kinovideoprokat" welcomes you and informs that in September 2025 in the city of Mogilev, Republic of Belarus, the XXVIII International Festival of Animated Films "Animaevka-2025" will be held.

Over the years, the festival has become a celebration of animation for children and adults. Events are held in all regional centers of Belarus.

For viewing, film screenings of competitive and non-competitive programs, creative meetings with the creators of animated films, master classes, exhibitions of children's fine and decorative and applied arts are organized.

As part of the treatment:

- competition of animated films;
- competition of children's animation creativity
- competition of children's fine and decorative and applied arts.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of The Birdies Internationl Youth Film Festival

06 Jun 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner The Birdies Internationl Youth Film Festival

The Birdies Internationl Youth Film Festival

Kingston , United Kingdom

The Birdies Film Festival is an international festival in London with the aim of empowering young and amateur filmmakers (16-26) from all around the world to build on their skill sets and confidence in their creations.

The festival itself runs in July, with 5 awards to be won! We accept submissions of short films (Max. 15min) in the following categories:


PLUS this year we also have THE SCHOOL PRODUCTION AWARD, which is a special one, to be given to a film realised by under 18 years old students of Surrey and London schools!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Queen City Film Festival (QCFF)

31 Jul 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Queen City Film Festival (QCFF)

Queen City Film Festival (QCFF)

Cumberland, United States

Western Maryland's premiere film festival is held each year in late September in Allegany County, Maryland.

The first Queen City Film Festival, the Queen City Independent Filmmakers Contest, was held in April 2012.

The second Queen City Film Festival was held September 26-29, 2013 at the New Embassy Theatre in Cumberland, MD.

The third Queen City Film Festival (QCFF) was held October 2-5, 2014 at The Allegany Museum in Cumberland, MD.

The fourth Queen City Film Festival (QCFF) will be held October 1-4, 2015, at the Cumberland Ramada in Cumberland, MD.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of “Ciak... un’emozione” Youth Video Festival

15 Oct 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner “Ciak... un’emozione ” VIDEOFESTIVALGIOVANI

“Ciak... un’emozione” Youth Video Festival

Taggia, Italy

VIDEOFESTIVALGIOVANI – is a place of encounter and confrontation for audiovisual products made by young people aged between 14 and 30 years old.

Aims to promote the dissemination of videos of girls and boys and is a showcase of creative works in the world of adolescence and youth.

Who can participate

Can participate in the contest, video products made autonomously by young people aged between 14 and 30 years, residents throughout the country and internationally.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of CutOut Fest International Animation and Digital Art Festival

30 Jun 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner CutOut Fest Festival Internacional de Animación y Arte Digital

CutOut Fest International Animation and Digital Art Festival

Querétaro, Mexico

We are the nation's largest celebration of animation and digital art. A festival known for its inspiring program of workshops, conferences, lectures, film screenings and art exhibits offered at no cost. We are recognized for our impressive Competition of International Animated Short Films and for the newly released Living Market, a space to foster a culture of business creativity within an industry that lives off new ideas. We are a unique and amazing experience that every year brings together some of the most influential artists and thousands of minds hungry for knowledge, art, creativity and innovation.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Jaipur International Film Festival

10 Nov 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Jaipur International Film Festival

Jaipur International Film Festival

Jaipur, India


The Cinematic Olympics - Unborn

JIFF is the World's Biggest Competitive Film Festival (in fiction films).

The Jaipur International Film Festival, the world's fastest growing film festival, is held every year in January in Jaipur, India

Launched in January 2009, Jaipur International Film Festival -JIFF became expanding establishing name in organizing world film festival every year in Rajasthan.

The purpose of this film festival is to promote new movie makers, exchange of knowledge, information, ideas & culture between India & other nations in context of their social and cultural ethos. JIFF also promotes friendship and co-operation among people of the world through the medium of films & documentaries.

Though the film festivals have became a regular affair in most countries yet most of them cater only to selected audience as well as entertain the commercially successful film makers and related personalities. However, JIFF intends to organize a festival that connects the film fans & movie goers with the world, especially the serious filmmakers & their associates so as to bring about greater understanding of the art of film making.

The Seventeenth JIFF 2025 received 2408 films from 88+ countries and 241 films nominated for screening.

The Sixteenth JIFF 2024 received 2971 films from 82+ countries and 329 films nominated for screening.

The Fifteenth JIFF 2023 received 2205 films from 63+ countries and 282 films nominated for screening.

The Fourteenth JIFF 2022 received 2100 films from 52+ countries and 279 films nominated for screening. (COVID 19 - Hybrid Edition)The Fourteen JIFF 2022 received 2100 films from 52+ countries and 279 films nominated for screening. (COVID 19 - Hybrid Edition)

The Thirteenth JIFF 2021 received 2121 films from 85+ countries and 266 films nominated for screening. (COVID 19 - Online Edition)

The Twelfth JIFF 2020 has received 2411 films from 100+ countries and 240 films nominated in competition for screening.

The Eleventh Aryan JIFF 2019 has received 2221 films from 103 countries and 232 films nominated for screening.

The Tenth JIFF 2018 has received 2019 films from 100+ countries and 136 films nominated for screening.

The Ninth JIFF 2017 has received 2004 films from 100+ countries.

The Eighth JIFF 2016 has received 2176 films from 100+ countries.

The Seventh JIFF 2015 has received 1807 films from 100+ countries.

The Sixth JIFF 2014 has received 1587 films from 90+ countries.

The Fifth JIFF 2013 has received 1397 films from 90 countries.

The Fourth JIFF 2012 has received 902 films from 70 countries.

18000 film lovers and film makers visited the festival.

The third JIFF 2011 was held with overwhelming response & it was a feather in crown.

The second JIFF 2010 was held with overwhelming response & it was a feather in crown.

The first JIFF 2009 was a first milestone towards success.

Sridevi JIFF Indian Panorama (All submitted films will be included automatically in this panorama from India only without any additional fee or you can submit directly in this panorama only, made/produced in all regional languages) new from JIFF 2019

Focus Country, Guest Country, Tribute, Retrospective and more - By Invitation Only

(You can submit according to your submission eligibility or write us for any support at myjiffindia@gmail.com)

JAIPUR CRITICS – For feature fiction films only, best film award from film critics. Total nominations: Around 5 films.

HONORARY ASIA - We welcome you in JIFF 2026 as senior and experienced film producer and director. This category is only for Asian continent for feature fiction films, who have produced/directed minimum 5 films in their respective career, we request you please submit your film/s produced/released/un released after 1st Jan. 2024 or film in post-production. It is non-competitive international nominations category, in this category will screen top two or three films out of all submissions.

WELCOME REGARD - For directors and producers 1st feature fiction film, in other words this submission should be first project/film as a director or producer. It is competitive international nominations category, in this category will screen top two or three films out of all submissions.


OLD IS GOLD - screenings (by invitation only)
Classic World (Classical films from India and the world) – By Invitation Only

Films made by Crowdfunding (mention in the submission form)

Films made by/with Co-Production (mention in the submission form)

Web Series (up to 30 minute/s)

Mobile Film Making on Social Issues (film should be shoot by mobile camera, up to 30 minute/s)

Submit Song/Ad Film//Music/Album/Poster/Live performance

Top 10 Dialogue.


Films Nominated at Oscar 2026 (Short Fiction/Live Action) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2026 (Short Documentary) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2026 (Feature Fiction) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2026 (Feature Documentary) - Official entry to the Oscars

Films nominated at Oscar 2026 (Academy Awards, USA)
from different countries as official entry to the Oscars and official nominations through various ways, will be directly part of the competition in JIFF 2026. The awards will be separate for these categories and will be finalized by international jury members (World cinema leaders). Few top films will be screened in JIFF 2026 for global audience. Other rules will be the same as film submission in JIFF 2026.


Best OTT Platform, Best OTT Short Fiction Film (released on OTT, between January 2023 and December 2025)

Best OTT Feature Fiction Film (released on OTT, between January 2023 and December 2025)

Best Photograph (New from JIFF 2026)

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Student Film Festival (STuff)

20 Nov 2015

Published: 02 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Student Film Festival (STuff)

Student Film Festival (STuff)

New Delhi, India

About Stuff & Objective - The Student Film Festival (Stuff) is one of the few international film and arts festivals dedicated to budding filmmaker's with aims to provide young filmmakers with an authentic film festival experience, a valuable understanding of the film industry, and an opportunity to screen their movies on “the big screen.” The Festival seeks to nurture and showcase ability as well as the art of film making which encompasses aspects of the arts, culture, history, crafts, geography, cuisine & lifestyle in short what make us what we are. Stuff films and screenings are selected and hosted by filmmakers, professors, and other notable figures in the world of cinema.

The Student Film Festival (Stuff) Founded in 2012, In past years festival gains reputation & regarded as among most prestigious festival in India. The festival grows over the years & attracts filmmakers from across the India & across the world. The Stuff festival is renowned for its wide-ranging film selections from major institutions, independent and international filmmakers, this three-day extravaganza, consisting of indoor and outdoor red carpet film screenings, fashion, dance shows, workshops, and of course shopping stalls.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of SANFIC 21- Santiago International Film Festival

29 May 2015

Published: 01 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of SANFIC 21- Santiago International Film Festival

Banner SANFIC 21 - Santiago Festival Internacional De Cine

SANFIC 21- Santiago International Film Festival

Santiago de Chile, Chile

SANFIC, Santiago International Film Festival, represents a film platform with educational, cultural, artistic and industrial purposes, as well as a prime symbol of the Chilean capital city and the whole country.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Morbido Film Fest

01 Aug 2015

Published: 01 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Morbido Film Fest

Banner Mórbido Film Fest

Morbido Film Fest

CDMX, Mexico


Mórbido turns 15 years and it’s time to celebrate the survival of the modern apocalypse.
In those terms, Mórbido 2022 will have a hybrid identity. The festival will take place in theaters, on the LATAM Pay TV channel Mórbido TV, online and in a drive-in Cinema.

25th Oct through 31st Oct
The 2022 short film selection will be broadcasted through Mórbido TV. (Basic Pay TV, Latin America, not Brazil).

FEATURE FILM SELECTION / Cinemas + Drive In + Online
25th October through 31st October
The 2022 feature film selection will be shown:
- Cinépolis Diana, Cinemanía Loreto, Autocinema Coyote.
- Cinépolis Klic (November 1st-6th).


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental