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Film Front moves frontiers: open call for motion graphics exhibition
Film Front, international short film festival, due to be held from 25th to 28th October in the cultural centre of Novi Sad, has decided to include motion graphics exhibition in this year’s festival’s program. Artists can submit their animations, presentations, animated GIFs, animated elements and other pieces that belong to the category of motion graphics.
Even though motion graphics are rather a fine arts category, they are tightly connected to the moving images art. That is why Film Fronts wants to honour these artworks that more than often do not find their way to the film festivals, but whose aesthetic value overcomes their usually determined functional purpose.
La muestra forma parte de las propuestas de difusión y fomento que apuntan a la difusión de la cultura audiovisual en la región norte de la República Argentina de Wayruro Comunicación Popular y de la Red Kalipa TV, y él cuenta con el apoyo del INCAA, de la Secretaría de Cultura de la Provincia de Jujuy, entre otros, y cuenta con el acompañamiento de la Red Focos, el Espacio Norte Audiovisual y CONTAR.
The celebration of the XV Edition of the CortogeniAl Film and Short Film Festival will take place in the town of Puente Genil (Cordoba, Spain) between October 11th and October 19th of 2024.
It is welcome any person (film director, production or distribution) who has the legal control of the work or works submitted may participate.
− Short films must have been produced in 2023 or 2024.
− Short films shall not last more than 20 minutes.
− Every filmmaker may submit as many works as desired.
− Productions not filmed in Spanish as main language must be submitted with Spanish subtitles for their exhibition.
− Filmmakers will be owners of the legal rights to their works and the responsible of the authorship rights of the short films.
Sofia MENAR Film Festival is organized by Pozor company.
Sofia MENAR Film Festival makes Bulgarian audience familiar with the culture and traditions of the Islamic world. The programme of Sofia MENAR Film Festival presents the best of Middle East and North Africa cinema productions, including feature films, documentaries and short projects. A lot of accompanying events are organised within the frames of the festival. These events are particularly selected and bound up with the countries of this region, representing traditions and customs of the ethnic groups that inhabit its lands.
The festival is held every year in January and runs at the same time in Sofia and other major Bulgarian cities. MENAR is organised by "Pozor" as one of a kind Balkans` largest cultural event representing Muslim world and its traditions.
Amongst the directors whose films have been presented during the festival are names such as Abbas Kiarostami, Majid Majidi, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Ümit Ünal, Asghar Farhadi, Panahbarkhoda Rezaee, Hany Abu-Assad, Bahman Ghobadi, Reza Mir-Karimi, Eran Riklis, Derviş Zaim, Hüseyin Karabey, Susan Youssef, Nacer Khemir, Nadir Mokneche ...
Sofia MENAR Film Festival continues the tradition of "Flowers of the Qu`ran" Film Festival, organised 4 years on end, from 2009 to 2012 making the Bulgarian audience acquainted with more than 120 film productions that bring the spirit of the East.
The term MENAR, for "Middle East and North Africa Region", is an acronym often used to cover an extensive area, stretching from Morocco to Iran, including the majority of both the Middle Eastern and Maghreb countries.
The 6-th annual international independent short film festival “Cinema Perpetuum Mobile” is a non-profit cultural event. The Organizing committee was formed by the members of kinaklub.org community, which gathers enthusiasts and film-fans devoted to the values of continual and free cinema art.
Festival’s purposes:
To promote independent film-making. Short film is a low-budget, and thus, affordable democratic method of art expression. This allows to cover any actual and burning issue while staying laconic.
To support cultural diversity in cinema and discover new forms and methods in film art.
To assist in establishing and strengthening communication between film-makers and film societies in Belarus and around the world.
As reflected in its name, the idea of the festival is to touch upon eternal, perpetual subjects. The measure of how perpetual the subject is, is determined by it’s unquestionable importance and humanistic value. But also, with issues of this kind, a fresh and reasonable view is needed. That is why, both traditional and innovative approaches in interpretation of perpetual subjects are appreciated, as well as the whole spectrum of different cinematic forms — from silent to experimental.
Any interested person, who agrees with principles and ideas presented in the regulations, can become a participant of the festival, without regard to place of residence, age, color, height, weight, marital status and sexual orientation. The requirement for becoming a participant is a filled-in participant’s entry form and a completed film.
Festival screenings and selection of winners will take place simultaneously in Minsk, other locations in Belarus and on our planet as a whole, in April 2015, gathering more and more people who enjoy watching good films and are not indifferent to the problems of mankind.
The working languages of the festival are English, Belarusian, and Russian.
Participation in the festival is free of any charges.
The 10th Festival of Documentary La Pintana, PINTACANES, will be held from 23 to 30 November 2016 in the municipality of La Pintana, Santiago de Chile. Located in Av. Santa Rosa 12975, whereabouts 37.
The Urban Mediamakers Film Festival (UMFF) is a not-for-profit, charitable 501(c)(3) organization that has evolved into a festival that promotes and supports independent content creators and multimedia productions — animation, advertising/marketing campaigns, blogs, commercials, film, music, new media, podcasts. print, television, video YouTubers and web series. Guided by past wisdom and reflecting the new and exciting generation of new technology, we are dedicated to thinking out of the traditional box as we pursue our dreams courageously.
"Content Creators Changing the World, One Project at a Time" is the theme of the 18th Urban Mediamakers Festival, October 10-16, 2019 in Atlanta, Duluth and Lawrenceville, Georgia. Recognizing media as a powerful tool of choice for entertaining, informing, and inspiring, this annual content creators' festival showcases international independent media emphasizing work produced by or featuring individuals of color - African, Asian, Black and Latino.
UMF brings an exciting and creative atmosphere that encompasses cultural diversity, with activists, content creators, artists, writers and TV/movie buffs together under one roof to meet, collaborate and strategize for world change!
Actors, artists, bloggers, content creators, filmmakers, graphic designers, mobile app developers, musicians, podcasters, producers, YouTubers and writers have an opportunity to gain exposure for their projects, compete for the best-of-the-best with prizes in each category, attend industry-related educational series, along with excellent collaboration and networking.
Movie buffs, content creators, independent film and mix-media supporters have the opportunity to see a diverse group of superb films and projects from creatives that are independent with a vision.
The festival includes:
-- opening reception and premiere.
-- script reading featuring a scene from the top three screenplays in competition.
-- independent film screenings in competition.
-- showcase of bloggers, podcasters, and mobile app developers.
-- Urban PitchFest 2019
-- 3rd AfroFuturism Fest 2019 - Black sci-fi, fantasy, horror and gaming
-- workshops and panels.
-- Videopalooza 2019 - middle and high school screening series.
-- producers/distributors seeking independent films.
-- awards presentation and closing event.
-- closing night film.
-- audience award.
-- filmmaker and writer collaboration sessions (SpeedCollabs).
-- winning films will be showcased in the Urban Mediamakers Content Creators Tour - locations to be announced.
-- all official selection films will receive a distribution deal with UrbanFlixToGo streaming service.
UMF attendees have an opportunity to network with their peers and executives for collaborations on future projects, as well as interact with an audience that supports independent mediamaking.
YOUR film or script will make our festival phenomenal! Submit to UMF 2019 today!
Peace and blessings,
Cheryle Moses
Cine Curtas Lapa is an independent, non-profit festival with free entry. The Festival aims to show films that were made or have as their theme the city of Rio de Janeiro in order to promote the Brazilian audiovisual industry, especially short films from Rio in the city's most traditional nightlife neighborhood. The idea is to bring a program of fiction, animation and documentary shorts to the public of Lapa, enriching the cultural life of the bohemian neighborhood.
This year, 2024, the Festival turns 13 years old. For more information visit our website. (https://cinecurtaslapa.wixsite.com/my-site)
There will be popular and professional jury voting for short films. The winner of each category will receive a certificate and the festival trophy.
16th Annual www.NewMediaFilmFestival.com
Honoring Stories Worth Telling
June 4-5-2025 Los Angeles
Content creators who submit, whether officially selected or not, have opportunities outside of the normal festival process. Everything from distribution, connections to other festivals, conferences, press opportunities and more.
Thinking about submitting? Here is what you should know!
• Emmys ® Consultant for one entry (we can broadcast)
• 25 Categories
• In competition for Grand Prize - $45,000 in Awards
• In competition for Best of Category & Audience Awards
• Judges from HBO, Marvel, Grammys, ATAS (Emmys) and more.
• Have opportunities outside of festival
• Top 3 Scripts get $1000.00 in Writing Industry Perks
• We are a UFFO code of practices Member
• Submit- Online, Public, Novice & Expert Content
• No cut-off date to when your project was completed.
• We accept projects whether or not you have distribution.
• We also have no festival exclusivity clauses - and you have FULL CREATIVE RIGHTS for your content.
• Your project is not only limited to one category. Make sure to check out all our categories and submit to the ones that fit your content. You must pay a new submission fee per each category.
• We accept content that has already been published online or made public
• We accept all formats.
In a world where technology is ever-evolving, it is a story that will satiate the soul of humans.
Not just any story, but stories worth telling.
The New Media Film Festival team works hard to produce a cutting-edge, fair, upscale festival devoted to upcoming and seasoned content creators that highlights and honors stories worth telling globally. www.NewMediaFilmFestival.com
If accepted into festival:
• Receive All Access Pass to festival
• Be part of the Q & A in your screening session (scripts included).
• Walk the Red Carpet for Press Interviews
• Be part of the VIP Soiree, honoring the nominees.
• Press in our monthly newsletter to 80,000.
• Be in competition for $45,000 in Awards – judges from Marvel, HBO, Emmys & more.
Join us:
• 1st Major Festival celebrating innovation, story, mediums & platforms
• Screenings with Q & A’s
• VIP Soiree-Red Carpet Press Junket
• Networking Lounge w/ actor headshot drop off
• Producer Panel & Pitching
• New Media Marketing Table (place one-take one)
• VR, International Art Exhibit, Musical Opener
3D, 360, AR, AI, 5D, Animation, Apps, Digital Comics, Documentary, Drone, Feature, Mobile/Tablet, Music Video, New Media, Pilots, Podcasts, Scripts, Shorts, Sniplers – 30 second pitch, SRC- Socially Responsible Content, STEAM, Student, Trailers, Virtual Reality, Web Series
Put your innovative work forward and join the unique community of content creators at New Media Film Festival® - submit today! www.NewMediaFilmFestival.com
What attendees are saying:
“A very unique curation of films, new media and scripts. And a very entertaining event. The hosts and show staff went out of their way to make sure this was a memorable and special event.” – Jim Wilmer
“New Media Film Festival is one of the best and best run in LA. With so many different platforms falling under "new media" it's refreshing to see a festival that understands that Content is King! And the Opening night VIP reception was a terrific networking opportunity that we took full advantage of.” - Steven Wishnoff
“Worth The Entry Fee”
- Movie Maker Magazine
“Makes The Cutting Edge Accessible”
– Huffington Post
“I thank NewMediaFF for what they’ve done for young filmmakers”
-Roger Corman
”The role of this fest is bringing the Best in New Media to the World”
-Festival World
“Stories that exemplify the power of the cinematic arts to inspire and transform” - Hero Complex
SUBMIT TODAY http://www.NewMediaFilmFestival.com/submit.php
NewFilmmakers Los Angeles (NFMLA) is a non-profit organization designed to showcase innovative works by emerging filmmakers from around the world, providing the Los Angeles community of entertainment professionals and film goers with a constant surge of monthly screening events. NFMLA provides a forum where filmmakers can be recognized for their contributions, have open audience discussions about their projects and connect with industry professionals for insight on distribution, production, acquisition and representation.
Each month, NewFilmmakers Los Angeles (NFMLA) presents red carpet screenings of documentary, short and feature films that have been submitted from all over the world, followed by a Q&A with each films director. The program also offers a special after party so the audience can meet the filmmakers and incredible talent involved
LA MANO, Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico y de Terror is a free and competitive festival and it is dedicated to fantasy, sci-fi and horror cinema.
We are a small nonprofit festival (free tickets for scifi audience) and we work with public libraries support (lectures, exhibitions...etc.) We have no corporate sponsorship. It is the people of the city, people who love horror (a lot of bakers, plumbers, teachers...etc) who fund us.
This festival was created as a contest with a-1000-Euro prize (best film) and 350 Euros (best short film). That's all we could offer, plus a quality projection in a really good theatre and Spanish press coverage.
Our organization wishes to create and perpetuate an exciting event that creates a community of horror and sci-fi fans and filmmakers who encourage and appreciate Spanish people about horror and sci-fi filmmaking.
LA MANO is proud and excited to offer the opportunity for innovative and creative filmmakers of the Sci-Fiction, Fantasy and Horror genres to have their works shown to appreciative audiences for 7 days before Halloween.
Promoting short films and documentaries culture in a country where commercial cinema has always ruled the roost is not an easy task. Delhi Shorts International Film Festival is one such successful effort started in year 2012 by Miniboxoffice with successful 2012 to 2022 editions. The festival brings thoughtful, highly creative & engaging short films from around the world to fulfill the cinegoers' appetite of the capital city of India. The festival aim is to establish a short film industry which runs parallel to commercial cinema.
13th Delhi Shorts International Film Festival-2024 is meant to grow many folds. The inaugural year 2012 was a big success followed by super successful 2012 to 2023 editions & enjoys the credibility of one of the most trusted short film festival of India. The festival was not only embraced by the short filmmaker’s but regarded by the media & industry members also.
The festival objective is to boost-up the short film market & providing exhibition platform to short filmmakers. The festival gives the professional networking opportunities & at the same time introduces the latest trends in cinema to the filmmakers. 13th DSIFF-24 is a unique platform here you can share, learn, showcase, observe & do many more thing to polish your creative & technical skills. We hope that this festival will turn a milestone in your filmmaking career.
VideoLixo is a Film and Video exhibition inside ArteLixo, an Arts Festival that take place in the streets of Redondela (Spain) and turns around to a wide understanding of garbage and trash culture.
Video Lixo is a film exhibition carried out inside the Arts festival ARTE LIXO, which focuses on a wide understanding of trash and garbage concepts.
El “Guácaras” Festival de Cine, es un evento cinematográfico al aire libre de carácter anual organizado en el pueblo de Santa Ana de los Guácaras ubicado a unos 12 km. de la ciudad de Corrientes Capital. Es el único Festival de Cine de la Provincia y luce con orgullo el sello de 100% Regional ya que la totalidad de la programación se basa en la producciones del Nordeste Argentino.
Desde el año 2012, con un gran trabajo de producción se legalizó el Festival ante el INCAA (Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales) y hoy contamos con el código de Sala Ambulatoria: Nº 261327 y el Nº de Exhibidor: 601-148, que nos obliga a cortar entradas gratuitas durante todas las proyecciones que se realizan, que dan al Festival itinerante un cumplimiento formal.
La propuesta, impulsada por los propios cineastas locales, tomó por escenario la bella Santa Ana en el 2011 con la realización de la primera edición en 2011 a la que concurrieron unas 800 personas colmando el mágico lugar de silencios, de sonrisas, de miedo pero sobre todo de plena identificación, el “Guácaras 2” del año 2012 dio un resultado inesperado ya que fueron 1.310 los espectadores que asistieron durante los 4 días de proyección. Y hoy El Guácaras se ha convertido ya en el Primer Festival de cine de referencia que tiene la provincia porque cada vez mas se hace necesario este tipo de acciones para promover espacios de difusión gratuitos, sembrar el lenguaje audiovisual de y en la Región poniendo de manifiesto nuevamente la idiosincrasia y la cultura local a través del cine, por eso el Guácaras se propone reforzar ese impulso inicial pero siempre ponderando el esfuerzo de los cineastas regionales.
La programación del 3º Festival diagramado en 4 Jornadas, que se realizará del 6 al 9 de diciembre y contempla cinco secciones:
1) Cine en la Escuela: Películas generadas en el ámbito escolar. El cine se ha convertido en una de las artes más poderosas y populares desde su nacimiento en el pasado siglo. Forma parte de esencial de los modos en donde sucede la comunicación en todas sus formas. A mitad de camino entre el arte y el entretenimiento. Comprender su proceso, garantiza su devenir. Apropiarse de sus herramientas es democratizar e incluir a los autores desde temprano. Y el mejor lugar es la escuela.
2) Cinemboyeré: Esta sección es producto de la convocatoria abierta ya que la producción cinematográfica regional y sus hacedores actúan en todo lugar y en forma incesante. Ya no es privilegio de unos pocos. Ya es expresión popular más allá de la academia. Posibilitar una pantalla, es abrir al público la consideración de esos narrativas, aún ocultas, pero sin embargo, destinadas a integrar el imaginario audiovisual de nuestro pueblo.
3) Guácaras presenta: Sección con peliculas invitadas ya que no hay un solo modo de hacer una película. Las formas de producción, de dirección, de actuación, de rodaje se multiplican según sus hacedores se propongan. En soledad o en grupo es casi siempre un evento mágico, transformador y revelador. Nadie sale indemne de un rodaje, en donde la luz manda.
4) De estreno: El INCAA -a través del Sistema Argentino de TV Digital Terrestre (SATVD-T) desarrolla el Plan Operativo de Fomento y Promoción de Contenidos Audiovisuales Digitales para TV-, sigue apoyando a las producciones regionales. La medida, de alcance federal, visibiliza a una nueva generación de trabajadores que se expresan a través de los oficios del cine, en donde el estreno constituye el mejor momento.
5) Videoclips fue otra sección, que muestra el vínculo de la música local y regional con el audiovisual y su importancia como registro para la difusión de la música emergente.
En el acto central del día Domingo , se entrega el Premio “Guácaras 2013” obra realizada por el escultor Julio Mac Donald, la persona elegida y destacada por los organizadores, en el ámbito del Cine Regional durante este año. Y se entrega además el premio al mejor trabajo que es elegida por el público.