XXV Festival Internacional De Cine Arqueológico Del Bidasoa (25)

25th Bidasoa International Archaeological Film Festival


18 Mar 2025
Call for entries

15 Jul 2025
Final deadline


11 Nov 2025
Notification date

10 Nov 2025
15 Nov 2025


Museo Romano Oiasso. Eskoleta, 1,  20302, Irun, Gipuzkoa, Spain

Festival description
Archaeological Films
Short film festival
Feature film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Feature Films 
Basque English French Spanish
Spanish French English Basque
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Photo of XXV Festival Internacional De Cine Arqueológico Del Bidasoa
Photo of XXV Festival Internacional De Cine Arqueológico Del Bidasoa

Photo of XXV Festival Internacional De Cine Arqueológico Del Bidasoa
Photo of XXV Festival Internacional De Cine Arqueológico Del Bidasoa


Festival start: 10 November 2025      Festival end: 15 November 2025

The Oiasso Roman Museum and the City Council of Irun organize the International Archaeological Film Festival of the Bidasoa.

The aim of the Festival is to present archaeology to the general public, through the diffusion of audio-visual material resulted from the work made by archaeologists, assuring the promotion and the spreading of these films.

The Festival is being celebrated since the year 2001 and from the year 2004 it has four prizes: the Grand Prize of the Festival, the Special Audience Prize, the Educational Values Prize and Arkeolan Prize for Contribution to Science. Since 2006, it’s inside Fedarcine, the European network of Archaeological Film Festivals.

Cash Prizes: 3,750€

• Grand Award of the Festival: 2.000 euros

• Special Audience Award: 1.000 euros

• Educational Section Award: 750 euros.

• Arkeolan Award for Contribution to Science: no financial prize.


Irun City Council announces the 25th Bidasoa International Archaeology Film Festival 2025, which will take place in accordance with the following


The will be held from 10 to 15 November 2025. The purpose of the festival is to provide information about Archaeology and to bring it closer to society by means of the dissemination of audiovisual works which gather the results of archaeological research in accordance with the following conditions:


1.- The festival accepts the participation of films of all genres (documentaries, fiction, reports, research, etc.) produced by any person or public or private entity of any nationality whose content revolves around archaeology and its techniques, ethnoarchaeology, archaeological heritage and its conservation.

2.- Participation involves full agreement with these Conditions and acceptance of the Jury's decisions, as well as the waiver of any claim. The Jury will have the authority to resolve any matter not provided for in these Conditions.


3. Films will be presented to the Selection Committee in digital format, by means of a download link or by sending the file via WeTransfer, Dropbox, Drive or a similar service. Works will be sent to either of the following email addresses:

● ficab.oiasso@irun.org
● ficab.oiasso@gmail.com

Registration may be carried out through the Festhome (festhome.com) platform as well at the following link http://festhome.com/f/1213

You must attach:
● The duly completed and signed registration form in line with the attached template.
● Documentation for the work: three photos in digital format (300 PPI).
● Optional documentation: press kit, director's filmography.

4.- Films registered in the selection process must be presented in the original language:

● Without subtitles if the film's original language is Spanish, Basque, English or French.
● With subtitles in Spanish, Basque, English or French if the film is in another language.
● If the film is selected and is in a language other than Spanish or Basque, the festival will be responsible for its translation and subtitling in Spanish and/or Basque, if it does not have subtitles in said languages. If this is the case, it will be necessary to send the transcription of the text.

5.- The presentation deadline for works is 15 July 2025.


6.- The Selection Committee, chosen by the Organisation, will select the works which will be screened in the Festival and opt for the prizes.

7.- The Organisation will directly inform those selected of their success in reaching the final phase of the Festival.

8.- All selected works will be included in the Official Programme of the Festival and/or in the Educational Section of the Festival.

9.- If the film is selected and there is an HD copy, this version will be requested for the screening.

10.- The original copy will be deposited in the Festival archive.


11.- During the Festival, the organisation reserves the right to show the selected audiovisuals in the Festival's online format.

12.- The organisation will be permitted to use the provided artwork for advertising purposes and for the dissemination of the Festival.

13.- The use of the original copy deposited in the FICAB archive will be permitted for didactic, cultural or promotional activities, and for non-profit, non-commercial archaeological film seasons, crediting the author(s).

14.- The organisation will at all times safeguard the integrity of the films, but if, in spite of that and by chance, there is any deterioration, the Organisation will not be held responsible for the damage.

15.- Works sent once to the Festival cannot participate again in the Festival.

Sections, juries and prizes

The Festival has two sections: the official section and the educational section. All registered films will be considered for either of the two sections, according to their characteristics. The Festival Selection Committee will be responsible for choosing the films and distributing them in both sections.

16.- The following prizes are established:

● Festival Grand Prize: Prize 2,000 euros.
● Special Audience Prize: Prize 1,000 euros.
● EITB Prize for gender perspective promotion: Prize 1,000 euros.
● Educational Section Prize: Prize 750 euros.
● Arkeolan Prize for Scientific Dissemination: No financial prize.

All selected films will compete for the Special Audience Prize, EITB Prize and the Arkeolan Prize. However, the Festival Grand Prize will be awarded to a film from the Official Section and the Educational Section Prize will be awarded to a film from said section.

The Festival Grand Prize and EITB Prize jury, chosen by the Organisation, will be made up of prestigious professionals from the audiovisual and archaeology worlds, and their decision, which will be final, will be revealed at the prize-giving ceremony which will close the Festival.

The Special Audience Prize will be awarded through the vote held after each screening, while the Arkeolan Prize will be awarded by said foundation. The Educational Section Prize will be decided by a jury chosen by Oiasso Museum.

Prizes can also be shared, in which case the corresponding financial prize will be divided between the winning films.

17.- Financial prizes will be subject to income tax, in accordance with current legislation.

18.- The prize will be awarded to the award receptor listed on the film's entry form.

19.- Prizewinning works must include a mention of the award in the film with the reference text "25th Bidasoa International Archaeology Film Festival 2025" and include the logo of Irun City Council (www.irun.org).

Advertising and Personal Data Protection

20. These Conditions will be publicly displayed on the notice board at Irun City Hall for 15 calendar days.

21. Personal data will be collected in the exercise of municipal powers and can be checked or completed by consulting other Public Administrations due to legal obligation for the correct management of the corresponding procedure. Said data will be included in the Irun City Council IT System and can only be given to third parties in the cases provided for in personal data protection legislation.

Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation and opposition through the Citizen Services Department or online at www.irun.org/sac. They may also present a complaint to the Data Protection Officer of Irun City Council at the email address dpd@irun.org or to the Basque Data Protection Agency www.avpd.euskadi.eus. More information: www.irun.org/lopd.

More information

● FICAB www.ficab.org / E-mail: ficab.oiasso@irun.org.
● Oiasso Roman Museum. www.oiasso.com Tfno: +34.943.63.93.53.
● Irun City Council. www.irun.org / E-maila: cultura@irun.org.
● CSD. Citizen Services Department. Irun City Council. Tel.: 010 / (+34) 943.50.51.52.



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