Logo of Colombian Film Festival Buenos Aires

15 May 2019

Published: 14 Feb 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Colombiano en Buenos Aires - FICCBA

Colombian Film Festival Buenos Aires

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Se abre la convocatoria para la 5º Festival Internacional de Cine Colombiano en Buenos Aires - FICCBA 2023. La inscripción es gratuita y está abierta a:

a) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por autores/as colombianos/as (guionistas, directores o productores).

b) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por cineastas de cualquier nacionalidad que sean una coproducción entre Colombia y otro país.

c) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por cineastas de cualquier nacionalidad cuya temática esté relacionada con Colombia.

d) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por autores/as argentinos/as (guionistas, directores o productores).

¡No pierdas la oportunidad de pasar tu película en el 4º Festival Internacional de Cine Colombiano en Buenos Aires - FICCBA 2023!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of GEA Film Festival

13 Mar 2019

Published: 14 Feb 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner GEA Film Festival

GEA Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

GEA Film Fest is a short film world festival that takes place in various cities around the world simultaneously, with the goal of having better and more democratic spaces for viewing and debating over contemporary audiovisual matters, bringing the productions closer to the audience in non-conventional venues and giving an active voice to the spectators, that have the opportunity to select the works they like the most with a system similar to the qualifying rounds of the Soccer World Cup.

For the festival, a group of “coaches” will select 24 independent short films from all over the world, aiming to benefit the thematic and aesthetic diversity in order to make the audience visualize the largest possible spectrum of audiovisual creations. Short films that frequently have their participation restricted in other traditional spaces, find a window for their exhibition in GEA Film Fest.

Along with the 24 selected short films, GEA Film Fest will also take into account other audiovisual works in the non-competitive sections of the festival. All short films will be exhibited in alternative venues that run away from the stiffness of traditional exhibition venues. GEA Film Fest connects the relaxed ambient from bars and/or other alternative venues with the cinematographic screening, creating an atmosphere for real non-academic debate about the viewed productions, promoting this way, the birth of new cinematographic cultures.

With the union of this three-axis of thinking, to give visibility to short films from all the world outside of the official screening circuit, to break with the stiffness of the traditional exhibition venues and to promote the interaction and the active voice of the audience, the concept GEA Film Fest is born.

GEA Film Fest is inspired by the qualifying systems of the Soccer World Cup, classifying short films in groups, with the winners getting to the final. The trophy offered to the winners is the Gea cup, a figure of the Goddess Gea (Gaia) holding the Earth, and the logo is inspired by the Olympic games. The main idea of the festival is to be a popular event, for all audiences and with a relaxed nature.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


Huesca International Film Festival's deadline is February, 14th!

Logo of Festhome
Published: 14 Feb 2019


Huesca International Film Festival, 24700 € in prizes and qualifier for Goya® and Oscar®

The 47th edición of Huesca International Film Festival, meeting point for film professionals and film lovers, will take place in the city of Huesca (Spain) between the 7th and the 15th of June, 2019. It is one of the oldest film festivals in Spain and a true hallmark for short films internationally.

The festival, which gives out in excess of 24000 Euro in cash prizes, has 3 sections: Iberian American (Spain, Latin America and Portugal), International and Documentary. It also offers other categories and activities, such as the Screenings of New Iberian American filmmakers, the Luis Buñuel Award, the City of Huesca Award or the Pepe Escriche Award.

Qualifying festival for the Goya® and the Oscar® Awards: The Hollywood Academy supports Huesca International Film Festival by recognizing it as shortlisting for the Oscar® Awards within Best Short Fiction Film category, also the Spanish Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences recognizes it for the Goya® Awards.

If you have a 30-minute long fiction, animation or experimental short film, or a 40-minute long documentary short film produced in 2018 or 2019, do not wait any longer and submit it to the Huesca International Film Festival before February, 14th!


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15 May 2019

Published: 13 Feb 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Independiente OftÁlmica


Xalapa, Mexico

Over seven years Oftálmica has positioned itself as one of the most important film shows of the state and even one of the most outstanding in the southeastern region of the country. The show´s purpose is to generate a promotion, exhibition space and a dialogue between the public and the filmakers, contributing to the cultural development of the city and state.

For this reason all the national and foreign audiovisual producers are invited to participate in this call for the seventh international independent film exhibition OFTÁLMICA 2020, to be held in Xlapa, Veracruz, México.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Montecatini International Short Film Festival

15 Jun 2019

Published: 13 Feb 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Montecatini International Short Film Festival

Montecatini International Short Film Festival

Montecatini Terme, Italy

Montecatini International Short Film Festival, promosso dalla Federazione Italiana Cineclub (Fedic), con le sue 68 edizioni è uno dei festival di cortometraggi più longevi in Europa.

All'inizio, era principalmente destinato alle opere nazionali, ma a partire dagli anni '90, quando il Concorso Nazionale spostato in un'altra piccola città della Toscana, San Giovanni Valdarno, Montecatini si è affermata come vetrina di riferimento a livello internazionale, desiderosa di presentare un enorme panorama di nuove produzioni incentrate su diversi generi e tendenze.

L'obiettivo principale del Montecatini Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio è quello di dare una visione completa del corto nel panorama cinematografico internazionale, nella sua estensione più ampia, puntando sempre alla qualità dei film e non all'aspetto glamour offrendo una bellissima location in Toscana dove discutere e magari trovare collegamenti per lavori futuri.

Ogni anno il Presidente della Repubblica italiana concede la sua adesione e la sua medaglia al Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio di Montecatini.

Ultimo ma non meno importante: registi come Franco Piavoli e Nanni Moretti sono da segnalare tra i registi emergenti nei primi 60ties a Montecatini International Short Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of CIBO CORTO Cine Festival dei due mari

31 May 2019

Published: 12 Feb 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Cibo Corto Cine Festival - International Food Film Festival

CIBO CORTO Cine Festival dei due mari

Portopalo di Capo Passero, Italy

The Cultural Association CAP 96010 has organized the 6th edition of the International Short Food Cine Festival, which will be held on 19th, 20th, and 21st of July 2024 in Portopalo di Capo Passero (Sr), Sicily.

The Festival aims to enhance and disseminate history, culture, traditions, and cuisine diversity all over the world through video language.
The competition notice is reserved for:

Short films: duration: from 3 to 20 minutes

Documentaries: maximum duration 30 minutes

The documentaries must have food as the theme, subject, or protagonist.

Works will be judged by a jury made up of national and international experts from film, publishing, and food and wine sectors. The best works will be awarded as follows.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of São Paulo Film Festival

31 Oct 2019

Published: 12 Feb 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of São Paulo Film Festival

Banner São Paulo Film Festival

São Paulo Film Festival

São Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo Film Festival (SPFF) é um festival de cinema independente que ocorre na cidade mais frenética e populosa do Brasil.

SPFF procura apoiar e inspirar filmes independentes de todo o mundo, por uma expressão genuína que pode estimular novos pensamentos para a arte do cinema.
O festival SPFF é uma organização dedicada à descoberta e ao desenvolvimento de novos artistas, com visões além da fronteira da imaginação que podem atrair audiências de todos os países.

Diferente da maioria dos festivais. Nós assistimos todos os filmes. Nosso júri é composto principalmente por cineastas.

Curtas, Animação e Documentários. Todos os gêneros.

Online + Presencial. O Festival ocorrerá no dia 14 de Dezembro de 2025 no Cinema Reag Belas Artes apenas dos filmes finalistas. Os filmes semifinalistas serão exibidos online até o dia 16 de Dezembro de 2025.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Corto di Sera - Independent Short Film Festival

14 Apr 2019

Published: 12 Feb 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Corto di Sera - Independent Short Film Festival

Corto di Sera - Independent Short Film Festival

Itala, Italy

The "Corto di sera" Festival takes place in August in Itala, in the province of Messina since 2012.

Participation to the Festival is free and open to all Italians and foreign authors, single filmmakers orcollectives/associations.

- The Festival is exclusively dedicated to short films that last less than 25minutes.

- Any genre will be accepted (documentary, fiction, classic and/or digital animation)

- All foreign works shot in any language which is not Italian must be subtitled in Italian . Non-subtitled foreign short films will not be selected.

- Each author may submit up to a maximum of three works.

- The organizers reserve the possibility to create additional sections.

Festival’s purpose is to promote the independent short film production in all its forms as an artistic and expressive language. The aim of to create an annual event in Italy where filmmakers, video makers, professionals or enthusiasts cinema can meet and connect different experiences.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Tetova International Film Festival ODA

01 Jun 2019

Published: 12 Feb 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Tetova International Film Festival ODA

Tetova International Film Festival ODA

, North Macedonia

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of 11º Fest Clip - Festival  Nacional De Cinema De Videoclipe

05 Apr 2019

Published: 12 Feb 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner 11º Fest Clip - Festival  Nacional De Cinema De Videoclipe

11º Fest Clip - Festival Nacional De Cinema De Videoclipe

Santa Gertrudes, Brazil


Short film festival

 Music Video

Logo of La Cabina, International Medium Length film Festival

14 Jun 2019

Published: 12 Feb 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner La Cabina. International Medium Length Film Festival

La Cabina, International Medium Length film Festival

València, Spain

15th Medium-Length International Film Festival LA CABINA, taking place in València (Spain) between 8th and 18th November 2022.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Batumi International Film Festival

15 Aug 2019

Published: 11 Feb 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Batumi International Film Festival

Batumi International Film Festival

Batumi, Georgia

Batumi International Art-House Film Festival (BIAFF) was established in 2006. The founder and organizer is “Batumi Art-house ARGANI". BIAFF is an annual event held in second half of September in Batumi (Georgia).

Festival is focusing on art-house cinema. BIAFF festival’s major sections include - International Competition (Feature, Doc and Short sections), Retrospectives, Meet the Jury, Master Collection etc. Beside film screenings, festival program includes various workshops, master classes and industry events.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of courts dans la vallée

30 Jun 2019

Published: 10 Feb 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Courts Dans La Vallée

courts dans la vallée


The festival, present for fifteen years in Occitania, proposes to present short fiction and animation films to adults.

Our theme for 2024 will be "The popular party".
An honorary prize from the public and the jury supervised by a professional (eg Alain Guiraudie, Solveig Anspach, Paul Drissen, etc.) is awarded.

The duration (credits included) is thirteen minutes maximum, and will be translated into subtitles in French.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of Festival Internacional de Cinema de Arquivo, Memória e Etnografia

09 Jun 2019

Published: 09 Feb 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Family Film Project

Family Film Project

Porto, Portugal

FAMILY FILM PROJECT is a film festival which takes place every year in Porto, Portugal, with fast increase in visibility and internationalization since its first edition in 2012.

In addition to the mandatory Portuguese presence, the festival has been receiving films from around the world: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Spain, Holland, Indonesia, Italy, Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Taiwan, Venezuela, among many other nationalities.

The sessions of competitive programming traditionally split into three thematic areas: Lives and Places (focusing on the voyeuristic, biographical or documentary recording of habitats and quotidian), Connections (focused on interpersonal and community dynamics) and Memory and Archive (dedicated to creative views from testimony and found footage). There is also a competitive session devoted to fiction and animation.

The festival program always holds a prominent space for directors and guest artists of international renown, such as Jonas Mekas (2012), Péter Forgács (2013), Alina Marazzi (2015), João Canijo (2016), Regina Guimarães (2017), Bill Nichols (2018) and Paula Rabinowitz (2018), Daniel Blaufuks (2018), Jaimie Baron (2019), Cláudia Varejão (2019), among others.

With several lines of action, the festival also organizes various parallel cultural events in addition to the competitive sessions: art exhibitions (which may extend beyond the festival date), movies, concerts, installations, performances at various locations of the city, master classes, conferences and launches of books focused on ethnographic and anthropological dimension.

The festival has expanded through the city in locations like the Rivoli Theatre, Passos Manuel, Coliseu, auditorium Almeida Garrett or the theater Carlos Alberto, but also art galleries, city streets and emblematic bars. Thus, the festival also helps to increase, in its most particular way, the cultural dimension of the city and the touristic appeal associated with it.

With its usual competitive sessions, masterclasses, performance events and video installations, the festival is once again placed on the conceptual boundaries of cinema and its dialogue with other arts and areas of thought.

As in previous years, the festival is organized into three thematic zones: Lives and Places (focusing on voyeuristic, biographical or documentary recording of habitats and everyday life), Memory and Archive (dedicated to creative approaches from testimonies and found footage) and Connections (focused on interpersonal and community dynamics). There is also a space dedicated to the genres of fiction and animation, with a competitive selection that will have a particularly strong Portuguese representation this year. Besides the national films, the festival receives in its competitive program a selection of almost two dozen films of different nationalities, from short to feature film, from documentary to experimental genre, always in a register that extends from the intimate plasticity of “home movies” to the ethnographic landscape.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of KORTERRAZA short film festival

10 May 2019

Published: 09 Feb 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Korterraza Festival de cortos al aire libre

KORTERRAZA short film festival

Vitoria, Spain

Short and music outdoor. This is what is proposed Korterraza, a festival of short films that celebrate its fourteenth edition of June 25 to 28, 2025 in Vitoria-Gasteiz, and throughout the summer, the eleventh edition of Korterraza Araba.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Other

Logo of Inffinito Festival Circuit

31 Mar 2019

Published: 08 Feb 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner Inffinito Brazilian Film Festival

Inffinito Festival Circuit

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Inffinito Festival Circuit opens registration for its editions in 2020!

The Inffinito Circuit is a pioneering action to promote Brazil in the international market, through film festivals. It is a reference in the diffusion of Brazilian products and services, in addition to building an effective platform for business exchanging and promotion of the country's tourist destinations.

Over our 24 years of experience in organizing festivals abroad, we have held 82 festivals in 13 cities. We presented 62 concerts by renowned artists of Brazilian music and exhibited 865 national films. We confirm the interest of the foreign public in getting to know Brazil better, its culture, customs, products and tourist destinations.

14th Braff New York - June 21st to 27th, 2020
24th Braff Miami - September 12th to 19th, 2020

14th Brazilian Film Festival of New York - June 21st to 27th, 2020.
Braff NY is an official event on the New York cultural calendar and is known as a powerful tool for visibility and promotion of Brazil in the United States.

24th Brazilian Film Festival of Miami - September 12th to 19th, 2020.
BRAFF Miami is an official festival of Miami Dade County, the cities of Miami and Miami Beach and the government of Florida. The Brazilian Film Festival of Miami (BRAFF) is the pioneer and the world's longest continually running Brazilian Film Festival. Held for 24 consecutive years, since the resumption of Brazilian cinema. Its commitment and dedication to showcase Brazilian films overseas have conquered a larger loyal audience that looks forward to the annual event for an updated overview of Brazilian cinema. The Festival has proven itself as a fundamental and valuable resource for introducing Brazil’s finest new productions to US audiences, a natural showcase for promotion in addition to be a business environment with extraordinary economic potential for the Brazilian production chain.

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Fantosfreak Film Festival

15 Apr 2019

Published: 08 Feb 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Fantosfreak, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges Fantàstics i Freaks de Cerdanyola Del Vallès

Fantosfreak Film Festival

Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain

The first and the most important Freak Festival in Spain. We also accept horror and fantastic film. With an audience of 1.800 people every day from monday to friday and we would love to screen your shortfilms.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other


The final deadline to submit your short film to Brussels Short Film Festival is coming soon!

Logo of Festhome
Published: 08 Feb 2019


The final deadline for the 22nd Brussels Short Film Festival is next January, 27th

Since 1998, the Brussels Short Film Festival has as its main goals to promote emerging filmmakers, actors and technicians by presenting them to a large audience (25500 attendees in 2018) and connecting them to industry professionals while allowing them to divulge and sell their short films in the festival's international market.

This festival offers a screening experience that mixes quality, discovery, diversity and entertainment, and presents short films to young audiences as an alternative format of artistic creation.

Academy Awards® qualifying festival: Since 2018, the winners of the Great Prize of the International competition will be eligible for consideration in the Animated Short Film/ Live Action Short Film category of the Academy Awards®

Plus, the Brussels Short Film Festival gives out 8000 Euro in cash awards. Don't miss your chance and submit your film before January, 27th!


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Logo of Hacer encima

21 Oct 2019

Published: 07 Feb 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Hacer encima

Hacer encima

san Francisco, United States

San Francisco's Another Hole in the Head Film Festival will run December 1st - December 15th 2019, at New People Cinema in San Francisco.

With this festival, we seek broader horizons than our original genre festival allows. All styles of independent film are welcome to compete. Whether it's a major production from a professional company, a student film, or a micro-budget labor of love, we are committed to giving each film due consideration.

We are located in a very receptive town for film, and we've built a passionate following over the years. 2019 will mark our 16th year among the most highly rated festivals in the world, and we're still growing!

San Francisco is the second largest film market in the country and a great promotional platform for indie filmmakers who are trying to get their film out into the world. Many films that screen at our festival spark the attention of other film festivals and film brokers/buyers. In addition, the films and the festival are reviewed by some of the top players in the industry, such as Variety, The San Francisco Chronicle, Dread Central, Bloody Disgusting, Twitch, and Way Too Indie, just to name a few.

Our "theatrical home" is New People Cinema in San Francisco's Japantown. A 143-seat underground venue located in the New People Building, the Cinema is equipped with cutting-edge HD digital projection, 35mm film projection and a THX®-certified sound system. New People Cinema hosts many local film festivals including the San Francisco International Film Festival, CAAMFest, Green Film Festival, and the Japan Film Festival of San Francisco.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cinema Club Short Film Festival

10 Jun 2019

Published: 07 Feb 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Cinema Club Short Film Festival

Cinema Club Short Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

"An event created by filmmakers for filmmakers”

The Collective and In The Mirror Films are working together to create a short film contest where every month different directors will compete to win the session.

The winner of each session will be elected by the audience !
For every session, you receive feedback from an industry professional to help develop your art.

The wining shorts will go directly to the grand final that will happen the first week of June and the BIG PRIZE is the production of your next Short Film.!
A jury composed by teachers from The Collective school and a special guest from the movie industry will elect the winner of the big prize on the day of the Final.

Movies and Party!

After the presentation of the short films, the analysis if our specialised guests and the election of the wining short, each event will be followed by DJ set to make us feel like sharing more around a beer offered by our sponsor La Cervesera Artesana and get the opportunity to network ! Don't forget your business cards !

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation