Logo of ONE SHOT International Short Film Festival, Yerevan

10 Apr 2014

Published: 25 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner ONE SHOT International Short Film Festival, Yerevan

ONE SHOT International Short Film Festival, Yerevan

Yerevan, Armenia


The information concerning further development will be posted on the festival's FB page: https://www.facebook.com/oneshotfest The festival's FB page and work e-mail kadrrope@gmail.com are available for questions and clarifications.

"One Shot" promotes independent film production in Armenia. Submitted films have no limitations in shooting format. Films can be shot on cell phones, film and HD cameras. Competition has three categories: "One Minute - One Shot", "Short Movies" and "Cinema Without Border". There are special programs and panel discussions too.

"One Shot" International Short Film Festival is an open cinema platform. It was founded in 2003.

The founder president is Gagik Ghazareh. Founder organization: Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art. Symbol of the festival represents a three-dimensional statue of ancient rock carving from Geghama mountain which is 5000 years old.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Writers and Filmmakers.com

01 Jun 2014

Published: 25 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Writers and Filmmakers.com

Writers and Filmmakers.com

Toronto, United States

Writers judge filmmakers, filmmakers judge writers!
Winning writer gets their script made by the winning filmmaker!
The writer gets their script made and they get paid. The filmmaker gets funded to shoot it!

Very limited entries and everyone gets lots of coverage of their work!

The winning filmmaker wins $50,000 (Feature) or $25,000 (Short) to shoot one of the top 10 scripts. Winning writer receives $20,000 (Feature) or $10,000 (Short) for their script!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of La Mano, International Fantastic and Horror Film Festival

01 Sep 2014

Published: 25 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner La Mano, Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico y de Terror de Alcobendas

La Mano, International Fantastic and Horror Film Festival

Alcobendas, Spain

LA MANO, Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico y de Terror is a free and competitive festival and it is dedicated to fantasy, sci-fi and horror cinema.

We are a small nonprofit festival (free tickets for scifi audience) and we work with public libraries support (lectures, exhibitions...etc.) We have no corporate sponsorship. It is the people of the city, people who love horror (a lot of bakers, plumbers, teachers...etc) who fund us.

This festival was created as a contest with a-1000-Euro prize (best film) and 350 Euros (best short film). That's all we could offer, plus a quality projection in a really good theatre and Spanish press coverage.

Our organization wishes to create and perpetuate an exciting event that creates a community of horror and sci-fi fans and filmmakers who encourage and appreciate Spanish people about horror and sci-fi filmmaking.

LA MANO is proud and excited to offer the opportunity for innovative and creative filmmakers of the Sci-Fiction, Fantasy and Horror genres to have their works shown to appreciative audiences for 7 days before Halloween.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of 4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

30 Aug 2014

Published: 23 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

Kanyakumari, India

Kanyakumari International Film Festival
Celebrates its 4th year !

Event Type: Live Screening of Films from worldwide and Connected Programs including Film Making Workshops, Film Seminars, Film Appreciation Camps and Exhibitions.

The call for entries for the film festival is now open!

Screening Categories:

Feature Film Over 60 Minutes
Long Documentary Over 60 Minutes
Long Animation Film Over 60 Minutes
Long Experimental Film Over 60 Minutes
Music Video Over 60 Minutes

Short Film Under 60 Minutes
Short Documentary Under 60 Minutes
Short Animation Film Under 60 Minutes
Short Experimental Film Under 60 Minutes
Music Video Under 60 Minutes

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Latinamerican Short Films Festival Imagenesociales

06 Jun 2014

Published: 23 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Latinoamericano de cortometrajes Imagenesociales

Latinamerican Short Films Festival Imagenesociales

La Rioja, Argentina

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of International Festival  Signes de nuit

31 May 2014

Published: 22 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner International Festival  Signes de nuit

International Festival Signes de nuit

Paris, France

Since 2003 the international Festival SIGNES DE NUIT is active in Paris, Berlin, Saarbrücken and with special screenings world wide. The festival in Paris actually presents around 300 films coming from around 50 countries at different places in Paris. In Berlin the festival will be performed in the legendary cinema Babylon.

The International Festival SIGNES DE NUIT based in Paris is made up of films, which reflects new views, original imagery and critical approach to the crucial points of the modern human existence. It is a place for cinema that expands its own boundaries, that is astonishing, different, potentially free from the pressure of tradition, ready to give itself to the unpredictable experimentation.

The minor costs of digital production makes an independant- from comercial influences and any kind of censorship- production possible. These independant productions create an alternative, an artistic space very subtle and accessible to all, in contrast to what mass media offer.

This opposition and the preservation of the free cultural space is the goal of the International Festival Signes de Nuit, which has realized screenings and interventions in 29 different countries including Algeria, Australia, Chile, Cuba, Lebanon, Lithuania, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Peru, Russia, Tunisia, Turkey and the United States beside the screenings in main festival in Paris.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Experimental

Logo of Kolibri International Film Festival for Childhood and Youth

30 Aug 2014

Published: 22 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional Del Audiovisual Para La Niñez Y La Adolescencia Kolibrí

Kolibri International Film Festival for Childhood and Youth

La Paz y Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Nicobis, media center for new ideas and the cultural multi-space Casa Espejo organizes the fourteenth International Festival of Audiovisual Productions for Children and Adolescents, to be held in the city of La Paz, Bolivia, from 2 to 10 of October 2024.

The Festival aims to promote and promote quality audiovisual productions for children and adolescents, generating a space for reflection and an exchange between them and at the same time to encourage children and adolescents to make their own audiovisual productions.

Likewise, the idea is to create a national and international network to disseminate educational audiovisual productions for children and adolescents from different countries and continents.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Conurbano Film Festival

16 Jun 2014

Published: 22 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival De Cine Del Conurbano

Conurbano Film Festival

Banfield, Argentina

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of FESAALP La Plata Latinoamerican Film Festival

04 Jul 2014

Published: 21 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner FESAALP Festival de cine Latinoamericano de La Plata

FESAALP La Plata Latinoamerican Film Festival

La Plata, Argentina

El Festival de Cine latinoamericano de La Plata, FESAALP, con una trayectoria de ocho ediciones se ha transformado en una vidriera para el encuentro, la difusión y la promoción del cine del continente.

Buscamos difundir, exhibir y problematizar el cine de América Latina como lenguaje creativo, artístico e industrial. Además de contribuir al desarrollo de nuevas posibilidades y perspectivas para los cineastas, artistas que se dedican a contar historias y relatos a través del cine.

Afianzar el encuentro entre el público y su cine es el desafío mayor que desde el 2006 nos propusimos, y hoy nos encontramos con un festival con más secciones, películas, invitados, actividades formativas y espectadores.

Creemos que un festival no sólo debe ser un espacio para la exhibición, sino también el lugar que promueva el encuentro e intercambio de experiencias entre los realizadores y ayude a que las obras encuentren nuevos espacios donde poder ser vistas.

Es importante destacar y agradecer que desde el inicio contamos con el apoyo del Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (INCAA), el Instituto Cultural de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, la Municipalidad de La Plata, y de otras instituciones y empresas privadas que se siguen sumando y depositando su confianza en el Festival.

El FESAALP crece y se afianza gracias al enorme talento de los realizadores latinos y a la siempre conmovedora pasión de los espectadores por el cine del continente.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Brasília International Film Festival - BIFF

30 May 2014

Published: 21 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Promotional card of Brasília International Film Festival - BIFF

Banner Brasília International Film Festival - Biff

Brasília International Film Festival - BIFF

Brasília, Brazil


International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of FICMAR - Films for the Sea International Festival

20 May 2014

Published: 21 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional Cine al Mar – FICMAR

FICMAR - Films for the Sea International Festival

Santa Marta, Colombia

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Mountain Film Festival Ushuaia Shh...

30 Apr 2014

Published: 21 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Montaña Ushuaia Shh...

International Mountain Film Festival Ushuaia Shh...

Ushuaia, Argentina

International Mountain Film Festival Ushuaia SHH... is a cultural and educative event born in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. We aim to contribute to a culture of care for nature and sustainable development of human society, specially in mountain environments. Annually and without commercial purposes we set a complex program of screenings, cultural and educational activities such as exhibitions, lectures, live music, visual and performing arts, food tasting and mountain sports to highlight, build and consolidate the genre of mountain cinema in the region. FICMUS is the Latinamérica regional representative of International Alliance for Mountain Film (IAMF) networking with other Mountain Film Festivals and events of the regions to promote mountain culture.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of American Student Film Festival

17 Jan 2015

Published: 20 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner American Student Film Festival

American Student Film Festival

Lafayette, United States

Student features, shorts, documentaries and music videos from around the world! The American Student Film Festival is based in Phoenix, Arizona and is hosted at the prestigious Alamo Drafthouse!

Film-makers are invited to participate in Q&A's at their screenings, receiving free tickets for themselves, cast and crew, as well as free custom give aways based on their films! The Alamo is known for its drinks and menu available throughout the screenings and we customize the menu for each selection of films screenings - so if you ever fancied a $5 dollar shake, or your own custom burger named after the one in your movie - here's the chance for it to become a reality! We tailor at least one item on the menu to each film selected!

The Awards Ceremony rounds out the event, with several awards up for grabs and all films in the Official Selection competing for a variety of nominations and awards.

Being close to LA, we have a number of film investors, distributors, producers and talent agents in attendance at our festival each year, so this is the perfect festival to not only get exposure at one of the coolest cinema chains in the country, but also make important contacts in the industry.

Our festival prides itself on film-maker communication and ensuring you have the most enjoyable time possible at the event, so you can be sure that if you make it into the Official Selection you will be kept up to date every step of the way.

High Quality Screening? You bet! We work with DCP's and high res files - and can even create DCP's for your film, so that your work shows in the best possible quality.

If you've made a Student Film, we want to see it! Submit today!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of REEL Independent Film Extravaganza

02 Aug 2014

Published: 20 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner REEL Independent Film Extravaganza

REEL Independent Film Extravaganza

Temple Hills , United States

The fifth year of RIFE again showed the festival to be a must attend event complete with sold out screenings, packed networking events and incredible attendance from film lovers and filmmakers visiting from across the globe. We are eagerly anticipating topping our best year yet at our fourth annual Reel Independent Film Extravaganza. Continuing our partnership with West End Cinema, RIFE15 will once again be held in the prestigious and historic Georgetown sector of Washington, DC for a week long run from October 9 - 16.

The festival will continue to celebrate national and international independent films and filmmakers, with screenings at one of the city's top independent film theaters, West End Cinemas, and parties and events in the surrounding Georgetown area. RIFE15 will once again feature an awards ceremony as well as a filmmaker meet and greet for all attending filmmakers and pass holders.

This event is presented by Reel Independent Film Extravaganza, LLC.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


17 Apr 2014

Published: 20 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Avilés Acción: Certamen Cortometrajes


Aviles, Spain

Only for Spanish Filmmakers // Solo para cineastas españoles.


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of FIDIC 2017. V COCOA International Independent Dance Festival

01 May 2014

Published: 20 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner FIDIC 2017. V Festival Internacional de Danza Independiente COCOA

FIDIC 2017. V COCOA International Independent Dance Festival

CABA, Argentina

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other

Logo of The Ojo al Sancocho International Festival for Alternative and Community Film and Video

11 Jul 2014

Published: 20 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine y Video Alternativo y Comunitario OjoalSancocho, Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá, Colombia

The Ojo al Sancocho International Festival for Alternative and Community Film and Video

BOGOTA, Colombia

Films of any genre, length and format with human rights themes.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of IVAHM // Video Arts Festival Madrid

20 Apr 2014

Published: 19 Mar 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner IVAHM // Video Arts Festival Madrid

IVAHM // Video Arts Festival Madrid

Madrid, Spain

The International Video Art House Madrid is an initiative to support contemporary video artists and promote their work internationally.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Other  Experimental

Logo of Wine Country Film Festival

10 Jun 2014

Published: 18 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Wine Country Film Festival

Wine Country Film Festival

Glen Ellen, United States

Located just 50 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge, the Wine Country Film Festival is wine country's original and longest running film festival. It features more spectacular Festival screenings under the stars - Films al Fresco™ - than any other festival in North America.

A top tier event, the festival is slow paced and friendly with time to enjoy a wonderful recreation region.

Praised for its carefully curated program, the Festival takes pride in the discovery and exposure of new talent and broadening the ‘film literacy’ of our audience. It is your film and your voice that create the tone of each edition.

There are seven main sections: World Cinema, U.S. Cinema, Arts in Film, Music in Film, CineLatino, Cinema of Conscience (humanity and social issues), and EcoCinema, plus a special mini-section of Food On Film. We program shorts, documentaries, animation and dramatic features.

Share your passion and unique vision with us. At the Festival your film will be received by an enthusiastic public. You may be invited to participate in Master Classes that are lively and informative. Often we feature Filmmaker personalized tours to wineries and local attractions.

Many supporting events bring a greater appreciation to the art of filmmaking such as performances, readings, exhibitions of paintings, sculpture and photography. Films are screened in local venues and outdoors under the stars in spectacular wine country settings such as the sheltered emerald arena at Muscardini Cellars Winery.

Awards include (partial list)

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Paradiso International Film Festival

10 May 2014

Published: 18 Mar 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de cine Paradiso de Barrax

Paradiso International Film Festival

Barrax , Spain

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental