Logo of Madeira Film Festival

01 Feb 2015

Published: 06 May 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Madeira Film Festival

Madeira Film Festival

Funchal, Portugal


We continue to accept submissions but please not your film will be submitted to the 2020 edition NOT 2019. This is due to Government elections on Madeira.

Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

The entry fee is 30 / 40 / 50 Euros depending upon submissions date and irrespective of genre and running time. Exhibiting filmmakers will be offered 3 nights accommodation including breakfast on Madeira during the festival.

Call for entries
The call for entries starts on August 16th 2018 and will remain open until April 2nd 2019.

The Madeira Film Festival is non – competitive. Rather than present awards MFF offers delegates the status of ‘AMBASSADOR OF THE LAURISSILVA’ thus helping to preserve and create awareness of Madeira’s endemic Laurissilva forest.

The Madeira Film Festival organisation fervently believes there is no better place in the world to stage a film festival than on the piquant Island of Madeira and there is no better place on Madeira to stage a film festival than in glorious Reid’s Palace Hotel and the Municipal Theatre in Funchal.

The crux of the Madeira Film Festival is to pay homage to the resilience of Madeira’s endemic Laurissilva Forest by screening a slate of films which are expansive, unsettling and profound,films which will hopefully impinge upon the viewers imagination.

One of the most effective measures that can be implemented in order to raise awareness of the Laurissilva forest and subsequently it’s preservation is through the undisputed persuasive strength of audio- visual communication. The aspiration of the Madeira Film Festival is to become one of Europe’s foremost film festivals, by sheer virtue of location there exists an inherent capacity to attain this.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival de Cine Entre Largos y Cortos Oriente

01 Aug 2014

Published: 06 May 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival De Cine Entre Largos Y Cortos Oriente

Festival de Cine Entre Largos y Cortos Oriente

Lecheria, Venezuela

Year 2021

The purpose of the “Entre Largos y Cortos Oriente ELCO” Film Festival aims to contribute great achievements to both the film-making community and the attending public, thus enriching future proposals of different genres and promoting film culture throughout the eastern part of the country; where professionals, amateurs and students from the different audiovisual media schools in the country, together with directors, producers, actors and a distinguished work team, lovers of the cinematographic field, will be able to show and enjoy the wonderful world of national cinema. That is why, in this 10th edition, the festival seeks to adapt to new modalities, due to the pandemic we are experiencing in the world and its restrictions, creating a platform of the festival called ELCO that will be our new form of exhibition and leaving behind our predecessor the ELCO Festival that was held since 2011 with an attendance of more than 2,800 people until its ninth installment with a total of 5,900 people who attended in person, with a great reception in the cinematographic medium.
This VOD platform was born with a new and renovating intention, where we will call on filmmakers to join together to show the world Venezuelan cinema together with Spanish-speaking countries that from this year will be part of this great window.

Our Mission: Promote, Disseminate and Promote Venezuelan and Hispanic film culture, with Venezuela being the official headquarters.
Planted objectives:

• Promote Venezuelan and Hispanic Cinema.
• Encourage the Production of Audiovisual Projects, Venezuelan and Hispanic speaking.
• Be a platform for learning and distraction for all families

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Short Piece TV Festival Press vitez / Press Knight in Serbia

30 Sep 2014

Published: 06 May 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Short Piece TV Festival Press vitez / Press Knight in Serbia

Short Piece TV Festival Press vitez / Press Knight in Serbia

Zrenjanin, Serbia


International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Other

Logo of Morbido Film Fest

13 Aug 2014

Published: 04 May 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Morbido Film Fest

Banner Mórbido Film Fest

Morbido Film Fest

CDMX, Mexico


Mórbido turns 15 years and it’s time to celebrate the survival of the modern apocalypse.
In those terms, Mórbido 2022 will have a hybrid identity. The festival will take place in theaters, on the LATAM Pay TV channel Mórbido TV, online and in a drive-in Cinema.

25th Oct through 31st Oct
The 2022 short film selection will be broadcasted through Mórbido TV. (Basic Pay TV, Latin America, not Brazil).

FEATURE FILM SELECTION / Cinemas + Drive In + Online
25th October through 31st October
The 2022 feature film selection will be shown:
- Cinépolis Diana, Cinemanía Loreto, Autocinema Coyote.
- Cinépolis Klic (November 1st-6th).


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Basta fest

25 May 2014

Published: 04 May 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Bašta fest

Basta fest

Bajina Bašta, Serbia

Bašta Fest is an international short fiction film festival held in Bajina Bašta, Western Serbia. It is an annual event that is taking place during the first weekend of July and it lasts for four days. Due to the profession of the founders (actors Jovan Jelisavčić and Maja Šuša), the festival's main point of interest is a collaboration between directors and actors. We believe that focusing on the quality of that joint artistic effort will have a positive impact on the positioning of Bašta Fest among short film festivals. Bašta Fest is of great importance for the decentralization of culture since it has brought diverse film, music and off program to this beautiful region. One of the priorities of the festival is to promote the incredible natural beauty to a large number of visitors. Nevertheless, our primary goal is to convert this festival into an exciting cultural oasis, which supports local and international young artists, putting emphasis on short fiction films with authenticity. The main selection is a competition short film program, while two films are screened as a part of non-competition, special program every year - one during the opening and one during the closing ceremony. The last to be screened is a Serbian debut feature film, chosen by Bašta fest team as the most successful one in the previous year. The entrance to all screenings at Bašta is free of charge, while they are always being held under the open night skies. There are currently two official festival locations: Borići park and lake Perućac.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Three Corpse Circus Horror from Around the World

09 Aug 2014

Published: 03 May 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Three Corpse Circus Horror from Around the World

Three Corpse Circus Horror from Around the World

Ann Arbor, United States

The Three Corpse Circus is a forum for horror artists and fans to come together and enjoy their passion of the macabre. Our objective is to promote talent and honor success in the horror genre and to build a thriving horror community in Southeast Michigan that is connected to the world.

In order to keep our patrons safe, this year we are exhibiting an online show with viewer to filmmaker Q & A. during the broadcast.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Minutes of Terror 2023, Sustefest

25 Jul 2014

Published: 02 May 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Minutos De Terror 2023, Sustefest

Minutes of Terror 2023, Sustefest

Valle de Santiago, Mexico

Horror Minutes 2023

Minutes of Terror 2023

Bases of participation 2023

The call is open from April 2 to June 30, 2023.
All those interested in the genre of Suspense, Horror and Sci-Fi may participate without restriction of age or professional career.

In this fourteenth edition we are
Short films produced or co-produced in Mexico will compete for the "Juan Mora Catlett" award in honor of the director.

Each team or participant may present an unlimited number of works.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Maipu Shorts / Comedy Film Festival

01 Jul 2014

Published: 02 May 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Maipu Cortos / Festival de Cine de Humor

Maipu Shorts / Comedy Film Festival

Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Countryside Animafest Cyprus

18 May 2014

Published: 01 May 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Countryside Animafest Cyprus

Countryside Animafest Cyprus

Nicosia, Cyprus

Animafest Cyprus Views of the World, started in 2002 as a documentary festival in a small village, and was called the Small Documentary Festival. It was later re-named Countryside Animafest Cyprus – Views of the World focusing exclusively on the art of Animated Film. The festival’s uniqueness is its setting in the countryside, and this continues to this day.

As audiences have grown significantly in recent years the festival has moved to different villages to accommodate the large number of spectators and now at the Lusignian Manor House garden located at the The ancient town of Palaipafos.It continues to draw a very diverse audience, from across the social spectrum. The fact that it draws young people from metropolitan areas to previously unknown rural areas we feel is a very important contribution to the country’s cultural life.

Animafest Cyprus is the main platform for Animated Film in Cyprus and has the official support of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Cyprus and ASIFA Cyprus. The Festival is a co – organization between the Hambis Printmaking Museum & Views of the World. HELLENIC BANK is the official award sponsor for both Cypriot and International Competition.

The festival is active through the year. It’s main activities include «Animafest Cyprus on tour», which presents the best of Animafest Cyprus at various locations around the country throughout the year, including schools, film festivals, cinemas, galleries, etc, always in non-commercial screenings; in the context of Animafest on tour we are organizing Lectures & workshops in animation, taking place at Universities and public schools. Every November we organize an Academic forum on Animation at the Cyprus University of Technology, bringing together academics from Cyprus and abroad. This forum is organised in collaboration with Media Desk Cyprus

International Festival

Short film festival

Logo of A-TAR  International Festival of Film Schools

18 Jul 2014

Published: 01 May 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner A-TAR Muestra Internacional de Escuelas de Cine y Medios Audiovisuales

A-TAR International Festival of Film Schools

Mexicali, Mexico

A-TAR: International Festival of Film Schools is now accepting submissions from all colleges, universities and film institutes. It will screen shorts and feature films produced by film students and faculty.

A-TAR will take place from September 23 rd to September 27 th, 2019 in the city of Mexicali, Mexico.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of SANFIC 21- Santiago International Film Festival

14 Aug 2014

Published: 01 May 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of SANFIC 21- Santiago International Film Festival

Banner SANFIC 21 - Santiago Festival Internacional De Cine

SANFIC 21- Santiago International Film Festival

Santiago de Chile, Chile

SANFIC, Santiago International Film Festival, represents a film platform with educational, cultural, artistic and industrial purposes, as well as a prime symbol of the Chilean capital city and the whole country.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Morbido Film Fest

13 Aug 2014

Published: 01 May 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Morbido Film Fest

Banner Mórbido Film Fest

Morbido Film Fest

CDMX, Mexico


Mórbido turns 15 years and it’s time to celebrate the survival of the modern apocalypse.
In those terms, Mórbido 2022 will have a hybrid identity. The festival will take place in theaters, on the LATAM Pay TV channel Mórbido TV, online and in a drive-in Cinema.

25th Oct through 31st Oct
The 2022 short film selection will be broadcasted through Mórbido TV. (Basic Pay TV, Latin America, not Brazil).

FEATURE FILM SELECTION / Cinemas + Drive In + Online
25th October through 31st October
The 2022 feature film selection will be shown:
- Cinépolis Diana, Cinemanía Loreto, Autocinema Coyote.
- Cinépolis Klic (November 1st-6th).


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental


11 Jul 2014

Published: 30 Apr 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner XVI Festival De Cine: Infancia Y Adolescencia - 2025


Bogotá, Colombia

The XVI Film Festival: Childhood and Adolescence -2025, is a festival with spaces for circulation and audiovisual training for children, adolescents and young people, with exhibitions, recreational activities, workshops, panels and discussions, whose fundamental objective is to promote Bogotá, as a pioneering city in Latin America in terms of a visible, protagonist and full of rights childhood and adolescence through audiovisual construction.

Participation is free of charge for the exhibition and circulation of audiovisual content. The Contest will be held from September 2 to 6, 2025. Children and adolescents will have access to an audiovisual program made up of national and international animated and fiction short films, television series and the category of the "FESTICINE AWARD" that is awarded to audiovisuals made by children in Colombia. They will be accompanied by recreational activities to reflect on the thematic axis: "CITIZEN CULTURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT".

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of Taiwan International Documentary Festival

30 May 2014

Published: 30 Apr 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 台灣國際紀錄片影展 // Taiwan International Documentary Festival

Taiwan International Documentary Festival

Taipei, Taiwan

Founded in 1998, TAIWAN International Documentary Festival, TIDF, is one of the major professional platforms for documentaries in Asia. We are looking for documentaries that are creative, relevant to social and human interests, and have unique points of view. We encourage innovative filmmakers and documentaries with experimental spirit. A permanent office has been established under CTFA since 2014.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

Logo of Cúcara Mácara international Short Film Showcase

22 Jul 2014

Published: 30 Apr 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Muestra Internacional de Cortometraje Cúcara Mácara

Cúcara Mácara international Short Film Showcase

Mexicali, Mexico

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Hacer encima

30 Jun 2014

Published: 29 Apr 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Hacer encima

Hacer encima

Nettuno, Italy

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Terror

Logo of 5th International Motion Festival

31 Aug 2014

Published: 29 Apr 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner 5th International Motion Festival

5th International Motion Festival

Nicosia, Cyprus

The IMF, now is through its 5th edition, has been established as a platform for showcasing innovative motion art videos, spanning from motion graphics, to 2D and 3D animation, video art, and shorts in the wider Mediterranean region.

The 5th International Motion Festival (IMF) will take place on 6 - 9 May 2019!

It is organized by the Department of Arts of the European University Cyprus in Nicosia, Cyprus.

The IMF aims to open a forum for the presentation of the most contemporary and most creative work in the world of motion and thus to be established as the Pioneering Festival that promotes innovative and cutting-edge work.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of The International Art, Ecology, and Tourism Film IFFEST DOCUMENT.ART

15 Jun 2014

Published: 27 Apr 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The International Art, Ecology, and Tourism Film IFFEST DOCUMENT.ART

The International Art, Ecology, and Tourism Film IFFEST DOCUMENT.ART

Bucarest, Romania

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival



07 Jul 2014

Published: 26 Apr 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Santander


Bucaramanga, Colombia

The 12th edition of the FICS will take place in Bucaramanga – Santander from September 27 to October 1, 2022. The call in all official competitive categories, will be open from June 24 to August 19, 2022. For this edition, the Festival will have prizes in effective, recognition support for audiovisual development.

The Social Education and Communications Corporation PRESS LIBRE, whose trajectory of more than twenty years, in the leadership of the development of the media in Santander, supports and qualifies the suitability of the FICS.

The FICS is made up of the presidency of the film director Sergio Cabrera and is headed by its director, Oscar Fonseca, in accompaniment of administrative partners.

Its main objective is to work for the formation of a public criticism and for the consolidation of spaces for discussion and appreciation around a real film culture in the region and in the country.

The department of Santander as the headquarters of the FICS, is among other
the department with the highest average economic growth annual and is promoted as one of the most popular tourist destinations
important, a cultural epicenter of enterprising people, who opens its doors to new markets.

The competitive sections of the FICS are windows to the development of the
culture and the film industry, with new looks towards Ibero-America, maintaining its strong commitment to cinema national, supporting the cinema made in Colombia and Latin America

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of The IndieFEST Film Awards

02 May 2014

Published: 25 Apr 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The IndieFEST Film Awards

The IndieFEST Film Awards

La Jolla, United States

Promoting independent filmmakers of cinematic gems and unique voices to a worldwide audience.

IndieFEST, currently in its 7th year, discovers and honors the achievements of filmmakers who produce high quality films and new media. Attracting both powerhouse industry veterans as well as talented new filmmakers, the IndieFEST is an exceptional, truly international awards competition, not a traditional film festival. The goal of traditional film festivals is to bring entertainment to local audiences making the filmmaker of secondary importance. IndieFEST is about helping independent filmmakers gain the credibility and publicity they justly deserve. Our talented IndieFEST award winners have gone on to win Emmy, Telly and other awards.

Serving filmmakers is IndieFEST’s primary goal:

IndieFEST strives to give talented directors, producers, actors, creative teams and new media creators the positive exposure and credibility they deserve. The IndieFEST promotes award winners through press releases to over 40,000 filmmakers and industry contacts as well as five additional global media/distribution outlets. We are currently developing a filmmaker representative program to assist with the distribution of award winning films and a joint venture with The GRID, a worldwide network for mobile devices – both coming in 2015.

Where our filmmakers are from:

The IndieFEST Film Awards is truly international in scope and has received projects from filmmakers in over 64 countries, they include Australia, Bahrain, Bali, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kosovo, Malaysia, Malta, Martinique, New Zealand, Norway, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, the USA and more.

What kind of media:

The IndieFEST is an excellent venue for film, new and experimental media, television programs, animation, educational programs, remixes & mashups, movie trailers, music videos, webisodes, tube length works and more.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video