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Chicago Comedy Film Festival is an international festival. We aim to showcase films that are both humorous and poignant. Comedy often has difficulty competing against other genres in the film festival circuit. The Chicago Comedy Film Festival is a welcoming environment for both experienced and first time comedy filmmakers. What our fest offers:
* An organized, top-notch festival We're bring you really opportunities that you'll only get at the top ranked film festivals.
* A festival staff that cares about your work and success. We're filmmakers too! (But we never screen our own work, our staff's projects or close friend's films because that is not fair to everyone that pays to submit)
* We have a management deal with YouTube Studio, Collab. If you want to learn more about YouTube success, we're the fest. Our channel here: http://goo.gl/9FR6uE
* A strong alumni network. We do LA events often.
* Introductions to Chicago press and Chicago film reviewers from Chicago Film Critics and other publications
*We're the only Chicago festival to premiere an Oscar nominated film. Something Out of Nothing.
* Networking with some of the world's funniest filmmakers, celebs, comedians
* We send out three submission waivers PER MONTH through our newsletter, first come first serve.
* Top Female Filmmaker (since our first year in 2010) and Diverse Voices in Comedy Awards as well as top awards in all categories.
* Be seen and talk to Cow Lamp Films, independent film distributor. And another distributor being added for 2018.
* Sometimes we have cookie or beer sponsors
Mission Statement: To support comedy as a vital and influential art form.
Our partner film festival: Chicago Independent Film (+TV) Festival and America's Next Great Reality Show.
TRIBE Project brings you Through My Eyes Film Festival.
Through My Eyes is an international and Indigenous short film festival that seeks to showcase the stories of Indigenous peoples from all over the world. The festival aims to redefine the word Indigenous, originally meaning "of the land", and in doing so, create community through the understanding that we are all indigenous to somewhere. It doesn't matter if you're native to the United States, the aboriginal lands of Australia, Europe, Asia, or Africa.
Submissions need not be limited to content that explores Indigenous or Native Identity (though that is welcome). We seek radical inclusivity that embraces stories from the land you come from and the places that your ancestors once called home. From the heart of Native American actress and filmmaker, Tiger Moon, Through My Eyes is seeking submissions for LA's 4th annual Indigenous short film festival.
About the RIFF
RIFF - Rajasthan International Film Festival stands being a new organization in the area of international cinema, which will make endeavors towards imparting a novel identity to the world cinema, through conducting film festivals in the city of Jaipur every year. RIFF will continue to work concerning technical and academic aspects of cinema. The organization will make attempts to connect the world cinema with the common public and making it a social concern, through conducting various seminars, debates and discussions.
Rajasthan International Film Festival ( RIFF ) , Jaipur is the biggest Academic and Glamour Film Festival in Rajasthan. This FIVE day extra vaganza showcases a diverse, language independent, selection of the best feature films, documentaries and short films from around the world, on themes of Hindi and English and other Rajasthani cultures and identities.
In addition, the festival also features concerts, gala events, film parties, seminars, workshops and networking opportunities with government representatives, business leaders, local organizations that support film development, film stars, producers, directors, members of the media and more.
RIFF Seasons :
1st - International Seminar - HINDI CINEMA : SAMAJ AUR SAROKAR (28-29 Oct. 2014) AND ZEE CINEMA RIFF 2015 - COMMON MAN IN CINEMA ( 18-20 Jan. 2015 )
2nd - Rajasthan International Film Festival 2016 – ZEE CINEMA RIFF 2016 - CINEMA : VILLAGE Vs GLOBAL VILLAGE ( 17-20 Jan. 2016 )
3rd - Rajasthan International Film Festival 2017 – RIFF 2017 - CINEMA : TRADITIONAL CINEMA Vs NEW TECHNIQUE IN CINEMA ( 14-18 Jan. 2017 )
4th - Rajasthan International Film Festival 2018 – RIFF 2018 - WOMEN IN CINEMA ( 20-23 Jan. 2018 )
5th - Rajasthan International Film Festival 2019 – RIFF 2019 - ( 19-23 Jan. 2019 )
International football film festival based in Peru and Colombia. The fifth edition was carried out for the first time 100% online for all of South America. This year 2021, due to the Covid-19 measures, we will carry out the 6th edition in its online version.
Learn more at www.festivalminuto90.com or contact us at gol@culturaldefutbol.pe
Submit your production for free in any of our categories.
Open submissions from May 27 to July 31, 2024 on Festhome, Click for festivals.You can also send your application to the email: fickuntakinte@gmail.co
The Eighth Kunta Kinte International Afro Community Film Festival, which will take place from August 28 to September 1, 2024, will focus on the theme of "AFRO DIASPORA". Remember that each production will be reviewed by our curatorial team; you have until July 31, 2024 to register.
We invite filmmakers to submit their films, documentaries, and short films that address aspects of the African diaspora, such as the history of slavery, global African descendant culture, the fight for civil rights, migration experiences, and the influence of African heritage on different cultural expressions. Through cinema, we seek to rescue and value the stories of resistance, resilience, and creativity that have defined the African descendant experience.
Check the terms and conditions here:
The Barichara Green Film Festival FESTIVER, created by Colombian actors Toto Vega and Nórida Rodríguez, seeks to build a new generation of artists and audience commited to the environment. Through its screenings and a continuous search for resources to create environmental film content, FESTIVER aims to educate and entertain by developing academic, artistic and recreational activities which enrich the Colombian cultural landscape and help build a better world. The 14th edition will take place on September 19-22, 2024 in Barichara, Santander, Colombia.
If there is something we all have in common, it is movement. As Akram Khan put it: “Movement is the essential ingredient of how the world continues, or survives.”
When our body’s movement fuses with the cinematographical movement, one of the most original film genres is born: dance film. While words can mislead, the body language does not lie.
Choreoscope is the International Dance Film Festival of Barcelona. A unique event dedicated not only to those passionate about dance, but also to those who enjoy quality cinema. Born in 2013, with three full-house celebrated events, our goal is to promote the strong ties with art in general and with film and dance in particular.
Movies do not know any boundaries. Dance does not either. There is a common language joining them. The universal language of movement. Choreoscope ́s mission is to connect this fascinating language with an audience eager to experience something new, different, something special. Choreoscope Barcelona is the dance film festival of those who go one step further.
NOCTURNA MADRID, International Fantastic Film Festival is the most important Festival of its kind held in the city of Madrid.
Fiffen is a voluntary initiative, set in to motion in 2017 as a movie fest. It's arranged by Florø Filmklubb, a filmclub that was hailed as the best in Norway in 2016.
The first year we didn't really know what we wanted, we applied for som money, and when we got it we had to use it, so we made a festival that was more or less like a filmclubseason, comprised to eight days. Showing more or less well known movies.
For the next year, and the next version of Fiffen, we took it a bit further than that. We opened up for admissions from aspiring moviemakers from around the world, short or feature length. The main objective of the Festival is to inspire affection and enthusiasm for film, and encourage and abet film production among unestablished filmmakers. These days we all walk around with equipment for making movies in our pockets, the smart phone, and we would like to encourege people to use them to create something.
We also want to show the people that the cinema doesn't have to belong to Hollywood. That it can be something more than just something created to sell pop corn.
We still didn't know what we were doing last year, but we made a festival, and we showed some films. We had a lot of fun doing it, and have decided to try and build something from this mess that we made. Once again we want you to send us our films, of any kind really, but we have som rules to try and keep our job making a selection manageable. Please read!
The festival of short films "Kino Dj" exists in 2 formats:
1. "The film for a week."
The team registers in its league and on the first day of the festival selects a task by drawing lots.
Within a week he shoots the film and sends it to the organizers and the jury.
After the show and rewarding takes place.
Deadline registration - May 11, 2018.
2. "The film for the year"
We accept ready-made films, filmed no earlier than 2016.
- A short feature film of any genre.
- Timekeeping up to 20 min.
Deadline - May 1, 2018
Webradio Art District Radio organizes its 7th edition of its short movie festival named "Festival du Court d'Art District" around the free theme this year. The festival will take place on March 22, 2024 at Cinema L'Entrepôt, Paris.
We are interested in any kind of short or feature film that is queer, radical, feminist, political, revolutionary, sex-positive, provocative, critical, experimental, animated, artistic, innovative, progressive or documentary.
There are no restrictions as to genres, formats, length or year of release.
English subtitles are required for all non-English or non-German films. For the film viewing we only accept digital copies, submitted as online links!
The PITTSBURGH HORROR FILM FESTIVAL will provide a forum where film makers can display their work.
We will focus on horror films of all lengths, with no limit on when the film was made, and if it has been shown elsewhere. Your submission to the festival will be eligible for various awards and acknowledgements.
The 5th edition of the PITTSBURGH HORROR FILM FESTIVAL will be held from October 28 through October 30 2022, The event will be held at the beautiful Double Tree Hotel in Greentree Pennsylvania
Dona i Cinema aims to generate a live space of artistic and social creation and investigation. A space led by women, which divulgates their works and productions, promoting equal opportunities in Performing Arts and fostering the end of discriminative practices towards women.
For this reason since 2011 we run the International Biennal Dona i Cinema – Mujer y Cine – Woman & Film, a week dedicated to cinema made by and for women, with the exhibition of a selection of features, shorts, documentaries, animation and video art. All made by women.
Film Festival held in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico , specializing in spreading terror , suspense , science fiction and fantasy , focused on the cinema and the various artistic disciplines that exist emphasis on the entertainment part with commitment that the public receives in each of our events , a real fun and enriching experience.
Official Website:
Official Email Address:
film@gzdoc.cn / screen@gzdoc.cn / project@gzdoc.cn / docshop@gzdoc.cn
1.All emails should be regarded as official only when they are sent from the official email addresses listed above. Please do not make a promotion of selection if you only get an email from Festhome without any confirmation from our official email address.
2.We will only notify selected films by film@gzdoc.cn. If you haven't been notified by email by the end of November, it means your film has not been selected.
Introduction of GZDOC Four Main Sessions:
GZDOC is the only state-level professional platform with documentary financing and trading functions and has become the pioneer in China's documentary industry, showcasing national industrial policies and international development trends. Dedicated to the documentary festival for two decades, GZDOC has turned into a comprehensive cultural event integrating competition, screening, pitching, training, forums, and market.
①Golden Kapok Award Competition
The Competition section is dedicated to honor outstanding documentaries that can promote the exchange of various cultures, communicate universal emotions and values through excellent filmmaking techniques and high-level production. This section does not contain any public screenings. If the production team has the intent to do so, please also register for the screening section.
②Golden Kapok Screening
This is the non-competitive screening section that aims at presenting a variety of documentary films to the public, showing the audience the latest films with brilliant story-telling skills, authentic expressions, or experimental narratives.
GZDOC recruits work-in-progress projects for and from global market.
The 21st edition will invite Chinese and international buyers, broadcasters and key players from the industry as the decision makers, in the aims of developing the pre-sale, co-production and commission of documentary projects.
The DOCSHOP is a year-round marketplace for filmmakers, distributors, buyers and commissioners, etc. It contains three kinds of copyright cooperation modes:
1) On-demand Screening System
The DOCSHOP will set aside a screening area at the GZDOC venue. Participants will watch the films submitted to DOCSHOP through the on-demand screening system. Screening reports will then be generated, recording the viewers' purchasing interests. GZDOC staff will process these requests after the festival.
If necessary, the DOCSHOP will also set up an online on-demand screening system on official website(www.gzdoc.cn). The online on-demand system will be only available for registered guest, and only release film trailers.
2) Daily Operation
The GZDOC DOCSHOP will keep recommending films to various platforms in a bid to facilitate trades throughout the year.
3) Industry Screenings
Industry Screenings are film screenings at the GZDOC venue for registered delegates and industry professionals. On the spot publicity could be arranged, in a bid to promote the films.
Mogilev State Enterprise "Kinovideoprokat" welcomes you and informs that in September 2025 in the city of Mogilev, Republic of Belarus, the XXVIII International Festival of Animated Films "Animaevka-2025" will be held.
Over the years, the festival has become a celebration of animation for children and adults. Events are held in all regional centers of Belarus.
For viewing, film screenings of competitive and non-competitive programs, creative meetings with the creators of animated films, master classes, exhibitions of children's fine and decorative and applied arts are organized.
As part of the treatment:
- competition of animated films;
- competition of children's animation creativity
- competition of children's fine and decorative and applied arts.