Logo of SITGES FANPITCH Catalunya Imaginària

30 Jun 2025

Published: 11 Mar 2025
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner SITGES FANPITCH Catalunya Imaginària

SITGES FANPITCH Catalunya Imaginària

Sitges, Spain

Sitges FanPitch és una plataforma internacional de referència per a la promoció i desenvolupament de projectes de llargmetratge i producció seriada de gènere fantàstic, ciència-ficció i terror. Amb l’objectiu de reforçar i donar més visibilitat al talent creatiu en llengua catalana, va néixer el segell Catalunya Imaginària, una iniciativa destinada exclusivament a projectes en llengua catalana que vulguin formar part d’aquest esdeveniment.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic

Logo of Adriatikino Adriatic Film Exhibition celebrating Analog Footage Film

15 Apr 2025

Published: 11 Mar 2025
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Adriatikino Adriatic Film Exhibition celebrating Analog Footage Film

Adriatikino Adriatic Film Exhibition celebrating Analog Footage Film

Fermo, Italy

We are excited to announce the first open call for short films based on celluloid film with no boundaries on genre. Experimentations, found footage, archive's creative use and mixed media are welcome, as well as any language that challenges the orthodoxy.

AdriatiKino is a screening organized by local filmmakers in collaboration with Luma Experimental Film Lab and Teatro Nuovo di Capodarco in Fermo (Italy), close to the Adriatic Sea. Inspired by its historical spirit of connecting cultures, Adriatikino aims to be an encounter to nourish a film lover community, to promote interchange between filmmakers and film lovers, as well as to spread analog film practices.

The event includes screenings and workshops. The movie theater Teatro Nuovo di Capodarco is the main venue for an open air digital screening (inside screening if raining) where there will also be an informal dinner.

Luma experimental Film Lab is a second venue for an analog projection (Super 8 and/or 16 mm) and a film workshop promoting dark room experience.

We are seeking short films that use celluloid film, no longer than 15 min, and should be submitted digitally with a link to an online screener.

Screening dates: 29 - 31 May 2025
Venues: Cortile Clareni at Nuovo Teatro di
Capodarco, Capodarco di Fermo (FM), Italy
Luma Experimental Film Lab, Fermo (FM), Italy

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Sitges FanPitch

30 Jun 2025

Published: 11 Mar 2025
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sitges FanPitch

Sitges FanPitch

Sitges, Spain


For the eleventh year in a row, the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia is organizing Sitges FanPitch, its feature film and series production project pitch competition.
Sitges FanPitch is the international pitch competition event focusing on feature films and series productions in development with horror, science fiction and/or fantastic genre themes. The initiative maintains its objective of discovering the very best genre projects and facilitating connections with leading industry companies. The event will take place in hybrid format on October 12 and 13, 2025 at the Sitges Film Festival.

Altogether, a maximum of five series and seven feature films from all around the world will be selected. These will be joined by the projects selected by the Festival at the collaborating Sitges FanPitch film markets and the project selected at Sitges FanPitch Catalunya Imaginària.

The people responsible for each of the selected projects will have the opportunity to make a sales pitch and meet with each of the participating companies. In addition, the five winning feature film projects will be eligible for travel grants for their international circulation and to be part of the next Feratum Residency.

In the series category, one winning project will be selected, which will be awarded a cash prize for its ongoing development.

Once again this year, we will be supporting local talent with the Catalunya Imaginària label, guaranteeing a place in the final selection for a project in Catalan.

For the fifth consecutive year, this edition will be complemented by the Showrunners LAB, an introductory and mentoring seminar on the role of the showrunner. The selected series projects will be able to benefit from individual mentoring sessions with the showrunners participating in this year's edition.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic

Logo of Festival Americano de Cinema e Vídeo Socioambiental de Iraquara - Bahia - BR

11 May 2025

Published: 11 Mar 2025
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Americano De Cinema E Vídeo Socioambiental De Iraquara - Bahia - Br

Festival Americano de Cinema e Vídeo Socioambiental de Iraquara - Bahia - BR

Iraquara, Brazil

V Festival Americano de Cinema Socioambiental
traduce al ingles: V Festival Americano de Cinema e Vídeo Socioambiental de Iraquara

A degradação ambiental e social começa a preocupar a humanidade como um todo. Isso porque a busca por um lucro rápido e fácil gera tal degradação, afetando a coletividade em geral, forçando a cada um de nós a adotar mudanças de atitude, para que, dessa forma, possamos garantir a nossa própria sobrevivência no Planeta.

Os problemas decorrentes da ação negativa do homem sobre a natureza têm sido objeto do olhar não só do Poder Público, mas também da sociedade civil organizada, além de ter se transformado em fonte de inspiração para artistas que almejam registrar e denunciar a deterioração do ser humano e da natureza. Sendo assim, o cinema e o vídeo são os veículos adequados para documentar e delatar as graves agressões ao ecossistema. A partir daí, possibilitar o acesso às obras produzidas com essa temática é uma forma de envolver as pessoas nesse movimento de conscientização para preservação do planeta e da raça humana.

Iraquara, fincada na Chapada Diamantina, na Bahia, tem um patrimônio natural de valor inestimável: lá se encontra o maior acervo espeleológico da América do Sul. E é também por isso que essa pequena cidade dá seu aporte nesse processo de conscientização ambiental, realizando o V Festival Americano de Cinema e Vídeo Socioambiental de Iraquara – V FASAI CINE VÍDEO. Com o objetivo de apoiar e ampliar a rede de defesa do meio ambiente e do ser humano, serão exibidas e premiadas obras de cinema e vídeo – longa, média e curta metragens – com temática socioambiental no V FASAI.

A proposta, também, passará por realizar palestras e debates sobre a água, esse precioso bem finito que a natureza nos dá; debater sobre o desmatamento que tem assoreado nossos rios e degradado terras antes férteis; debater sobre um dos graves problemas de nossa época que são as toneladas de resíduo sólido que produzimos diariamente e os descartamos sem qualquer critério no solo. Queremos transformar tais debates que serão travados durante o IV FASAI CINE VÍDEO em ações concretas na própria cidade, modificando o cotidiano da população local e estimulando a prática de cidadania em cada indivíduo. O município poderá mostrar ao mundo como o Poder Público pode e deve interferir no processo de conscientização e mudança de atitude de sua população.

O V FASAI CINE VÍDEO convida vocês realizadores e realizadoras que fazem da sua arte uma ferramenta na luta por um mundo melhor; vocês, ambientalistas que registram as suas lutas com tecnologias audiovisuais para denunciar e combater os crimes que convivemos no nosso dia-a-dia, a inscreverem suas obras audiovisuais que tematizem sobre a natureza e a sua degradação corrente em nosso V Festival Americano de Cinema e Vídeo Socioambiental de Iraquara.

A cidade lhes espera de braços abertos para que juntos possamos apontar ações que prenunciem uma melhor qualidade de vida em nossa cidade, em nosso país e, quiçá, no mundo!
V American Festival of Socio-Environmental Film and Video of Iraquara

Environmental and social degradation is beginning to concern humanity as a whole. This is because the pursuit of quick and easy profits generates such degradation, affecting the collective as a whole, forcing each of us to adopt changes in attitude so that, in this way, we can ensure our own survival on the planet.

The problems arising from the negative actions of humans on nature have been the focus of not only the Public Authorities but also organized civil society. Moreover, they have become a source of inspiration for artists who seek to document and denounce the deterioration of both humanity and nature. Thus, film and video are the appropriate mediums to document and expose the serious aggressions against the ecosystem. From there, providing access to works produced with this theme is a way to involve people in this movement of awareness for the preservation of the planet and the human race.

Iraquara, located in the Chapada Diamantina region of Bahia, has a natural heritage of immeasurable value: it is home to the largest speleological collection in South America. And it is also for this reason that this small town contributes to this process of environmental awareness by hosting the V American Festival of Socio-Environmental Film and Video of Iraquara – V FASAI CINE VIDEO. With the goal of supporting and expanding the network of defense for the environment and humanity, films and videos—feature-length, medium-length, and short—with socio-environmental themes will be screened and awarded at the V FASAI.

The proposal will also include lectures and debates on water, that precious and finite resource that nature provides us; discussions on deforestation, which has silted our rivers and degraded once-fertile lands; and debates on one of the serious problems of our time: the tons of solid waste we produce daily and discard without any criteria into the soil. We aim to transform the debates held during the IV FASAI CINE VIDEO into concrete actions within the city itself, changing the daily lives of the local population and encouraging the practice of citizenship in each individual. The municipality will be able to show the world how the Public Authorities can and should intervene in the process of raising awareness and changing the attitudes of its population.

The V FASAI CINE VIDEO invites you, filmmakers and artists who use your craft as a tool in the fight for a better world; you, environmentalists who document your struggles with audiovisual technologies to denounce and combat the crimes we face in our daily lives, to submit your audiovisual works that address the theme of nature and its ongoing degradation to our V American Festival of Socio-Environmental Film and Video of Iraquara.

The city awaits you with open arms so that together we can propose actions that foreshadow a better quality of life in our city, in our country, and perhaps in the world!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Cinefantasy - International Fantastic Film Festival

15 Apr 2025

Published: 11 Mar 2025
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cinefantasy - International Fantastic Film Festival

Cinefantasy - International Fantastic Film Festival

São Paulo, Brazil

Welcome to the 16th Cinefantasy!

We created CINEFANTASY – INTERNATIONAL FANTASTIC FILM FESTIVAL to encourage, discuss, and promote fantastic cinema and its universe. Over fifteen editions, we have presented 1,500 films, held more than 100 educational activities, received 8,000 film submissions, and attracted an audience of over 90,000 people.

Now, in 2025, the 16th CINEFANTASY arrives in São Paulo from September 2 to 7, bringing a vibrant program with competitive screenings, special exhibitions, and immersive experiences for all genre lovers.

Come be enchanted, surprised, and celebrate this magical and extraordinary universe with us!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival  Cinema de Jaraguá do Sul - 2025

30 Apr 2025

Published: 11 Mar 2025
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Cinema  de Jaraguá do Sul - SC - Brasil 2025

Festival Cinema de Jaraguá do Sul - 2025

Jaraguá do Sul, Brazil

Only for Brasilian Filmmakers.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


30 Jun 2025

Published: 11 Mar 2025
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner WomanInFan


Sitges, Spain

Girls Just Wanna Have FAN

IV WomanInFan - Sitges Fanlab Short Film-Teaser Creation Competition Call for Entries

The Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia presents its fourth call for entries to make a short film-teaser as part of the WomanInFan (Sitges FanLab) program. The objective of this initiative is to give visibility to female creators and incorporate them into fantastic genre filmmaking, proposing the creation of a piece destined to circulate around the audiovisual market, which will serve as a sample of an idea for a fantastic genre feature film.

WomanInFan expands its field of action to include film production in order to support the work done by female filmmakers within the fantastic genre industry.

The Evaluation Commission will select 10 projects from among all those submitted, out of which there will be one winner. The 9 runners-up and the winning project will have the right to participate in the Industry Sessions at the 58th Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia thanks to industry accreditation (except for private events).

WomanInFan - Sitges Fanlab Short Film-Teaser Award:

• Industry accreditation for 1 person.

• A 10,000 euro budget (VAT included), which will be allocated entirely to producing the winning short film-teaser.

• Support from the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia in the project's production functions.

• Presentation of the project as part of the corresponding edition of the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia in the Industry section and/or at those sections that the Festival considers most advisable, com Sitges FanPitch.

• 2 nights of accommodation for the winner in order to attend the Sitges FanPitch with their winning project in this competition (the representatives will cover travel and food expenses).


III WomanInFan – Sitges Fanlab Residence Call for Entries

The Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia presents the III WomanInFan – Sitges FanLab training grant call for entries, as part of the WomanInFan program.

This Sitges Film Festival initiative for the visibility and incorporation of female creators in fantastic genre filmmaking proposes a new platform for female fantastic genre creators. It consists of a proposal for training in the through the residency format, which will take place during the 58th Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia.

The Grant Includes:

• Accommodation, travel expenses and per diems during the entire 58th Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia.

• Access to all Industry sessions at the 58th Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia.

• The selected applicants will receive intensive mentoring from leading experts in the film industry so that they can develop their projects in different facets. The mentoring and workshops will take place in Sitges during this year’s Festival.

• Training via mentoring, individual counseling from experts, screenings, Master Classes and workshops.

• The possibility of presenting the project as part of the corresponding edition of the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia in the Industry section and/or at those sections that the Festival deems most convenient.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of International Thai Film Festival

31 Jul 2025

Published: 11 Mar 2025
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner International Thai Film Festival

International Thai Film Festival

Bangkok, Thailand

International Thai Film Festival a.k.a. ITFF is an internationally recognized film industry event and registered international (IMDb qualifying) film festival of Thailand. The event of ITFF is a film screening event and film entertainment industry expo, founded by S.E.G. Alongside screenings of a wide variety of films (Official Selection), there are Panel Talks session, networking opportunities and the ITFF Award Ceremony. ITFF brings together film, animation and entertainment industry professionals from around the world, celebrating and awarding the very best productions and artists, from emerging talents to seasoned professionals.

ITFF Competition is a film, animation and video competition for industry professionals and amateurs alike, who are passionate about filmmaking and wish to screen their work and compete for ITFF Awards to gain a wider recognition and reputation in the industry.

Entrants have a chance to win a trophy and prizes at ITFF. The selection of productions is executed by the ITFF Judging Board that includes established Thai film and entertainment industry professionals and guest judges from major studios, overseas. With their extensive industry experience and knowledge, each project submitted to ITFF Competition is viewed and studied closely, awarding creativity and the execution of their story regardless of the budget of their production. Submit your work and take us on a journey that surprises us, shocks us, melts our hearts, makes us laugh or simply entertains us.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Valdivia International Film Festival

25 Apr 2025

Published: 11 Mar 2025
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Valdivia International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Valdivia

Valdivia International Film Festival

Valdivia, Chile

Valdivia International Film Festival showcases Chilean and international cinema in five competitive categories: Feature Competition, Youth Feature Competition, Latin American and Caribbean Short Film Competition, Latin American and Caribbean Children’s Short Film Competition and Chilean Short Film Competition for Film Students. Its non-competitive program includes historical retrospectives, contemporary filmmakers’ retrospectives, political cinema, avant-garde cinema, genre, and a children-family oriented cinema slot.

The festival aims to offer Chilean and foreign filmmakers a place to screen and to compete, and by doing so, promoting national and international film works of artistic quality.

The festival will be held from October 13th to 19th, 2025, in Valdivia, Chile.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental


31 Jul 2025

Published: 11 Mar 2025
 Has submission fees
Short films



Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Slash Eyes International Film Festival (SEIFF) is a festival that is open to all cultures and all different ways of looking at reality. We will accept your proposal with the respect and dignity it deserves. If you are a creator with an original and different vision, then this is the ideal place for you.

We place a high value on originality and champion the work of creators who may not be understood by the more traditional circuits.

We are based on the island of Mallorca, one of the places with the greatest potential for recognition and exposure in the world. You can take advantage of this opportunity to showcase your work and to promote yourself as a film maker.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of San Benedetto film fest

31 May 2025

Published: 10 Mar 2025
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner San Benedetto Film Fest

San Benedetto film fest

San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy

SAN BENEDETTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ( Terms, Rules, prizes and motivations can be translated in 22 languages visiting our site https://www.sanbenedettofilmfest.it)

"MAGICSCREENPLAY" ( Terms, Rules, prizes and motivations can be translated in 22 languages visiting our site https://www.sanbenedettofilmfest.it/magic-screenplay/)

We built a festival in total freedom, without any external conditioning. An International Short Film Competition. A window on cinema from a privileged viewpoint: the city of San Benedetto del Tronto. Born in 2017, the SBFF has become one of the leading international events for the Adriatic Riviera and the Piceno region. The events will take place at the Palazzina Azzurra in San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) on Viale Buozzi 14.

"MAGICSCREENPLAY" - (Collateral Event to the SAN BENEDETTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL) was born from the need to combine the scenic, architectural and natural beauties of the Marche Region in syncrasia with the cultural, social heritage and identity need of the places and the human and professional resources that come from them, evolve and hope for an ever-increasing expansion of training, skills and abilities.

The Contest was born within a strategy of discovery and promotion of national and international emerging talents and represents the exclusive context to select, through a Quality Jury, the best pitch, with a predefined theme, to be declined into a consequent script.

After the selection, the one deemed to perform best will be subjected to development through the creation of a short film with a total length of no more than 15 minutes, produced by the Associated Professionals Association of Art & Management "IL SERPENTE AUREO," in collaboration with and with the support of the FILM COMMISSION MARCHE, the MARCHE REGION and under the patronage of the City of San Benedetto del Tronto.


- " There is no art form like cinema to strike the conscience, shake the emotions and reach the secret rooms of the soul" Ingmar Bergman

- " Life in the depths is completely different from life on the surface and has mysterious and terrifying aspects" Dario Argento

- " I am not an artist but a craftsman" "The heart must mediate between the brain and the hands" Fritz Lang

- " I steal from every single film ever made. If I like things I mix them together. And if people don't like it, then don't go see it.... I steal from everything.... Great artists steal not make homages" Quentin Tarantino

- " No matter where the world goes, even if I can't speak a foreign language, I don't feel out of place. I think of the earth as my home. "Akira Kurosawa

- " An essential element of all art is risk..." Francis Ford Coppola

- " Cinema is a mode of expression that allows one to express all the nuances of a thing and its opposites..." Catherine Breillat

- " Unlike all other art forms, cinema is able to capture and render the passage of time, to stop it almost to possess it in infinity. I would say that film is the sculpture of time. "Andrei Tarkovsky

- " I am just a storyteller and film seems to be my medium. I like it because it recreates life in motion, enhances it ... it is my way of telling a story. "Federico Fellini

- " The art of film can only really exist through a highly organized betrayal of reality" François Truffaut

- " I work with my dreams or nightmares" David Cronenberg

- " If I can't get the characters to talk, then I give up " Quantin Tarantino

- " The poet stretches out his hand to lead us beyond the last horizon, beyond the top of the pyramid, to that land that extends beyond the true and the false, beyond life and death, beyond space and time, beyond reason and fantasy, beyond spirit and matter." Alejandro Jodorowsky

- " Cinema is the 'only art form in which the works move and the viewer remains motionless " Ennio Flaiano

- " Cinema is a cultural industry. Making films also means assuming a social and moral responsibility. Therefore, we should not produce what we can sell, but sell what we want to produce " Franco Cristaldi

- " I think that scandalizing is a right.... " Pier Paolo Pasolini

- " To act is to listen... " Pupi Avati

- " I think the past affects the ability to tell stories" Joel Coen

- " Cinema is beautiful if it can read reality " Ettore Scola

- " Cinema consists of two things: a screen and chairs. The secret lies in filling them both " Roberto Benigni

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Vinaròs AGUSTÍ COMES Short film Festival

04 May 2025

Published: 09 Mar 2025
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival De Cortometrajes De Vinaròs Agustí Comes

Vinaròs AGUSTÍ COMES Short film Festival

Vinarós, Spain



International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Fusagasugá International Film Festival FICFUSA - Woman and Territory

31 Aug 2025

Published: 09 Mar 2025
 Has submission fees
Feature films

Promotional card of Fusagasugá International Film Festival FICFUSA - Woman and Territory

Banner Festival internacional de cine de Fusagasugá FICFUSA - Mujer y Territorio

Fusagasugá International Film Festival FICFUSA - Woman and Territory

Fusagasugá, Colombia

Fusagasugá International Film Festival (FICFUSA) aims to bring the residents of Fusagasugá and the Sumapaz region new screens, points of view and cinematographic work of high quality to promote a critical thinking around the problems and issues experienced by women. In the short term, we aim to become an international platform for gender and women thematic films, attracting producers, directors, and distributors interested in these subjects.

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary


01 May 2025

Published: 09 Mar 2025
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner La Setmana de cinema independent de Girona


Girona, Spain

The Girona Independent Film Festival is a platform for directors and authors of independent fiction feature films without a distributor. The festival aims to promote these productions by providing an opportunity for their exhibition and commercial distribution.

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Other

Logo of Cinema Awards Costa Brava 2025

01 Jul 2025

Published: 08 Mar 2025
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Premios Cine Costa Brava 2025

Cinema Awards Costa Brava 2025

Tor, Spain

COSTA BRAVA Film Festival 2025.

Presentations of the films and short films in the cinema room of the La Devesa de Tor club. IN-PERSON AWARDS CEREMONY on Saturday 12 July in l'ESCALA (Costa Brava). Promotion in S'AGARÓ, PLATJA D'ARO and L'ESCALA

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Milton Keynes International Film Festival

22 Aug 2025

Published: 08 Mar 2025
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Milton Keynes International Film Festival

Milton Keynes International Film Festival

Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Milton Keynes International Film Festival(MKIFF) is the first international film festival and the only of its kind in the city Milton Keynes, United Kingdom . This extraordinary cultural event created in 2021 is one of the most important cinematic event in Milton Keynes.

In previous seasons feature, short and documentary films screened at MKIFF are from independent filmmakers from around the globe as well as Hollywood films like “American Crow”, “Timespiracy”, “Who Shot Sergeant Kirwan?”, Warner Brother’s “Jim Button And The Wild 13”, “Happy Ending”, ”1888”, “Enemy of the Heart” and many more.

MKIFF aims to create in United Kingdom, as well as in the region, a cultural center of worldwide alternative and independent cinema. Milton Keynes is a green, enthusiastic and friendly city and besides the “strong competition” MKIFF aims at the same time to be a meeting point of cultures, where people of Milton Keyes, the guests and all those who love films will have a cinema-language-communication week. It will create a friendly space for film artists and cinema enthusiasts from United Kingdom and the entire world to come together and share their linked passion and knowledge of the motion picture art form.

The intention of MKIFF is to bring filmmakers, producers and film enthusiasts from all around the world to Milton Keynes, in hopes of fostering future co-operation in this interesting and youngest city of the United Kingdom. By bringing together these distinct voices and their work, MKIFF commits itself to introducing audiences to alternative visions of extraordinary diversity.

Breaking all stereotypes, MKIFF mission is to present quality films from around the world as well as support, recognize and honour indie film makers. These films will be organized thematically, in hopes of representing the full range of the human experience as reflected by our chosen filmmakers.

MKIFF is an international cinema event whose main objective is to enlarge the number of venues and time of screening of European and non-European films of all genres and durations in Milton Keynes, United Kingdom as well as it is considered to be an event to develop new audiences around the country, combining film screenings with public debates and approaching new and an increased Film Audience and focusing also on Film Literacy.

Award distribution ceremony is organized once a year. The main goal of the film festival is to provide an exceptional space for the creation and presentation of quality multi-genre art production.

Top rated selected films at MKIFF will be physically screened on the day of event and all officially selected films at MKIFF for screening will be screened online on the www.AltCineplex.com during a special and bespoke online screening event.

For each of the categories, we will select an individual winner as well as a shortlist of runners up.As a winner, you will be provided with an exclusive opportunity to premiere your film on AltCineplex.com.

Those who are shortlisted for as a part of the festival will receive an exclusive online screening experience directly on AltCineplex.com, meaning you could be part of this success, and stream your content to a large audience, including your friends, family, and fans.

During this online screening event at www.AltCineplex.com, we welcome friends, families, and fans to celebrate your success, and support you using our tipping/VOD function on AltCineplex.com. 70% of every single tip/ticket you receive will go directly into your pocket!
All winner films MKIFF will get an opportunity to get released on the www.AltCineplex.com.
At ALTCINEPLEX your your film can be release under the following category(depends on the review).
i. SVOD (Subscription based video on demand service)
ii.AVOD(Ad-based video on demand service)
iii.TVOD(Transactional based video on demand/pay per view service, You will get 70% share of every purchased)

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Rodinia Short Film Festival

31 Jul 2025

Published: 08 Mar 2025
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cortometrajes Rodinia

Rodinia Short Film Festival

Rodinia, Spain

17th Rodinia Short Film Festival 2025

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival de cinema i fotografia documental de Menorca

04 May 2025

Published: 08 Mar 2025
 Has submission fees
Short films


Festival de cinema i fotografia documental de Menorca

Es Mercadal, Spain


The Menorca Doc Fest is a film and photography festival that aims to raise public awareness through the documentary genre, understanding it as a tool to promote critical thinking about the phenomena of the past and present that affect contemporary society.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Shortfilms Cartagena Negra

01 Jun 2025

Published: 08 Mar 2025
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Cartagena Negra Cortometrajes

Cartagena Negra Cortometrajes

Cartagena, Spain

The genre of the short films will be exclusively film noir, mystery or thriller.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


30 Mar 2025

Published: 08 Mar 2025
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Apágame Ese Country Fantastic Film Festival



APÁGAME ESE COUNTRY FANTASTIC FILM FESTIVAL is a cultural project in rural Asturias that aims to highlight Spanish audiovisual production in short format. Fiction or animation short films will be accepted, with fantasy themes, horror, sci-fi and sub genres... this is our second edition and we would like to have a lot of participation to make it difficult for our programming team who comes eager to work. Don't ask us about the title of the festival...

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror