Logo of International Film Festival PELICULATINA

15 Aug 2016

Pubblicato: 12 Feb 2016
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Banner Festival Internacional “PELICULATINA“

International Film Festival PELICULATINA

Ixelles, Belgium

Only for Iberoamerican Filmmakers // Solo para cineastas Iberoamericanos.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale


29 Apr 2016

Pubblicato: 12 Feb 2016
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Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Santander


Bucaramanga, Colombia

La dodicesima edizione del FICS si svolgerà a Bucaramanga — Santander dal 27 settembre al 1 ottobre 2022. Il bando in tutte le categorie ufficiali competitive, sarà aperto dal 24 giugno al 19 agosto 2022. Per questa edizione, il Festival avrà premi in un efficace supporto di riconoscimento per lo sviluppo audiovisivo.

La Social Education and Communications Corporation PRESS LIBRE, la cui traiettoria di oltre vent'anni, nella leadership dello sviluppo dei media a Santander, sostiene e qualifica l'idoneità del FICS.

Il FICS è composto dalla presidenza del regista Sergio Cabrera ed è guidato dal suo regista, Oscar Fonseca, in accompagnamento di partner amministrativi.

Il suo obiettivo principale è quello di lavorare per la formazione di una critica pubblica e per il consolidamento di spazi di discussione e apprezzamento attorno a una vera cultura cinematografica nella regione e nel paese.

Il dipartimento di Santander come sede del FICS, è tra l'altro
il dipartimento con la più alta crescita economica media annuale ed è promosso come una delle destinazioni turistiche più popolari
importante, un epicentro culturale di persone intraprendenti, che apre le porte a nuovi mercati.

Le sezioni competitive del FICS sono finestre per lo sviluppo del
cultura e industria cinematografica, con nuovi sguardi verso l'Ibero-America, mantenendo il suo forte impegno per il cinema nazionale, sostenendo il cinema made in Colombia e America Latina

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Sperimentale

Logo of To Save and Preserve

01 May 2016

Pubblicato: 11 Feb 2016
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Banner The International Ecological Festival “To Save and Preserve“

To Save and Preserve

Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia

Festival is an international unique project.

These days Khanty-Mansiysk becomes a TV and environmental capital of Russia, where you can see the most actual foreign and native ecological documentary.

Nowadays mass media devote special attention to environmental issues. Every year state of our planet is getting worse. Participants of the festival are calling to rescue the world. They are real professionals that live TV and films.

Their works are worth of recognition. The main award - the Golden Loon - gives to participants an opportunity to create new films that could affect people' world view. Today the importance to respect nature can be reveal through the TV screen. The main thing is to do it properly. And International Ecological TV Festival "To Save and Preserve teaches and promote this thing.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

 Documentario  Animazione

Logo of Ennesimo Film Festival

01 Apr 2016

Pubblicato: 11 Feb 2016
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Banner Ennesimo Film Festival

Ennesimo Film Festival

Fiorano Modenese, Italy

The festival’s mission is to spread the knowledge of film art, especially in the form of short films, in order to show the public all the different aspects of contemporary international cinema.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of Huesca International Film Festival

10 Mar 2016

Pubblicato: 11 Feb 2016
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Promotional card of Huesca International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca

Huesca International Film Festival

Huesca, Spain

L'Hollywood Academy sostiene il Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Huesca riconoscendolo tra i finalisti degli Oscar nella categoria Miglior cortometraggio di finzione, inoltre l'Accademia Spagnola delle Arti e delle Scienze del Cinema lo riconosce per i premi Goya.



Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of Revolution Me Film Festival

15 Jun 2016

Pubblicato: 10 Feb 2016
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Banner Revolution Me Film Festival

Revolution Me Film Festival

Brooklyn, United States

Revolution Me Film Festival ti offre una nuova generazione di registi. È importante che ogni artista di ogni cultura sostenga qualcosa nel proprio modo unico, creando storie che possano cambiare il mondo.

Il mondo del film/TV è in continua evoluzione e continuerà a crescere. Ma chi sta guidando questo nuovo cambiamento? Registi, sceneggiatori, attori, produttori e registi hanno una voce ed è importante influenzare le nostre comunità con le nostre storie.

Revolution Me Film Festival vuole che i nuovi registi emergenti si uniscano e cambiino il mondo. Abbiamo bisogno di più diversità, abbiamo bisogno di più voci, abbiamo bisogno di più donne dietro la telecamera e seduti sulla sedia dei registi. Questo festival cinematografico è aperto a ALL!

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of Bucharest International Film Festival

15 Mar 2016

Pubblicato: 10 Feb 2016
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Banner Bucharest International Film Festival

Bucharest International Film Festival

Bucuresti, Romania

Bucharest International Film Festival is a competitive festival, dedicated primarily to international feature-length films. The festival aims to promote copyright movies and low budget films.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Sperimentale

Logo of ARKIPEL Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival

07 Apr 2016

Pubblicato: 10 Feb 2016
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Banner ARKIPEL Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival

ARKIPEL Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival

Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

The end of ideologies has left two words, social and capital, as a pair of twin archetypes, social/kapital, which is strangely guiding our time now. That strangeness (in fact is a mere fairness because of accumulation of those two words’ ideological histories) is located on the interpretation position of both which inevitably are inseparable anymore since have turned into mutational forms of knowledge of how we appropriate all activities and cultural production in that context. This mutated knowledge is the meaning of both words in its similar proportion namely, social / capital.

The context plays its role in the transitional period now, which is on the pragmatic pressures rather than symbolic desires. Only seems both words repel each other although they actually equally inherent in mutual dependence and to their implications on our reality these days.

As a manifest of the archetypal fall, both concepts are merely placed into grand discourse throughout the centuries of cultural production on the top of ivory tower, a place where comprehensions of cultural production is likely to be seen and interpreted centrally–monoconsentric—through intricacy and sophistication of powers (political) and technologies (aesthetic). In other words, the language that articulates practices to imagine social and capital at that time and became our legacy of thinking, only allowing a value obtained from contemplation, while a variety of performativity which is celebrated in it sublimated as myths about World View. However, as the withdrawal of modernism, a shift in the understanding and meaning occurs when the concepts of geography and anthropology transformed most phenomenally by massive presence of new life habituation through the media that we are using now. social/kapital reduces those myths and coexist or along together with our performativity celebrations today.

Reduction of those myths seems in this circumstance: A productional milieu from vertical experience symbolically into horizontal experience pragmatically. In other words, the quest for suprasensory concept shifted to the quest for visible interpretation alias everyday.

A new literacy was stretched in front of the most present opportunities of cultural productions. Thus, the end of ideologies, which can be read as globalism nowadays has directed the production structure into contemporary guilds through the most advanced concept of the meaning existence of social and capital. This latter reality results in social reproduction produced by capital markets certainly everywhere either in the economic context or anthropological. Avoiding the strongest possibility of sloganistic assumptions to emerge about the revolutions of ideologies when writing this term, SOCIAL/CAPITAL are arranged in inductive letters, social/kapital is about to put perspective on peripheral domains.

Practices imagine anthropocentric into the concepts of citizenship or citizens as units of community—either as a representation of what would be ideal, either as a sheer performativity celebration, now it is common that the behaviors in a new world (global) when socialism and capitalism become mere of ‘world view’ concepts from the past and no longer sturdy as the two dominant poles which were constructed and applied throughout history by various powers to codify its inhabitants.

Idea and concept about social/kapital citizens have been merging various cultural activities of their existence in a new world (global) without—or only vaguely— memories of the state except local identity as a nation and their differential statuses. Individualism in the body of citizens is imagined almost as closely as shadow of something collective (collectivity). Is there a so-called global citizen complete with attributes and identity really exist apart from geographical and societal changes in which the capital motive is its creator?

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Documentario  Animazione  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of American Film Awards

30 Jun 2016

Pubblicato: 09 Feb 2016
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Banner American Film Awards

American Film Awards

Averill Park, United States

Film is an international medium that has its roots in the American inventors and entrepreneurs. This spirit is felt in every word of a script, every frame, every cell and every pixel of film produced around the world.
The American Film Award is a recognition of what it means to have that founding motivating force. It is much more than a trophy, it is a message that the spirit of film is alive.
The American Film Award is a mark of excellence in Film Craft.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of Trinity International Film Festival

05 Jul 2016

Pubblicato: 09 Feb 2016
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Banner Trinity International Film Festival

Trinity International Film Festival

Inkster, United States

Detroit’s Trinity International Film Festival. The festival takes place August 20-23, 2020 in beautiful Downtown Detroit at The Marlene Boll Theater, 1401 Broadway, Detroit, Michigan and The Carr Center Gallery. The 4-day event themed “FILM YOUR FUTURE” features an array of independent films, screenplays, workshops, The Future panel discussion and filmmakers from around the world. We are also hosting a Best screenplay competition, 2nd Annual Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey 100 Proof! Red Carpet Award ceremony. We expect an audience of over 4500 people from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds to attend. This event will give your company a distinct marketing opportunity with this population in Detroit.

The TI Film Festival has hosted industry professionals locally and nationally to share their knowledge and expertise in various workshops and industry discussions. Special guests have included famed Actress and Producer, Tangi Miller, Syndicated Radio Host and Film Producer, Russ Parr, Former BET Executive Producer, Ralph Scott, currently with the Aspire Network (Owned by Magic Johnson), film segment producer/head of production for more than 100 episodes of SNL, Tanya Ryno and Writer, Director, Qasim Basir, “Destined,” and Actress/Singer Deborah Joy Winans of the acclaimed TV series “Greenleaf,” which airs on Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network.

The highlight of this event over the years has been all of the innovative work we've showcased by indie filmmakers and our audience that supports Detroit's TI Film Festival.

2020 Festival Schedule (Screening Schedule Coming Soon)

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Altro

Logo of Ananse Afro Film Festival

01 Aug 2016

Pubblicato: 09 Feb 2016
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Banner Festival de cine afro Ananse

Ananse Afro Film Festival

Cali, Colombia

L'International Afro Film Festival «Ananse» mira a rendere visibili gli aspetti culturali e sociali della popolazione nera. Lavorare come parte di un circuito che consente di far conoscere il movimento alternativo ai nuovi registi per realizzare video sugli afro-discendenti di tutto il mondo.

«Ananse» è il primo festival che invita i registi di tutto il paese la possibilità di creare spazi di produzioni visibili che rappresentano i punti di vista delle comunità nere.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario

Logo of The London International Animation Festival

30 Apr 2016

Pubblicato: 09 Feb 2016
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Banner The London International Animation Festival

The London International Animation Festival

Stoke Newington, United Kingdom

Il London International Animation Festival mette in mostra con orgoglio l'intero spettro dell'animazione creativa, dimostrando che l'animazione è adatta a tutti.

Fondata nel 2003, la LIAF mira a dissipare il malinteso popolare secondo cui l'animazione è solo cartoni animati per bambini, proiettando la più ampia gamma possibile di film attuali intelligenti, divertenti e provocatori provenienti da tutto il mondo, oltre a retrospettive e sessioni specializzate provenienti da paesi e animatori che normalmente non suscitano tale attenzione.

Il nostro Festival annuale di 10 giorni include anteprime di gala, retrospettive, domande e risposte con registi, workshop, voto del pubblico e proiezione del Best of the Festival.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Animazione  Music Video

Logo of Roswell Film Festival

08 Apr 2016

Pubblicato: 08 Feb 2016
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Banner Roswell Film Festival

Roswell Film Festival

Roswell, United States

The Roswell Film Festival honors International Feature and Short Films of all genres. Special Sections include: General Entry, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Independent, Documentary and New Mexico based productions.

Taking place May 19-21, 2016 the Annual Roswell Film Festival will host films, special events, panel discussions and you in the Alien Capitol of the World.

Finished films in the categories of Feature Films (running time over 60 minutes) and Short Films (running time under 60 minutes) may enter into the festival.

Entry Fee of $35. The fee for the Festival is for already completed films.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Altro

Logo of Find Your Next Edit

15 Apr 2016

Pubblicato: 07 Feb 2016
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Banner Find Your Next Edit

Find Your Next Edit

Winter Park, United States

Show us your best moments from this season. Tell a story. Get rowdy. Create. Inspire. Capture that perfect second/day/weekend and share it here.

Festival del cortometraggio


Logo of London Experimental

30 Sep 2016

Pubblicato: 06 Feb 2016
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Banner London Experimental

London Experimental

WALTHAMSTOW, United Kingdom

Our mission:

To recognise and honour experimental film
To educate the public in experimental film
To build a networking platform for experimental filmmakers

We support: the unrecognised, the progressive, the visionary. By submitting your film you: endorse our mission, embrace our philosophy, join our community, declare rightful ownership of your work, permit screenings, and the use of clips and images for promotion.

London Experimental Film Anti-Festival
Fluid and evolving
Promoting experimental film
Exhibits in a variety of alternative spaces
No programming
No competition or prizes
Random film selection
Free to watch
Unorthodox marketing

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio


Logo of VideoMaker Film Festival

29 Feb 2016

Pubblicato: 06 Feb 2016
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Banner Videomaker Film Festival

Videomaker Film Festival

Casalnuovo di Napoli , Italy

Qualunque tipologia di prodotto audiovisivo, in qualunque lingua (purché comprensibile almeno con sottotitoli in italiano) prodotta dal 2014 in poi. Termine iscrizioni 19 febbraio 2017. www.videomakerfilmfestival.com

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of CINESONIKA: celebrating the soundtrack

01 Jun 2016

Pubblicato: 06 Feb 2016
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Banner CINESONIKA: celebrating the soundtrack

CINESONIKA: celebrating the soundtrack

Surrey, Canada

CINESONIKA is the premiere international exhibition for works which make full artistic use of sound's contribution to the moving image, showcasing fascinating soundtracks, idiosyncratic sound design, eclectic scoring and innovative approaches to the sound-image relationship.

Since it's founding in 2010, the CINESONIKA website has averaged ~5000 unique visitors annually, a much larger audience than most boutique film festivals gain in actual screening attendees.

To take advantage of this established global exposure, CINESONIKA 6 will also have an online festival in the Summer of 2017, running in parallel to the Vancouver VFX Festival (www.vvfx.ca). Live screenings of both festivals will take place in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia.

Cinesonika is also partnering with the NW Film Center in Portland, OR for screenings of select films as part of our touring anthology.

We are open to works in any format, including narrative, documentary, animation, experimental, and uncategorizable styles. Videos will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the deadline, so earlier submissions will result in earlier notifications.

We accept in all genres (e.g. animation, narrative, documentary, performance, experimental, shorts, etc.)

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of Highland Park Independent Film Festival

01 Aug 2016

Pubblicato: 06 Feb 2016
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Banner Highland Park Independent Film Festival

Highland Park Independent Film Festival

Playa Del Rey, United States

HIGHLAND PARK INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL (HPIFF) fosters emerging and established filmmakers by providing forums for screening projects, networking with industry professionals and mentoring student filmmakers in Northeast Los Angeles. All films will screen at the historic Highland Theatre on a DCP system

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of 4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

20 Oct 2016

Pubblicato: 06 Feb 2016
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Banner 4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

4th Kanyakumari International Film Festival

Kanyakumari, India

Kanyakumari International Film Festival
Celebrates its 4th year !

Event Type: Live Screening of Films from worldwide and Connected Programs including Film Making Workshops, Film Seminars, Film Appreciation Camps and Exhibitions.

The call for entries for the film festival is now open!

Screening Categories:

Feature Film Over 60 Minutes
Long Documentary Over 60 Minutes
Long Animation Film Over 60 Minutes
Long Experimental Film Over 60 Minutes
Music Video Over 60 Minutes

Short Film Under 60 Minutes
Short Documentary Under 60 Minutes
Short Animation Film Under 60 Minutes
Short Experimental Film Under 60 Minutes
Music Video Under 60 Minutes

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Altro  Sperimentale  Music Video

Logo of Festival de Málaga. Sección Afirmando los Derechos de las Mujeres

20 Feb 2016

Pubblicato: 05 Feb 2016
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Banner Festival de Málaga. Sección Afirmando los Derechos de las Mujeres

Festival de Málaga. Sección Afirmando los Derechos de las Mujeres

Málaga, Spain

ASSERTING WOMEN'S RIGHTS è un progetto che è emerso dal Festival di Malaga, da Mabel Lozano (documentarista e collaboratrice del Festival) e dall'Area delle pari opportunità del Comune di Malaga come strumento di protesta. Questa sezione è stata creata con l'obiettivo di esplorare e affrontare questioni che contribuiscono alla consapevolezza sociale dei diritti delle donne ogni anno.

Questa sezione del Festival de Málaga è nata nel 2008, essendo questa la sua 18a edizione. Il progetto è concepito con un duplice scopo: informare sulle ingiustizie che le donne subiscono ancora in questo secolo per il semplice fatto di essere donne e incoraggiare e sostenere l'opera cinematografica creata dalle donne.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Altro  Sperimentale