すべての人間はそれ自身の中のメッセージです。私たちはそのメッセージを素晴らしいメッセージへと伝え、育んでいかなければなりません。 世界中の映画製作者があなたの素晴らしい作品を共有し、GMIFFに提出することを心から歓迎します。
Vantage Point を通じて、エンターテインメントは映画愛好家と生活の領域を共有するための媒体にすぎないことがわかります。 人生の意味に突き刺さると、人生にはそのような意味や目的はないと感じます。そうです! いつかは、人生に大きな意味や目的を与えて、全人類や次の世代への素晴らしいメッセージを作り出さなければならないこともあります。
私たちは本当に小さな人間です。どうか私たちの言いたいことを理解してください。 しかし、私たちが権限を与えたいタスクやミッションは非常に大きいです。 川の例を見れば理解できる。 どの川の始まりや起源もとても小さいが、彼女の無私無欲さは一貫して彼女をより巨大なものに導いている。
この目的を達成するために、機会均等エリアは、2024年10月から11月の間に「XXII FILM SHOW WOMEN ON STAGE」を開催します。
2010年以降、職業上のキャリア開発に関心を持つ女性が日々増えていることを利用して、男女格差が大きい映画制作における女性の存在を支援することに、意識と認知度を高めるというこの目的が追加されました。 したがって、この分野では、オフィシャル・ウーマン・オン・ステージ・セクションの目的の一つは、女性が制作したオーディオビジュアル作品の認知度を高めることであり、夕方のセッションでは、女性が監督、制作、脚本を書いた作品を独占的に上映することで達成されます。
ラプラタ国際インディペンデント映画祭-FestiFreakは、アルゼンチンのブエノスアイレスの首都ラプラタで最も関連性が高く魅力的な文化イベントの1つです。 20年前、私たちは映画館やその他の映画館では通常上映されない映画や作家を上映し、プレミア上映するというアイデアを思いつきました。また、映画界の巨匠のフィルモグラフィーを審査するというアイデアもありました。 第20回シリーズは、2024年10月に開催されます。
「Segni nuovi」映画文化クラブ,「アルカモDoc」映画文化クラブと共同で,「コルティアモ」の第15版を開催します, 国際短編映画コンペティション.
-コルティッシミ(最大所要時間 3 分)
CTRF2017, in it's 5th year, screens documentary films with themes of addiction, alcoholism and mental health - particularly films that include solutions to the various issues, or devoted to better understanding of the subject and challenging stigma surrounding the conditions. We will accept feature submissions but have limited space for these.
第9回ユーレカ大学映画祭 2023
以下に説明する条件は、ユーレカ大学映画祭とそのプログラミングチームが提案する要件に対応しています。 公式プログラムへの参加を希望する学生や映画製作者が送るオーディオビジュアル作品の登録と選考は、これらの要件、基準、条件によって異なります。
ユーレカ大学映画祭は、当初はボゴタのホルヘ・タデオ・ロサノ大学の学生とコロンビアのさまざまな大学の学生によって開催されたイベントです。 映画祭は、2023年10月19日から26日まで、コロンビアのボゴタDCで開催されます。
第7回目となる今回は、目をひっくり返して中を見るという、内省の旅へと私たちを連れて行ってくれました。 この過程は、私たちの体を揺さぶり、悲鳴を上げるような探求へと終わりました。 そのため、第8回ユーレカ大学映画祭のキュレーション・プロポーザルの中心に、「スクリーミング」という行為が中心に置かれることになった。これは、中を見ると自然なセグウェイだと思うプロセスだ。 内省した後は、私たちが信じているものを外部に持ち出し、内部で発見したすべてのものに時空上の場所を与える必要があります。叫び声を、映画やオーディオビジュアル制作を拡大したいという創造的エネルギーの触媒として考える必要があります。これは、伝わって空間を支配する音波が、聞く人の皮膚に届くにつれて揺れるのと同じように、映画やオーディオビジュアル制作を拡大したいという創造的エネルギーの触媒と考える必要があります。
エントリーの募集は、2023年4月3日から8月1日まで受け付けます。 視聴覚資料を受け取ることができる唯一のプラットフォームは以下のとおりです。
コーデックProRes 422に1枚、.MOVまたは.MP4として収録され、最低解像度はフルHD 1920x1080pxです。
コーデック H264 に 1 つ、.MOV または.MP4 として含まれ、最小解像度はフル HD 1920 x 1080px です。
-.srt ファイル内のスペイン語と英語の字幕
-テクニカルシートを含む PDF ファイル
-予告編 (もしあれば)
-3 スチル
-監督とプロデューサーのプロフィールを含む PDF ファイル
The Mario Losantos del Campo Foundation (FMLC) is dedicated to promoting the human development through Health and Education.
In order to support actions for making our society aware of the situations that damage freedom, dignity and respect for other people, this entity organises the FMLC Award for the Best Social Short Film.
In this 1st edition, the contest offers an award of 10.000 € for the best short film about BULLYING PROBLEMS at school.
1. Organization
The 2017International Intangible Heritage Film Festival (here in after referred to as IIFF) is hosted by National Intangible Heritage Center and organized by International Intangible Heritage Film Festival Executive Committee.
2. Goals
The purpose of 2017 IIFF is to discover and introduce outstanding films related with Intangible Heritage around the world. Moreover, 2017 IIFF aims to bring the world’s latest and hidden gem and devoted to diversity of intangible heritage and film in the spotlight.
3. Overview
1) Official Title: 2017 International Intangible Heritage Film Festival
2) Date: August 31st – September 3rd, 2017
3) Host: National Intangible Heritage Center
4) Organizer: International Intangible Heritage Film Festival Executive Committee
5) Supporter: Cultural Heritage Administration, International Information and Networking Center for Intangible Culture Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region. Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju City, Jeonbuk National University
4. Awards
- Grand Prix for Best Intangible Heritage Film : 7,000,000KRW (approx. 6,200 USD)
- Excellence Award for Best Intangible Heritage Film: 5,000,000KRW (approx.4,400 USD)
※Other prizes will be announced and the details are subject to change.
5. Intangible Heritage is related with
-oral traditions and expressions
-performing arts
-social practices, rituals and festive events
-knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
-traditional craftsmanship
- WeCare promotes knowledge about important issues at the end of life through research, training and other social actions.
- The end of life is often identified with suffering. With this festival, we want to reflect that life can be meaningful, in all circumstances, until the end.
- For this reason, this competition aims to present the end of life as a situation in which we can find meaning. Through the short films, a voice will be given to the patients, family members and healthcare professionals who experience this situation.
- The festival will also include panel discussions between experts from different disciplines. We aim to provide information about, give greater visibility and generate debate about the end of life.
Short films that reflect the end of life from the following perspective will be admitted:
- People with advanced illnesses
- Elderly people
- People with chronic illness or physical limitations
- Children or adolescents facing the end of their life or that of those around them
- Family members, friends and caregivers
- Healthcare professionals
- Other related themes
Entries from all cinematographic genres will be accepted (documentaries, fiction, animation, experimental, etc.)
Purpose- 1936, Memorias del Silencio is created with the aim of promoting through the cinema and colloquies,the peace cultur and another view around the world, regarding the Spanish civil war.
This program responds the intention of dealing with the role of the Spanish civil war from its cultural environment, anthropological and social, with special attention to the role of woman through its evolution.
Lectures and speakers will participate in workshops, discussions, and debates in order to make aware and provoke reflection on some events that a whole sector refuses to talk about. For this reason, we will give priority to the accesible suggestions to people with audible or visual disabilities.
It will be integrated by a retrospective, competition, and colloquies or conferences with specialists.
We encourage the participation of spanish producers and we stimulate the producer’s look from countries with low production or with difficulty to reach our film theaters and specially encouraging the presence of works made by young artists.
Cinema is an art form that needs to be simultaneously nourished and challenged and ÉCU - The European Independent Film Festival provides the perfect arena for indie filmmakers to express authentic cinematic storytelling in the most compelling ways possible.
As one the World’s truly stand out independent film festivals, ÉCU embraces innovation and creativity and allows directors in competition to showcase their films to audiences who appreciate and love independent cinema. Filmmakers who are selected into ÉCU’s Official Selection join an active community of creatives who continually push the boundaries of indie cinema.
"It is always an absolute joy to present one's work at ECU. The team are fantastically helpful, the jury extremely competent, and the selection of the highest quality. I would recommend participating to anyone who's in love with indie filmmaking!" - Celina Liesegang, producer of Viscera: Autopsy of a (non)human body, ÉCU 2022 Official Selection
"It's always a pleasure having our films at ÉCU, especially this year with our awarded short film "Useless"! The communication has been great during the whole process and our filmmakers are so excited to be part of this competition. See you again next year with new projects!" - Marta Salvador Tato, distributor of USELESS, the winner of the Best European Independent Dramatic Short award 2022
Since its inception in 2006 ÉCU has forged a path for independent film and the scope of its presence has grown to a global scale with the festival often being referenced as the European equivalent of Sundance, an honour that we don’t take lightly.
Spring is not only a fabulous time for Paris but an exciting time for ÉCU because that is when we showcase roughly around 100 of the World’s very best independent films. Although ÉCU emphasises European talent, it also recognises the genius of international filmmakers with several categories allocated to non-European films.
The next ÉCU, the 19th edition, will take place on the 19th, 20th and 21st of April, 2024 in Paris, France.
ÉCU isn’t just all about screening an amazing slate of films over its three-day event in Paris in April. There are also professional workshops led by experts in the industry, Q&A’s held with the attending filmmakers after every screening session and a chance to network with fellow filmmakers, producers, agents, industry representatives, prospective film buyers and, of course, the cinema-loving public. At ÉCU, there is a continual dialogue celebrating and critiquing the world’s best indie cinema of today.
Though ÉCU’s main event IS the three-day festival in Paris each spring, there is even more! Thanks to our over 50 partner festivals, partner organizations, film centres and film commissions, ÉCU’s goes on an annual world tour called ÉCU-On-The-Road, which gives award-winning films (as well as many of the Official Selection films) the opportunity to have their films screened to a broader, global audience. ÉCU-On-The-Road showcased films in over 80 countries around the globe in 2016 - 2023 at special ÉCU mini-festivals, partner festivals, cultural institutions and film schools, including an amazing seven day special festival in São Paulo, Brazil. The event was made possible through the support of Caixa Cultural, São Paulo and was a huge success. ÉCU also held special events in Berlin (Germany), Cannes (France) and was part of festivals in Lebanon, Italy, Russia, USA, Romania, Austria, Denmark and other countries. This gives ÉCU filmmakers great exposure to audiences that they may never have reached.
Since 2006, ÉCU has helped the careers of literally hundreds of independent filmmakers, actors, DPs, editors, screenwriters and is honoured to be firmly established as one of the World’s eminent indie film festivals.
Above all, we are proud to be a filmmakers’ festival!
Asian Film Centre Global Fest is an annual event designing to spot filmmaking talent and matching them with international sales agents. AFC Global Fest is all about true indie spirit. It is designed to be the bridge between independent filmmakers and international sales agents. Winning films will get a chance to be represented at global film markets.
With substantial revenue (sometimes well above 50 percent) coming from exploitation outside of a film’s home country, it is vital that producers should target and then structure deals with foreign sales agents.
What is an international sales agent?
An international sales agent is the conduit to your film’s distribution outside of its country of origin. The sales agent will acquire a set of rights from you, pitch and sell these distribution rights to potential distributors around the world, draft distribution agreements, deliver the physical and electronic materials of your film to these distributors and, finally, collect and pay the revenue due to you. An international agent will be your partner for years, helping craft the commercial life of your film on the world stage.
What is an independent cinema?
“independent cinema” as film outside the established system of filmmaking. Probably even more widely, beyond the established system of values: the experimental, low-budget, underground, various new wave, and so on.
Why should you submit to AFC Global Fest?
Because it is path-breaking, one of its kind event. Asia is the biggest film market of the world, e.g. Chinese film market and the Indian Film market. This is your chance to show your presence in Asia. As the submission is free you can always take a chance.