Join us for the Eighth Annual Green Bay Film Festival.
GBFF festival takes place over several weeks starting mid-January and wrapping up March of 2018. Specially selected films have an opportunity to be played in the festival segment called "Films Around Town" (playing in various venues around town) leading up to a weekend event March 1-4, 2018 at St. Norbert College.
This year the festival is focusing on more networking opportunities for filmmakers over the March 1-4 weekend! More events, engagements and seminars all within walking distance of the St. Norbert college venues. We also provide the filmmaker “Green Room” where your conversation and networking continues throughout the weekend!
GBFF has a multitude of categories! We have specific category types so your film has a better opportunity to get selected. So, if you find your film fits in Animation, Children & Family, Cultural, Thriller/Horror or is a Wisconsin made film, you’ll want to be sure to select that option! GBFF always has a Short film segments, documentaries and features playing during their weekend sessions. Plus, be sure to consider submitting to GBFF's ever popular Saturday Night THRILLER & HORROR segment. This year our special Thursday night choice will be chosen from the topic “Storytelling”. Something most of your films Do!
This Year's Categories Are:
We hope you will attend and help us create an experience that goes beyond "watching a movie"! We connect filmmakers and audiences in a community setting! We include “talkbacks” following the films between our filmmakers and audiences and for those hot topic’s, we bring in specialists from various fields.
We delight in giving our Filmmakers extraordinary welcomes in traditional Midwest fashion. Make your Name and Film headlines to a community thirsty for talent with a thriving knowledgeable film base.
As one filmmaker said, “Green Bay is the perfect place to host a film festival. The talent is real and everyone’s doors are open.” We couldn’t agree more.
祭りは含まれます:フィルム上映, 写真のレビュー, ワークショップ, 特別プレゼンテーション,
Corto Dorico is co-organized by Nie Wiem and the Ancona City Council, in partnership with the Marche Cultural Foundation.
Additional financing is provided by other associations and private sponsors.
Corto Dorico Film Festival was created in 2004. Since then it has become one of the main Italian Film Festival primarly dedicated to short films.
The primary goal of the Corto Dorico Festival is to present an overview of the Italian short film world and its authors. The main mission of the festival is to scout, promote and support new points of views, poetics and film concepts. From classic narrative to experimental forms, from documentaries to animation and so forth, Corto Dorico is cinema without discrimination of genre and format.
Corto Dorico has two competitive sections:
- Short Italian Film Competion
- Amnesty International/Italy International Short Film Competition “Running Out of Rights”
Short Italian Film Competition
Is open to submissions of short films in Italian language directed by Italian citizens, residents, or individuals domiciled in Italy (Italian or non-Italian); Italian citizens resident or domiciled abroad (submitting films in a different language other than Italian) may also apply. Non-Italian citizens (resident or domiciled outside of Italy) can also submit a film as long as it has been shot in Italian language.
Amnesty International/Italy International Short Film Competition “Running Out of Rights”
This section, created in partnership with Amnesty International Italy, will accept submissions of short films of every genre that are related conventionally or less conventionally, with the themes of civil and human rights. A selection will be screened during the festival and the best short film will be honoured with the Amnesty International Italy Award.
Soria Imagina is a section of the International Short Film Contest Ciudad de Soria. Only short films shot entirely in the city or province of SORIA that have finished their production as of September 2017 and with a maximum duration of 5 minutes may be presented.
The Austin Comedy Short Film Festival is a bi-annual event for comedy filmmakers and screenwriters from all over the world to showcase their creative works in Austin, Texas. We screen short comedy films in a "back to back" format on HD Blu-Ray DVD at the Alamo Drafthouse - Lakeline in Austin. The Austin Comedy Short Film Festival is searching for funny and engaging films to entertain a comedy loving audience. Did you know that the Austin Comedy Short Film Festival posts about each and every official selection on social media? Don't miss this marketing opportunity to get more exposure for your work creative work.
シティ・イン・フィルム・アワードは、都市問題に関連する最高の映画を区別します。 それは、フィクションやドキュメンタリー、短いまたは長い特徴であり得る。 私たちは、市が映画の気分、テーマや物語に関連する役割を果たしている都市に関連する映画を探しています。
すべてのジャンルと期間は大歓迎です。 選ばれた4つの映画がライブ上映され、2018年9月に最高の映画が授与されます。歴史的なリスボンの中心部にある神秘的なアルファマです。
シティ・イン・フィルム・アワードは、CINALFAMA LISBON国際映画賞のスペシャルパラレル・セクションであり、メインイベント・プログラム「CINALFAMA年次アワード」の特定の日付を記入します!
Indie-AniFest (Korea Independent Animation Film Festival) organized by KIAFA, the Korean Independent Animation Filmmakers' Association. Indie-AniFest presents spectacular independent animated films from Korea and Asia. The festival offers a diverse range of works and opportunities for filmmakers as well as a chance to interact with audiences. We strive for the values of independence, experimentation, passion and vision by working together with independent animation directors.
The "Oregon Short Film Festival" is a showcase of independent short films from around the world for the Portland, Oregon audience in the Northwest USA. One full Saturday of 100 short films will be compiled and screened at the Avalon Theater on Blu-Ray DVD. All short films that are under 20:00 minutes in length are eligible for submission. We are looking for creative works with good acting, original ideas, fresh concepts, great production value and strong writing. The Oregon Short Film Festival is diverse accepting films from all cultures, races, religions, lifestyles and ideologies. The Oregon Short Film Festival screenings will be thought provoking, fun, colorful, passionate, action packed as well as, cutting edge and experimental. Diversity is the theme of this festival. Check out our website and Facebook to see the hundreds of posts and articles that we create to promote the creative work of each filmmaker and screenwriter. Please submit your film or screenplay and get the recognition that your creative team deserves.
Avalon Theater
3451 SE Belmont St
Portland, OR 97214
FIDOCSは、対話と熟考の促進、そして恒久的な変容の文脈におけるドキュメンタリー映画の鑑賞に向けて観客を育成することに焦点を当てており、ドキュメンタリー制作だけでなく、ノンフィクション作品特有の流れについても探求することを目指している。 FIDOCSのプログラムには、「THE REAL」の問題に取り組むために、経験豊富な監督と新進気鋭の監督の両方の作品が取り入れられています。その際、「現実とは何か?」という質問であるさまざまな側面、学問的フロンティア、緊張を考慮しています。 ドキュメンタリーのジャンルそのものと同様に、私たちにもたらされるものがある。
FIDOCSはその歴史を通じて、ラテンアメリカで最も著名なドキュメンタリー映画祭の一つとしての地位を確立し、現代映画を上映し、批判的思考を促進するための特権的なプラットフォームとしての地位を確立してきました。 FIDOCSは毎年、セレクティブ・キュレーション・アプローチのもと、国内外のオーディオビジュアル分野の重要人物にサンティアゴでの作品展示を呼びかけているだけでなく、サンティアゴを映画の中心地として利用するにあたり、現代のドキュメンタリー映画のあり方を問いかけ、解釈し、書き直すよう呼びかけている。
チリおよび国際映画のプロモーション、ポジショニング、展示を目的として、FIDOCSは3つの主要なコンペティションを開催しています。 これらの部門には、国際コンペティション、チリコンペティション、国内映画の創発短編コンペティションが含まれます。
さらに、FIDOCSは、進行中のラテンアメリカの作品を対象とする主要な業界活動であるDOCS IN PROGRESSを実施しています。審査員(編集者、監督、サウンドデザイナー、プロデューサー、プログラマー)は、受賞者を選ぶだけでなく、映画のポストプロダクションを実施し、映画の普及と伝達を促すよう映画製作者に働きかけています。 このセクションは、チリドック・コネクタのWIPセクションと共同で運営されています。
また、同映画祭のFIDOCS SCHOOLでは、チリ各地から集まった映画学校やコミュニケーション学校の学生たちが集まる重要な研修や普及活動も行っています。これにより、最も優秀な学生たちが、国内外の映画祭のゲストとともに、世代を超えた学際的な空間に身を置き、マスタークラス、ワークショップ、対話などに参加できるようになっています。
さらに、FIDOCSは、その学際的な使命に沿って、インスタレーション、展覧会、パフォーマンスなど、独自の表現力からドキュメンタリーのコンセプトとの対話を意味する他の芸術的介入の上映にも同行する予定です。 こうしてFIDOCSの拡張セクションは生まれた。そこでは、サウンドやビジュアルの分野に関係のある様々なアーティスト、ビデオアーティスト、映画製作者が作品を展示している。
最後に、選ばれた作品は、映画祭終了後、チリ国内外のさまざまな地域で「ベスト・オブ・フィドックス」部門で上映されます。 その目的は、地域レベルでの映画祭の文化的拡大であり、地域レベルでの映画の流通に重点を置き、国内だけでなく海外でもレプリカを上映できるようにすることです。
視聴覚コンテンツの展示と配布には無料で参加できます。 コンテストは 2025 年 9 月 2 日から 6 日まで開催されます。 子供と青少年は、国内外のアニメやフィクションの短編映画、テレビシリーズ、およびコロンビアの子どもたちが制作したオーディオビジュアルに授与される「FESTICINE AWARD」のカテゴリーで構成される視聴覚番組にアクセスできます。 また、テーマ軸である「市民の文化と環境」について考えるレクリエーション活動も行われます。
展覧会のプラットフォームである私たちは、形式を実現するふりをして、さまざまな非公式な活動をしている人々を教育して教えています。 アート、映画、視聴覚言語に出会い、学び、話し、楽しむ機会を見出す人々を、私たちは呼びかけます。
シネ・リブレ国際映画祭(Corporación Cine Libre)が主催するこのフェスティバルは、さまざまな町や都市にアートを根付かせたいと願う若者たちが主導する文化的イニシアチブとして誕生し、エル・カルメン・デ・ヴィボラルで開催されます。 アンティオキア。
Horrorvision is organized by Spooky High School and Grace Xtreme Maniac, but we have a number of collaborators, who selflessly and raring help us make this festival possible.
The New Urbanism Film Festival is a film festival with a purpose. We want to encourage audiences to think about how they can make their cities and towns a better place. If your film addresses issues in that area, we'd like to see it.
We give awards for the best short film in each of these categories
-Economic Development
-Healthy Cities
-Street Art / Public Art
-Tactical Urbanism
-Urban Design
The Top Prizes are
-Best of Fest (Best Film (feature or short) explaining New Urbanism
-Emerging Ideas (Workshop, Installation, Presentation, or Event held during the festival)
After the screenings, audiences are invited to dialogue with leading urban thinkers about the issues raised during the movie and discuss current local projects.
The festival also offers lots of special events, workshops, tours and classes that help audiences take lessons from the film and apply them to their hometown. We strongly encourage filmmakers to attend the festival.
This festival attracts filmmakers, artists, street artists, architects, urban planners, political leaders, bicycle advocates, faith-based community leaders, and fans of the urban environment. Here's a list of some of our past guest speakers.
Melissa Balmer, California Bike Coalition
Howard Blackson, president California Chapter of the Congress for the New Urbanism
Andy Boenau, host Urbanism Speakeasy,
Chris Bruntlett, director, Vancouver Cycle Chic
Diego Cardoso, L.A. Planning Commission, Director of Planning at LA METRO
Rick Cole, Los Angeles Deputy Mayor for Budget & Innovation,
Tim Deegan, former Chair of the Mid City West Community Council
Chris Elisara, board member, Congress for the New Urbanism
Scott Epstein, chair Mid City West Community Council
William Fain, architect and urban planner, partner Johnson Fain,
Dawn Finley, co-founder, Feminist Library On Wheels
Nat Gale, LA Great Streets Program Director, Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti
Debra Gerod, Partner, Gruen Associates,
Dean Haglund, actor, the X-files,
Tim Halbur, director of communications at Congress for the New Urbanism
Karney Hatch, director, Plant This Movie
Eric Jacobsen, author, Sidewalks in the Kingdom
Scott Hamilton Kennedy, director The Garden
Colin Marhsal, host of Notebook on Cities and Culture
Kellie Morris, author, We All Ride Bikes
Bob Nesson, director, Power to the Pedals
Taylor Nichols, Mid City West Communit Council Transportation committee co-chair
Marquis Olison, community organizer
Moncho1929, street artist
Neal Payton, West Coast director of Torti Gallas Partners,
Stefanos Polyzoides, architect & urban planner MoulePolyzoides
Peter Quintanilla, Prince’s Foundation for Building Community
Thomas Rigler, producer of the KCET series CITYWALK
Rebecca Autumn Sansom, director, Trainsforming America
Meghan Sahli-Wells, Mayor of Culver City, co-founder of the Culver City Bike Coalition
Scott Schultz, creator, BUSted True tales from people who ride the bus in LA
Kyle Sears, New Parish Collective
Maria Sipin, co-host of Women Talk Bikes
Ryan Swanson, founder The Urban Conga
Barry Taylor, Art Center Professor of Advertising & Marketing
J. Keith Van Straaten, host, Beat the Geeks,
Mike Wells, producer, American Makeover: Fresno
Will Wright, AIA-LA honorary, Government affairs liaison
Awards & Prizes
Prizes include:
Award Certificate
Gifts from our sponsors and media partners
Free submissions for life
All Access Pass to NUFF2015
All films must be produced and shooted in the mediterranean countries or in countries with strong cultural links.
a) The Meditrranean countries are: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Slovenia, Spain, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lybia, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Monaco, Montenegro, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Tunisia and Cyprus.
b) The countries with strong cultural links are: Jordan, Kurdistan territories (Iran, Irak, Syria, Turkey), Mauritania, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Portugal and Romania.c)As a special case films shooted at Kurdistan territories should be at least 50% in Kurdish language.