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El programa “Versión Española” (TVE) y la Fundación SGAE (SGAE), convocan el XXII Concurso Iberoamericano de Cortometrajes “Versión Española / SGAE”, orientado a la difusión y fomento de los nuevos autores en el sector de la creación audiovisual
Muestra de Cine de Lanzarote is a project organized by Asociación Tenique Cultural, a non-profit organization whose main goals are to promote, diffuse and debate independent films, analyze the local context and connect it to global level. The 14th edition of the project is scheduled to be held between November 20 and November 30, 2025.
The call for films will be opened between April 1 and August 31 2025, and films may be submitted to the two competitive sections: the Official Section of Feature-length Films, endowed with a prize of 6.500 euros, and the Cruce de caminos: Filmmakers from the Canaries Section, endowed with a prize of 1.200 euros. The prize will be paid during the first four months of the year.
All details about the call can be found in the rules of participation.
Fantasy & horror film festival “FANTFEST” , has been organized for the first time in October 2013 under the name of HRIZANTEMA. The festival takes the place among the small, independent festivals of explicit genres. The horror and fantasy film genre has survived the countless transformations from the very beginnings of cinema. Artists, film - makers, professionals and enthusiast, through the time, have positioned the genres of horror and fantasy and sealed its status among the other genres. Since 2021. festival changed the name to FANTFEST.
Chittagong SHORT was founded to make a platform for the young filmmakers and film learners. To inspire the young, it has started a film festival since 2016. This festival #CSFFBD is designed with film screening and contest, master class, workshop and seminar. For the young filmmakers it’s a great opportunity to show their creativity and extra ordinary thought.
The 11th RESISTENCIA FILM FEST, is an international film festival, not competitive, created to disseminate films that promote the rescue of historical memory, the fight for freedom and the defense of human rights.
The exhibits of the participating films in the eleventh version of the festival will be given in 3 modalities: in the Centro Cultural Tomé, in the TV program, "Películas de bolsillo" and in a traveling museum.
We still have cinema, ladies and gentlemen!
Berriozar Films Kultural “Lantzeluze” announces the “15th International Festival of Social Themed Short Films” that will take place in Berriozar.
Call for entries for the IV edition of the Armadiña Short Film Festival. It will be held
from 12th to 18th November 2018 at Poio.
Glasgow Short Film Festival, the largest competitive short film festival in Scotland, brings together Scottish and international filmmakers, industry delegates and the local audience for an intense five days of competition screenings, unique special programmes, workshops and parties.
GSFF has earned an international reputation for quality curation. This is reflected in the increasing numbers of filmmakers, talent spotters and festival programmers who attend each year. GSFF has been invited to collaborate with festivals and exhibitors in Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland and across the UK.
PLAY is the first Portuguese film festival, exclusively dedicated to children and teenagers, determined to promote the access to culture for a younger audience through Cinema and screening films for audiences aged between 1 and 16 years old.
The main objective of the Festival is to open dialogues around contingency issues through cinema as a platform for mediation and engagement, in the Province of Colchagua, also assuming the role of exhibitor of national and Latin American cinema and independent works from different parts of the world.
Our motivation for this 2021 version lies in the social transformations focused on human rights and the conservation of the ecosystem, as well as the dissemination and enhancement of heritage, in order to consolidate the Colchagua International Film Festival as a space for intellectual, political and cultural turmoil.
The main purpose of La mida no importa-Size Doesn’t Matter is to promote short film production and culture.
Further information: www.lamidanoimporta.cat
Tiburon International Film Festival is an annual event showcasing independent feature and short films from around the world.
The 8th Short Film Festival of the “Côte Bleue” (FCMCB) is a festival for young film directors up to 30 years of age. We are committed to showcasing the works of emerging filmmakers and helping them distribute and promote their shorts. The competition is open to young people from all over the world.
Born in 2009 in order to highlight and encourage artistic expression, film and cultural identity of the region. Promoting the permanence of cultures and strengthening the cultural policies of the city as a mechanism for citizen and community participation; thus supporting the development, exhibition and dissemination of film and the visual arts in the city of Guadalajara de Buga and Valle del Cauca; proposing dialogue between the various expressions of art today and their participation mechanisms mainly in the youth population. This festival seeks to create spaces for discussion, artistic and audiovisual creation in a participatory manner.
The festival became the first event of its kind in this area, for display, training, capacity building and collective on the subject of film and visual arts in Guadalajara de Buga and Valle del Cauca.
La Spezia Short Movie is a festival dedicated to the short film that takes place at Spezia in March.
The central theme of this edition is "Territories, showing resistance".
This theme seeks to generate debate and thought about the processes of resistance that are taking place in Colombia regarding the care and dignification of the territories. We start from the relationship of body and territory, and we claim that in that exercise of counting our territories (those we inhabit and those that forced us to leave) and the struggles that are in them, we are revealing resistances.