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What drive us:
A contest dedicated to transcendental cinema, at its several meanings, including philosophic, psychological, scientific, anthropological, spiritual and poetic cinema.
Because transcendence in the man and the world, might be eventually ineffable and, on this, cinematographic art has certain advantages, and a huge responsibility.
All cinematographic possibilities are welcome, with a major interest on rareties
Cinemística as an open space-time, with non restrictive features, enabling the authors to develop their own language: all formats, duration, nationality, year of production, etc. are accepted.
An international refuge for films that intend, technically or with the plot, an approaching to the big mystery of world representation, in the art and in the man. Without dogmas, under any individual or collective perspective, from faith, but also from agnosticism, spiritual atheism and scientific thought.
Filmmakers' looks, in all their socio-cultural diversity, interested in any film as a result of personal discovering, researching or experimentation, inspiration and work, from revelation or introspection of the authors. Quotidian, ecstasy and disparity as structures to create depth on the film treatment.
Mysticism and asceticism in film production represent, probably, a more absolute estate compare to others, because a cinema with huge budget and more technical complexity could be done, but sometimes the most humble and simple film is, however, universal.
Impermanent cinematographies, from the still, from 'amateur' cinema (from French verb aimer), define directors not only by what they show and how they do it on screen, but by what they decide not to show.
What appears and disappears, topologies emergence, materials or conscious, and their invisibility or subsequent expiration. The sequential surroundings of emptiness, of matters and time. Shafts at the discourse, eloquent, everyone can understand it by himself. Absence and miracle: Mystic as a possible cohabit together.
Great importance of the colloquiums and live interaction between spectators and filmmakers. maximum communication, respect, sympathy and closeness from the organization to the filmmakers, artists and directors who come to present their films.
The International Film Festival of the Autonomous University of Baja California promotes the exchange of experiences in the field of audiovisual production, as well as knowledge building around the cinematographic phenomenon.
The International Student Short-Film Festival is co-organized by: the Nabeul University Cultural Center and the University Center for Dramatic Arts and Cultural Activities of Tunis, under the supervision of the Office of University Works for the North, under The High Patronage of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and with the assistance of public and private organizations.
The International Student Short-Film Festival is open to fiction, documentary and animation films. It consists of several sections:
- A competitive section for short films: fiction, documentary and animation, made by students before June 2017.
- Out of competition films.
- Practical workshops for students participating in the festival.
- A competition for the best short film made during the festival.
The films presented will be chosen according to the criteria established by the jury and under the responsibility of the organizing committee of The International Student Short-Film Festival.
The jury, composed of experts and academics, awards the festival prize, and possibly other prizes entrusted by its exceptional or regular partners.
Great Message International Film Festival
We really wish to share international thinking which is developed in the form of films with the society and the young generation of humanity.
Every human being is a message in himself or herself, we just have to channelize & nurture that message into a great one. Filmmakers from all across the globe are respectfully welcome to share and submit your great films into the GMIFF.
Listed on IMDB:
We understand that you understand the realm of understanding and so you have created your wonderful films with your conscious understanding.
Showcasing Greatness through Audio-Visual
Through vantage point we see that entertainment is just the medium to share realm of life with film lovers. If we penetrate the meaning of life sometime we feel that there is no such meaning or purpose to life, yes! Sometime, but we must have to give a great meaning or purpose to life to create great message for whole humanity or for our next generation.
We are really very small people; please understand what we want to say. But the task or mission which we want to empower is very big. One can understand it by the example of river. The beginning or origin of every river is so small but her consistency with selflessness leads her towards more hugeness.
Most Welcome!
Dear human beings, being human it is good if we transform each moment into humane one.
We really admire your passion and enthusiasm as a filmmaker so with humbleness we invite filmmakers from all across the globe to share your great films into Great Message International Film Festival - GMIFF.
The Malaga Festival, in collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Area of the Malaga City Council, pursues the objective of supporting the presence of women in film production, creating spaces that make visible the work of women in the audiovisual field, professional field where they are underrepresented, both in the direction, in the production or in the writing of scripts; favoring the film industry with the diverse views of women.
In order to fulfill this objective, the Equal Opportunities Area will hold its “XXII FILM SHOW WOMEN ON STAGE”, between the months of October and November 2024.
THE WOMEN ON STAGE FILM EXHIBITION was created in 2002 with the aim of debating, through the holding of cineforums, the existing gender inequalities in our society as well as in other nearby ones, reflecting on their causes and possible social strategies to eradicate them.
Since 2010, this objective of raising awareness and visibility has been added to supporting the presence of women in film production, an area in which there is a large gender gap, taking advantage of the fact that every day there are more women interested in developing their professional careers. In this field, therefore, one of the purposes of the OFFICIAL WOMEN ON STAGE SECTION is the visibility of audiovisual productions made by women, and it is achieved by dedicating the evening sessions to the exclusive projection of works directed, produced or scripted by women .
La Plata International Independent Film Festival - FestiFreak is one of the most relevant and inviting cultural event in La Plata, capital of Buenos Aires, Argentina. We settled 20 years ago with the idea of showing and giving premiere to films and authors that don't usually get in theaters and others screens well as reviewing greatest masters of cinema's filmography. Our 20º edition will take place in October 2024.
Here, you can find the information of the last edition:
The "Segni nuovi" Film Culture Club, in collaboration with the "Alcamo Doc" Film Culture Club, organizes the fifteenth edition of" Cortiamo ", international short film competition.
The "Cortiamo 2020" festival is divided into the following special sections:
- Animation
- Shorts and Rights - "ernestodilorenzo" Publishing House Award
- Cortissimi (maximum duration 3 minutes)
- Documentaries - "Alcamo Doc" Award
- Under 25 - ACEC Award
- Gender equality
- Schools - "Aldo Filippi" Award
- Videoclip
It is good to clarify that the participants in the "Video clip" section must expressly declare that they are authorized to participate in the competition by the copyright holders of the song.
Each short film will be able to participate in more than one section and all the short films submitted will automatically participate in the selection for the "best film" and "New signs" prize.
Only those selected for the "best film" will also compete for the "public prize".
Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre (BARS) is an international film festival devoted to the genres of HORROR, science fiction and fantasy.
Born in 2000 to put focus on independent genre film, and since 2004 in the form of a competitive festival.
CTRF2017, in it's 5th year, screens documentary films with themes of addiction, alcoholism and mental health - particularly films that include solutions to the various issues, or devoted to better understanding of the subject and challenging stigma surrounding the conditions. We will accept feature submissions but have limited space for these.
The conditions described below correspond to the requirements proposed by EUREKA University Film Festival and its programming team. The registration and selection of audiovisual pieces sent by those students and filmmakers who would like to be part of the official programming depend on these requirements, bases and conditions.
EUREKA University Film Festival is an event initially organized by students from the University Jorge Tadeo Lozano of Bogota and students from different universities in Colombia. The festival will take place from September 01 to 08, 2023 in the city of Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
The call for entries will be open from March 11st until June 01rd, 2023. The only platform we will enable to receive the audiovisual material will be :
We will not receive short films through other channels unless the platform may present an inconvenience around your application, in this case you can send us the materials of your short film to the following email:
The materials to be sent in those cases are:
-Two (2) copies of the short film
One (1) in códec ProRes 422, contained as .MOV o .MP4 with a minimum resolution of Full HD 1920x1080px.
One (1) in códec H264, contained as .MOV o .MP4 with a minimum resolution of full HD 1920x1080px.
-Subtitles in Spanish and English in a .srt file
-PDF file with the Technical Sheet
-Trailer (if available)
-Official Poster
-3 Stills
-Director and Producer’s picture
-PDF file with Profiles for both Director and Producer
-Instagram account of Director, Producer or Short Film Distributor
You can attach these materials through the platform of your preference, for example: WeTransfer, MyAirBridge, Filemail, etc.
Additionally, the programming team may request short films that they consider should be part of the call by means of the official mail and the festival reserves the power to make direct invitations to outstanding works.
The theme must focus, from the values of solidarity, tolerance, culture of peace, nature and commitment to gender equality, on ways of life, traditions, trades, crafts, sustainable economy, respect for the environment and living beings, that is, all aspects of the diversity of human culture, with a specific section dealing with issues of the peoples of Siberia and Central Asia.
The Mario Losantos del Campo Foundation (FMLC) is dedicated to promoting the human development through Health and Education.
In order to support actions for making our society aware of the situations that damage freedom, dignity and respect for other people, this entity organises the FMLC Award for the Best Social Short Film.
In this 1st edition, the contest offers an award of 10.000 € for the best short film about BULLYING PROBLEMS at school.
1. Organization
The 2017International Intangible Heritage Film Festival (here in after referred to as IIFF) is hosted by National Intangible Heritage Center and organized by International Intangible Heritage Film Festival Executive Committee.
2. Goals
The purpose of 2017 IIFF is to discover and introduce outstanding films related with Intangible Heritage around the world. Moreover, 2017 IIFF aims to bring the world’s latest and hidden gem and devoted to diversity of intangible heritage and film in the spotlight.
3. Overview
1) Official Title: 2017 International Intangible Heritage Film Festival
2) Date: August 31st – September 3rd, 2017
3) Host: National Intangible Heritage Center
4) Organizer: International Intangible Heritage Film Festival Executive Committee
5) Supporter: Cultural Heritage Administration, International Information and Networking Center for Intangible Culture Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region. Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju City, Jeonbuk National University
4. Awards
- Grand Prix for Best Intangible Heritage Film : 7,000,000KRW (approx. 6,200 USD)
- Excellence Award for Best Intangible Heritage Film: 5,000,000KRW (approx.4,400 USD)
※Other prizes will be announced and the details are subject to change.
5. Intangible Heritage is related with
-oral traditions and expressions
-performing arts
-social practices, rituals and festive events
-knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
-traditional craftsmanship
- WeCare promotes knowledge about important issues at the end of life through research, training and other social actions.
- The end of life is often identified with suffering. With this festival, we want to reflect that life can be meaningful, in all circumstances, until the end.
- For this reason, this competition aims to present the end of life as a situation in which we can find meaning. Through the short films, a voice will be given to the patients, family members and healthcare professionals who experience this situation.
- The festival will also include panel discussions between experts from different disciplines. We aim to provide information about, give greater visibility and generate debate about the end of life.
Short films that reflect the end of life from the following perspective will be admitted:
- People with advanced illnesses
- Elderly people
- People with chronic illness or physical limitations
- Children or adolescents facing the end of their life or that of those around them
- Family members, friends and caregivers
- Healthcare professionals
- Other related themes
Entries from all cinematographic genres will be accepted (documentaries, fiction, animation, experimental, etc.)