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Since 2003 the international Festival SIGNES DE NUIT is active in Paris, Berlin, Saarbrücken, Bankok, Quito (Ecuador), Tucuman (Argentina) and now Urbino, as also with special screenings world wide. The festival in Paris actually presents some Hundrets films over the year coming from around 60 countries.
The Festival is searching films, which reflects new views, original imagery and critical approach to the crucial points of the modern human existence. It is a place for cinema that expands its own boundaries, that is astonishing, different, potentially free from the pressure of tradition, ready to give itself to the unpredictable experimentation.
The minor costs of digital production makes an independant- from comercial influences and any kind of censorship- production possible. These independant productions create an alternative, an artistic space very subtle and accessible to all, in contrast to what mass media offer.
This opposition and the preservation of the free cultural space is the goal of the International Festival Signes de Nuit, which has realized screenings and interventions in 23 different countries including Algeria, Australia, Chile, Cuba, Lebanon, Lithuania, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Peru, Russia, Tunisia, Turkey and the United States beside the screenings in main festival in Paris.
Feedback: The one element most festivals ignore.
Instead of paying submission fees and getting nothing in return, EVERYONE who submits to DOFIFF.COM will receive EITHER ONE OF TWO benefits: Either 1): your film is already competition calibre, and becomes an Official Selection, OR 2): you’ll receive a letter outlining exactly what is keeping it from being accepted. If you can make corrections, you resubmit for FREE.
First-time filmmakers: when have you ever received a letter and had the festival explain "WHY" you weren't selected? See why filmmakers thank us and say “Best Festival Ever!”
-Guaranteed distributor review by World Wide Motion Pictures Corporation (WWMPC.COM), Adler & Associates, and Polaris Pictures (for Screenplays) among others, AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU, for our select few ‘Best Of’ and "Award of Excellence" winners based on sufficient qualified entries. For this free service, DOFIFF requires NO CONTRACTS to be signed.
-The chance to thereby be included in one of that distributor’s buyers’ packets on the world film market
-A festival that is run as a web-based competition, instead of a traditional film festival: 100% of our effort and investment goes into finding a market for you, not into renting theatres unless it is dictated by the distributors to further test the market.
-All "Best Of Show" and "Award Of Outstanding Excellence" may have their trailers shown on WRPN.TV entertainment news next to Hollywood celebrity interviews (optional)
-Any film that is rejected will receive a personal letter explaining what elements caused the rejection (unlike other fests who never give any explanation at all). HINT: majority of rejections or low award levels, are due to insufficient volume on dialogue soundtracks.
-Any film that is accepted, but fails to move on to award status, will be given a free synopsis of the judges notes, at the filmmakers request, for free
-FREE Earlybird entry of any rejected film, into DOFIFF’s next competition, upon completion of the suggested corrections outlined in your rejection letter
-$28 flat fee for ALL STUDENT FILM ENTRIES regardless of deadline status (proof required of student status at time of filming: no refunds if your ID is not legitimate)
-Unique Category distinctions:
“Dust Collector” category for pre-2009 films
“Tight Shorts” and “Loose Shorts” distinction between running times of less than 15 minutes and those between 15-59 minutes
“Horror” and “Sci-Fi” have been separated into two distinct categories
-Finally, you can rest assured that our co-founder is a proud Committee Member for the Universal Film & Festival Organization (UFFO.ORG). The UFFO is a non-profit operating out of the U.K., which exists for "Promoting best business practices for film festivals.” This guarantees that your film will benefit from a fair and thorough judging process.
Since 2013, the association 'The Alibis' organizes every year in November, the FILM NOIR FESTIVAL. The festival takes place in Vincennes (near Paris) in France.
The Film Noir Festival is the 1st French film fest dedicated to the Film Noir with a retrospective of feature films, premieres and an international short films contest.
Competing films are submitted to the judgment of professionals, a jury of students and the audience.
More information on our website: www.filmnoirfestival.com
Depuis 2013, l’association « Les Alibis » organise le Film Noir Festival, un festival de films ayant pour thème le Film Noir. Il s’agit du premier et du seul festival en France ayant pour thème ce genre cinématographique.
Lors des premières éditions, le Film Noir Festival s’était donné comme objectif d’éclairer le public sur le courant cinématographique qu’est le Film Noir.
Durant 4 jours, ce sont plus de 30 films de jeunes réalisateurs, au travers de la compétition internationale de courts métrages soumise au regard du jury des professionnels, mais aussi de cinéastes plus confirmés par le biais de la rétrospective généraliste de longs métrages et des avant-premières nationales, qui ont été présentés à un large public éclectique et de tout âge.
En octobre 2013, le Film Noir Festival s’est associé à la Film Noir Foundation de San Francisco créée et présidée par Eddie Muller, spécialiste mondial du Film Noir et fondateur du festival Noir City à San Francisco, à qui elle a décerné son premier Prix d'honneur en décembre 2013.
Pour sa quatrième édition, qui se tiendra du 24 au 27 novembre 2016 au cinéma "Le Vincennes" (94), le Film Noir Festival poursuivra son éclairage sur le Film Noir en proposant de nouveau une programmation de films inédits ou rares au travers de la rétrospective de 10 longs métrages, des avant-premières en ouverture et en clôture du Festival, des hommages à des réalisateurs, des acteurs ou des compositeurs emblématiques du Film Noir mais également au travers de la compétition internationale de courts métrages.
The Sandfly Film Festival showcases and promotes Australian and international short films and music videos. From award winning works to cutting-edge new comers, from tear-jerkers to rip-snorters, thrillers, classics and indies, Sandfly presents films with bite!
Last year we expanded our reach to include venues not only throughout regional and metro NSW but also major international venues – New York, Bogota, Berlin and Los Angeles all took part in what was an amazing festival and we are hugely thankful to all that made it possible.
We were very proud to see two of our films be nominated at the American Academy Awards in 2013: Aquel No Era Yo and Mr Hublot were both nominated with Mr Hublot going on to win the Oscar for best animated short.
Stay tuned for details of the festival coming up in November 2014.
The International Film Fair of Manizales FICMA will perform its eighth version from August 23 to 27, 2017 in the city of Manizales - Colombia. The selection is open theme so that it is invited to directors and producers who wish to participate with their feature films. The best film for the public will be awarded.
The Creative Arts Film Festival is an annual international film festival that is designed to showcase and promote short films and filmmakers. CAFF runs throughout the entire month of December and we offer worldwide exposure, free promotional listings, international audiences, and the prestigious "Perfect Spirit Film Awards". And, yes, we do accept Music Videos in any of the genres.
CAFF knows the value of a good film, and we do our best to let every creative artist know that it is all about them and their project.
“CAFF believes that it is through an army of fans that the creative artist can build a solid career in entertainment.”
~ Connie Spielberg, Filmmaker/Creative Arts Film Festival
CAFF considers short length films that are a MAXIMUM of 60 minutes (including credits), and we offer filmmakers premiere exposure to entertainment industry professionals and fans worldwide via our website. We are completely driven by love of the craft and our festival is committed to the filmmakers who bring great short films to the world.
Founded by filmmakers and creative artists, CAFF is like no other film festival, because it is designed to promote YOU, the filmmaker. Our innovations are all designed to further YOUR career. Such as: The Perfect Spirit Film Awards – to bring recognition and credibility to your work; Submitted Films Listings – Our massive additional promotional vehicle for our creative artists JUST FOR SUBMITTING A PROJECT. These are all unique marketing ideas that no other film festival in the world had ever offered before CAFF. We are proud to offer them to our filmmakers.
CAFF offers these initiatives because it brings more attention to YOU, the creative artist. They were pioneered to better serve the filmmaker. And, mixed with our marketing efforts, CAFF does all it can do to get you and your project in front of every single person around the world.
Thank You and Good Luck from Creative Arts Film Festival.
The Festival of shortfilms " Short Stories "10 , to be held at the House of Culture of Merlo , in October , aims to generate a space for exchange and sharing , promoting creativity , originality and the use of audiovisual media as a vehicle for artistic expression.
MACAU INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (“FESTIVAL”) is an annual worldwide audio-visual festival that aims to motivate overseas and Macau short film and music videos productions to compete in this FESTIVAL.
The Festival was previously known as "Sound & Image Challenge" and was first launched in 2010 focusing only on an audiovisual competition for local talent. This initiative was co-founded with professionals in film, music, sound and image fields, with two priorities: to promote the Creative Industries in the audiovisual sector and highlight the local talents in the production of sound and moving image design. Over the years, it expanded across 5 continents, grew and gained recognition, and finally became a short film festival in 2015.
The Festival will be held from 1 to 9 December 2025. A series of cultural programs will be scheduled in venues throughout Macau during the Festival week, such as public screenings of “SHORTS & VOLUME” official selection, Masterclasses of film production, development, International Film Festival curatorship and organising; audience voting for “Audience Award”; as well as gala awards ceremony.
Since 2009 the Knoxville Horror Film Festival is committed in bringing the best (and worst) of genre cinema to Tennessee through our annual film festival and feature screenings throughout the year. The only horror festival in Tennessee, KHFF holds its 3 day fest near Halloween every year.
On top of accepting submissions of short films from around the world, we hold a film making competition called the Grindhouse Grind-Out in which we give teams 6 days and 66 minutes to make a 3 minute Grindhouse trailer.
We're currently planning our 6th annual fest, KHFF 666 and we're looking for the best short films the genre has to offer.
Presentism is a philosophy of time that states nothing in the past or future exists. The only reality is the present moment, which is redefined. A moment is no longer like the blade of a knife, gone the instant it is felt. Rather, it is an extended duration of conscious experience. Reality is also redefined. The world is no longer characterized as a set of historic and anticipated facts, as in “once and for all.” The presentist defines reality as a world that relies on constant survey. And when events happen in multiple places simultaneously, they are part of the same reality.
We seek short films and video works (no more than 10 minutes) from filmmakers and artists that explore these ideas. How do we experience the present? What events today constitute a sense of the present? What activities constitute a constant survey of facts and ideas? How is the concept of presentism expanded globally in the era of live data? How does the moving image define a duration of extended consciousness? In what ways might the human condition change if removed from the past and the future? All genres will be accepted including documentary, narrative, animation and experimental.
Film Front moves frontiers: open call for motion graphics exhibition
Film Front, international short film festival, due to be held from 25th to 28th October in the cultural centre of Novi Sad, has decided to include motion graphics exhibition in this year’s festival’s program. Artists can submit their animations, presentations, animated GIFs, animated elements and other pieces that belong to the category of motion graphics.
Even though motion graphics are rather a fine arts category, they are tightly connected to the moving images art. That is why Film Fronts wants to honour these artworks that more than often do not find their way to the film festivals, but whose aesthetic value overcomes their usually determined functional purpose.
ENTRETODOS 17 - Is a free entrance Festival dedicated to the exhibition and award of short films, with up to 25 minutes, of all genres and formats, that addresses issues related to Human Rights.
The Festival takes place in São Paulo. Produced by Prefeitura de São Paulo, Spcine and ESTATE Produções.
ENTRETODOS Festival team.
The Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival celebrates its 9th edition this year. HBRFEST quickly became the main festival dedicated to promoting independent Brazilian cinema in the United States. It is the only festival in the world capital of cinema that supports the exchange between the best in independent Brazilian production and Hollywood.
In 2017, the Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival will present three days, of the most brilliant Brazilian films of the year. Award-winning actors, writers and directors will be in attendance.
In addition to the film screenings, the Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival also promotes panels, workshops and debates.
In 2016, the Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival will present in 3 days, the most important Brazilian films of the year. Award-winning actors, writers and directors will be in attendance.
In addition to the film screenings, the Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival also promotes panels, workshops and debates.
This year's festival takes place at the Ricardo Montalban Theatre in Hollywood, California, and it will award productions in the following categories: Best Short Film. There will also be special recognition for Award Star Rise and Humanitarian Award.
The Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival is produced by Talize Sayegh, which also has been cooperated with major festivals like the Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival (Laliff) and the Rio Festival.
The deadline for applications is October 1st 2017.
Only Argentine citizens or foreigners residing in the Argentine Republic may participate in the competition who comply with the terms and conditions of these regulations.