The Austin Comedy Short Film Festival is a bi-annual event for comedy filmmakers and screenwriters from all over the world to showcase their creative works in Austin, Texas. We screen short comedy films in a "back to back" format on HD Blu-Ray DVD at the Alamo Drafthouse - Lakeline in Austin. The Austin Comedy Short Film Festival is searching for funny and engaging films to entertain a comedy loving audience. Did you know that the Austin Comedy Short Film Festival posts about each and every official selection on social media? Don't miss this marketing opportunity to get more exposure for your work creative work.
L’associazione culturale La Guarimba ha come obiettivo quello di riportare il cinema alla gente e la gente al cinema. Questa motivazione ci ha portato a riparare un vecchio cinema all’aperto di 938 posti in Calabria; ad organizzare un festival del cortometraggio internazionale con ingresso libero; a creare La Scuola Delle Scimmie in Puglia, un processo di formazione di cinema e di illustrazione indipendente per 45 ragazzi; ci ha fatto creare La Guarimba On Tour dove ogni anno portiamo la nostra selezione di cortometraggi in giro per il mondo; e infine, ad agosto 2015, abbiamo organizzato la prima conferenza europea di Vimeo, il più grande distributore di cinema online diretto.
ブカレストショートカット・シネフェストは、国際的なインディペンデント映画に焦点を当てた毎月の映画コンペティションです。 私たちの目的は、新しい映画制作者を支援し、多様な観客の間でアートとして映画撮影を通じて新しい表現手段の研究開発を促進することです。
映画コンペティションは毎月開催されます。 次の選考の最終締め切りと通知日は、右グリッドのコンペティションタイムラインに掲載されています。
❗ 公式セレクションで受け付けられるすべての映画には、350ドル相当の特典パックが与えられます。
✶ iPitchTV 3ヶ月スタジオライセンス 117$
✶ Filmstro 1年間のプロライセンス限定割引(最大125ドル相当)
✶ 125 $相当のマスタリングサービスのための DCP2GO排他的割引
??????????? ???????????
✶ 無料トロフィー+スクリーニング+証明書賞
✶ 5フェスティバルのエントリー 115$
✶ FILMHUBから世界配布パック
✶ 90% 相当のDCPマスタリングサービス割引 300$ KINOLIFE配布から
✶ フィルムストロプロライセンスの割引 105$
✶ 1年間のIPITCHTVスタジオメンバーシップ $299
私たちは、映画専門家の審査員が、提出されたすべての映画を閲覧することを保証します。 低予算で制作した映画制作者は、BSCFにフィルムを投入することを奨励しています。 提出された映画の判断基準は、新しいアイデア、実験的な映画撮影、俳優の才能のある仕事、独立した視点です。
ASSERTING WOMEN'S RIGHTSは、フェスティバル・デ・マラガ、メイベル・ロザノ(ドキュメンタリー映画製作者で映画祭のコラボレーター)、そしてマラガ市議会の機会均等地域が抗議活動の一環として生まれたプロジェクトです。 このセクションは、女性の権利に対する社会的認識に寄与する問題を毎年調査し、取り組むことを目的として作成されています。
フェスティバル・デ・マラガのこのセクションは2008年に誕生し、今年で18回目を迎えます。 このプロジェクトは、女性であるという事実だけで今世紀になってもなお苦しんでいる不公平について知らせること、そして女性が創り出す映画作品を奨励し支援することという二重の目的で構想されている。
Pipa os The surf capital of Brasil and renowned for the tropical beaches and the wonderful weather. The event will gather filmmakers from all over the world on 4 days of festival.
GardenCity国際映画祭は、インドのIT都市バンガロールに映画の世界をもたらします。 私たちは、世界中の最新の、映画のように大胆で強力な映画制作を地元の視聴者に紹介させていただきます。 私たちは、観客に触れ、教える祭り、有意義な映画を制作するためにクリエイターを駆動する祭り、人生のあらゆる歩みから観客を駆動し、週末を長期的な伝統になる深い経験にする祭りになりたいと考えています。 コメディ@@
ファンタスティック・グラノラーズは、2012年から開催されているグラノラーズの幻想的でホラーな映画祭です。 ファンタスティック映画やホラー映画に特化した文化的提案や、それに関連するすべてのものが紹介される、この街でも類を見ないイベントとなっています。ショートフィルムに強く賭けています。
エスノグラフィック・ドキュメンタリーの国際フェスティバル「エスピエッロ」は、コマルカ・デ・ソブラルベ文化局(19の市庁舎にグループ分けされている機関)が主催し、地域の近隣住民が幅広く参加し、フェスティバルの常設委員会を構成しています。 3月から4月にかけて、ウエスカのピレネー山脈(スペイン)の人口が少ないボルターニャで祝われます。
エスピエッロは、この国内で唯一、この分野に特化したフェスティバルです。 エスノグラフィー・ドキュメンタリーの国際コンペティションや、コンペティション外の部門や、ドキュメンタリーや視覚人類学に関連するトピックを扱ったその他の活動も行われている。
Cultural Británicoは、2025年2月12日から16日までペルーのリマで開催される「XI国際子ども映画祭、CINI 2025」への応募を心から歓迎します。
「XI国際こども映画祭、CINI 2025」期間中に開催されるすべての上映会は、一般の方には無料となります。
Em sua 8ª edição, a TRASH pretende cobrir um amplo espectro da produção audiovisual, oferecendo oportunidades de formação prática: discussão acadêmica; crítica e análise cinematográfica; intercâmbio e troca de experiência entre produtores locais e nacionais; e acesso democrático ao público, uma vez que todas as atividades serão inteiramente gratuitas.
Stonefair International Film Festival is an online and live film festival, headquartered in Piatra-Neamt, Romania. Stonefair IFF is committed to supporting access to film in all of Piatra-Neamt community as well as supporting young film makers in their education.
The festival runs in 3 quarters, selections and screenings being made every 4 months, the third edition is due to take place on the 8th of May, 2017.
There will be 16 categories and Best Film will receive the Stonefair IFF Trophy, the winning films will be screened at the "G. T. Kirileanu" Public Library.
The "G. T. Kirileanu" Public Library has an important role in community with 85.000 inhabitants. The "G.T. Kirileanu" Neamt County Public Library co-ordinates the activity of the public libraries of our county and furthers the Piatra-Neamt Municipality and Neamt county inhabitants interests in reading, study, information, film, education and recreation.
DocsValparaíso International Documentary Film Festival is part of the DocsBarcelona's 3 festivals network that takes place in the cities of Barcelona, Medellín and Valparaíso. The production and development of DocsValparaíso is leaded by the SurDocs team that produced a very important festival in the south of Chile (Puerto Varas) for more than 12 years.
The main goal of the Valparaíso festival is to become one of the leading documentary festivals of Latin America in a medium term by developing the areas of expertise of DocsBarcelona: industry and professional training.
The Festival takes place in the cultural capital and most dynamic city of Chile; Valparaíso.
During the festival there will be screened national and international films, workshops, laboratories, conferences and professional exchange. We will explore new ways and formats to develop documentaries through the InterDocs meeting, a professional event designed to understand, disseminate, create, finance and exhibit the interactive documentary.
Every edition of DocsValparaíso has the goal of becoming a portrait of society while entertaining, awakening and enriching the dialog through the audience, media, institutions and professionals. We want to make the experience of watching documentaries a tool for social empowerment and change.
AFO is currently one of the most important European festivals in the area of popular science film. It aims to present science as an attractive, dynamic and diverse sector through films charting natural, humanities and social science disciplines. Each year, hundreds of documentary films and television programs enroll in the competition sections of the festival. Traditionally, renowned stations such as BBC, Discovery Channel or National Geographic submit their films. In past years, the festival introduced for example Albert Barillé, the creator of the legendary cycle series Once Upon a Time... Life; Jeff Lieberman, host of Time Warp, an American popular show; Martha Holmes, exclusive producer of the BBC series Life; a world-renowned biologist Steve Jones; renowned populariser of science and medicine, Lord Robert Winston, popular British biologist and BBC associate Nigel Marven, executive producer of CBC series The Nature of Things Sue Dando or theoretical physicist and atheist activist Lawrence M. Krauss. The festival takes place in April in Olomouc. It originated in 1966.
Science film is a unique category of documentary film, an important field of cinema, that represents a substantial part of contemporary television broadcasting. AFO´s active programming seeks significant works in Czech and world science cinema, and present them to general as well as academic public. It focuses not only on current productions, but reviews, and revives the history of the genre in special program sections. Each year, a dominant topic brings together films and guests from all over the world, presenting science as a thrilling adventure.
The Okotoks Film Festival is a three day international festival to be held annually in the town of Okotoks. (located in Alberta, Canada just south of Calgary) We will be offering films in a wide variety of genres to reach a extensive audience.
Workshops will be run during the festival. Film makers submitting to the festival will receive 1 FREE ENTRY to any one workshop offered should they be able to attend the festival. Film makers with films chosen to screen at the festival will receive free entry to all workshops, screenings and galas during the festival.
We are looking for films in ANY GENRE for our general screenings. We also have two specialized screenings with specific genre needs. These genres are Children's short films and Experimental/Horror short films.
The first two months of submission is FREE TO ALL SHORT FILM MAKERS. (Sept 1-Oct 31) Submission is always free to films from the Municipal District of Foothills No. 31.
O.F.F. also runs a 48 hour film making challenge. For more information visit our website.
Mandate: Bringing a world of culture, entertainment, and artists to Okotoks; while showcasing those already here.
Puerto Madero IFF is an online annual competition based of the technical execution of films.
All submission are evaluated on each technical category: Script, Cinematography, Sound, Acting and Direction.
At the end of each year we announced the official selection films based on their creativity and technical execution.
Our festival is ONLINE only at the moment, we are working hard to make an annual event with public screening.
All the Official Selections and Winner are posted in our Social Network with a growing audience of more than 4600 followers and also on our web site.
All Official Selection will receive laurels.
The winner film will receive a technical reviews and laurels.
Animalada, Seville Animation Festival announces its fith Animation Short Film Competition.
Animalada Sevilla’s main objective is to bring the world of animation from all areas to the public in general.Also intends to create a meeting point and discussion for fans and industry professionals, promoting the exchange of ideas, coworking between companies and producing and showing the potential of our community to the world.
Finally, the project was created with the intent to arouse the interest of young creatives in the animation as a valid professional commitment to their future by providing training and bringing them closer to the higher schools worldwide.
Animalada Sevilla is born to become a reference in our community as a meeting place between professional and novice artists who aspire to enter the sector, thereby promoting industry growth and the addition of new talent.