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Animation! Animation! Animation!
So many great, short, computer animations produced by students and others that it makes the mind almost explode. AniFest is an opportunity for these beautiful short works, especially from students, to shine in the light of day in glorious Danbury, CT, USA.
Digital Griffix film awards changed a bit over the years and is now an IMDB listed international online awards competition taking place each three months.
Each three months our jury determines the best films in each category. Note that we do NOT screen films online or onsite. The films are screened privately by the jury. Our goal is to help filmmakers take the next step in their career. Our jury is composed of award winning filmmakers who perfectly understand the hard work put in independent filmmaking !
The Vaughan International Film Festival is a unique event, with a style all its own.
Now in its 6th edition, this exciting five day event proudly showcases both local and international talent – on all levels. Our Founders: Antonio Ienco and Mark Pagliaroli, present their audiences with multi-genre short films -offering an ideal platform for independent film creators to put forth their work.
This Non-for-profit organization brings you public film screenings of Canadian and International cinema, vibrant social events and a lavish awards show- complete with a prestigious Golden Reel Award. We also support and further arts education with various scholarships and bursaries; granted to young filmmakers, art students and educational institutions in our city. Throughout the past several years, the VFF has remained focused and true to its objective: To satisfy the cultural appetite of this growing community while offering an arts forum befitting our world-class city. We look forward to delighting our audiences for years to come.
Das Film Tracks Film Fest möchte ein Treffpunkt für Fans der Filmsprache sein und qualitativ hochwertige Werke vorschlagen.
Ein Sonderpreis wird an einen Kurzfilm über das MITTELMEER gehen.
Wir lieben das Kino und wie wir es verbreiten wollen.
The Independent Film Festival - Indie Film Festival (#IFF) is an international online event that gathers film submissions for screening and awards. We aim to feature short films, feature films, shows, documentaries and web series that are not always feature in mainstream festivals. We will grant a audience awards and official festival awards.
The IFDb community will get to watch, share, discuss and vote for their favorite videos. IFDb é a database that focuses on independent films and aims to encourage conversations about independent films - and also promote visibility for them. The selected videos will be announced on january 2nd, 2016.
Das Tally Shorts Film Festival ist begeistert, ein wirklich einzigartiges und unabhängiges Kinoerlebnis nach Nordflorida zu bringen, mit dem Ziel, das Bewusstsein der Gemeinschaft und die Unterstützung für Film als kulturelles und wirtschaftliches Gut zu erhöhen. Neben der Präsentation von Kinos aus der ganzen Welt widmet sich Tally Shorts der Erhaltung, Pflege und Kultivierung lokaler Filmemacher, indem sie eine Möglichkeit bietet, alle Aspekte des Films zu vernetzen, zu präsentieren und zu diskutieren.
In Publikationen wie Vox, Medium oder Backstage erwähnt, wurde TMFF von ShortFilm Connection als „wahrscheinlich berühmtestes Filmfestival im Internet“ bezeichnet. Mit bisher fast 3500 SELECTED FILMS und Zehntausenden von Website-Besuchen pro Monat hoffen wir, dass Sie sich durch TMFF mit Ihrem Projekt abheben und die Reichweite erhalten, die Sie brauchen und verdienen! Neben einer IMDB-Qualifikationsveranstaltung wird jede offizielle Auswahl automatisch in unsere umfangreiche FILMSAMMLUNG aufgenommen:
Monat für Monat entscheiden unsere Richter (die alle in der Filmindustrie arbeiten), wer die TMFF-Nominierten und Gewinner sind. Wir haben bisher über 13.000 Projekte erhalten, über 80 monatliche Ausgaben gehalten und über 800 Filme aus der ganzen Welt ausgezeichnet!
❗ UND BEDENKEN SIE DIES: Wir werden die Vollversion Ihres Films nicht auf unsere Website stellen, wenn Sie dies nicht möchten. EIN TRAILER REICHT AUS.
❓ Häufig gestellte Fragen:
Wir suchen nach Filmen, die zensiert, verboten oder auf Hindernisse gestoßen sind, um unter anderem aus politischen, sozialen, unternehmerischen, religiösen Gründen überall auf der Welt und in den letzten zwei Jahren ausgestellt zu werden.
Das Censurados Film Festival ist ein Filmfestival, das „das Kino, von dem sie nicht wollen, dass du es siehst“ verbreitet und sichtbar macht. Das in Peru ansässige Festival setzt sich durch die Vorführung von Filmen und die Organisation künstlerischer und pädagogischer Aktivitäten für Meinungsfreiheit, Menschenrechte und Vielfalt ein. Während der Filmveranstaltung wird auch ein Raum für den Dialog über Zensur geschaffen, in dem die Vielfalt der Stimmen, künstlerischen Ausdrucksformen und Ideen einen Ort finden kann, an dem sie koexistieren und sich frei ausdrücken können.
Ort und Datum der 11. Ausgabe des Festivals: Arequipa, vom 18. bis 24. Januar 2025.
Frist: 1. November 2024.
1. Zensur und Wettbewerb. Spiel-, Dokumentar-, Animations- und/oder kinematografische Experimentierfilme von überall auf der Welt, die unter anderem aufgrund von politischem, religiösem, unternehmerischem, autoritärem oder sozialem Druck oder Interessen zensiert wurden oder die Opfer von Drohungen und/oder Gewalt wurden, entweder während ihrer Untersuchung, Produktion oder Realisierung sowie bei ihrer Ausstellung und/oder ihrem Vertrieb. Es ist unerlässlich, nachweisbare Informationen über die Zensur, Bedrohung, den Druck oder die Gewalt bereitzustellen, denen der Film ausgesetzt war. Es werden zwei Scheren vergeben, eine für jede der folgenden Kategorien:
Schere für den besten zensierten Spielfilm (Dauer: +30 Minuten).
Schere für den besten zensierten Kurzfilm (Dauer: -30 Minuten).
2. Internationaler Wettbewerb. Spiel-, Dokumentar-, Animations- und/oder kinematografische Experimentierfilme von überall auf der Welt — außer Peru —, die sich ästhetisch und diskursiv mit Fragen der Zensur und/oder der künstlerischen Freiheit und Meinungsäußerung befassen. Keine Zeitbegrenzung.
3. Peruanischer Wettbewerb. Peruanische Spiel-, Dokumentar-, Animations- und kinematografische Experimentierfilme ohne zeitliche Begrenzung, die sich formal und diskursiv mit politischen, sozialen und kulturellen Themen befassen und dabei kreative Freiheit genießen. Für den Gewinnerfilm wird ein Preis in Höhe von 1.500 Soles ausgeschrieben.
The Las Vegas Latino International Film Festival focuses on finding the very best Latino content. Our Call for Entries is our official we are excited to screen your work. Our mission is to o showcase & support existing and emerging creative Latino & International filmmakers across the world. This multicultural event welcomes all.
Categories include: Documentary, Features, Shorts (all genres) Submissions are open to filmmakers of all nationalities and cultures. We have industry representatives such as network executives, distributors, etc., on industry panels, workshops, and plenty more. We look forward to a diverse event. Submissions will be selected by an experienced panel of judges.
Past festival guests have included renowned individuals as Kate del Castillo, Jose Yenque, Lou Pizarro, Pepe Serna, Stephanie Gerard, David Hernandez, Patty Orozco, Legendary Don Pedro Rivera, ect.
The Kaleidoscope Dreams Foundation invites national and international filmmakers to participate with their short films (animation, documentary, fiction stories, audiovisual in mixed media, music videos, audiovisual stories or poems) in the 9th International Film Festival of Arts for children .
Stories that benefit to children, to talk about children and their life experiences, their families and their relationship with the environment, animals and plants are sought. Everything from peace prospects who call the healthy development of each member of our human community and a harmonious and sustainable relationship for the future. Audiovisual that respond to questions where their dreams are shared and bring happiness to the hearts of our viewers: children and youth between 4 and 17 years, their friends and families.
We are a platform that’s seeking to internationally promote the research, production and distribution of experimental video.
“5° PROCESO DE ERROR”, Experimental International Video Festival is waiting with expectation your Works, will be a privilege for us to disseminate the power and creativity that for sure you will show us.
Direct Short and Documentary Film Festival hosts monthly 'Online International Short and Documentary Film Festivals'. We, at Direct Short and Documentary Film Festival , aim at bringing out the best short films, Documentary, Music video and web series from around the globe and to present it all on one single platform which is our website.
FEMCINE wurde gegründet, um die Arbeit von Filmemacherinnen zu entdecken und zu unterstützen und Filme mit geschlechtsspezifischen Themen einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich zu machen. FEMCINE lädt Regisseurinnen aus Chile und dem Rest der Welt ein, an einer der drei Wettbewerbskategorien teilzunehmen: Internationaler Langfilmwettbewerb, Internationaler Kurzfilmwettbewerb und Kurzfilmwettbewerb der Chilenischen Filmschule.
DMOFF is an International, Independent online event for all Short, Documentary, Feature, Music Video and Web Series. Goal of DMOFF is to Provide homes to group of young and vibrant film enthusiasts who are committed in creating spaces for independent cinema and devoted to spreading of the knowledge of the modern visual art form to all interested.
El Páramo, Cultural Forum is a space created for the dissemination, preservation and support of the arts and culture in the Purhepecha region. Within the same, we include several disciplines like painting, sculpture, music, photography and cinematography in addition to literature and dance. Our goal is to bring culture to the region and bring the region to the world. Have inside a film club activities, which aim to show the work of directors from around the world to an audience that is anxious to see the world through the eyes of the artist.
Our goal is to discover and showcase creative filmmakers and their films to the global culturally diversified community.
WORLDFEST NOW ACCEPTS ONLINE FESTHOME SCREENERS! WE HAVE LG & SHARP 110" DIGITAL BIG SCREENS FOR JURIES! WE DO ALSO ACCEPT DVD, BLURAY OR USB FLASH/PEN/JUMP DRIVE FOR JUDGING AND FOR THEATER SCREENING! Region Zero! (If you win a Remi, you may be screened on big Cinemark Theatre screens to 600+ theater audience!! So we need a BluRay, DCP or Jump Drive for the DCP screening! Large juries view your entry on a big digital screen, not a little laptop! We will personally confirm your entry's arrival.
WorldFest is the only film festival in the world that gives your entry a grade, a score! Your score can earn you a Remi Award! We do not believe that there can just be three winners in a category, a Gold, Silver and Bronze - so we assign your entry a score from the jury! An A+ wins a Special Jury Award and is considered for the Grand Remi! An A score wins a Platinum Remi, an A- wins a Gold, a B+ wins a Silver and a B wins a Bronze Remi. No Awards are made below a B level score. With more than 4,750 category entries, only about 10-15% actually win a Remi Award, but we feel it is the best possible way to run a festival awards system!
“FORGET SUNDANCE! …WorldFest is one of the best conceived festival productions on the planet!” ~ Craig Outhier, film critic, Phoenix press; Tempe Times.
The 55th Annual WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival continues its totally dedicated Independent Film screening format for the upcoming April 20-24, 2022 unspooling. WorldFest will screen just 60-80 feature film premieres and over 130 Shorts with a total and absolute emphasis on the American and International Independent feature film and a continuing annual spotlight on award-winning short films and documentary films. Entries Officially Open Aug. 15, 2021. The EarlyBird Entry Deadline is Nov. 15th 2021 – A Mail-By/Enter By/Ship-By Deadline! Entries do not have to arrive by this deadline. The Main Entry Deadline is December 15, 2021. The Late Entry Deadline is Jan 15th 2022!
WorldFest Artistic and Program Director, Kathleen Haney, stated, “We are fiercely dedicated to the Indie Feature and Short Film and look for a quality selection of individual films to maintain a smaller, yet effective program rather than an overly large and unwieldy slate of 150-300 films. Haney continued, “For the 2020 WorldFest we continue to use ‘A good story, well told’ as our time-tested approach to film selection”. WorldFest-Houston now accepts Online, Thumb-Drive & DVD/BR format entries.
This year WorldFest presents its 8th Annual Panorama Asia, the largest survey of new films from all of Asia & China in the whole, wide world! More than 200 directors and filmmakers will attend from Beijing, Shanghai, Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia, VietNam, Cambodia, the Philippines & Japan. China is now the largest box-office and production revenue country in the world, surpassing the USA. There is a special Panorama Asia theater and a dedicated section of the program book.
WorldFest Grand Remi Award Winner, Ridley Scott commented “WorldFest is in the business of validating excellence!” We are delighted to agree! The mission of WorldFest is to recognize and validate creative excellence in film & video production in every facet and category of filmmaking. Many filmmakers report that a Remi Award from WorldFest opens doors to advance their careers.
WorldFest will continue with its annual Short Film Showcase, a special review of 130+ new short and student films...from the festival that gave first top honors to Spielberg, Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola, Randal Kleiser, The Coen Brothers, Ridley Scott, Robert Rodriguez, Spike Lee, Gavin Hood, John Lee Hancock, John Frankenheimer, Michael Cimino, Leslie Linka Glatter, Oliver Stone, Ang Lee, Atom Egoyan and David Lynch, among many others! Few other festivals have such a “Discovery” track record. WorldFest has emerged as the oldest continuous film festival management in the world with the same executive director, serving with a special vision for 53 consecutive years. A few other festivals are older, but they have had as many as ten different directors. It is the oldest film festival in The South, and the 3rd oldest International Film/Video Festival in North America, after San Francisco & NYC.
The 55th Annual WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival highlights include a Red Carpet Opening Night Gala, the Remi Awards Banquet with top honors presented to more than 1,000 up-and-coming attending filmmakers from over 75 countries from round the globe, there are 9 Master Classes in Film & Video Production, a nightly Festival Club at the HQ Westin-Memorial City Hotel, Indie Panels, a VIP tour of NASA with a special police escort and an exciting Houston Yacht Club Sailing Regatta & Texas BBQ. All offer superb networking opportunities!
WorldFest began in August 1961, as Cinema Arts, an International Film Society. It began screening Independent, foreign & art films. It became an officially competitive International Film Festival seven years later, in April 1968, and has been in continuous operation since. It is one of the original three film festivals in North America, with San Francisco and New York as the first two events. Following WorldFest was Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, and Seattle. Then Sundance and SXSW, Toronto and Tribeca. Now there are more than 3,500 USA film festivals of various types, levels and quality, most being simply non-competitive screening events! WorldFest is international, competitive and invites filmmakers worldwide.
The 55th Annual WorldFest offers International Competition in; Features, Shorts, TV production, TV commercials, unproduced Screenplays & Teleplays, Experimental, Student, Documentary, Business & Industry, New Media, and Music Videos. You may enter the Feature, Short, Student, Experimental, Student, Music Video, and New Media-Websites via FestHome. You must go to our main website ( to enter the TV Production (100 series), TV Commercials (400 series), Film & Video Production (200 Series) and the Screenplay Competition (700 Series). WorldFest is the largest film & video competition in the world, in sheer number of actual category entries, with more than 4,750 category entries received in 2020. There are almost 200 sub-categories for competition, allowing each film to compete in its own individual genre.
WorldFest-Houston is sponsored by Memorial City Mall, Cinemark Theatres, Boxer Properties, the State of Texas, the City of Houston, HBU Fitness Center, Kodak, NASA, Lopez Negrete Communications, the Houston Yacht Club, Maggiano's Ristorante, Avis/Budget, The HQ Hotels Westin & Zaza, The Houston Chronicle, Regent University Film School, the Houston Yacht Club, and the Houston Film Society
The 55th WorldFest-Houston – 9898 Bissonnet, Suite 650, Houston, Texas 77036, 713-965-9955, Fax is 713-965-9960 – Email is – – The website is
Cinémonde is a smart, elegant private film series with screenings of thought-provoking films throughout the year, including discussions and gourmet receptions for our participants and guest filmmakers.
The international film festival for children and adolescents MI PRIMER FESTIVAL, is exited to announce its call for entries for its second edition on 28th of November of 2015 that will take place at MALI Museum of Art of Lima, Peru.
MI PRIMER FESTIVAL its non-competitive festival that aims to bring a vibrant and youthful vibe to the city, boosting and creating exhibition spaces for films and audio-visual content target to children and adolescent public. The festival provides Peruvian children an opportunity to understand different cultures from all over the world, and helps international children’s film professionals exchange experiences and ideas.
This year the festival will feature the following categories: • Full length animation and / or fiction (designed for children). • Full length animation films, fiction or documentary (directed at teenagers). • Short animation and / or fiction (designed for children). • Short animation, fiction or documentary (directed at teenagers). • Films made by children and adolescents (Peru).