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Horrorvision is organized by Spooky High School and Grace Xtreme Maniac, but we have a number of collaborators, who selflessly and raring help us make this festival possible.
Saranno proiettati circa 140 film provenienti dal panorama cinematografico nazionale e internazionale.
Un concorso di lungometraggi, retrospettive, anteprime, omaggi a grandi autori, documentari, opere di recente produzione, inediti di autori emergenti, capolavori della storia del cinema, mostre, installazioni, proiezioni per le scuole, cinema d’animazione, laboratori, masterclass, incontri con gli autori e molto altro ancora.
Tra gli eventi culturali più attesi della città, Bergamo Film Meeting è uno degli appuntamenti più importanti nel calendario dei festival italiani; un’occasione di incontro e di conoscenza, di approfondimento e ricerca, di svago e divertimento.
ITS LA Film Fest, was established by the local LA indie entertainment industry leaders; Producers, directors, agents, writers, IT, and businessmen. Working to represent & award, indie legendary giants, the working filmmaker and our future student filmmakers. Supporting, mentoring and representing the Indie community in all genres of filmography. Providing marketing and networking events to promote the indie community.
Angaelica is a non profit organization rooted in the arts and ecology. We are connecting artists and collaborators to help projects both with their execution, completion as well as finding their audience, while maintaining their uniqueness and extraordinary originality. We believe in the power of storytelling. And we believe in supporting one another and cultivating sustainable creative communities.
Angaelica curates a gallery and event during Art Basel Miami Beach, notably the finest contemporary art event in the US. We are proud to be celebrating our community of artists and their work at this unparalleled event. Please join us.
We develop unique community events to support and encourage artists and film makers. Believing in the power of art, film and storytelling. The Festivals desire is to connect artists and their creations to a community locally as well as globally.
Our festivals grow organically through the ideas and suggestions of the artists involved. We allow our filmmakers to express themselves by being a fundamental part of the development and production of our events. We hope to foster extensive connection and collaboration opportunities.
Dear Creator,
The Viewster Online Film Fest (#VOFF) is an international online event that attracts, displays and rewards features, short films, series, web-series and documentaries that are not always as famous as they should be. It’s a community moderated contest where the public audience will create a shortlist out of all qualified entries.
Essentially the Viewster community and your fans will watch, share, discuss and vote for their favorite entries. They will help to curate the entries with at least the top ten moving onto the finals. After that our Jury of Experts - Ted Hope, Nora Tschirner and Timo Vuorensola - will select the winners to be announced December 8, 2014 on
The theme for the fourth #VOFF is "Share It Forward." and asks for the issues that are most important to you today.
Shake up our cushy lives, open our eyes, make us laugh, cry or even outraged. For #VOFF 4, show the world the issues that are most important to you today—big or small. You might be passionate about the environment, human rights, public health, politics, social justice or something entirely different that deserves attention. Whether you get your message across through fiction, non-fiction, with humour, in a direct or an abstract way, let's see your passion to influence and make a difference. #VOFF 4 is your chance to bring your message in front of millions of viewers, who will discuss, support and share your cause. We want to take it one step further this time. In addition to the juried awards, we will contribute to an organisation making a positive impact by the choice of one of the projects.
Why Participate?
• Chance to win a piece of the cake with a cool first prize of $50,000
• Chance to donate $20,000 to an organization of your choice
• Gain publicity and awareness for your content
• Chance to connect with other creators online content
About the Festival
“Animax Skopje Fest” is the first animated film festival in Macedonia. We regard it as a unique opportunity to present local Macedonian creative potential in their home country; the audience will get a clear picture of what is currently in Macedonia created in this field. The festival is by nature competitive and is open to animators from around the world. The main reason why we decided to organize an international festival of animated film in the Republic of Macedonia, is the desire and need for this animated film to get a wide door in Macedonia.
Profile and Mission
The festival is the right address for anyone interested in animation as a way of communication, as a way of expanding horizons, as an effort to support a cultural form and spend leisure time in creative and constructive way, as part of a global trend of creative industries in Europe and the world. “Animax Skopje Fest” is organized by the production company “Auripigment”, in collaboration with the Association of Citizens Creative Center “Tintiri - Mintiri” of Skopje, Macedonia, with the support of Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia. The main mission of “Animax Skopje Fest” is:
Promotion of animation in Macedonia;
Increasing the awareness for animation in Macedonia as a part of important cultural (creative) industries;
Contacting and communication between artists in Macedonia and abroad;
Promotion of dialog between filmmakers, designers, animators, artists, producers and viewers;
Organizing seminars, forums, workshops.
Who We Are
Production company “Auripigment” is working about 15 years in the field of audio - visual arts in the Republic of Macedonia, producing feature films, TV series, feature series, documentaries and entertainment programs intended for the widest audience. Most of the projects are characterized as projects of national interest to universal values. In this list of projects is included one of the latest projects of the production company, the first Macedonian international festival of animated films “Animax Skopje Fest”. Currently the production company “Auripigment” has produced documentary “Hristo Uzunov”, while in pre - production and production are five projects including a feature film. Festival “Animax Skopje Fest” aims to unite and encourage all animators in the Republic of Macedonia and to facilitate verification and presentation worthy of their creative potential and product. “Auripigment” production team knows quality and potency of Macedonian authors and therefore deemed it necessary to put the festival in the service of the promoter and ‘exporter’ of aesthetic founded animated audio - visual works arising from Macedonia. In fact, this festival aims to raise and build culture in terms of making animated films for adults and children who present different aspects of everyday life. The authors of these films from around the world participate in this festival by sending their animated films. Animax Skopje Fest is held in November each year. The last night of the festival, most successful animated films are awarded with prizes, which have undergone previous round of competition and are being elected as awarded by the jury - the commission. On the other hand, our team closely monitors developments in the field of world animation and also as past years, this year and in future plans to carry the best of the world in Macedonia. This is illustrated by the previous two editions of the festival, in which were reported over 400 high quality animated films from more than 35 countries worldwide. While this year's edition reported more than 200 animated works from more than 40 countries from all around the world, which this time, also, will compete for the main prize “Golden Brick”.
All films must be about mountains, mountain culture or set in a mountain setting.
Shorts@Fringe is a showcase of short films at the Azores Fringe Festival, an international arts festival in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
Program will happen in various islands from indoor to outdoor venues giving the opportunity for filmmakers to showcase their work in the Azores and also for audiences that otherwise would not have a chance to see this type of work. All type of shorts are welcome from 1 min to 15 minute long of English or Portuguese language or subtitled in one of those languages.
Cine Pobre è un genere cinematografico autofinanziato senza una serie di criteri stilistici né limiti di formato, che coinvolge molti creatori geograficamente separati con almeno due cose in comune: un forte desiderio di raccontare la propria storia e di farlo con le proprie risorse.
Cine Pobre costruisce ponti basandosi sulla convinzione che il cinema diventi arte quando i suoi materiali sono economici come carta e matita. Dal 2002, l'intersezione di cultura e capacità al 100% priva di cartelli, cura i migliori film autofinanziati al mondo.
Fidé è un festival in Francia interamente dedicato al documentario studentesco internazionale. Si tratta di qualsiasi lavoro filmato, sonoro o multimediale che si appoggia alla realtà e che è stato realizzato durante gli studi del regista. Vi partecipano università, scuole, workshop e studenti di tutto il mondo, per circa 600 documentari iscritti ogni anno. I suoi principi sono quelli della promozione e della celebrazione delle creazioni studentesche, tranne i soliti circuiti, nei quali raramente trovano il loro posto.
Il festival non ha restrizioni della data di produzione o sostegno originale, soggetto o durata.
I registi di tutte le nazionalità sono invitati a iscriversi i loro film. Sono richiesti sottotitoli in francese o inglese.
Il prossimo Fidé si svolgerà nell'aprile 2021, nei sobborghi parigini.
Bando Internazionale di Concorso destinato ad opere audiovisive a tematica Omosessuale, Transgender e Questioning
Scadenza 30 SETTEMBRE 2024
L’Associazione i Ken Onlus, in occasione della 17ª edizione del Festival Cinematografico Omosessuale e Questioning OMOVIES, bandisce un Concorso destinato ad opere audiovisive a tematica omosessuale, transgender e/o questioning. Il Festival sarà svolto sia on-line che in presenza in sala cinema.
International Green Culture Festival GREEN FEST is an inclusive event, dedicated to ecological and environmental issues, which, with the use of educational and artistic programs, activities and products aims to enhance the culture of living in accordance with “green” values.
Belgrade’s GREEN FEST is a unique event in the region of South East Europe that binds environmental and cultural activities through film screenings, workshops, lectures, debates, exhibitions and innovations which are shaping this festival into the form that connects and brings together people of all professions and ages.
Program of Festival is divided on three parts:
GREEN SCREEN – International environmental film program,
GREEN FIELD – International education program
GREEN SQUARE – International exhibition program
El Festival Virtual de Cortos SOMOS AFRO, se concibe con la idea central de dar cuenta de la identidad de los afro-descendientes en América latina y el Caribe, posibilitando expresar a través del audiovisual, su identidad, las fortalezas y propuestas sociales, culturales, políticas y económicas de sus comunidades.
El Festival exhibirá cortometrajes de cualquier formato dentro de una temática caracterizada por la identidad afro-descendiente, reivindicando el papel de las comunidades afro en el mundo. El proceso es abierto a personas de cualquier nacionalidad, raza, etnia o género.
Es un Festival joven, independiente, incluyente y sensible que se interesa por conocer mediante el lenguaje audiovisual la realidad de las comunidades afro-descendientes. Este evento será realizado del 01 de abril al 21 de mayo del 2015 a través de la plataforma Web
After five years of a successful run as the New York City International Film Festival and after many of our films got distribution, we decided to create NYCIFF-St. Lucia edition. We want to open another door for filmmakers from around the world, and establish St. Lucia as a center for the film industry, while highlighting unknown talents from the Caribbean.
FILMI: Toronto South Asian film festival showcasing the best in South Asian cinema from Canada and around the world.
FILMI will celebrate it's 19th anniversary with a full schedule of screenings, industry workshops and party's. November 10th - 11th, 2018 at Harbourfront Centre Theatre.
The vision of the Filmi South Asian Film Festival is to promote, discover and celebrate cinematic endeavours by talented South Asian filmmakers, and highlight works with South Asian themes and artists that can be brought to a mainstream audience.
Nel 2024, l'Iquique International Film Festival (Ficiqq) celebrerà il suo 15° anniversario. Ficiqq è un evento unico nella regione di Tarapacá, finanziato in questa occasione dal Fondo per lo sviluppo audiovisivo 2024, sponsorizzato da SQM Yodo Nutrición Vegetal e prodotto da Volcánica Films.