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The Cultural Association "Il Sogno di Ulisse", under the high sponsorship of European Parliament and the sponsorship of MiC Direzione Generale Cinema and Regione Lazio, announces the 11th edition of Visioni Corte International Short Film Festival, that will be hold in September 2023 in the Ariston Theatre of Gaeta - Italy. The official dates of the Festival, which will last 8 days, will be published after the deadline of the contest, along with the program, on our website www.visionicorte.it
ABYCINE – FESTIVAL Y MERCADO DE CINE INDEPENDIENTE DE ALBACETE tiene entre sus objetivos fundamentales la difusión y promoción de películas y cortometrajes de categoría artística que, por una u otra razón, no disfrutan de la distribución regular en los circuitos convencionales de exhibición.
El Festival trata de cubrir, en la medida de lo posible, este importante vacío, siendo otro de sus objetivos, y no de menor importancia, presentar una selección de películas participantes que atiendan las nuevas corrientes del cine joven contemporáneo, el fenómeno “indie” en el cine español y la educación de la mirada en las nuevas generaciones de espectadores.
Start Festival: 23 November 2024 End Festival: 30 November 2024
‘Mal del Cap, Naratives Mal Dites" is the name of the International Festival of Short Films and New Narratives that Mal del Cap, Cultura Mal Dita of Eivissa has been running since 2014.
This festival aims to be a meeting place and a place to generate ties between the participants and the citizens of Eivissa with the aim of consolidating itself as a space with the potential to forge encounters for audiovisual exhibition and creation.
‘Mal del Cap’ is an independent festival based on experimentation and the search to find new ways of narrating or expressing through the image, and to this end we are organising a short film competition to encourage the participation of citizens, especially the youngest members of the population.
It is a Festival with two sections to contest. Official Section and Section of Asturian Short Films. Three prizes will be awarded (best short official section, best performance and best short Asturian). All the information is in the bases. Any author of any nationality can participate.
Doctors of the World in Spain (Metges del Món), Casino Prado and scannerFM in collaboration with Assemblea de Cooperació Per la Pau (ACPP) and Area Visual. and with the support of Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament (ACDD) are calling for entries for the 1st Femifilms Short Film Competition as part of Festival Dona, held annually in Sitges, Barcelona. Different prizes will be awarded to audiovisual creation of short films having a Gender and Human Rights-Based Approach (GHRBA).
This contest seeks to promote gender equality and support the project Enfoquem en Púrpura (Let's Focus on Purple). All short film entries should tell stories based on the phrase "Wow, what a privilege!", taken from the participative appraisal of women in the audiovisual industry Enfoquem en Púrpura (https://www.enfoquemenpurpura.org/es/diagnosi/).
The idea is to relate the terms 'privilege' and 'woman' in a conscious way to try tohighlight the different ways of being a woman.
The extravagance of proposing to two film authors who are friends of each other and deeply linked by their love for images, to cover the role of Presidents of the "Piccolo Cinema Paradiso Award", is confirmed in the Second Edition of the 2023/2024 Award.
Silvano Agosti and Franco Piavoli have realized during their lives, a filmography of exceptional artistic quality. To honor their participation, we will screen some of their short films that will open the day of the Awards for the best films selected by tue Juries. The preciousness of their presence pushes us to consider the PCP Award as a sort of legacy to the creativity of each one of those who will participate to the selection, sending us their creations made in compliance with the characteristics of Productive Independence. We are sure that supporting this type of Cinema is increasingly in tune with our present that is rich in proposals, but not open to their dissemination. For this reason we will strive to offer the winning film, a space in the programming of Sale D'Essai of the italian territory.
We are waiting for you, with the pleasure and desire to amaze us again.
Regulation and purpose of the "Premio PCP 2023/24" competition cinematographic at its Second Edition, aims to discover talented authors and to promote the winning works.
The Award is aimed at both italian and foreign authors.
The theme of the work to be send is free.
- The main pourpose of the Awards is to identify,encourage, promote directors and authors of all nationalities, and to make their works know.
- in this second edition no age limit is required (provided that partecipants are of legal age by teh day of registration for the prize)
- Works with a maximum duration of 15 minutes (including closing and opening credits)that have been made between 2020 and 2023 are admitted. The theme is free, wether it is fiction, animation, documentary, experimentation. Each partecipant can compete with only one work.
- A careful pre-selection of the works received will be carried out aimed at identifying 20 short films that will be considered in all respects "finalist". The films will be divided into 3 sections, and each section will have its own specific award.
Fiction and Experimentation section
Documentary section
Animation section.
- A special audience prize will also be estabilished.
- the Jury of the Premio Piccolo Cinema Paradiso 2023/24 II edition is composed of eleven (11) members who will selectthe most deserving works for each section.
The Jury of the Prize:
Silvano Agosti - Indipendent director and author, poet, writer. President of Jury.
Franco Piavoli - Director author, co-president of the Jury
Paola Agosti - Actress, segretary of the Jury, President of the Piccolo Cinema Pardiso Association.
Paolo Buzi - Arttist, writer, creator of the Prize PCP.
Filippo Schillaci - expert in cinematographic language, photographer, writer.
Antonella Gandini - Artist and Photographer.
Giacomo Andrico - Independent filmmaker.
Giacomo Colossi - Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, science fiction writer, film maker and video producer.
Federica Caggioli - Passionate about Cinema. programming consultant of the Piccolo Cinema Paradiso.
Giorgio Monticelli - Passionate about Cinema. programming consultant of the Piccolo Cinema Paradiso.
Daniele Lupi - Passionate about Cinema. programming consultant of the Piccolo Cinema Paradiso.
The films received will also be viewed and selected by a Publiv Jury chose and chaired by Vilma Razzi, professor of literature and History. Vilma, who graduate with a thesis on Cinema , has benn working for years on cinematography also within the public school promoting events and making short films.
The judgment of the 2 juries is unquestionable.
Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International. Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms.
See you Around & Fest Regards
Wallachia International Film Festival is a highly professional, industry connected film festival, an exclusive independent grassroots film festival taking place in an exquisite location in Downtown Bucharest, only hundreds of meters away from Dracula’s former court in the grand Old Town!
We won multiple cinema prizes including important awards at major film festivals, like Cannes, Locarno, Montreal, London, Milan, Miami and Atlanta. Also, our advertising work received accolades at Clio, Effie, In-Awe, Lion Awards, ANDY Awards and Ad’Or, while working for companies like Coca-Cola, UNICEF, McDonalds, Renault, Yahoo! and Nestlé-Purina.
But there’s nothing we love more than indulging ourselves with cinematic candies from all over the world, under the autumn night sky of Wallachia. We will be arguing for a long time about which ones we feel are the best, and about the most promising unproduced screenplays.
Welcome to Wallachia, the Legendary Land of Voivode Vlad III Dracula, universally known as Vlad the Impaler. Born in 1431, Vlad was an authoritarian Principe, he revolutionized the affairs of Wallachia and refused to pay tribute to the sultan Mehmed II, resulting in a bloody war with the Ottomans. Multiple works containing stories about Vlad's cruelty were published soon after his assassination in 1475. In 1897, Bram Stoker downgrades Prince Vlad to Count Dracula, a blood-sucking vampire inspired by Wallachian ancient folklore. Loosely based on the book, Dracula (1931) casts immortal Bela Lugosi as the doomed romantic Count.
Just think cinétopia! Feel hundreds of years of mythic Wallachian history under the night sky! It’s a 100% natural film affair!
We watch all movies, we read all screenplays and we select exclusively based on artistic merits.
7th Edition 2024
CATEGORIES: Documentary Films
MY FIRST DOC Festival in Tunisia, organized by the Tunisian Documentary Cinema Association, highlights young international cinema by offering the possibility to directors to present their works to the Tunisian public.
MY FIRST DOC Festival in Tunisia sets as its main objective the discovery and promotion of first films by young talents by giving visibility to different expressions of international documentary cinema in front of the widest possible audience.
The programming that combines discovery, diversity and quality will offer the public creative documentaries with a real author's perspective.
The 12th edition of the FICS will take place in Bucaramanga – Santander from September 27 to October 1, 2022. The call in all official competitive categories, will be open from June 24 to August 19, 2022. For this edition, the Festival will have prizes in effective, recognition support for audiovisual development.
The Social Education and Communications Corporation PRESS LIBRE, whose trajectory of more than twenty years, in the leadership of the development of the media in Santander, supports and qualifies the suitability of the FICS.
The FICS is made up of the presidency of the film director Sergio Cabrera and is headed by its director, Oscar Fonseca, in accompaniment of administrative partners.
Its main objective is to work for the formation of a public criticism and for the consolidation of spaces for discussion and appreciation around a real film culture in the region and in the country.
The department of Santander as the headquarters of the FICS, is among other
the department with the highest average economic growth annual and is promoted as one of the most popular tourist destinations
important, a cultural epicenter of enterprising people, who opens its doors to new markets.
The competitive sections of the FICS are windows to the development of the
culture and the film industry, with new looks towards Ibero-America, maintaining its strong commitment to cinema national, supporting the cinema made in Colombia and Latin America
Welcome to our Summer Season that runs Monthly from July thru September 2025.
NewFilmmakers NY is New York's longest running year round Film Festival. Throughout it's twenty-eight year run NewFilmmakers has provided a platform for first time and veteran filmmakers.
We have taken an exciting new direction with NewFilmmakers called NewFilmmakersPlus which will move our festival into the digital age and allow us to reach international audiences.
While theaters have been closed, our online audiences have greatly exceeded those in theaters. With NewFilmmakers Plus we have added the missing audience participation to our online screenings.
Now filmmakers, cast, and crew as well as audience members can create interactive video screening rooms while watching a film. Just by pushing the START A GROUPVIEW button to the right of the film they can invite up to six people to talk about the film in a video conference. It’s almost like watching side-by-side in real life — without having to share your popcorn.
In addition our films will now be available for two weeks and screenable any time of the day instead of only one night. This allows more people to see our films and makes it easier to set up a screening event with friends and colleagues. As requested we are switching to filmmaker hosted files utilizing unlisted YouTube links which will eliminate the need to transcode and to send us large files as well as giving filmmakers control over their film.
In today’s world online screenings give filmmakers worldwide audiences instead of limited local ones. With NewFilmmakers Plus filmmakers not only reach worldwide audiences but can interact with them as they would at a traditional theater.
"Visions of Destruction" encompasses an artistic representation and exploration of destructive processes, whether tangible or abstract. This perspective is manifested through various creative forms of audiovisual art, where narratives, images, or concepts related to decomposition, decay, collapse, or ruin are explored. These expressions may stem from personal reflections, social critiques, or simply aim to convey the complexities and fragilities inherent in human existence and the environment. "Visions of Destruction" invites the audience to reflect on the transience of things, providing a space to express concerns, warnings, or simply to aesthetically explore destruction.
FEMCINE was created to discover and support the work done by female filmmakers and to share films with gender-based subjects with a broader audience. FEMCINE invites female directors from Chile and the rest of the world to participate in one of its three competition categories: International Feature Length Competition, International Short Film Competition, and the Chilean Film School Short Film Competition.
Aims to bring to the community the work of different filmmakers from our country and other countries that pretend to make a difference in what respects environment, portraying through the cinematographic art different aspects of life on our planet and how it is affected By the intervention of our species. Likewise, we intend to give space mainly to independent filmmakers, who do not pursue with the accomplishment of their purely commercial objective works, because we consider that this methodology of work is the one that gives more expressive and communicative freedom when transmitting a message that, In the case of this particular subject, touches diverse interests of economically powerful groups.
The 9th Ajayu International Animation Festival is a cultural event organized by Sapa Inti Studios and the Ajayu Cinematographic Association. For the ninth consecutive year, it stands as the only animation festival in Peru, carrying out hybrid film and educational activities from the highest point of the Peruvian highlands to the world.
This event, which also includes various cultural activities, has become a crucial event for the Animation industry in our country over the years, also promoting the cultural and tourist industry in the southern region of Peru. Additionally, through our in-person activities, we aim to boost tourism in our region by creating a tourist route with a cultural and historical focus.
This year's festival will take place from October 2 to October 5, 2024, renewing the commitment to showcase the artistic expression of animation.
Participants include artists from the animated audiovisual field and other disciplines, from the Puno region, Peru, and various countries around the world, who through their expression make each edition a contemporary Andean experience.
Festival Inclús is a festival of audiovisual productions, both documentary and fiction centered on the theme of physical and mental disabilities. It is an initiative Associació Inclús and conducted by Fish Muvi.
The aim of Festival Inclús is to give visibility to audiovisual works produced around the theme of disability with a different point of view. The goal is to provide a deepest perspective of the reality of disabilities, whether the production is carried by entities directly involved in the world of disability, or other persons or groups.
We also are an inclusive festival that is why we have two new sections: Inclus values, cinema for kids and teens about social issues and Sing Language cinema, movies in sign language.
The Festival will be held in December 10 to 16, 2025, close to the International Day of Disability December 3rd. The Audiovisual material of the finalists will be played during this day according to the different categories. There will be awards for the best submittals. Inclús focuses on audiovisual productions, but it also has other artistic and commercial activities and disciplines in order to give visibility to this sector.