Logo of Anibar International Animation Festival

01 May 2014

공개됨: 13 Apr 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Anibar International Animation Festival

Anibar International Animation Festival

Peja, Kosovo

Anibar International Animation Festival is the only event of the kind in Kosova, and one of the greatest events in the country. Since the beginning, the festival is organised and held in various settings in the city of Peja.

Anibar screens animated films coming from different places around the world, that in five cinemas, three of them set outdoors. Except the screening of the films during the festival, workshops, lectures, debates and additional daily activities (concerts and camping) are organized.

Year by year, the festival endeavors screening qualitative films, in both, technical and artistic aspect of the view. The selection of entries is made in accord with a criteria deriving from a limited staff of professionals who aim balancing the audience, artistic reviews and the market.

Anibar has also socially influenced the youth community in Peja, and further, enclosed with the film screenings and other events, before, during and after the festival, a wide group of youngsters are engaged in helping and working with the idea and preparations of the festival, meanwhile they gain an experience which as a matter has been truly acknowledged by a vast support of different local and national institutions (private and public).

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 애니메이션  기타  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of Toluca´s Historical Center International Film Festival

27 Jul 2014

공개됨: 12 Apr 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine del Centro Histórico de Toluca

Toluca´s Historical Center International Film Festival

Toluca, Mexico

국제 영화제

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장편 영화제

Logo of Duhok International Film Festival

10 Jun 2014

공개됨: 12 Apr 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Duhok International Film Festival

Duhok International Film Festival

Duhok, Iraq

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리

Logo of South Pole Latin American film festival

01 Jun 2014

공개됨: 11 Apr 2014
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Banner Festival De Cine Polo Sur Latinoamericano

South Pole Latin American film festival

Punta Arenas, Chile

라틴계 미국인 현실에 관한 영화에만 해당됩니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of FENACIES Student Film Festival

30 Jun 2014

공개됨: 11 Apr 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Promotional card of FENACIES Student Film Festival

Banner Festival de Cine Estudiantil FENACIES

FENACIES Student Film Festival

Montevideo, Uruguay

제14회 페나시스 우루과이 학생 영화제는 4월 1일에 개관했으며, 5월 30일까지 계속 운영됩니다. 매년 그렇듯이, 초등학교부터 대학생까지 전 세계의 모든 학생들이 완전히 무료로 단편 영화를 등록할 수 있으며, 이 영화는 9월 9일부터 15일까지 몬테비데오에서 상영됩니다.

FENACIES는 경쟁이 공정하고 이들의 창의성과 노력을 소중히 여기는 청소년 전용 영화 축제를 만들자는 목표로 2011년에 설립된 단체입니다.

처음에 이 페스티벌은 교육 문화부의 문화적 관심, 초등 교육 위원회의 교육 관심, 관광 스포츠부는 관광객의 관심을 공언했습니다. 또한 2015년 유네스코는 이 행사를 교육 및 문화적 관심을 끌기 위한 것으로 선언했습니다.

페스티벌의 주된 목적은 막내들 간의 시청각 교육을 강화하는 것이며, 단편 영화를 통해 학생들이 자신의 아이디어를 표현하여 대형 스크린에 반영되는 것을 볼 수 있도록 하는 것입니다.

이번 주 동안 선정된 단편 영화는 공공 및 주립 영화관에서 상영됩니다. 9월 15일에 폐막식에서 수상자를 발표할 예정입니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  Music Video

Logo of Trinity International Film Festival

30 Jun 2014

공개됨: 10 Apr 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner Trinity International Film Festival

Trinity International Film Festival

Inkster, United States

Detroit’s Trinity International Film Festival. The festival takes place August 20-23, 2020 in beautiful Downtown Detroit at The Marlene Boll Theater, 1401 Broadway, Detroit, Michigan and The Carr Center Gallery. The 4-day event themed “FILM YOUR FUTURE” features an array of independent films, screenplays, workshops, The Future panel discussion and filmmakers from around the world. We are also hosting a Best screenplay competition, 2nd Annual Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey 100 Proof! Red Carpet Award ceremony. We expect an audience of over 4500 people from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds to attend. This event will give your company a distinct marketing opportunity with this population in Detroit.

The TI Film Festival has hosted industry professionals locally and nationally to share their knowledge and expertise in various workshops and industry discussions. Special guests have included famed Actress and Producer, Tangi Miller, Syndicated Radio Host and Film Producer, Russ Parr, Former BET Executive Producer, Ralph Scott, currently with the Aspire Network (Owned by Magic Johnson), film segment producer/head of production for more than 100 episodes of SNL, Tanya Ryno and Writer, Director, Qasim Basir, “Destined,” and Actress/Singer Deborah Joy Winans of the acclaimed TV series “Greenleaf,” which airs on Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network.

The highlight of this event over the years has been all of the innovative work we've showcased by indie filmmakers and our audience that supports Detroit's TI Film Festival.

2020 Festival Schedule (Screening Schedule Coming Soon)

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  기타

Logo of Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre Film Festival

01 Aug 2014

공개됨: 10 Apr 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner Festival Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre

Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre Film Festival

Martinez, Argentina

부에노스아이레스 로조 상그레 (BARS) 는 공포, 공상 과학, 판타지 장르를 다룬 국제 영화제입니다.

독립 장르 영화에 집중하기 위해 2000년에 탄생했으며, 2004년부터 경쟁 페스티벌의 형태로 활동하고 있습니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타

Logo of FAM Fest International Film Festival

31 Dec 2014

공개됨: 10 Apr 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner FAM Fest International Film Festival

FAM Fest International Film Festival

Rock Hill, United States

FAM Fest International Film Festival 2018
Ayrsley Cinemas
9110 Kings Parade Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28273

Festival Start Date 08/09/2018

Carolina Regional
Film Feature
Film Short
Music Video
Shoot Your Short Screenplay Competition

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  기타  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of Lahore International Children’s Film Festival

30 Jun 2014

공개됨: 09 Apr 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Lahore International Children’s Film Festival

Lahore International Children’s Film Festival

Lahore, Pakistan

The Lahore International Children’s Film Festival is a project of The Little Art. It's an an annual event to showcase the best of local and international films made by, for or about children and young people. The Festival was started in 2008, and has completed its 9 seasons successfully and has reached to nearly 451,550 audiences.

Aiming at education as well as entertainment, the film festival is dedicated to promote the culture of film watching, media literacy and alternative learning among children and young people. Each year, the festival brings some of the best international films to Pakistan to promote, peace, creativity, social awareness, world cultures and the arts.

The Festival reaches to nearly 50,000 children and young people each year, from urban to rural areas. The festival defines “children and young people” as its primary beneficiaries, irrespective of their gender, social status, class, education or income level.

The festival has an inclusive approach to involve marginalized and less privileged children as its audience. We collaborate with NGOs and community organizations to show the world's best films to out-of-school and marginalized children across Pakistan.
2018 is the 10th season of the Festival and will take place in Lahore, Pakistan in October 2018.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  기타

Logo of Chennai Women’s International Film Festival (CWIFF)

20 Apr 2014

공개됨: 08 Apr 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner Chennai Women’s International Film Festival (CWIFF)

Chennai Women’s International Film Festival (CWIFF)

Chennai, India

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Curta Coremas - Festival do Audiovisual

10 May 2014

공개됨: 08 Apr 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner 6º Curta Coremas - Festival do Audiovisual

Curta Coremas - Festival do Audiovisual

Coremas, Brazil


단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  실험영화

Logo of LET´S CEE Film Festival

07 Jun 2014

공개됨: 08 Apr 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner LET´S CEE Film Festival

LET´S CEE Film Festival

Vienna, Austria

Attention to all film talents: From 21 November 2017 until 31 January 2018, filmmakers will have the chance to apply for the LET’S CEE Short Film Competition 2018. Not only are two main prizes waiting to be won, moreover, ten finalists will receive an invitation to participate in the second edition of the LET’S CEE Talent Academy in Vienna!

Between 21 November 2017 and 31 January 2018, filmmakers up to the age of 35 from Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, Turkey and Austria will have the possibility to submit their short films to the Short Film Competition of the LET’S CEE Film Festival 2018.

However, filmmakers of all ages and from all over the world are welcome as well to send in thematically fitting contributions. Due to the festival’s geographical focus on CEE though, these short films will not be included in the main Short Film Competition, but will very well have the chance to win the Audience Award in the Short Film category and be screened at the festival in the section Short Films | Out of Competition. We furthermore cordially encourage international makers of virtual reality films, 3D productions and avant-garde pieces to apply as we will be offering these genres a stage at our festival as well.

The theme of the Short Film Competition 2018 is TOGETHER OR APART.

Great Britain voted for the Brexit last year and in doing so decided against a EU membership; most recently thousands of Catalan people went to the streets demanding independence from Spain; under the presidency of Donald Trump, the USA is seeking to withdraw from the Paris climate protection agreement and renegotiate various other commercial treaties – these are only three of many examples demonstrating the recent shift of the political mood in numerous countries. A growing migratory pressure, an increasing gap between the rich and poor, as well as justified and unsubstantiated fears – of the consequences of digitalisation, of the loss of jobs and stability and of social change – have discredited globalisation and encouraged a comeback of nationalist and isolationist tendencies, which seemed utterly unfathomable only a few years ago. Even on a national scale, societal cohesion appears to be threatened more and more. How does the growing division of society influence both the community and individuals? Will political agitation, hatred, egotism and greed for profit become the new normal? Well, the situation is critical, but not hopeless, neither on an international nor a national level. There are still representatives of the civil society who make no effort to surrender to the threatening eroding solidarity. Fortunately, there are numerous instances proving how people still advocate for the poor and disadvantaged with great optimism, dedication and empathy – people who rather pay attention to what we have in common instead of what keeps us apart.

The competition’s theme, TOGETHER OR APART, may be manifested in the submitted material in various manners and methods. Interpersonal aspects, such as family and relationship dramas, trials and tribulations, moments of success and happiness or the joint overcoming of challenges can be taken into account just as well as social, political, juridical and/or cultural matters. In other words: everything is possible, as long as it touches on the topic and is done well!

An advisory board chaired by the renowned Austrian-Iranian filmmakers Arash T. Riahi and Arman T. Riahi will choose the best contributions from the submissions for the LET’S CEE Short Film Competition. The short films, which will be screened out of competition, will be selected by the Bosnian-Dutch producer Denis Mujović and festival director Magdalena Żelasko.

After the presentation of the participating productions at the festival, an international jury will decide on the winner of the competing short films and, thus, who will be awarded the main prize – 1,500 Euro and a Urania statuette – at the Awards Ceremony in the Urania Cinema on 20 April 2018. The remaining short films presented during the festival will have, without exception, the chance to win the 1,500 Euro Audience Award in the category Short Film.

All filmmakers who will take part in the main Short Film Competition will additionally profit from their participation. At the expense of the festival, one of the involved filmmakers of each short film will be invited as an official guest*) to Vienna in order to present their work. Those persons will, furthermore, have the opportunity to join the second edition of the LET’S CEE Talent Academy.

15 remaining free seats for the Talent Academy will be filled by Out-of-Competition filmmakers. The most important items on the one-week Academy agenda include the attendance of LET’S CEE Master Classes and LET’S CEE Industry Days, the collaborative finalisation of a short film about Vienna, and the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pitch a film idea to Raindance film festival director Elliot Grove (and win big!) at the Pitching Competition. Of course, all invited filmmakers will enjoy several Get-togethers, where they can get in touch with successful distributors, directors, producers, actors etc., exchange experiences and new ideas and thus strive to new projects and international collaborations. In order to enable as many filmmakers as possible to visit LET’S CEE and present their work to the festival audience, all participants of the section ‘Short Films | Out of Competition’ will receive free festival accreditations and discounts for the official hotel partner on request.


국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  실험영화

Logo of Moscow International Documentary Film Festival DOKer

05 Dec 2014

공개됨: 06 Apr 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner Moscow International Documentary Film Festival DOKer

Moscow International Documentary Film Festival DOKer

Moscow, Russia

Doker는 전 세계의 멋진 독립 다큐멘터리 영화를 러시아 관객들에게 제공하고 저자, 전문가 및 관중을 위한 토론 플랫폼을 제공하기 위해 9년전 제작되었습니다. Doker@@

의 원칙은 다음과 같습니다.
- 우리가 '다큐멘터리 영화' 라고 말할 때 우리는 '영화' 에 중점을 둡니다.
- 다큐멘터리를 만드는 방법은 무수히 많지만 극적이고 흥미로워야 한다고 생각합니다.
- 이미지와 사운드는 픽션 영화와 마찬가지로 문서에서도 중요합니다. 영화 언어는 보편적이며, 우리는 우리의 이야기를 전하기 위해 그것을 사용합니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제


Logo of Bugarte Film and Visual Arts Festival

01 Jul 2014

공개됨: 05 Apr 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Festival de Cine y Artes Visuales Bugarte

Bugarte Film and Visual Arts Festival

Guadalajara de Buga, Colombia

이 지역의 예술적 표현, 영화 및 문화적 정체성을 강조하고 장려하기 위해 2009년에 태어났습니다. 시민과 지역 사회 참여를 위한 메커니즘으로서 문화의 영속성을 증진하고 도시의 문화 정책을 강화합니다. 따라서 과달라하라 데 부가 및 바예 델 카우카시의 영화 및 시각 예술의 개발, 전시 및 보급을 지원하고, 오늘날 예술의 다양한 표현과 주로 청소년 인구의 참여 메커니즘 간의 대화를 제안합니다. 이 축제는 참여적인 방식으로 토론, 예술 및 시청각 창작을 위한 공간을 만들고자 합니다.

이 페스티벌은 과달라하라 데 부가 (Guadalajara de Buga) 와 바예 델 카우카 (Valle del Cauca) 에서 영화와 시각 예술을 주제로 한 전시, 교육, 역량 강화 및 집단을 위한 이 분야의 첫 번째 행사가 되었습니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  기타  Music Video

Logo of Chulpicine Film Festival for Children and Youth

10 Jul 2014

공개됨: 05 Apr 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Festival Infantil Y Juvenil Chulpicine

Chulpicine Film Festival for Children and Youth

Quito, Ecuador

촐피신은 2002년 키토에서 열린 최초의 순회 어린이 및 청소년 영화제를 시작으로 그 작업을 시작했습니다. 이 프로젝트가 받은 따뜻한 환영 덕분에 이 페스티벌은 7월부터 9월까지 연례 행사가 되어 문화 활동이 거의 없는 지역에 교육적이고 재미있는 행사를 무료로 제공할 수 있게 되었습니다.

이러한 긍정적인 반응에 힘입어 촐피신은 2004년 6월에 문화 및 교육 비영리 재단이 되었습니다. 10년 이상의 경험을 바탕으로, 촐피신은 안정적인 제안과 작업 방법론에 도달하여 전국적으로 확산되었습니다. 이 페스티벌은 코칭 스태프, 다양한 커뮤니티에서 일하는 문화 관리자, 대규모 팔로워 그룹을 만드는 것을 장려했습니다.

Chulpicine은 사회 개입 도구로 사용되는 영화, 시청각, 커뮤니케이션 및 인터넷과 관련된 다양한 분야의 교육 및 훈련을 위해 기관, 지역 사회 단체 또는 아웃리치 종사자를 위한 일련의 활동 및 워크숍을 설계했습니다. 이러한 활동과 워크숍은 젊은이들의 역량을 활용하고 영화 및 시청각 작업을 통해 활동적이고 참여적인 사회 촉진자 네트워크를 구축함으로써 학습 커뮤니티를 형성하는 출발점이었습니다.

재단은 교육, 개입, 공공 장소 배정, 보급 및 제작과 같은 프로그램 라인을 수행합니다. 이 작업은 커뮤니티 네트워크를 육성하여 커뮤니티의 다양한 이해 관계자에 대한 커뮤니케이션 기술, 분석 및 성찰을 개발하여 조직 및 자기 개발 기술을 강화하는 대안입니다.

재단에는 현재 여러 분야의 팀이 프로젝트를 진행하고 있습니다. 이 사람들은 심리학자, 프로듀서, 프로그래머, 커뮤니케이터, 회계사 등 다양한 분야를 담당합니다.

또한 매년 약 12명의 직원이 고용되어 활동 수행을 지원합니다. 이 그룹은 과거에 페스티벌에서 일했던 사람들과 이 그룹에 가입하고자 하는 몇몇 새로운 젊은이들로 구성되어 있습니다. 또한 매년 다양한 단체의 자원봉사자들의 지원을 받고 있습니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of NextFrame International Student Film Festival

01 Oct 2014

공개됨: 04 Apr 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner NextFrame International Student Film Festival

NextFrame International Student Film Festival

Philadelphia, United States

Welcome to the brand new, cutting edge NextFrame International Student Film Festival! Temple University’s NextFrame, a student run, online film competition, celebrates the work of students from many versatile backgrounds. Dedicated to the artistic vision of young filmmakers everywhere and the use of emerging technology, NextFrame provides an easy to access festival platform for the work of all undergraduate and graduate filmmakers.

For the past 20 years, NextFrame has been internationally recognized as one of the world’s premiere touring festivals for showcasing student work. NextFrame celebrates the 20th anniversary, and to adapt to changing modes of distribution, the project has grown from a touring festival to an exciting and innovative online film competition. NextFrame curates student work into a professional streaming platform.

NextFrame Student Film Festival accepts cinematography projects, thesis projects, and all other student work made by undergraduate and graduate filmmakers who have held a significant production role (Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Cinematographer) on their project.

A jury of filmmakers, scholars, film/video academics and industry professionals select NextFrame’s Award Winners, who receive product grants and cash prizes from our corporate sponsors. Our sponsors have included Adobe, Final Draft, and American Society of Cinematographers, to name a few.

Submissions coming from within the U.S. must be accompanied by a $10 submission fee. Domestic films that do not have a corresponding paid fee will not be reviewed. Please follow the link below to submit:


국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  실험영화

Logo of Ojo de Pescado - International Film Festival

02 Jun 2014

공개됨: 04 Apr 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Para Niños, Niñas Y Jóvenes Ojo De Pescado

Ojo de Pescado - International Film Festival

Valparaíso, Chile

OJO DE PESCADO 어린이와 청소년을 위한 국제 영화제는 칠레에서 열리는 연례 행사로, 어린이와 청소년을 대상으로 전 세계에서 가장 최근의 독점 영화 및 TV 콘텐츠를 모으는 행사입니다.

이 축제는 영화 전시 및 시청각 제작 촉진을 통해 어린이와 청소년이 통합 교육 및 커뮤니케이션 및 의견 표현에 대한 권리를 보장하는 것을 목표로 하는 탐구 및 행동 플랫폼인 OJO DE PESCADO CULTURAL CORPORATION이 주최합니다.

제11회 오호 데 페스카도 영화제는 2024년 11월 5일부터 11월 15일까지 칠레 전역에서 온라인으로 개최되며, 보건 상황이 허용하는 경우 발파라이소 지역에서만 직접 관람할 수 있습니다.

경쟁 카테고리는 다음과 같습니다.
- 어린이 단편 영화.
- 어린이용 텔레비전 또는 웹 시리즈.
- 어린이 및 청소년을 위한 장편 영화.
- “젊은 영화 제작자" (어린이 또는 청소년이 만든 단편 영화).

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Clifton Film Fest

02 Jul 2014

공개됨: 03 Apr 2014
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Banner Clifton Film Fest

Clifton Film Fest

Lorton, United States

Clifton Film Fest is an award winning indoor and outdoor film festival located in Northern Virginia. We showcase original films made by the surrounding community at the Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton, VA. There is day showings in the Workhouse Arts Center's theater in building 3 at 4pm and an evening showcase on the quad at dark. The Clifton Film Fest is for original films made by creative people. Festival Date: July 19th, 2014!

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Festival 2015

31 Jul 2014

공개됨: 03 Apr 2014
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Banner Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Festival 2015

Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Festival 2015

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The festival’s themes are the environment, ecology and sustainable development in a comprehensive sense. The festival accepts films that question the global place and impact of Man in and on his environment: biodiversity, environmental and human stakes, climate change, natural resources, science and research, evolution of borders, alternative energies, indigenous communities and issues, environmental health, urbanism, mobility, environmental activism, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and so forth.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션

Logo of MADTerrorFest  Madrid International Horror & Fantasy ShortFilm Festival

31 Aug 2014

공개됨: 03 Apr 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner MADTerrorFest - Festival Internacional de Terror y Fantástico de Madrid

MADTerrorFest Madrid International Horror & Fantasy ShortFilm Festival

Madrid, Spain 스페인

MADTerrorFest was created with the purpose of covering the vacuum that exists in Madrid regarding the genres of fantasy films and terror concerns.

There is lot of talent already discovered and above all to be discovered. So we have proposed to dig up all that potential and make it available for the lovers of this type of film, which we tell us of course.

We want to do a festival of short films that gradually give rise to the International Film Festival of horror and fantastic of Madrid, and become a reference within the national and international scene.

And of course we want you enjoy it as much as we do to prepare it.

Or better yet, that you may suffer uncompromising hitting boats like maniacs in your seat; We know that you love.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  실험영화