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The Festival de Cine Comprometido de Guadalajara (FESCIGU) celebrates its 22nd edition this year, and it does so with a change of venue, since the Guadalajara City Council has decided to censor it and cancel the agreement. Therefore, starting this year the festival will take place in Azuqueca de Henares. Throughout these years, we have tried to bring our audience the best of the world of short films, with social, protest or simply humanist content. All genres fit, as long as violence is not advocated. The FESCIGU is a preselection festival for the Goya Awards.
Um espaço onde o encontro com o diverso é bem-vindo, pois possibilita a crise e a reflexão sobre o hegemônico.
Fantàstik Granollers é o festival de filmes fantásticos e de terror de Granollers, realizado desde 2012. Tornou-se um evento único na cidade, no qual é oferecida uma proposta cultural relacionada exclusivamente a filmes fantásticos e de terror e tudo o que está relacionado a isso, apostando fortemente em curtas-metragens.
É uma excelente oportunidade para os amantes do cinema verem filmes inovadores, bem como se conectarem com outras pessoas interessadas neste tópico.
Além do festival, outras atividades são realizadas durante o ano relacionadas à divulgação de filmes de fantasia e terror.
ECOFILM is an International Environmental Short Film Festival, held annually in Mexico. It responds to the need to raise awareness on environmental topics, promoting audiovisual production and ecological culture with solutions that balance human beings in interaction with their environment.
ECOFILM supports its actions through collaboration and partnership with institutions, companies and individuals committed to the priority environmental issues on the international agenda. The exchange of ideas is melted in a single event: competition between artists, lectures, special guests; a prism of emotions, ideas and visions with a new understanding of the world
Taratsa is an independent international short film festival based in Thessaloniki, Greece. It began in August 2014, integrated in the framework of “Thessaloniki European Youth Capital”. Its purpose is to create a framework for the promotion of independent short films from Greece and all over the world -by bringing the audience closer to the production and establishing a place and time for the substantial interaction and artistic expression between the creators- as well as to present films that are considered benchmarks in the history of cinema.
Após a boa aceitação obtida nas XII edições anteriores do festival de curtas-metragens 4' SHORT... e para continuar com a ideia, intenção e oportunidade de acomodar as diferentes áreas de expressão artística, a Associação Cultural Alcorac 1.968 convida todos aqueles que desejam participar do "XII FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CURTAS-METRAGENS SHORT 4' ... “
O Festival Internacional de Cinema Puerto Madryn MAFICI acontece há 13 anos e é um dos festivais mais importantes da América Latina, que acontece na Patagônia Argentina.
O objetivo do Festival é oferecer a possibilidade de exibir filmes nacionais e estrangeiros, tanto longas-metragens quanto curtas-metragens, e assim gerar um espaço de encontro e difusão do cinema, a partir de um canto da Patagônia Argentina.
O Festival premiará os Primeiros Filmes para cineastas argentinos e estrangeiros, com o prêmio “Baleia Franca Austral”, além dos diferentes prêmios da Seção Oficial em Competição.
O MAFICI propõe, desde o início, premiar e promover os novos diretores do mundo, anunciando sua primeira obra cinematográfica, sendo o único festival argentino com essa peculiaridade única.
Por outro lado, pretendemos incentivar o desenvolvimento da indústria cinematográfica, cuidar do meio ambiente e contribuir para o potencial turístico e cultural de nossa bela cidade de Puerto Madryn.
A XI edição do Festival Internacional de Cinema de Guayaquil será celebrada de 30 de julho a 6 de agosto de 2025 na cidade de Santiago de Guayaquil, Equador. Com exibições em teatros e workshops, fóruns e master classes. A maior experiência cinematográfica da cidade.
O SANFIC, Festival Internacional de Cinema de Santiago, representa uma plataforma cinematográfica com fins educacionais, culturais, artísticos e industriais, bem como um símbolo principal da capital chilena e de todo o país.
Founded early last year 2016, New York World (International) Film Festival (NYIFF) is a young and vigorous film festival eager to raise the profile of films from all across the globe. NYIFF is rooted in its mission to strengthen the art of cinematic storytelling by celebrating film at an international level and boosting the film industry on a global scale.
NYIFF hopes to discover films that preserve their own angles, speak for those underrepresented or reveal types of philosophies that have not been understood before.
This organization is grounded in the belief that film has the power to incite dialogues between different people, groups and nations, so that multiple perspectives can be understood amongst wide audiences.
About NYIFF 2017
NYIFF 2017 is a 4-day program, September 21st – 24th, which is comprised of:
Opening ceremony and red carpet
In-competition screening
Spotlight (non-competition screening)
Panel discussions
Closing awards ceremony
NYIFF 2017 is calling for entries, starting October 1, 2016 through December 30, 2016. Selected entries will be competing for these awards:
Feature (fiction)
Best Director
Best Actor in a leading role, Best actress in a leading role
Best Actor in a supporting role, Best actress in a supporting role
Best original screenplay
Best original music score
Feature (documentary)
Best Director
Best story
Documentary Short
Narrative Short
Short Screenplay Competition
Feature Screenplay Competition
Each year, NYIFF will select a spotlight theme to accompany the program to enhance the dialogue. Two jury awards will be given for the selection spotlight films.
Jury award for best narrative
Jury award for best documentary
Bem-vindos ao Festival de Curta-metragem de Los Angeles. Este é um Festival Internacional de Cinema.
Este é um Festival Internacional de Cinema. Todos podem se inscrever. Os festivais de cinema ainda são o melhor lugar para filtrar o trabalho independente e obtê-lo notado. Com o YouTube e o Vimeo tão superlotados, bons shorts muitas vezes se afogam em um mar de maus. Mostrar o melhor dos melhores é uma prioridade no Festival de Curtas de Los Angeles. Oferecemos aos cineastas a oportunidade de compartilhar seus shorts com um público entusiasmado e ágil que está ansioso para ver novos filmes, novos rostos e novas artes. Festival de Curta-metragem de Los Angeles — onde talentos emergentes encontram um lugar para brilhar!
Hollywood: A mecca for aspiring actors, writers, directors, producers. For anyone serious about "breaking in," all roads lead to Hollywood. Come to the Hollywood Short Film Festival, meet interesting people, full of passion and make new connection.
Get noticed!
O Festival Internacional de Cinema de Valdivia apresenta o cinema chileno e internacional em quatro categorias competitivas: Competição de Longa-Metragem, Competição de Longas-Metragens Juvenis, Competição de Curta-Metragem Infantil da América Latina e Caribe e a nova Competição Chilena de Curtas-Metragens para Estudantes de Cinema. Seu programa não competitivo inclui retrospectivas históricas, retrospectivas de cineastas contemporâneos, cinema político, cinema de vanguarda, gênero e um slot de cinema infantil voltado para famílias.
O festival tem como objetivo oferecer aos cineastas chilenos e estrangeiros um lugar para exibir e competir e, com isso, promover obras cinematográficas nacionais e internacionais de qualidade artística.
O festival será realizado de 14 a 20 de outubro de 2024, em Valdivia, Chile.
Ascona Film Festival started on the social networks and after 5 years received more than 12000 submissions form 95 countries.
The Ascona Film Festival success is due to the concept of a nice VIP film festival in the legendary Ascona Venue at the Hotel Ascona.
Admission to the projection is on invitation only to selected VIP international personalities.
O festival pretende difundir novas percepções e reflexões sobre cultura, antropologia,
Arte e natureza Uma janela para o mundo ao virar da esquina.
Promoção de obras de produtores audiovisuais independentes de todo o mundo
Tratamentos temáticos e estéticos geram debate, novos conhecimentos e reflexões.
Longas, curtas-metragens e curtas-metragens, em gêneros ficção, animação e documentário.
O FICP tem os eixos temáticos da cultura, história, arte e a relação do
Homens com o ambiente sócio-cultural, natural e territorial.
The Pembroke Taparellli Arts and Film Festival was founded as a means to provide independent artists committed to social justice with a place through which to share their work with our global community. The festival seeks to give a platform to artists who seek to use their voice in film, theatre, spoken word, painting, sculptor, and photography to bring to light such issues as, poverty, gender inequality, homelessness, hunger, physical and psychological abuse, racism, sex trafficking, war and grief.
The festival will be an intersection between art and social justice giving independent artists a place to create, thrive and bring to market work they are passionate about without fear it will never be seen. Artists are allowed to take risk, tell their stories as they work to change the world.
The PTAFF is dedicated to the discovery and presentation of emerging artists, giving them an opportunity to let their voices be heard around the world. Injustice in many forms is a reality affecting our global community, as artists we have a responsibility to stand up against injustice. Many artists take action to turn these injustices around through their work. We seek to support and aide these artist as they help to transform, save and change the lives of those who suffer, creating a sense of hope to fuel our struggle.
The Pembroke Taparelli Arts Festival (PTAFF) is a celebration of Domestic and International Artists (Filmmakers, Performers, visual artists) who are committed to fostering global change through the Arts. We celebrate those fearless artists who are willing to share the good, the bad, and the ugly of our times holding themselves accountable for the change they desire to see.
The PTAFF will inspire conversation and promote a better understanding of the power the arts wield in combatting the injustices that have become a part of our daily lives.
In addition, PTAFF is committed to the following:
Affirm the place the arts have in strengthening our universal commitment to Human Rights and Social Justice.
Promote the arts as a powerful tool in the global dialogue of peace and mutual respect.
Bring together international filmmakers, performers, artists and educators to present their work and share with community leaders and community audiences.
Promote healing through the arts, celebrate rich cultures, and share diverse experiences locally and internationally.
Create a pathway where socially conscious films and art work can be a part of mainstream film distribution.
Instructions for film submission
Each year, we select 10 Feature Films, 30 Short Films to play in each of our Festival programs. However, you may not submit your film directly to any one specific program.
The film’s subject matter, the production itself or the film’s director should have a strong connection to ecological topic, environmental, environmentally friendly technologies, urbanistics, road movie, nature and minority people, protection of nature.