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This is where we start, the dark side of movies, inspired by the legendary Pink Floyd’s album.
We start with the dark side, not visible to the naked eye, mysterious, obscure - a side with blurred boundaries and infinite nuances, where nothing is certain, precise, predetermined. Not visible rather than invisible, lying under the surface, or elsewhere, it’s something that can’t be simplified as it continuously alludes to deeper meanings. It’s the side of cinema that is never accommodating and always inquiring, making us question the meaning of what we see, listen, perceive.
If you look closely, you’ll see that there’s a dark side to everything. You find it in Brothers Grimm’s folk tales, in Fritz Lang’s fantastic and apocalyptic visions, in Stephen King’s archetypes of narrative fiction, in Stanley Kubrick’s unforgettable imagery, in Homer’s poems as in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings epic. From the Holy Scriptures to Game of Thrones, the dark side is the driving force behind every art form and Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest is its cinematographic icon.
Considering the high request for participation from film schools and institutions, we established a special fee for multiple submissions from the same school/insitution: 10€/4 short films. Please contact us at info@ravennanightmare.it to take advantage of this discount.
XII Edition Pávez Awards - Talavera de la Reina International Film Festival. From October 3 to 11, 2025.
- Short films of Spanish or Ibero-American production and/or direction.
- Short films produced from January 1, 2024.
- Spanish spoken language or original language with spanish subtitles.
- Maximum running time: 30 minutes with credits included.
- They may not be hosted on free viewing online platforms.
- 5 competitive sections: National (Official Section), International (Ibero-America), Local (Talavera de la Reina), Animation and Documentary.
- 18 categories opting for a prize.
- 5700 euros + 18 Pávez awards.
- DCP required for Official, International and Local Selection.
Lloret Negre is the first noir genre festival of the Costa Brava. It's objetive is to promote the noir genre and as well as Lloret de Mar and it's heritage.
We invite you to participate in the sixth edition of ANIMAL Film Fest, which will take place on October 2, 3, and 4, 2025, with a hybrid format (in-person and online) in the city of Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico.
We recommend reading the complete call for submissions before registering your short films.
Registration and participation in the 6th edition of ANIMAL Film Fest imply full acceptance of these regulations.
ROT Movie Makers invites general public, as well as independent and professional filmmakers, film students, communication, animation, visual arts, multimedia and careers related, to participate in the sixth edition of ANIMAL Film Fest, to be held on October 2, 3, and 4, 2025, in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico.
AFF is a ROT Movie Makers’ production.
Our mission is to provide tools to filmmakers around the world, to exhibit and distribute their work. INCORTO reaches millions of viewers and filmmakers through INCORTO Film Festival, through INCORTO.com Film Channel and trough the live screening tour, which distributes part of its profits to filmmakers from 95 countries.
During one week of the year over 100,000 film-lovers gather in over 400 Cinemas across 6 Continents to view and vote on the Finalists Films' in the Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival - MANHATTAN SHORT is more than just one of the largest short film festivals in the world....it's the World's First Global Film Festival.
If making short films is about getting your work out there, nothing compares to MANHATTAN SHORT.
Every Film Selected is eligible to enter the Oscars:
MANHATTAN SHORT does a full week's run in a cinema in Los Angeles, California. This theater booking means all ten finalists in the 2025 MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival will be eligible to enter the Oscar competition for 2026.
MANHATTAN SHORT is now in compliance with the rules governing the Oscar Awards set forth by the Academy of Motion Pictures of Arts and Sciences
Featured Musical Artist
We are excited to announce that the MANHATTAN SHORT will be featuring a Musical Artist or Band leading up to and throughout the duration of the Festival each year.
The selected Musician or Band will have his/her music featured in over four hundred venues and to over 100,000 people worldwide during the MANHATTAN SHORT intermission and in all promotional materials leading up to the festival dates, including exclusive headline billing on our website. This is a tremendous opportunity for new or unknown musical talent to have their music broadcast to our ready-made worldwide audience of eager festival attendees. It is also a unique chance to gain name recognition and immediate exposure. Check ManhattanShort.com to enter the Musical Artist Comp.
The Fine Shortfilm Festival is a non-competitive shortfilm event, hosted in São Paulo, addressed to the works of the new generations of Brazilian filmmakers.
MACAU INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (“FESTIVAL”) is an annual worldwide audio-visual festival that aims to motivate overseas and Macau short film and music videos productions to compete in this FESTIVAL.
The Festival was previously known as "Sound & Image Challenge" and was first launched in 2010 focusing only on an audiovisual competition for local talent. This initiative was co-founded with professionals in film, music, sound and image fields, with two priorities: to promote the Creative Industries in the audiovisual sector and highlight the local talents in the production of sound and moving image design. Over the years, it expanded across 5 continents, grew and gained recognition, and finally became a short film festival in 2015.
The Festival will be held from 1 to 9 December 2025. A series of cultural programs will be scheduled in venues throughout Macau during the Festival week, such as public screenings of “SHORTS & VOLUME” official selection, Masterclasses of film production, development, International Film Festival curatorship and organising; audience voting for “Audience Award”; as well as gala awards ceremony.
NIFF is a space for criticism, denunciation, impact and social growth through the dissemination and promotion of cinema.
NIFF aims to be a statement against non-involvement, disregard and lack of commitment, which is the real disease of this century, where we produce more than we can consume, and happiness is subject to the law of supply and demand.
NIFF was born with the intention of triggering, debating the issues that are hidden under appearances and confronting the public with the social realities that show each individual as a part of those that make us complex, unique and human.
In recognition of the current global economic climate and in support of so many writers facing financial challenges, all entry fees will be reduced by 20% for the Winter 2022-23 Competition.
Our #1-ranked professional feedback services and unique prize offerings will remain unchanged as we remain the ONLY screenplay competition established and managed by award-winning WGA writers, producers, show runners, and DGA directors.
This is the ONLY screenplay competition whose senior judging panel has a total of more than 1,000 PRODUCED film and television writing/producing/directing credits.
This is the ONLY screenplay competition offering entries for live online "Line Notes and Consultation".
Santa Barbara--where the film industry began--has always attracted Hollywood's leading writers, producers, agents, managers, stage, television, and movie talent. Featuring Oscar-Emmy-WGA Award-winning judges with vital industry connections. those decision-makers are HERE in search of today's most promising writers.
Every word of every page of your script will be read and analyzed by established Hollywood film and television professionals. Every entry receives transparent scoring and personalized feedback.
This is the place for the industry's #1-ranked written studio analysis
by working industry professionals (no unpaid "interns" here!).
Any individual or legal entity, whether participating individually or collectively, may take part without age restrictions. Submissions can include any audiovisual production in 4K, 2K, Full HD, HDV, or HD formats. Productions that have been previously screened or featured in other showcases and festivals are eligible. Submissions must have been completed during the current year or the previous year.
All works recorded in digital format will be accepted for all sections that form part of the official selection.
The 2nd Calango International Environmental Film Festival aims to entertain, inform and educate the population of the region of Taguatinga, Águas Claras, Vicente Pires, Guará and Arniqueira.
film/Documentory/music vedio/Animation/VFX/CGI/2D/3D/other
*Mumbai Entertainment International Short Film Festival*
*Organized BY*
mumbai Entertainment
& Yogeshpatilfilms
*world all contries participated now*
The XVI Film Festival: Childhood and Adolescence -2025, is a festival with spaces for circulation and audiovisual training for children, adolescents and young people, with exhibitions, recreational activities, workshops, panels and discussions, whose fundamental objective is to promote Bogotá, as a pioneering city in Latin America in terms of a visible, protagonist and full of rights childhood and adolescence through audiovisual construction. Participation is free of charge for the exhibition and circulation of audiovisual content. The Contest will be held from September 2 to 6, 2025. Children and adolescents will have access to an audiovisual program made up of national and international animated and fiction short films, television series and the category of the "FESTICINE AWARD" that is awarded to audiovisuals made by children in Colombia. They will be accompanied by recreational activities to reflect on the thematic axis: "CITIZEN CULTURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT".
CineBH - Festival Internacional de Cine de Belo Horizonte fue diseñado para develar la nueva cadena de producción audiovisual nacional e internacional, establecer una conexión con la producción audiovisual de la Grande BH, exhibir y hacer puentes e intercambios con la producción latinoamericana y contextualizar el mercado audiovisual – perfil, posibilidades, alternativas y la realidad de exhibición en Brasil en intercambio con el mundo y con la presencia de otros países. Es un espacio de formación y reflexión sobre la sustentabilidad del cine nacional, su capacidad de seducción del público, las posibilidades y la factibilidad de la coproducción internacional, las tendencias, los nuevos medios y tecnologías. El programa es gratuito y ofrece proyecciones de largo, medio y cortometraje nacional e internacional, homenajes, debates, sesiones de cine-escuela, muestra de cine infantil, atracciones artísticas. Forma parte de Cinema sem Fronteiras - programa audiovisual internacional, concebido y realizado por Universo Produção Ltda, que reúne tres muestras anuales diferentes y complementarias: Muestra de Cine de Tiradentes; CineOP – Muestra de Cine de Ouro Preto y CineBH – Festival Internacional de Cine de Belo Horizonte.
Fecha prevista del evento: 23-28 de septiembre de 2025
CINEBH – BH INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL presenta largometrajes, medios y cortometrajes brasileños e internacionales.
Ubicación: El evento se realizará de forma híbrida, con sesiones y/o actividades presenciales en Belo Horizonte y en línea en la plataforma de eventos cinebh.com.br.
El segmento latinoamericano de CineBH presenta dos muestras de cine latinoamericano, que se enumeran a continuación, una competitiva y otra no competitiva, enfocadas, en particular, el sesgo autoral, de ambiciones internacionales, mirando hacia un diálogo e intercambios de mayor efectividad entre los países de colonización portuguesa y española en las Américas, con el fin de ampliar sus redes de repercusión y circulación.
1 - Muestra Territorio, sección competitiva internacional del programa, compuesta por hasta ocho largometrajes latinoamericanos,preferiblemente inéditos en Brasil*, de directores (ras) independientes que estén dirigiendo, individualmente o en conjunto, hasta su tercer largometraje. El objetivo de esta muestra es estimular y ampliar debates, reflexiones y dar visibilidad a producciones con un sesgo más autoral, con ambiciones internacionales con miras a un diálogo e intercambios más efectivos entre los países colonizados portugueses y españoles de América, con el fin de ampliar sus redes de repercusión y circulación e invertir en profesionales que se encuentran en el inicio de su carrera. Las películas seleccionadas en esta sección serán evaluadas por el Jurado Oficial (integrado por profesionales del audiovisual invitados por los organizadores del evento) que elegirá el la mejor película, la mejor presencia humana (actores, actrices o personajes de documentales) y otorgará un Destacado del Jurado (por un aspecto o área creativa de una película). Los premios se anunciarán en el cierre del evento, el 28 de septiembre, y los filmes ganadores recibirán el TROFEO HORIZONTE – oficial del evento. La mejor película elegida por el Jurado Oficial también será premiada con un premio en efectivo por un valor de R$ 10.000,00 (diez mil reales).
*Es considerado película inédita aquella que, además de no haber sido estrenada comercialmente, no haya sido proyectada en ningún otro evento o festival, en sesiones competitivas o no competitivas, en territorio brasileño.
2 - Muestra Continente, sección informativa internacional no competitiva del programa, que presenta hasta 12 largometrajes latinoamericanos, centrado en un enfoque específico y/o en películas ya circuladas y repercutidas en otros festivales internacionales.
The Menorca Doc Fest is a film and photography festival that aims to raise public awareness through the documentary genre, understanding it as a tool to promote critical thinking about the phenomena of the past and present that affect contemporary society.
The ACCIONS 3E Non-Profit Cultural Association is convening and organizing the 29th SUNCINE International Environmental Film Festival, to be held on November 2-10, 2023.
SUNCINE, formerly known as FICMA, was first held in 1993 and is positioned as the oldest Environmental Film Festival in the world; it is a reference in its genre.
SUNCINE is a multi-screen festival (in-person, online and televised). Its primary objective is to promote, disseminate and publicize environmental audiovisual works to raise awareness about the state of the environment, biodiversity and the planet’s sustainability.
India is a land of art and cultural heritage and it is spread in various forms in our society whether it's dance, drama, music, films, painting, sports, etc. Being a global enterprise, Indian Cinema (Bollywood) is a remarkable example of our cultural diversity and it has the greatest influence on India's national identity. We always celebrate our art and one of the best ways is to do so is film festivals. There are many film festivals in Asia where filmmakers and film lovers alike can celebrate the best and the brightest. We are adding one more precious feather to it and that’s the BOLLYWOOD INTERNATIONAL FILMFESTIVAL (BIFF).
Launched in January 2020, Bollywood International Film Festival–BIFF is founded by some of the best-known actors, directors and film professionals. BIFF intends to provide a place that connects the film lovers and makers around the world.
This film festival promotes new movie makers, looking to get publicity for their films, exchange of knowledge, information, ideas, the culture of India and other nations in their social and cultural ethos.
The festival will host various forums for academic interactions on Filmmaking, Film Appreciation like seminars, Workshops, Master classes etc., for the benefit of film professionals, discerning audience and students on unique aspects of cinema.
We invite filmmakers, people from the film fraternity, film critics, journalists, discerning cineastes from amongst the public & International and National film Institutes; distribution agencies/organisations, to witness the glorious start of BIFF. We sincerely hope the film lovers will use this opportunity to enroll as delegates and enjoy the contemporary world cinema and the classics.