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It shall take place from 27 to 29 April 2022 and may participate in performers of any nationality.
Our festival will be in person in agreement with Fescilmar Venezuela and Katowice- Poland.
Screenings in Lecheria cinema - Venezuela
Katowice -Poland
2) Fiction short films, documentary, video clips, webseries, experimental, with a maximum duration of 45 minutes can participate in any genre.
With the name Illusive Eye the optical process by which animation occurs in our brain by generating movement from the illusion produced by the rapid exposure to images in sequence is evoked. Animation offers the construction of credible universes, capable of freeing us from the limits of immediate reality.
With the coming of current communication technologies, animation has gained even more ground than it had in Film, Didactics and Videogames. Now, with the internet and the power of cell phones, mobile applications and the interconnection of devices and institutions with the network, animation has become an essential part of the language of interaction between the user and the world.
This audiovisual language has extended its discursive horizons as far as the human imagination reaches, and technically its evolution has allowed it to overcome reality by opening a fantastic vortex that provides immersive experiences and high doses of empathy as well as tons of fans of all ages and throughout the world, developing any theme with great aesthetic contributions and various levels of depth.
In honor of this abyss of creativity and as an invitation to immerse ourselves in it, this meeting space has been created for creators, scholars and amateurs. Looking to show not only its strength in the current film narrative but the presence of other types of speeches built on this means of visual expression: GIFs, memes, stickers, emoticons, headers, symbols for social networks, interface elements, banners, promotions , and any type of element generated from the illusion of an eye.
Celebrating 13 years the Toronto Shorts International Film Festival is the largest short film festival in Canada.
Toronto Shorts is a non-profit organization that provides a showcase for the best short films and its creators from around the world, annually in the heart of Toronto.
We feel that short-form cinema and its creators should have their own premier film festival in Toronto deserving similar recognition given to the feature film and its creators.
Toronto Shorts is where films from all genres intersect. The heart of the festival is the quality and scope of extraordinary film programming which consists of a wide spectrum of categories from high to low budget films under 45 minutes.
The festival has become a career stepping stone, establishing a tradition of discovering and promoting filmmakers who have gone on to be Academy Awards Nominees, including :
2021 Oscar Nominee 'The Present' by Farah Nabulsi
2019 Oscar Nominee ‘Weekends’ by Trevor Jimenez
2018 Oscar Nominees 'Watu Wote - All of Us' (Germany) and 'The Eleven O'Clock' (Australia)
Toronto stands as the largest media market in Canada, it boasts the world-renowned Royal Ontario Museum, the massive Art Gallery of Ontario, the Soulpepper Theatre Company, the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and now includes a premier international short film festival.
We showcase the best short films and its filmmakers from around the world.
Cine Pobre is a self-funded filmmaking genre without a set of stylistic criteria nor format boundaries, involving many geographically separated creators with at least two things in common: a strong desire to tell their story and to do so with their own resources.
Cine Pobre builds bridges based on the belief that film becomes art when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil and paper. Since 2002 the 100% cartel-free intersection of culture and capabilities curating the world's best self-funded films.
IFFAN to symbolize this festival we represented the "Coconut tree" as our logo.
Because one who reaches this Island through the sea, this tree becomes as 'saving the lives' to all humans. So the people define it as a "Tree of Life". Any artist who is wavering through this sea. The International Film Festival of Andaman and Nicobar will be as a " Tree of Life" for him.
I PINCH AND SHORT! is a short film festival to be held throughout the year.
During the indicated periods, a program will be designed with between 5 and 10 selected short films, depending on their duration, which will rotate through hotel establishments that are part of the project in different areas and neighborhoods of the city of Logroño, showing the same selection, in each location and different zone.
The programming will rotate through the different catering establishments, being projected on the terraces or spaces set up for it.
• Each weekend a series of films will be screened in each bar and in various screenings.
• Each week the selection of jobs will change.
Making these decisions will depend on:
• Volume of works obtained through collaboration or presented for screening.
• Sponsorship and decision of the interested establishments.
• External sponsorship.
The theme will be free conditional for all audiences, but those that include an allusion to Riojan gastronomy in their scripts and belonging to the genre of comedy will have more value for their selection.
Short films with a sexist, xenophobic or offensive theme will not be allowed.
There is the possibility of creating thematic sections in the screenings, according to the volume of films, and seeking added value for social or ecological aspects, so that subtitled works may have more value when selected for screening.
1. THIS IS THE BEST PLACE FOR YOUR SCRIPT: Carey Westbrook himself will be a part of this year's script consultation team. Carey Westbrook has served as a script consultant for Derek Cianfrance, TWO TIME 2021 Academy Award winner, and George Tillman Jr., an Academy Award nominee. His radio show is also featured in FOUR other film festivals THIS YEAR. Enter your script in The V.I.P. Neo-Noir Writing category and Carey Westbrook will personally consult with YOU!
2. THIS IS THE BEST PLACE FOR YOUR FILM: THREE prominent film distribution companies will be partnering with our festival this year to offer distribution contracts to our film winners and runner-ups. We have secured distribution deals for dozens of filmmakers through the years and we expect to secure the most we've ever secured THIS YEAR!
3. THIS IS THE BEST PLACE FOR YOU: Our 2019 audience was over 200 people in a sold-out crowd at L.A.'s Downtown Independent Theater. This year's online festival has OVER ONE THOUSAND artists, producers, and distribution entities who have expressed interest in this year's online festival: that's FIVE TIMES more eyes on your work than two years ago.
4. WE MAKE YOUR VISION GO VIRAL: Carey Westbrook and his top notch L.A. Neo Noir associates have co-produced numerous webisode series, including the highly successful RATE MY WEEKNIGHT and two radio shows that are appearing in FOUR film festivals this year. Enter the V.I.P. Neo-Noir Writing category this year and we may fully produce your writing into a webisode series too!
5. EVERY screenplay submission that is a screenplay will receive a trailer. Visit lanneff.com/entertainment to see the trailers we have produced. If your work is a screenplay, short story, or novel we can make it a trailer / comic book / or webisode series in the V.I.P. Neo Noir Writing category. No other festival IN THE ENTIRE WORLD offers these options. WE DO!!
Due to ongoing safety issues and crowd restraints, LANNEFF has decided to hold this year's festival online. We have secured the premiere technological apparatus and we're more ready than ever to produce the best film festival online. That being said...
It has been hailed by L.A. Weekly as the festival with "THE WORLD'S SEXIEST DARKEST CRIME SHORT FILMS." Thanksgiving weekend, Friday, November 26th to Sunday, November 28th, lanneff.com will be screening THE 2021 L.A. NEO NOIR, NOVEL, FILM, AND SCRIPT FESTIVAL 9 (LANNEFF)!
This festival is brought to you by Carey Westbrook and Associates, whose students include TWO TIME Academy Award winner, Derek Cianfrance, and Academy Award nominee George Tillman Jr. Westbrook has also worked with numerous Academy Award-nominated actors, including Ryan Gosling, Joaquin Phoenix, and Michelle Williams.
This year's festival once again features our favorite sponsor: SMG Films, the premiere online / airline distributor of neo-noir full-length and short films, as well as a launching pad for the world's best neo noir actors, actresses, and screenwriters. SMG is once again interested in our select group of winners from this year's festival and, based on our recommendations, they will be approaching that select few with online distribution opportunities!
We have also added TWO more distribution companies to our roster of interested purchasers. When you win a LANNEFF award, we will be sure to introduce them to you!
This year, we will also premiere TWO exciting webisode series produced by lanneff.com, and many other social media sites. These webisodes will star recent Best Femme Fatale winners, Miss Russian L.A. Katherine Pegova and Tracy Ann Chapel.
These two amazing starlets were discovered in our past festivals, and with many PAID leading roles still available in our series, it is our hope that we will bring to the neo-noir world even more great femme fatales and handsome P.I.'s, that is, actors and actresses like YOU!!
See one of many short webisode series co-produced by Westbrook on Facebook right now, like the hit webisode game show RATE MY WEEKNIGHT at lanneff.com:
L.A. Neo Noir also boasts the same old people coming back for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th time! How is that a good thing? L.A. Neo Noir has the highest number of return screenwriters, more than any other festival, because most of our festival screenwriters come back the very next year with fully produced films based on their previously recognized screenplays. Amazing screenwriters, like Diana Lee Woody and David J. Schroeder, have returned with their neo-noir masterpiece fully produced films featuring well-known stars. See Woody's "A Menacing Proposal" and Schroeder's "This Modern Man is Beat." Look at the exhaustively long list of previous winners on lanneff.com to see the point being made here: L.A. Neo Noir Festival is so good you have to do it again and again and again...and again!!
We fully produce animated trailers on all screenplay, novel, short story submissions, and present the best five as film festival selections. We also give you a copy of your trailer to use in any way you see fit. Whether you win or lose, whether you are selected or not, you get a produced trailer for your writing within three months after the festival and we promote your trailer on our website. No other film festival or screenplay/writing festival IN THE ENTIRE WORLD does that. V.I.P. Neo Noir Writing category participants receive their trailers within 30 days after. Best Screenplay category screenplay writers receive their trailers within 90 days after festival's end.
We have exciting neo-noir networking events in place that have reaped benefits for ALL of our past participants. We did the Downtown L.A. Neo Noir premiere of Robin Wright's directorial debut, THE DARK OF NIGHT at L.A.'s very own Downtown Independent Theater. We have many guests you'll recognize from film and TV this year, but the most important celebrity of this upcoming Thanksgiving weekend will be YOU.
Our objective: celebrate, showcase, AND sell the work of the greatest independent unknown neo-noir filmmakers and writers from L.A. and around the world. We have done this successfully EIGHT times. This ninth time plus YOU equals neo-noir magic!
Join us online in the comfort and safety of your own home. Selected winners enjoy a $100 cash prize, a distribution deal, a webisode series deal, and many other prizes. So get that amazing neo-noir work-ready. Get your entry fee, get your best neo-noir screenplay, film, novel, short story, monologue, and get ready to make 2021 the best year of neo-noir ever. If you love L.A. neo-noir, your work MUST be represented here, and you MUST be ready for your close-up with the Mr. DeMille of L.A. neo-noir greatness, L.A. NEO NOIR NOVEL, FILM, & SCRIPT FESTIVAL EIGHT!
Note: There are absolutely no fee waivers of any kind for any reason available for this festival. If your entire film production team cannot raise $25 to enter this festival, we recommend you participate in the plethora of free festivals already. You should enter them in addition to this festival. Why not? They're free! We're not free, nor do we have any waivers...of any kind...for any reason. Best Wishes!
Trailer Grand Prix - Festival of trailers
The first edition of the "Trailer Grand Prix" festival is open from September 1st to December 24th, 2021!
Warning ! This festival only accepts trailers for fiction, animation and documentary feature films.
To participate:
- Official release of your film should be scheduled between January 20th, 2022 and January 20th, 2023
- Trailer of 3 minutes maximum
- Trailer must be directed by major individuals according to French law, at least 18 years old.
Entry dates and fees:
From September 1st to October 15th: 2€ (registration costs)
From October 15th to November 15th: 4€ (registration costs)
From November 15th to December 24th: 6€ (registration costs)
All info on :
Good luck to all!
International Short Film Festival with the aim of establishing a useful platform for the promotion of the audiovisual industry: a space and time for the dissemination and promotion of audiovisual content, transforming it into a meeting point for filmmakers, favoring the exchange of initiatives and promoting a open market for the development of new projects.
All selected films will be screened at our public event. Show of shorts is a competition within many festivals of the Podcultura production company. With an annual festival dedicated to awards of Brazilian actors for TV and Cinema.
We do not require release status and will consider short films that are available for viewing online.
Each film submitted will be viewed in its entirety by members of our selection team.
The Festival is open to the public, as well as to professional sales and distribution assistants. By submitting your film, you agree that the Actor Mund Festival will screen your film during the Festival and use your film for promotional purposes, as well as all regulations above.
MBff: Mobile Blockbuster film festival is the 1st in Kazakhstan International festival of movies captured on smartphone. In 2020 the Festival was held in online-format.
In uncertain conditions after quarantine and closed borders the organisers give people a chance to find self-fulfillment.
The mission of Mobile Blockbuster film festival is to direct people's energy into positive growth & development & help participants to create unique content.
The main objective of the Festival is to open dialogues around contingency issues through cinema as a platform for mediation and engagement, in the Province of Colchagua, also assuming the role of exhibitor of national and Latin American cinema and independent works from different parts of the world.
Our motivation for this 2021 version lies in the social transformations focused on human rights and the conservation of the ecosystem, as well as the dissemination and enhancement of heritage, in order to consolidate the Colchagua International Film Festival as a space for intellectual, political and cultural turmoil.
E?! Okolišni filmski festival (E?! Environmental Film Festival) was first imagined in 2014 by the Activist Group of Zelena akcija - Friends of the Earth Croatia, the biggest and oldest environmental NGO in Croatia. The aim was to bring the environmental topics closer to the new and wider public through documentary and feature films, as well as other content.
From the villages on another side of the world, small actions that result in big changes, to international contracts behind closed doors, we care about it all; we believe that environmental justice consists of ecological, social and economic justice, and that we cannot observe them individually if we want to achieve the systematic change that we advocate.
We screen films and organize discussions, workshops and related content that informs and inspires, in order to encourage critical thinking, social change, solidarity and action. Over the years the festival has expanded, attracting approximately 350 people in 3 days.
The Festival is passionately and voluntarily organized by the Activist Group, and regardless of the resources we have, the entrance to all content is and always will be free. Our primary goal is to spread awareness and mobilize, not to create profits, so - welcome!
Every year, during the month of April, the city of Brussels becomes the capital of all things Fantastic. The BIFFF, one of the biggest International Fantastic Film Festivals of the world (certainly the craziest), screens more than 100 movies during its 13 days marathon, ranging from Fantasy to Thriller, Sci-Fi, Cult, Horror, Anime, Experimental, underground, etc., of which some 90 features and 100 shorts in World, International, European or Belgian premiere.
L’Europe autour de l’Europe - European film Festival Paris will run from April the 15th to April the 29th 2025 in Paris and Île-de-France.
Its selection presents art-house and author films produced by the countries of Greater Europe (members of the Council of Europe) focusing on connections between classic European filmmakers and new talents of contemporary cinema. One of the festival's main objectives is strengthening the creative audiovisual industry network across Europe.
In addition to screenings and Q&A with filmmakers, the Festival presents public masterclasses and panel discussions with prestigious guests from Europe.
L'Europe autour de l'Europe is where the new European film meets the European value-keeping cinema.
LA PECCA -Small Environmental Film Contest- was born in 2007 by the DeFrente Association.
The main purpose of this project is to promote respect for sexual and gender diversity through cinema, contributing to the development of a plural and inclusive society.
Taking a quality film event as a vehicle, we show plural life stories and encourage people to visibly live their sexual and gender identity, to promote social awareness and claim at the same time the right of the LGTBIQ + community to be present in culture and in society equally.
We also give visibility and support to quality cinematography, promoting the discovery of new talents.
ASOCIACIÓN DEFRENTE is a non-profit organization in Seville that was established in 2006. Since its inception, its objectives have been aimed at serving the lesbian, gay, transsexual and bisexual community in response to a social demand by being this group in a situation of marginalization and discrimination in many areas of daily life.
NIFFFI '21 will offer an international selection of films that showcases our collective, often shared, ways of life. We are a platform for filmmakers who want to tell tales that connect our past to our time. Entries will compete for the flagship NIFFFI Black Fire Award for Best Long Film (30 mins and up) and a new Award for Best Short Film (under 30 mins).
Cine Urutu is the first Film Festival held in the city of Pindamonhangaba, in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil. In 2021, the 3rd edition of the event will be held online.
The Zaragoza Film Festival, founded in 1995 to create a cinematic activity in the city. At first his main title was the Young Filmmakers. Since 2007 its official name became the Zaragoza Film Festival.
Festival with various events, generalist and national character (although some of its events are international).
Starting in 2021, after celebrating the 25th edition of the Festival, we propose an evolution of the project.
The cinema is more than alive in the Canary Islands, and more in the island of La Palma.
The Festival of Cinema made in the Canary Islands (#MadeInSecuencia27) is a festival that was born with the aim of promoting and disseminating audiovisual creation through sportsmanship and teamwork, both among fans and professionals, throughout the Canarian archipelago and arises as an initiative of the Cultural Association La Farola Films and its youth section known as the Infant and Youth School of Cinema "Sequence 27".
FECICA is celebrated between the municipalities of Puntallana, Barlovento and San Andrés y Sauces under a written and visual motto that changes in each edition.
with the image of the Punta Cumplida de Barlovento Lighthouse next to the Los Tilos Bridge of San Andrés y Sauces and the Monument to Salto del Enamorado de Puntallana.
The Festival has two competitive sections of the event: the 'General Section', which has short films shot throughout the Canary Islands and the 'Section 32 hours', in which filming takes place on site (between Puntallana, Windward and San Andrés and Sauces ), within the duration of the show itself, in just one and a half days, making this section the hardest cinematographic creation challenge in the Canary Islands. We also have the 'Media and Feature Films Section', a non-competitive section to promote the latest feature films and medium films made in the Canary Islands.
Thanks to this festival, which pursues the coexistence between participants, audience and young people of the Film School, more than the competition between them, the island of La Palma is already a "movie island", which has five festivals more audiovisuals (Festivalito, Tiempo Sur, TazaCortos and La Palma Anime Film Festival). All of them collaborate with this Film Show and are completed with other audiovisual contests throughout the island territory.
It is a festival in which the jury is the children and youth of the association, something unique in our country and that makes it different from other festivals. A festival open to everyone for everyone, without discrimination.
That is our festival. Welcome to the Festival of Cinema made in the Canary Islands SEQUENCE 27!
Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International.
Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms. Regarding the Unification Program of ARFF International, all 4 editions will gather at Amsterddam November/December 2024, till then Barcelona, Paris & Berlin editions will take place online.
See you Around & Fest Regards