UNIVERSAL MARATHI brings in an opportunity for filmmakers to showcase their talent. Universal Marathi has invited short film entries from professionals and students across the globe for the three-day annual My Mumbai International Short Film Festival in its sixth edition scheduled to be held in 2nd week of October 2018.
There are various categories for short film entries I.e. Social awareness, Animation, Fiction short film, international Foreign Shortfilm, Music video, and Documentary. Short film festivals have acquired a greater importance, eliciting a good response across the world. The event aims at exposing young directors to the global film color.
Filmmakers and students from across the world have been invited to send their entries which would be curated by industry experts and screened at the 6th My Mumbai International Short Film festival in Mumbai.
For more details, Maker can Visit the festival website now.
Or call on +919833075706 / +919969412426
Since2008, the MAACASSO association organizes each year, an international art film festival called NYGO for “Nos Yeux Grands Ouverts” (which means Our Eyes Wide Open) . The festival creates a competition between young artists. Our aim is to promote and highlight the new talents of the contemporary audiovisual creation. For the 10th edition, on March the 1st, our association is looking for young artists with an art film project that will be submitted to the judgement of the NYGO jury.
This year, we invite all the candidates to work on the theme “Resonance”. This theme can be treated in a sonor, visual or conceptual way because it can be understood as a reflect, or an impact with consequences. The resonance is a link between two elements, an impact of one to another, an answer from one to another. The artist must express a resonance in its film, but its goal can also be the achievement of its own resonance into the public’s appreciation, to create a link between the artwork’s meaning and the spectator’s feeling.
We want the art films to be a mean for the artists to spread their ideas, visions, concerns and feelings as a shock wave on the public, and a canal to interconnect individuals.
Criteria to respect:
Person aged 18 to 30 years old.
Respect the theme imposed in his creative process.
One project per applicant but several artists possible on the realization.
The film must be between 1 minutes 30 seconds and 8 minutes, including the credits.
- Fill out the online application form. Submit his film by mail: (wetranfer file)
(accepted formats : .mp4, .m4v, .avi,
.mpeg2 or .mov).
The NYGO Award:
The first prize: 800 €
The second prize: 500 €
The third prize: 300 €
Фестиваль был основан Харьковским областным советом в 2009 году.
Миссия фестиваля — найти и поддержать детско-юношеские студии и клубы, которые занимаются кинематографическим и телевизионным творчеством, талантливыми детьми, развитием детского/юношеского кино и телевидения в Украине.
Цели фестиваля заключаются в следующем:
— установление и развитие контактов между детскими и молодежными студиями, обмен опытом и дальнейшее профессиональное развитие участников;
— информирование широкой общественности об интересных, выдающихся работах и проектах из разных стран, презентация лучших мировых практик развития детского/юношеского кино и телевизионной индустрии;
— создание творческих и коммуникационных платформ для обмена опытом и представления новых проектов во время Фестиваля и в период между фестивалем;
— творческое личностное развитие, воспитание нравственных ценностей и социальной активности;
— привлечение внимания государственных, неправительственных организаций и коммерческих организаций к вопросам развития детского и юношеского творчества, процессов формирования личности посредством получения информации, транслируемой электронными средствами массовой информации, потребностям детско-юношеских творческих клубов; развитие талантливых детей и их будущее.
Фестиваль проводится среди детского/юношеского телевидения, анимации, кино- и радиостудий, клубов, групп и отдельных авторов, телерадиовещателей и творческих производств, режиссеров и продюсерских центров, которые производят программы и фильмы для детей и молодежи.
The Short Film Slam — это конкурс, проводимый раз в два месяца, который проводит The Madlab Post, который фокусируется на предоставлении платформы для новых и авторитетных кинематографистов для демонстрации своих работ. Каждый тур будет демонстрироваться до двенадцати короткометражных фильмов для местных зрителей, которые могут проголосовать за свой любимый фильм. Фильм с самым высоким рейтингом в прямом эфире будет объявлен «Фильм месяца» в следующем месяце. Самые высокорейтинговые фильмы из каждого живого и онлайн-кинозала будут проходить в финальный раунд. Все финалисты могут побороться за призовой фонд в общей сложности 1000 долларов во время финального раунда и праздников перед показом кинотеатров 2022 года в Филадельфии.
С 2012 года The Madlab Post продвигает информационно-пропагандистскую работу и вовлеченность сообщества посредством фильмов, показывая местным зрителям десятки исключительных короткометражных фильмов со всего мира; в том числе номинированный на премию «Оскар» короткометражный фильм «ОДИНОЧНАЯ ЖИЗНЬ», лауреат специального жюри Международного кинофестиваля в Клермонд-Ферране Номинант на премию Большого жюри «ВАННА» и «Сандэнс» и «Простата»? (КАК ВАША ПРОСТАТА). Основные объекты включают историческое здание Бока и ультрасовременный культурный центр Эль-Корасон Taller Puertorriqueño.
The Niederrhein Filmfestival is a film festival held in the beautiful city of Wesel in Germany. The purpose is to promote and circulate short films and to generate contacts between audience, young directors and professionals, giving special attention to dutch short films. At the same time, it will be the first borderland film festival exclusively showing Dutch films within a competition on German soil. The festival is based on the basic idea: act locally, think European.
NEZ Magic Lantern is part of NEZ Movie awards, celebrating movies in short formats. Magic Lantern embraces diverse sensibilities and movie art form. Magic lantern seeks emerging formats and technologies and present them at our festival in unique way. Here at magic lantern we worship the cinema sorcerers and serious cinephile. We are committed to original content. Magic Lantern Shorts Awards is organised by the organisers of NEZ International Film Festival
The Telluride Horror Show, Colorado's first and longest-running horror film festival, returns for its 9th edition October 12-14, 2018. Every year, the festival attracts the latest & best horror films from around the world and attendees from all over the country for an intimate gathering of genre film fans in the world-famous mountain resort town of Telluride, Colorado. For three days and nights, experience an eclectic mix of horror, suspense, thriller, fantasy, sci-fi and dark comedy in Telluride's historic theaters, with many of the films showing for the first time in the US. The festival line-up offers over 20 feature films, more than 50 short films, surprise screenings of highly-anticipated genre films at our "Secret Sunday Shows", along with special programs, guests, and events. If you love horror, and film, then you can't miss this fest.
Named one of the "20 Coolest Film Festivals" and one of "13 Horror Film Festivals To Die For" by MovieMaker Magazine.
The 9th Annual Telluride Horror Show takes place October 12, 13, 14, 2018 in Telluride, Colorado. For three packed days, genre fans and filmmakers are invited to experience the best and latest films in three Telluride venues: Nugget Theatre, Palm Theatre, and the historic Sheridan Opera House. Special events and parties take place at various venues throughout the world-famous town of Telluride.
We appreciate your interest in the Telluride Horror Show and we hope to share your film with our audiences!
"Telluride Horror Show is one of the most exciting fests operating today. The scenery is unmatched and the passion of the programmers is obvious with the killer lineup each year. I'm totally honored to have been some small part of it for two years. I think people will be kicking themselves when the fest becomes this unstoppable giant and they didn't get in on it early. I'm mostly excited because it's a festival that offers so many experiences - it can be a nonstop party or a totally laid back weekend of movies in the mountains - whatever kind of time a guest wants to have, you guys make happen. That's why I pledge allegiance to Telluride Horror Show."
- Mickey Keating, Director (Psychopaths, Darling)
"Great audience and goddamn, Telluride is a slice of heaven! What an amazing place!"
- Greg McLean, Director (Jungle, The Belko Experiment, Wolf Creek)
"Telluride Horror Show is by far my favorite film festival. The scenery is awe-inspiring, the crowds are bursting with energy and the films are handpicked by some of the most genuine fans of the genre. I couldn't recommend it enough!"
- Damien Leone, Director (Terrifier, All Hallows' Eve)
"Telluride Horror Show was fantastic to my film and a wonderful place to have our world premiere. Great staff, full crowds, and a beautiful town. Couldn't ask for a better experience."
- Michael Peer, Director (Doll), Telluride Horror Show Short Film Selection
"If somebody asked me, 'Should I go to Telluride Horror Show?' I would say, 'Go. Now. Don't hesitate. It's one of the best festivals in the country!'" - Jeremy Robert Johnson, 2017 Guest Author
"Telluride Horror Show is known for its tremendous shorts programming, and the fans certainly come out for it."
-Meredith Borders, Birth.Movies.Death
"This festival was amazing. Telluride is gorgeous and the people are extremely friendly. The festival director Ted is a really genuine guy. Everyone is grounded, down to earth, and humble. From Brad to Jeff to Catherine to rest of the employees - I had a fantastic time. Definitely in my top festivals and would love to attend again."
- Nikhil Bhagat, Director (As They Continue To Fall), Telluride Horror Show Short Film Selection
"Whether I have a film playing next year or not I'll be back because seriously, there is no cooler town to spend the weekend watching some fun movies with good people! Not the easiest place to get to which goes to show you how fantastic of a show they put on because I met horror fans that came from all over. Every screening I attended was packed and with some of the best audiences I've encountered. Don't miss this one!"
- Anthony Cousins, Director (When Susurrus Stirs), Telluride Horror Show Short Film Selection
“The festival was very well organized, and the response from the audiences at the screenings was a wonderful experience. Telluride itself was absolutely beautiful, and the organizers treated us extremely well. We can't wait until next year's festival.”
-Tom Holland, 2010 Telluride Horror Show Guest Director (Fright Night, Child's Play)
"A full roasted pig, with the fat-saturated eyeballs up for grabs in the lobby of a gorgeous old opera house teeming with horror filmmakers and fans is how the Telluride Horror Show kicks off every year. And we couldn't have asked for a better festival to premiere our film "The Battery" in. Ted, the festival director and his team bend over backwards to accommodate traveling filmmakers; and the audience is a lively mix of horror and film fans, critics, writers, and rabble-rousing locals. The town is absurdly intimate in a way that makes for near constant run-ins with attendees looking to jaw about movies over a beer or a great cup of coffee between screenings all day. And all of this is to say nothing of the view: a majestic frontier town just begging for a Leone-style showdown nestled in the palm of the most classic, craggy, snow-capped mountains one could imagine. Waking up there every morning is a true privilege, with every window in every building looking out on an Ansel Adams shot brought to striking life. If there weren't enough reasons for a filmmaker to finally finish that movie they've been talking about and send it kicking and screaming out into the world, then Telluride Horror is one more. Just writing about it now is enough to make me long for October again, and has me hoping I've got another film ready in time to enjoy the reception all over again."
-Jeremy Gardner, Director (The Battery), 2012 Telluride Horror Show World Premiere
In 2017, the Telluride Horror Show added a new third venue, the 587-seat Palm Theatre, to accommodate the growing crowds, officially making it one of the largest genre film festivals in the world. Birth.Movies.Death and Dread Central were onsite as official media partners. Industry sponsors included IFC Midnight and Shudder. Pre-festival coverage was provided by Entertainment Weekly, Bloody Disgusting, Horror Society, and many other media outlets, both national and regional. Feature films included the U.S. premiere of Patrick Brice's CREEP 2 and the Colorado premiere of Greg McLean's JUNGLE, with both directors in attendance. Other highly-anticipated films were TRAGEDY GIRLS (Tyler MacIntyre), DOWNRANGE (Ryuhei Kitamura), MAYHEM (Joe Lynch), 78/52 (Alexandre O. Philippe), TRENCH 11 (Leo Scherman), COLD HELL (Stefan Ruzowitzky), THE ENDLESS (Justin Benson & Aaron Moorhead), PSYCHOPATHS (Mickey Keating), HOUSEWIFE (Can Evrenol), and VICTOR CROWLEY (Adam Green). Premieres of WHAT THE WATERS LEFT BEHIND, COLD GROUND, DEAD ANT, BORLEY RECTORY, DERELICTS, CONFESSIONS OF A SERIAL KILLER: DIRECTOR'S CUT, EAT LOCALS, FRAZIER PARK RECUT, DESOLATION, and the Friday the 13th fan film NEVER HIKE ALONE rounded out the feature film line-up. Special presentations included 35mm screenings of Mario Bava's THE WHIP AND THE BODY and a special Telluride Horror Show edition of "TRAILERS FROM HELL". 60 short films were presented in six themed blocks, with every shorts program having sold out crowds. Special events included our annual Pig Roast, Creepy Campfire Tales with guest author Jeremy Robert Johnson, Ice Scream Social, Killer Karaoke Party, and Horror Trivia Night presented by Dread Central. Over fifty filmmakers and guests were in attendance for intros and Q&As.
In 2016, the Telluride Horror Show SOLD OUT in advance, providing packed houses for every screening. Bloody Disgusting was onsite as our official media partner. Festival coverage was provided by Entertainment Weekly, Fangoria, Horror Society, Modern Horrors, Rue Morgue, and many other media outlets, both national and regional. Our "Secret Sunday Shows" (surprise screenings of highly-anticipated films) were "The Autopsy of Jane Doe", "Raw", and "Safe Neighborhood". Feature films included the World premieres of "Terrifier" and "#Screamers", the North American premieres of "Ibiza Undead" and "Kill Command", the Colorado premieres of Morgan Spurlock's "Rats", "A Dark Song", "Another Evil", "Beyond The Walls", "Here Alone", "Man Underground", "Sadako VS. Kayako", "Spring Break Zombie Massacre", "The Eyes of My Mother", "The Girl With Two Faces", "The Windmill", "Trash Fire", and "We Are The Flesh". Special presentations included Don Coscarelli's "Incident On and Off A Mountain Road" with acclaimed genre author Joe R. Lansdale in attendance. Staying true to our mission to showcase the talent of short filmmakers, a record 59 short films were selected for seven themed shorts blocks. Special events included our annual Pig Roast, Creepy Campfire Tales with Joe R. Lansdale, Ice Scream Social, a conversation on indie filmmaking with guest directors Joe Begos & Mickey Keating, and Horror Trivia Night. Over fifty filmmakers and guests were in attendance for intros and Q&As.
In 2015, the Telluride Horror Show once again saw record-breaking attendance numbers, with the majority of screenings sold out. Features included the Colorado premieres of "Bone Tomahawk", "The Devil's Candy", "German Angst", "Hell House, LLC" with director Stephen Cognetti in person, "Howl", "Inner Demon", "The Mind's Eye" with director Joe Begos in person, "Nina Forever", and "Sensoria". US premieres included "The Funhouse Massacre" with director Andy Palmer in person and "The Interior". Other features included the North American premiere of "III", a special presentation of "The Nightmare Before Christmas" with director Henry Selick in person, "The Invitation" with John Carroll Lynch in person, "Darling" with director Mickey Keating in person, a behind-the-scenes look at the classic "Return of the Living Dead", a secret screening of "Baskin", along with screenings of 2015 festival circuit favorites "He Never Died", "Body", "The Hallow", "Landmine Goes Click", and "They Look Like People". A record 46 short films were programmed for the 2015 Telluride Horror Show, with four sold-out shorts programs.
In 2014, the Telluride Horror Show enjoyed sold-out shows and full theaters for the majority of the programs. Feature films included "ABCs of Death 2", "The Babadook", "Creep", "Spring", "Suburban Gothic", "The Houses October Built", "The Boxtrolls", "WolfCop", and many more, solidifying the Telluride Horror Show's role as an important stop on the festival circuit for major indie horror films. Four dedicated shorts programs saw capacity crowds as the festival continued its tradition of treating our shorts programs as major events. Over 33 short films were selected for the 2014 festival. Many of the talented cast & crew behind both the features and shorts were in attendance for lively Q&As. All in all, our best year yet, with incredibly enthusiastic attendees and guests.
In 2013, attendees flocked to Telluride from all over the country for an incredible line-up of films, including the World Premieres of indie horror features "All Hallows' Eve" and "Chemical Peel", a sneak peek of Lionsgate's "Hellbenders", Bobcat Goldthwait's "Willow Creek", closing film "Beneath", the US Premiere of "Across the River", and indie festival hits such as "Delivery", "Septic Man", "The Midnight Game", "On Air", "Pinup Dolls on Ice", "The Seasoning House", and a special presentation of the hit doc "Rewind This!" Guest Director Frank Henenlotter was on hand for a special screening of the cult classic "Basket Case" and visual effects legend Phil Tippett joined us with a sneak preview of his latest stop-motion animation project "MAD GOD". Our three dedicated shorts blocks saw record crowds, with 34 short films from all over the world, proving once again that short films will always find enthusiastic support at the Telluride Horror Show. Over 30 filmmakers & guests were in person for Q&As and presentations. 2013 sponsors included Dread Central, Revolver Picture Co., Colorado Office of Film, Television, Media, Well Go USA, and many others. Reviews generated at the festival appeared on Dread Central, All Things Horror, and Yahoo!
In 2012, attendance numbers saw another strong increase, with Quiet Earth, Dread Central, and Screen Invasion publishing reviews of the films. New sponsors included FEARnet, 20th Century Fox's Wrong Turn 5, and Sony. Our third festival showcased 17 features and 34 short films. Highlights included the world premiere of the ultra-low-budget zombie hit "The Battery" with cast & crew in attendance, the US premiere of "Inbred", the North American premiere of "The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh", a special presentation of "ParaNorman" with Laika Studios, as well as 2012 festival circuit favorites "The American Scream", "Grabbers", "Excision", "Errors of the Human Body", "Game of Werewolves", and many more. The 34 short films showcased at the festival represented the best of the best, from all over the world, and spoke to our mission to support and foster the art of short filmmaking. Out of all these superb shorts, Australia's "Perished" was chosen to be shown on FEARnet.com, alongside the rest of FEARnet's horror, thriller and suspense programming.
In 2011, the Telluride Horror Show saw a massive increase in festival attendance. The press was on hand and reviews of films generated at the festival were published on Bloody-Disgusting, Quiet Earth, and Shadowlocked. The festival showcased 17 feature films and 20 shorts, including 2011 festival circuit favorites "Chillerama", "Monster Brawl" (US Premiere), "Some Guy Who Kills People", "Helldriver", "Deadball", "Rabies", "The Tunnel", "Sennentuntschi", "The Whisperer in Darkness", and many others.
The inaugural 2010 festival showcased 17 feature films and 22 shorts. Special guests included Guest Director Tom Holland (Fright Night/Child's Play), Guest Producer Jon Davison (Robocop/Starship Troopers), and Guest Host Chris Alexander, editor of Fangoria magazine. Our line-up of films featured many of the heavy-hitters on the 2010 festival circuit, including "Tucker & Dale VS Evil", "Machete Maidens Unleashed!", "Colin", "Bitter Feast", "The Last Lovecraft", "Phasma Ex Machina", "Vampire Girl VS Frankenstein Girl", "Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives", "The Legend of Beaver Dam", and the world premiere of Tom Holland's "Twisted Tales."
"20 Coolest Film Festivals"
"13 Horror Film Festivals To Die For"
-MovieMaker Magazine
"Want a killer time at a film festival? Then we recommend you check out this year’s Telluride Horror Show” -Entertainment Weekly
"A smorgasbord of horror goodness" -Bloody Disgusting
"...Telluride Horror Show was an absolute blast in a gorgeous location that is ideally suited for a horror festival. If you have the chance to go, make it happen. I promise you that you won’t regret it.." -Dread Central
"Mixes its unique small town setting with some of the most highly anticipated horror" -Fangoria
"This festival is going to explode in the next few years - get in on it while you can" -Birth.Movies.Death
"...the Telluride Horror Show was one of the best film festival experiences I’ve had in my life. The films the team at this festival were able to pull together made for one of the most satisfying film lineups around.” -Horror Society
"I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: 'The second weekend of October is my favorite weekend of the year.' This is the weekend of the Telluride Horror Show! Set against a gorgeous backdrop of tree-lined, snow-covered mountaintops, the Telluride Horror Show has quickly cemented itself as one of the country’s best horror film festivals." -Who Goes There Podcast
"...this three-day horror film festival should be on every to-do list for those who crave slasher flicks, creature features and all things frightening." -303 Magazine
"This horror film festival has quickly become one of, if not THE, horror destination for fans and filmmakers worldwide. This was their 8th year in existence, and having been in attendance for the past two years consecutively, I can safely say that this is the place to be in October. I was able to catch nine films over the course of three days, and I’m shocked to report that there was not one bad film I can recall. Having been to my fair share of horror film festivals, this is high praise." -Kvlt of Brewtality
"Dedicated to scouting out the next generation of horror talent" -WestWord
"One of the most prestigious and anticipated horror film festivals of the year" -Modern Horrors
"Kinky thrills are provided knowing that nestled deep within the humbling, operatic grandeur that is Telluride, horrific, taboo-smashing entertainments of every sort are unspooling across screens in front of the wide eyes of bolder cinema fans seeking to be scared. There's no other dichotomy like this at work in any other horror festival I've attended or am aware of. It's a thing of twisted beauty.” -Chris Alexander, Fangoria Magazine
"There have been a plethora of horror film festivals popping up over the last 6 or 7 years, but standing alone atop them all is the Telluride Horror Show in Telluride, Colorado. The festival has quickly become the premiere destination for the very finest independent horror films that the genre has to offer." -Modern Horrors
"The Telluride Horror Show stands out, and for good reason. It's been host to a slew of the greatest indie-horror films of the last half decade." -Horror-Movies.ca
"If you're going to enjoy a horror film festival, there is no better way than Telluride's Horror Show."-Playback
"Telluride Horror Show needs to be on every horror movie fan's bucket list." -Web Wombat
Фестиваль и форум детских фильмов CHINH INDIA, инициированный в связи с 60-й годовщиной независимости Индии, представляет собой инициативу, направленную на популяризацию знаний, идей и взглядов на культуру, развитие и образование в контексте детских программ.
Цель фестиваля детских фильмов в Чинхе — привить детям вкус к качественным программам и привлечь внимание детей к новым жанрам, инновациям и форматам, связывающим образование с культурой и проблемами развития.
Изюминкой фестиваля детского кино в Чинхе являются сеансы обмена разведывательными данными, в которых дети с участием экспертов могут поделиться своим мнением, высказать и выразить свое мнение.
На ФЕСТИВАЛЕ ДЕТСКИХ ФИЛЬМОВ В ЧИНЬ-ИНДИИ мнение детей важно, и именно они определяют победителей.
Видеоролики о детском жюри и судебном процессе размещены на сайте www.chinh.in
Since 2001, the Nevada City Film Festival (NCFF) has brought top independent film, music and comedy, along with attracting thousands of attendees, international filmmakers, and industry guests to the historic Gold Rush era town of Nevada City, California. Nevada City is known for its sophisticated and supportive arts and cultural scene, and makes screening a film here a positive, encouraging and exciting experience.
NCFF is often referred to as the “Sundance of the Sierra” for its emphasis on fiercely independent cinema that showcases innovative, progressive and exciting new voices in film.
NCFF is known for recognizing and supporting new talent including filmmakers such as Jonathan Krisel (Portlandia), Patrick Brice (CREEP, The Overnight), Academy Award-Winning director Lucy Walker (Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom, The Crash Reel), Academy Award-nominated director and animator Daisy Jacobs (The Bigger Picture), director Kat Candler (Hellion), director Rick Alverson (Entertainment), animator and performance artist Miwa Matryek, director David Zellner (Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter), animator Galen Pehrson, and directors Mark and Jay Duplass, among others.
In previous years NCFF has hosted filmmakers such as Mike Mills, Miranda July, Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim (Cartoon Networks Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!), and comedians including Tig Notaro, Mari Bamford, Nick Kroll, Natasha Leggero, and Marc Maron. Past NCFF judges have included award-winning producers and directors, plus writers from The Huffington Post, New York Times, McSweeneys, San Francisco Chronicle, Rolling Stone Magazine, and Pop-Up Magazine.
Professional, student, and amateur filmmakers are invited to submit short and feature length films including documentaries, animation, narrative, and comedy.
History Film Festival is an international festival of historical documentary films organized by ISTRA FILM.
The Festival is taking place in Rijeka, Croatia.
History Film Festival aims at offering viewers and film experts an insight into contemporary film and TV production of historical documentary films, at the same time providing a place where film professionals can meet and share their creative ideas for future projects.
Festival programme consists of a competition programme and special thematic programmes (presentations of independent and TV productions, screenings of material from film archives, specialized conferences and workshops…)
Вы знаете это лучше, чем кто-либо: создание фильма продолжительностью менее 4 минут требует большого таланта и творчества. Вот почему Très Court уже более двадцати лет чествует их своим Международным фестивалем, который одновременно проходит в июне примерно в пятидесяти местах на пяти континентах. Показы проходят исключительно на большом экране, в театрах или под открытым небом, для преданной и пылкой публики.
«Très Courts» разделен на шесть конкурсов, два из которых являются конкурсными: международный конкурс, конкурс женских слов, отбор французского языка, семейный отбор, отбор документальных фильмов и отбор фильма «Смех» (до конца света).
Если вы новичок или профессионал, классик или авангардист, если продолжительность вашего фильма не превышает 4 минут, не стесняйтесь попытать счастья, тем более что регистрация вашего фильма (фильмов) бесплатна. Принимаются все жанры: художественная литература, документальный фильм, анимация, компьютерная графика, драма, комедия, документальный фильм и даже фильмы о крови или ужасах.
Кинофестиваль Biosegura «Окружающая среда и развитие сельских районов».
El Festival de Cine de Menorca (#EsFestival) se celebra anualmente en el corazón de las Islas Baleares. Es un festival único que aúna el mejor cine contemporáneo, nacional e internacional.
Proporcionamos un marco poco habitual a las producciones nacionales e internacionales, ofreciendo a visitantes y residentes la oportunidad inmejorable para disfrutar de una experiencia cinematográfica de alta calidad.
The SARDINIA FILM FESTIVAL intends to foster and exploit cinematography in particular independent production, encourage exchange and comparison between different artistic expressions, encourage young people to occupations of the cinematography.
8-й ежегодный кинофестиваль SciFi возвращается в первую киноплощадку Сиднея в кинотеатре Event Cinemas на Джордж-стрит с 23 по 26 сентября 2021 года.
SciFi Film Festival — ежегодное мероприятие в Сиднее, Австралия, посвященное празднованию и популяризации фантастических фантастических фантастических, фэнтезийных и ужасных жанровых историй из Австралии по всему миру.
Наша кураторская программа включает в себя, последние инди-и мейнстрим фильмы до тематических показов и культовой классики, а также интересные события, от форумов до вопросов и ответов с кинематографистами и их командой, также, у нас есть эклектичный микс мероприятий на сайдшоу, которые весело, причудливо и будут меняться время от времени.
Международный фестиваль Les Femmes Underground — это кинофестиваль, посвященный подрывной, уникальной и инновационной деятельности. LEFUFF, демонстрирует художников из всех слоев общества, создающих работу, которая переопределяет способ, в котором женщины представлены в основном кинематографе. Дебютирует в 2016 году, Les Femmes Underground в Лос-Анджелесе впервые в истории путешествующего женского подпольного кинофестиваля. Подземная организация Les Femmes была создана в ответ на снижение феминистских икон и ролевых моделей в средствах массовой информации. Как феминистки мы считаем, что наша обязанность состоит в том, чтобы дать новые поколения молодых женщин возможность создавать работу, которая отходит от гендерных ролей общества. Les Femmes Underground стремится впервые премьеру недопредставленных новых феминистских кинематографистов и художников.
Charharusï is a film festival born of the need to bring the P'urhépecha people closer to this art. We seek to bring cinema from different parts of the world to the 4 p'urhépecha regions.
Monstronale Festival — международный фестиваль короткометражных фильмов с тремя конкурсами (международный конкурс, конкурс детского кино «Дикие миры» и конкурс документального кино «Shortdocs») В рамках фестиваля проводятся кураторские программы на специальные темы.
We are a film festival made by and for queer people! We seek films created by queer filmmakers, of any content, and provide a platform for exhibition of the very best.
Our annual festival will take place at the end of September at an independent theater in Detroit. We love to host you, the winning filmmakers, for Q&As with the public!
At our inaugural festival in 2017, we showed 23 films from 7 countries with two visiting filmmakers. Our "Filmmakers To Watch" program sold out. We also hosted an art exhibition from a local art collective and a roundtable discussion about being transgender in relationships. In 2018, we showed over 50 films over 2 days from all over the globe. We had visiting filmmakers and a visiting screenwriting workshop.
Our Mission: Trans Stellar Film Festival encourages diversity and queer agency in art by promoting the exhibition of films created by queer people. We seek films by queer filmmakers with a variety of content and form and provide a platform for their exhibition to the public and industry professionals.
Our values include diversity, inclusion, agency, accessibility, and community.
Please contact us at lauren.bc@transstellarfilmfestival.com about fee waivers or discounts available.