Logo of Jujuy/Short Films International Showcase

31 Aug 2017

公開済み: 07 Jul 2017

Banner Muestra Internacional De Cortometrajes Jujuy/cortos

Jujuy/Short Films International Showcase

San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina

この展覧会は、Wayruro Comunicación Popular、Red Kalipa TVによる、アルゼンチン北部地域における視聴覚文化の普及を目指す放送・宣伝の提案の一部であり、事務局のINCAAの支援を受けてのものです。レッド・フォコス、エル・エスパシオ・ノルテ・オーディオビジュアル、CONTARなど、カルチュラ・デ・ラ・プロビンシア・デ・ラ・プロビンシア・デ・フフイなど。



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  実験映画  Music Video

Logo of Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinemas

31 Oct 2017

公開済み: 06 Jul 2017

Banner Festival International Des Cinémas D'asie De Vesoul

Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinemas

Vesoul, France

第26回ベソウル国際映画祭が2020年2月11日から18日まで開催されます。 フェスティバル@@





 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ

Logo of Common Baltic Short Film Contest

11 Aug 2017

公開済み: 06 Jul 2017

Banner Common Baltic Short Film Contest

Common Baltic Short Film Contest

Warsaw, Poland

The Adam Mickiewicz Institute, under the brand Culture.pl, Polish Film Festival, Pomeranian Film Foundation & Gdynia Film School have announced the 3rd edition of the Common Baltic Short Film Contest, centred around the universal theme of the Baltic Sea region.

The contest is open to all participants, both professionals and amateurs aged 18 and over from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany and Poland. Films one to five minutes long may be submitted. Films may be submitted by no later than 11 August 2017 via an online submission form available on the Adam Mickiewicz Institute's website.

The organisers invite participants to engage in creative pursuits and answering the questions: how has the Baltic Sea region been changing in terms of arts, society, politics and economy? Is there a common identity shared by the countries from the Baltic Sea region? Does the Baltic Sea unite or perhaps divide the nations living at its coasts?



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画  Music Video

Logo of Sea Shorts

02 Aug 2017

公開済み: 06 Jul 2017

Banner Corti di Mare

Sea Shorts

modica\, Italy





 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ

Logo of Festival Provincial de Cine Mirada Oeste de Mendoza

15 Sep 2017

公開済み: 06 Jul 2017

Banner Festival Provincial de Cine Mirada Oeste de Mendoza

Festival Provincial de Cine Mirada Oeste de Mendoza

Godoy Cruz, Argentina

Only for filmmakers from Argentina.


 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ

Logo of Tally Shorts Film Festival

10 Nov 2017

公開済み: 06 Jul 2017

Banner Tally Shorts Film Festival

Tally Shorts Film Festival

Tallahassee, United States

ショートフィルムの媒体を抱きしめるTally Shortorts Film Festival は、文化的、経済的資産としてのフィルムの認知度とサポートを高めることを目標に、北フロリダに真にユニークで独立した映画体験をもたらすことに興奮しています。 世界中の映画を展示することに加えて、Tally Shortsは、映画のすべての側面をネットワーク、ショーケース、議論するための道を提供することにより、地元の映画製作者の保持、育成、育成に専念しています。



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画

Logo of Xiamen International Animation Festival

10 Sep 2017

公開済み: 05 Jul 2017

Banner Xiamen International Animation Festival

Xiamen International Animation Festival


Cyber Sousa Animation Contest is one of the most influential events in China with the highest bonus and the professional review from all over the word.




Logo of Pasadena International Film Festival

26 Jan 2018

公開済み: 05 Jul 2017

Banner Pasadena International Film Festival

Pasadena International Film Festival

Pasadena, United States

Our Films go from PIFF to CANNES! And some even win! Such as the films: "Tuesday", "Our Father" and "Til Then/Bis Gleich"! Or perhaps your film will be acquired by the SHORTS HD Channel! Who's it going to be for 2018?!

PIFF Attendees: Martin Sheen, Michael Gross, Doris Roberts, Jason Ritter, Clare Kramer, Mimi Kennedy, John Bowe, Kim Coates, Melissa Fitzgerald, James Marsters, Jay O. Sanders, Lee Meriwether, Sadie Calvano, Tom Lenk, Charisma Carpenter, Dee Wallace, among others

Many of our films garner distribution at PIFF. We host a selection of the finest distribution companies at the top of their game who find gems at PIFF and go on to acquire them.

"The Pasadena International Film Festival is an experience not to be missed by filmmakers. From the elegant black tie Great Gatsby Gala Opening night, to the diverse, informative panels, to the top quality screenings in an actual mainstream movie theatre… in over ten years of traveling the festival circuit with multiple films, this was, hands down, one of the best-run festivals, and the best times I have even had AT a festival. I wish I had another film ready to go so I could submit next year!"
-- Filmmaker, Heather Connell

"You guys really put on a show! I can't imagine doing what you did to pull things together. The organization and logistics… everything ran so smoothly, and looked so positively effortless, that it belied all the long hours and dedication you poured into this project. You also managed to assemble a marvelous group of volunteers and staff, all of whom are to be commended for their work. I heard nothing but superlatives from all who attended. Filmmakers and audiences alike felt welcomed and nourished by the experience, and I feel certain that the good words they take home with them will go a long way to put this festival -- and your hospitality -- on the map. My wife and I, along with our friends, are already looking forward to next year's festival -- and to watching it grow in your capable hands."
-- Michael Gross, actor, T.V.'s "Family Ties"

The Pasadena International Film Festival seeks to create a place for artists to come together. Sure, there are many festivals, but there can never be a cap on creating art, can there? We harken back to a time of Old Hollywood, before this world got crowded, and jaded, and super-saturated… the entertainment industry was fresh and new… before the stock market crashed...when there was enough space, and time, and money for everyone. Parties lasted all night, and friendships lasted a lifetime. Won't you join us?

Awards & Prizes
If accepted, winners receive All Access Passes, swag, Filmmakers receive a screening of their film at the beautiful Laemmle Playhouse 7 Cinema and a "Q and A" after every screening. Passes include access to our Filmmakers Lounge, Great Gatsby Gala, and Filmmakers Fiesta.

If you win an award, you receive a stunning Sculpture and Laurels for each award. In addition, our Jury is a cross-section of the best in the industry.

Our winning filmmakers go on to meet with top managers, agents, and other industry pros. For example, one of our jurors is part of Cannes Film Festival with the American Pavilion Emerging Filmmaker Showcase program, and has "discovered" films via PIFF. Our Jury are also in acquisitions and purchase films for their various outlets and platforms such as Shorts HD.




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画  Music Video

Logo of International Short Film Festival Zahora en Corto

06 Aug 2017

公開済み: 05 Jul 2017

Banner Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Zahora en Corto

International Short Film Festival Zahora en Corto

Zahora, Spain

Zahora en corto was born in 2016 with the illusion of giving visibility to creators of great short stories and to approach them to the public of Cadiz, in a wonderful enclave under the stars.



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  実験映画

Logo of Ceme Doc

08 Oct 2017

公開済み: 05 Jul 2017


Ceme Doc

Ciudad de México, Mexico

CEME-DOCは、移住と亡命科目に関するノンフィクション映画を奨励し、示している国際的なコンテストです。 このコンテストの目的は、世界の移住と亡命についての将来の研究と反射の映画参照であるために、ノンフィクション映画の機会領域を開くことです。





Logo of SIC - SantangeloInCorto - 9th Edition

31 Jul 2017

公開済み: 05 Jul 2017

Banner SIC - SantangeloInCorto - IX Edizione

SIC - SantangeloInCorto - 9th Edition

Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, Italy

The 9th edition of SantangeloInCorto, short film review, is organized by the Sant'Antonino Martyr of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi in collaboration with the Issa Oratory. The event will take place in August 2018 in Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi (AV).

The theme of short films is free.

Participation is open to works in any language, provided they are subtitled in Italian.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject works whose contents may be considered explicitly offensive to public morality and / or violating the rights of the individual or any other rights of third parties.

They can not participate in the Work Contest with a commercial use, though free of charge.
The previous participation in other national or international festivals does not preclude participation in the festival;

Videos must have a minimum duration of 90 seconds and a maximum duration of 10 minutes (including titles); Videos must have a minimum resolution of 1280x720 pixels.

Good luck!



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画

Logo of Atlanta HorrorQuest Film Festival

11 Aug 2017

公開済み: 05 Jul 2017

Banner Atlanta HorrorQuest Film Festival

Atlanta HorrorQuest Film Festival

Dallas, United States

HorrorQuest Film Festival is Atlanta's FREE Horror Film Festival. Held each year at Cinefest Film Theatre, located on the Georgia State University campus. All HorrorQuest screenings and events are free and open to the public on a first come, first served, basis. There are no advanced or VIP tickets.

Named one of the "Top 10 Film Festivals Every Filmmaker Should Know About" by Movie Maker Magazine, HorrorQuest has been praised by Filmmakers such as Kevin Smith (Clerks) and Lloyd Kaufman (The Toxic Avenger) for it's business model and ethics.




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  Music Video

Logo of Panama International Film Festival/LA

31 Aug 2017

公開済み: 05 Jul 2017

Banner Panama International Film Festival/LA

Panama International Film Festival/LA

West Hollywood, United States

The film industry in Panama and its surrounding countries is rapidly evolving into a world-class destination. Increasingly, works from this region are not only finding their way to the world's most prestigious festivals, but garnering top critical recognition as well. This festival, designed to cast a spotlight on the emerging film industry in Panama and Central America, will feature works by up and coming filmmakers from the area and, through its partnership with NewFilmmakersLA, a well-established and respected presenting entity in Los Angeles, seek to build professional and artistic exchanges between Latin America and the Hollywood film world.




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  ファンタジー  ホラー  実験映画

Logo of Back in the Box Competition

07 Dec 2017

公開済み: 05 Jul 2017

Banner Back in the Box Competition

Back in the Box Competition

Toluca Lake, United States

The 9th Annual Back in the Box Competition (BIB), offers some of the lowest submission fees with some of the highest acceptance rates on the festival circuit.
Because BIB is a competition and a film festival, we are able to review many more submissions to give more artists a greater chance to showcase their work.
BIB provides an exciting platform for ambitious filmmakers and screenwriters to showcase their skills in direct competition with other creative artists.

Featuring a diverse array of competitive categories (including Best Feature Screenplay, Best Short Screenplay, Best Feature Film, Best Short Film, and Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director and many others), BIB works to shatter the boundaries placed not only between genres but also between undiscovered talents and eager audiences. We are looking for the Best of the Best in the field of entertainment. And we are hoping you are prepared the meet the competition head on.

A slew of prizes are available through participation in BIB. Several of prior year's winning screenplays have already moved into production, and some films had secured distribution. There's no telling what sort of remarkable stories or careers this year's competition will unleash.

This is a film and screenplay competition. All preliminary judging is done by a panel of industry professionals and is open to the public to participate, but the film finalists will be screened in beautiful Santa Monica California and final judging will be made with voting by the attending audience.

SCREENING LOCATION – December 22, 2017 – 1PM to 5PM
The finalists in the Film competition will be screened in the Ocean Screening Room in beautiful Santa Monica, California the premier digital cinema in Santa Monica. What better way to start your Christmas vacation than to see a film on the coast of sunny California. Here, you will experience a breathtaking vista of the Pacific Ocean from the theater entrance. Chosen by Universal, Disney, Paramount and Sony as the Santa Monica Academy Awards screening venue, Ocean Screening also screens for Grammy Awards as well as Sundance.

The Ocean Screening Room is located at 1401 Ocean Ave, 1st floor (cross street Santa Monica Blvd.). Ocean Screening shares the same building as Sushi Roku and Water Grill. The screening room is located on the lobby level. Directions can be found here:


This is an exclusive event for participants who are serious about moving forward with projects and will be an informal mix between actors, producers and directors. The people who hold the exclusive “Screening” tickets will be the final set of judges for the films that have progressed to the final round. They will decide which lucky filmmakers will take home the prizes in each category.

Discussion topics include how actors can make contact to directors and producers of indie films when they’re available and ready to work. Directors attending will include filmmakers who have active projects they want to move forward with. Producers attending will include representatives who are actively searching for key projects to invest in. Representatives from Fernleif Productions will also be in attendance looking for projects to expand their portfolio including films and talent for not only short films investment, but for additional talent for creating content for electronic games and applications. If your film is one films being screened, here is a great opportunity to show off your work to a captive audience and make great contacts for future projects




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  その他

Logo of Festival  Kinoarte de Cinema

01 Sep 2017

公開済み: 05 Jul 2017

Promotional card of Festival  Kinoarte de Cinema

Banner Festival Kinoarte De Cinema

Festival Kinoarte de Cinema

Londrina, Brazil

11月14日から12月1日まで開催される第26回キノアルテ映画祭は、ショートフィルムのコンペティションセッションの応募を受け付けています。 2023年1月から制作される最長25分の映画は、イベロアメリカン、ナショナル、パラナエンセ、ロンドリーネンセの各コンペティションに参加できます。



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  実験映画

Logo of Almería International Film Festival

02 Aug 2017

公開済み: 05 Jul 2017

Promotional card of Almería International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Almería

Almería International Film Festival

Almería, Spain

2024年11月15日(金)から24日(日)まで、アルメリア州とオーディオビジュアル産業および文化との歴史的つながりを強化することでアルメリア州を宣伝するために、第23回アルメリア国際映画祭がアルメリア(スペイン)で開催されます。 映画祭はアルメリア州議会が主催します。




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ

Logo of Smallmovie Festival

15 Sep 2017

公開済み: 05 Jul 2017

Banner Smallmovie Festival

Smallmovie Festival

Calcinaia, Italy




Smallmovie Festivalは、次の3つのセクションからなる国際短編映画コンペティションです。


B) 35歳未満:この発表の満了時点でまだ35歳になっていない監督が制作した、オープニングクレジットとクロージングクレジットを含めて、あらゆる種類と主題の短編映画が公開されるセクション(最長20分)

C) トスカーナ:トスカーナの監督が監督した短編映画専用セクション。最長20分で、オープニングクレジットとクロージングクレジットが含まれます。



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  実験映画

Logo of Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival

01 Oct 2017

公開済み: 05 Jul 2017

Banner Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival

Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival

Hollywood, United States

The Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival celebrates its 9th edition this year. HBRFEST quickly became the main festival dedicated to promoting independent Brazilian cinema in the United States. It is the only festival in the world capital of cinema that supports the exchange between the best in independent Brazilian production and Hollywood.
In 2017, the Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival will present three days, of the most brilliant Brazilian films of the year. Award-winning actors, writers and directors will be in attendance.
In addition to the film screenings, the Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival also promotes panels, workshops and debates.

In 2016, the Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival will present in 3 days, the most important Brazilian films of the year. Award-winning actors, writers and directors will be in attendance.

In addition to the film screenings, the Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival also promotes panels, workshops and debates.

This year's festival takes place at the Ricardo Montalban Theatre in Hollywood, California, and it will award productions in the following categories: Best Short Film. There will also be special recognition for Award Star Rise and Humanitarian Award.

The Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival is produced by Talize Sayegh, which also has been cooperated with major festivals like the Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival (Laliff) and the Rio Festival.
The deadline for applications is October 1st 2017.



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画

Logo of Cine de las Yungas International Film Festival

25 Aug 2017

公開済み: 04 Jul 2017

Banner Festival Internacional Cine de las Yungas

Cine de las Yungas International Film Festival

Tafí Viejo, Argentina

A unique meeting in the North of Argentina where the theme of programming revolves around the reflection and sensitivity about the care of the environment.
Cine de las Yungas seeks to install the environmental debate as a universal problem that has to be approached from all cultural fields emphasizing the local production of short films on environmental themes by children and a wide competitive official selection of shorts that seek change for a better world.



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画  Music Video

Logo of 2nd Wular Lake International Short-Film Festival

30 Nov 2017

公開済み: 04 Jul 2017

Banner 2nd Wular Lake International Short-Film Festival

2nd Wular Lake International Short-Film Festival

Baramulla, India

After the grand success of 1st edition of WLISFF at Sherwani Hall, we are glad to announce the 2nd edition.


Situated in Kashmir, Wular Lake is one of the largest fresh water lakes in Asia. WLISFF is the first of its kind to be held in the heart of District 'Baramulla' in "Sherwani Hall". The festival aims to provide platform for Indie-Filmmakers & Student Filmmakers to showcase their work to diverse audience.
WLISFF objective is to feature great cinema of worldwide filmmakers in a big way & at the same time providing professional networking & introducing current trends of cinema to the participants. The festival goal is to empower independent filmmakers and committed to become premium movie going event which foster the growth of independent filmmakers.

The festivals gives awards and honor certificates as well!
Besides all winners will be entertained by an 'offficial round the wular lake trip' on the closing ceremony evening.



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画