Logo of Prishtina International Film Festival

30 Apr 2018

Published: 09 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Prishtina International Film Festival

Prishtina International Film Festival

Prishtina, Kosovo

Prishtina International Film Festival (PriFest) happens in the capital of newest country in Europe, Kosovo, in Balkans every year in July.

Before you read more see for yourself video of highlights of last year's edition by copying the YouTube link below in your browser:

PriFest is the biggest and most important film industry event in Kosovo. It emerged as a need to bring back and build the cinema culture which was lost during many years of repression and war. PriFest is an opportunity to young filmmakers from Kosovo, who because of the visa regime have big limitation to travel freely in Europe and elsewhere, to meet filmmakers and experts from the region and Europe that visit the festival and increase their chances to network and coproduce their films.

PriFest film program offer the audience every year newest films from Europe, Balkan and the world, with addition special programs that promote human rights, tolerance and acceptance for marginalized groups of society. It is the only festival in the Balkan that has a special program of films with the LGBTQ theme which is done in partnership with Outfest in Los Angeles and Queer and Migration Film Festival in Amsterdam. Besides films, the festival has a very good regional film industry development platform (PriFORUM) that offers training, lectures, inspirational masterclasses from distinguished guests and other opportunities for filmmakers from Kosovo and the neighbouring countries to benefit from. It is a great networking event for filmmakers from Kosovo, the region and Europe.

Prishtina Rendezvous brings distributors and sales companies that meet and explore film projects from the Balkan region, while Prishtina Kino Kabaret is dedicated to filmmakers from all over the world to come and spontaneously make short films in Prishtina during the festival.

Producers, directors, film industry experts, casting directors and agents, filmmakers and actors have an opportunity to meet in a totally unconventional, friendly environment and network during the festival and forum days.
Relaxed atmosphere and easy access to guests makes it a unique place to be for people that want to expand their network and show their films to some important key players in the film industry from Europe and region.

To date PriFest was visited by Mr. Paul Haggis (Canadian screenwriter and director), Ms. Vanessa Redgrave (British Actress) who is also the President of our Honorary Board, Stephen Frears (British Director), Joshua Marston (American Director), Franco Nero (Italian Actor), Eva Orner (Australian producer), Gideon Burkhard (German actor), Samuel Maoz (Izraeli director), Danis Tanovic (Bosnian director), Velibor Topic (Bosnian actor), Jasmila Zbanic (Bosnian director), Mirjana Karanovic (Serbian actress) and other important guests.

We like to think that PriFest is a true cultural diplomacy tool for a new country like Kosovo to present itself to the world in the best possible light.

Last but not least, we have very cool parties of electronic music with international and local DJs, great music, great bars to hang out, and most importantly great food and lots of booze with very affordable prices. Kosovo and Prishtina is fun to visit because 65% of our population is under 25 years old!

We can guarantee that hot summer nights should be spent here, and seaside (Albania) is just 3 hours drive from here :)

The slogan of the festival is Friendship. Forever.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other

Logo of “Ciak... un’emozione” Youth Video Festival

30 Sep 2017

Published: 09 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner “Ciak... un’emozione ” VIDEOFESTIVALGIOVANI

“Ciak... un’emozione” Youth Video Festival

Taggia, Italy

VIDEOFESTIVALGIOVANI – is a place of encounter and confrontation for audiovisual products made by young people aged between 14 and 30 years old.

Aims to promote the dissemination of videos of girls and boys and is a showcase of creative works in the world of adolescence and youth.

Who can participate

Can participate in the contest, video products made autonomously by young people aged between 14 and 30 years, residents throughout the country and internationally.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Georgia Shorts Film Festival

31 May 2018

Published: 08 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Georgia Shorts Film Festival

Georgia Shorts Film Festival

Atlanta, United States

The Georgia Shorts Film Festival is a theatrical screening event in Atlanta for independent films of all genres. The Georgia Shorts Film Festival also recognizes exceptional filmmaking and screenwriting with awards and nominations by our judging panel. All films are screened at the Landmark Midtown Art Cinema, with an awards show immediately after.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Puerto Rico Queer Filmfest

14 Jul 2017

Published: 08 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Puerto Rico Queer Filmfest

Puerto Rico Queer Filmfest

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Since 2009, the Puerto Rico Queer Filmfest is the first and largest LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) themed festival in the Caribbean region. We are seeking out films from all over the world to be screened at the Festival’s Twelfth Edition in May 2024, as well as special screenings.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other

Logo of Houston Comedy Film Festival

28 Feb 2018

Published: 07 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Houston Comedy Film Festival

Houston Comedy Film Festival

Houston, United States

The Houston Comedy Film Festival is a unique forum for international independent filmmakers to showcase their Comedy Feature Length and Short Films in Houston, Texas. The 10th Houston Comedy Film Festival will take place April 13th, 2019 featuring films from multiple countries around the world.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Horror Films in Hotlanta

14 Jun 2017

Published: 06 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Horror Films in Hotlanta

Horror Films in Hotlanta

Atlanta, United States

Horror Films in Hotlanta, is a horror film festival in Atlanta, Georgia. This annual event showcases horror films from around the world. Atlanta has a great film scene in general, but also a dedicated horror film community that is eager to see new films. All flavors of horror are accepted including creatures, suspense, vampires, zombies, psycho killers, dark comedy, animation and other horrific situations that will make our audience jump. We've recruited 12 judges in the Atlanta area that are ready to watch every minute of every film submitted. We are also looking for horror film screenplays and hope to recognize exceptional work that can one day be produced into a short or feature film.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of indiefilmTO Festival

31 Aug 2017

Published: 06 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner indiefilmTO Festival

indiefilmTO Festival

Toronto, Canada

Your recognition should be SOLELY based on how good your work is, but to be honest, it's not. There's so much politics and agendas, and personal ties in this industry.

The people who get accepted into the big festivals are so rarely the little guy/girl, and it's basically a circle jerk of only those who have a big name or star attached getting in.

You hate that, and I hate that. That's why this this is built by filmmakers, in fact, we just completed our first feature which premiered at TIFF Lightbox last year.

We don't discriminate in genre, in length, in anything asides from "How good is your god damned film?"

You already have a lot debt and a lot of disappointments as an indie. Maybe you get accepted at a festival that shows your work some where in some guy's basement, but does that really matter in the end?

What about getting screened at the "BIG SCREEN", having your name on the Marquee?

When will making your short actually translate to MAKING IT in the business?

We're filmmakers too here at indiefilmTO which is why we've designed this from the ground up for filmmakers who are ready to take that next step.

indiefilmTO Festival was founded in 2015, and screened at TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) Bell Lightbox, since we know how important the VENUE is to filmmakers.

Be we don't stop there. We invite industry producers and Executive producers to come to the screening, to mingle, so you get a chance to get your film in front of the eyes of those who matter.

This year, we will again be screened at TIFF (350 King St. W, Toronto ON) in Nov / Dec 2017.

If you want your name on that marquee, and want to stop going more and more into debt, waking up and wondering when will this Groundhog Day circle of making-films-and-going-nowhere to end, then submit to indiefilmTO Festival.

*indiefilmTO is a non-profit based in Toronto founded by filmmakers, which seeks to help grow the indie film scene in Toronto.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Atlanta Comedy Film Festival

30 Sep 2017

Published: 06 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Atlanta Comedy Film Festival

Atlanta Comedy Film Festival

Marietta, United States

The Atlanta Comedy Film Festival is a unique forum for comedy filmmakers and television producers from all over the world to showcase their creative works in Atlanta, Georgia. The Atlanta Comedy Film Festival showcases short comedy films, web series, funny music videos, commercials (Under 30 minutes) from all over the world, in HD. Accepted films will be screened in a back-to-back, fast-paced format for a comedy film loving audience. The awards ceremony will take place at the end of the program that will recognize filmmakers for their creative work. Currently, this festival is not accepting feature length films.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


21 May 2017

Published: 06 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films




The Vibora Club of Valencia together CortocircuitoValencia.com summon all the short filmmakers interested in participating in the first edition of this festival.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cámara lúcida - Encuentros cinematográficos

11 Jun 2017

Published: 06 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cámara Lúcida - Encuentros Cinematográficos

Cámara Lúcida - Encuentros Cinematográficos

Cuenca, Ecuador

En medio de la indiferencia y apatía de un mundo hipercomunicado, el Colectivo Fílmico G/A propone por segundo año consecutivo, la plataforma de proyección cinematográfica Cámara Lúcida, enfocada en la muestra y difusión de cine de autor, experimental, no ficción, periférico y contracultural.

El objetivo de este encuentro cinematográfico plantea crear un espacio de empatía, donde como autores y espectadores podamos escucharnos y saber del otro, de sus investigaciones y preocupaciones. Esperamos que la sala de cine florezca como lugar creador de complicidades de un andar, de una forma de ver o entender el mundo, un lugar en que la vinculación entre el autor y el espectador nos permita soñar juntos.

Fieles a nuestra decisión inicial decidimos fundar este espacio de proyección mostrando aquellas obras fílmicas que plasman la realidad que nos enmaraña; la confrontan y la ayudan a transformarse.

Cámara Lúcida decide apoyar a los autores que reconocen y proponen nuevas narrativas desde sí mismos y en medio de su cohabitar con la realidad, a las películas que reinterpretan y plastifican la realidad, el cine que resignifica al cine día a día.

Esperamos ser un espacio que supere las censuras y prejuicios en el quehacer cinematográfico y sus temas. Apoyamos a los autores que no le temen a los nuevos formatos y su movimiento, a sus temas y su tratamiento, cine en constante mutación e irresistible transformación, es decir, cine libre.

Sean todos y todas bienvenidos.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Semillero -Concurso Nacional de Cortometrajes de Temática Ambiental

05 Jul 2017

Published: 06 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Semillero Green Film Fest - Concurso Nacional de Cortometrajes de Temática Ambiental

Semillero -Concurso Nacional de Cortometrajes de Temática Ambiental

Tigre, Argentina

Semillero Green Film Fest 2020 es la 10º edición del Concurso Nacional de Cortometrajes de Temática Ambiental. Su objetivo principal es fomentar la creatividad y apoyar la realización nacional independiente de obras audiovisuales cuyo contenido esté referido a la temática ambiental.
El concurso posee dos categorías de participación:

Incluye a todas aquellas personas residentes en la Argentina, con domicilio acreditable en el país, o de nacionalidad argentina y que residan en el exterior, mayores de 18 años, a través de la presentación de una o más obras.

Incluye a todos los niños y niñas de nacionalidad argentina de entre 5 y 13 años, que estudien en las escuelas de educación primaria de todo el país, a través de la presentación de una o más obras. Se podrán presentar también las escuelas primarias de todo el país, tanto de gestión pública como privada.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Transilvania Shorts

22 Feb 2018

Published: 06 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Transilvania Shorts

Transilvania Shorts

Cluj Napoca / Sibiu / Brasov /Targu Mures, Romania


We know how hard it may be, for filmmakers, to produce and distribute their works, especially if those are short films and independent productions. TRANSILVANIA SHORTS [International Short Film Festival] is the useful tool for every filmmaker, in order to further showcase their films, and get their deserved public feedback and recognition. The films selected in the festival competition are further on promoted, screened at the festival, and evaluated by a team of experts in the industry. Transilvania Shorts supports filmmakers in gaining the recognition of the public passionate about cinema, and that of mass-media, and, also, in being rewarded for their work.

Come celebrate and share your passion for cinema! Held in both beautiful and medieval cities, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Braṣov and Târgu Mureș, Transilvania Shorts brings short films, from all over the world, to beautiful Transilvania. In the future, the festival will be extended, in order to be present in all major cities of Transilvania. This year’s Festival Program will showcase a wide variety of international short films, in the categories of: Narrative, Animation, Student, Commercial Video, Documentary, Experimental, Fashion, Music Video, Narrative, Student.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of VideoBabel Festival

31 Aug 2017

Published: 06 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival VideoBabel

VideoBabel Festival

Cusco, Peru

The festival is organized by the Cultural Association "Charlie Quispe & Co" (www.charliequispe.org) in Cusco, Peru.



Promotion of animation, video art and experimental audiovisual production in Peru and other countries.

Opening of new spaces for the sharing of experiences between Latin American animators and video artists and
their colleagues from other parts of the world. Publicizing of Peruvian and Latin American animation, video art and experimental video production throughout the world, showing recent examples of international animation and experimental video in Peru.

Raising awareness of new art media and languages among the Peruvian public.

Vera Tyuleneva
Coordinator of the VideoBabel Festival
President of the “Charlie Quispe & Co” Cultural Association
Phone:+51 984604731
E-mail: festivalvideobabel@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FestivalVideoBabel

International Festival

Short film festival

 Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of World Music & Independent Film Festival

28 Aug 2017

Published: 06 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner World Music & Independent Film Festival

World Music & Independent Film Festival

Jeffersonton, United States

By You, For You, About You”
Welcome to the 11th Annual World Music and Independent Film Festival (WMIFF) 2019. WMIFF was established to celebrate and provide a platform of achievements for international cinema artists. Dedicated to building a global film community and supporting emerging filmmakers, WMIFF offers all selected artists exceptional exposure with an inclusive vibe that has won over alumni, attendees, and industry members alike. WMIFF festivities are open to all, featuring some of the most talented artists in both film and music.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cortocomenius

08 Sep 2017

Published: 06 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Cortocomenius

Banner Cortocomenius


Valencia, Spain

The 18th edition of CORTOCOMENIUS intends to show the best valencian productions , with the intention of promoting, broadcast and support to the development of the digital cinema.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Other


31 Dec 2017

Published: 05 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films



Formentera, Spain

IBIZASHORTFILMS FESTIVAL & MARKET is an online monthly festival with scrennings for the annual winners of each category in the Can Ventosa Auditorium in Ibiza, suitable for 400 people and perfectly equipped for high quality screnning.

These projections are made on January 27, 2018 within the events of the Ibizacinefest 2018 which is the festival of cinema of reference of the Island with 5 days of duration.

The monthly winners access the ON-LINE catalog of IBIZASHORTFILMS MARKET that will be shown at the Ibizacinefest during the Festival and will be shown annually to the main distributors of national and international short films.

The on-line catalog is permanent for the consultation of any distributor or festival interested in the work.IBIZASHORTFILMS MARKET does not interfere with the contacts that the work obtains from the inclusion in our catalog.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Boca International Jewish Film Festival

22 Dec 2017

Published: 04 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Boca International Jewish Film Festival

Boca International Jewish Film Festival

Boca Raton, United States

The Boca International Jewish Film Festival is presenting a broad array of exceptional films from the United States, Israel and around the world including feature films, documentaries, comedies and short films that explore the Jewish experience, culture, history, identity and topics relevant to Jewish life.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other


28 Jul 2017

Published: 04 May 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Gravina di Catania, Italy

The municipality of Gravina di Catania and the cultural associations “Gravina Arte” and “No_Name”, organize the event “Via dei Corti” – 11th edition of the Independent Short Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Ensenada Film Festival

25 Aug 2017

Published: 04 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cine de Ensenada

Ensenada Film Festival

Ensenada, Mexico

The Festival’s goal is to dive the audience into the Seventh art, for this reason it supports and spread the local and national films, screening the artwork in an intimate atmosphere, with the purpose of motivating the artists to produce films, involving them in the art and culture that makes Mexico and outstading country.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Voc Festival Òmnium De Curtmetratges

12 Sep 2017

Published: 04 May 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Voc Festival Òmnium de Curtmetratges

Voc Festival Òmnium De Curtmetratges

Barcelona, Spain

Original Version in Catalan

VOC Festival Òmnium de Curtmetratges és un projecte impulsat per Òmnium Cultural amb la finalitat d’estimular la producció de curtmetratges de qualitat en català, contribuir a la seva difusió i ampliar-ne el públic.

El VOC és un festival únic perquè arriba a més de 90 sales d’arreu dels Països Catalans simultàniament durant els mesos de febrer i març. És un punt de trobada entre creadors, públic i referents del sector, una oportunitat per compartir l’experiència del cinema en llengua catalana.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental