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El “Guácaras” Festival de Cine, es un evento cinematográfico al aire libre de carácter anual organizado en el pueblo de Santa Ana de los Guácaras ubicado a unos 12 km. de la ciudad de Corrientes Capital. Es el único Festival de Cine de la Provincia y luce con orgullo el sello de 100% Regional ya que la totalidad de la programación se basa en la producciones del Nordeste Argentino.
Desde el año 2012, con un gran trabajo de producción se legalizó el Festival ante el INCAA (Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales) y hoy contamos con el código de Sala Ambulatoria: Nº 261327 y el Nº de Exhibidor: 601-148, que nos obliga a cortar entradas gratuitas durante todas las proyecciones que se realizan, que dan al Festival itinerante un cumplimiento formal.
La propuesta, impulsada por los propios cineastas locales, tomó por escenario la bella Santa Ana en el 2011 con la realización de la primera edición en 2011 a la que concurrieron unas 800 personas colmando el mágico lugar de silencios, de sonrisas, de miedo pero sobre todo de plena identificación, el “Guácaras 2” del año 2012 dio un resultado inesperado ya que fueron 1.310 los espectadores que asistieron durante los 4 días de proyección. Y hoy El Guácaras se ha convertido ya en el Primer Festival de cine de referencia que tiene la provincia porque cada vez mas se hace necesario este tipo de acciones para promover espacios de difusión gratuitos, sembrar el lenguaje audiovisual de y en la Región poniendo de manifiesto nuevamente la idiosincrasia y la cultura local a través del cine, por eso el Guácaras se propone reforzar ese impulso inicial pero siempre ponderando el esfuerzo de los cineastas regionales.
La programación del 3º Festival diagramado en 4 Jornadas, que se realizará del 6 al 9 de diciembre y contempla cinco secciones:
1) Cine en la Escuela: Películas generadas en el ámbito escolar. El cine se ha convertido en una de las artes más poderosas y populares desde su nacimiento en el pasado siglo. Forma parte de esencial de los modos en donde sucede la comunicación en todas sus formas. A mitad de camino entre el arte y el entretenimiento. Comprender su proceso, garantiza su devenir. Apropiarse de sus herramientas es democratizar e incluir a los autores desde temprano. Y el mejor lugar es la escuela.
2) Cinemboyeré: Esta sección es producto de la convocatoria abierta ya que la producción cinematográfica regional y sus hacedores actúan en todo lugar y en forma incesante. Ya no es privilegio de unos pocos. Ya es expresión popular más allá de la academia. Posibilitar una pantalla, es abrir al público la consideración de esos narrativas, aún ocultas, pero sin embargo, destinadas a integrar el imaginario audiovisual de nuestro pueblo.
3) Guácaras presenta: Sección con peliculas invitadas ya que no hay un solo modo de hacer una película. Las formas de producción, de dirección, de actuación, de rodaje se multiplican según sus hacedores se propongan. En soledad o en grupo es casi siempre un evento mágico, transformador y revelador. Nadie sale indemne de un rodaje, en donde la luz manda.
4) De estreno: El INCAA -a través del Sistema Argentino de TV Digital Terrestre (SATVD-T) desarrolla el Plan Operativo de Fomento y Promoción de Contenidos Audiovisuales Digitales para TV-, sigue apoyando a las producciones regionales. La medida, de alcance federal, visibiliza a una nueva generación de trabajadores que se expresan a través de los oficios del cine, en donde el estreno constituye el mejor momento.
5) Videoclips fue otra sección, que muestra el vínculo de la música local y regional con el audiovisual y su importancia como registro para la difusión de la música emergente.
En el acto central del día Domingo , se entrega el Premio “Guácaras 2013” obra realizada por el escultor Julio Mac Donald, la persona elegida y destacada por los organizadores, en el ámbito del Cine Regional durante este año. Y se entrega además el premio al mejor trabajo que es elegida por el público.
TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is the first international film festival created in 2003 as one of the most important cinematic events in Europe.
We are thrilled and honored to be approved as an official Academy Awards® and European Film Awards qualifying festival, it’s truly a tremendous opportunity for our filmmakers and future Best Short Film Award winners also for Student Academy Awards (SAA).
TIFF aims to create in Albania, as well as in the region, a cultural center of worldwide alternative and independent cinema. Albania is a solar, enthusiastic and friendly country and besides the “strong competition” TIFF aims at the same time to be a meeting point of cultures, where people of Tirana, the guests and all those who love films will have a cinema-language-communication week.
TIFF aims to create a friendly space for film artists and cinema enthusiasts from Albania, Europe and the entire world to come together and share their linked passion and knowledge of the motion picture art form. The intention of TIFF is to bring filmmakers, producers and distributors from all around the world to Tirana, in hopes of fostering future co-operation in this interesting scenic area. By bringing together these distinct voices and their work, TIFF commits itself to introducing audiences to alternative visions of extraordinary diversity. "Think Different, Watch Alike" is the slogan and motto of TIFF.
TIFF aims to demonstrate strong efficiency in audience development (especially toward young audience) by implementing activities before, during and after the event, including year-long activities and traveling to other cities with various smaller partner and smaller festivals in the country. Partnering with small organizations and youth centers around the country in order to use the existing facilities in each city will not only give to TIFF a large national impact, but will enhance on the other side the increase of values of small events in each respective city in which TIFF will be present.
The festival gets thousands of submissions a year from over 120 countries around the world that of submitted online through online platforms, which are then considered for selection. TIFF is an international cinema event whose main objective is to enlarge the number of venues and time of screening of European and non-European films of all genres and durations in Albania as well as it is considered to be an event to develop new audiences around the country, combining film screenings with public debates and thematic debates approaching new and an increased Film Audience and focusing also on Film Literacy.
The daily program of TIFF combines more than 200 premieres of feature and short films in competition in all formats and genres: fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and video art. Open to any filmmaker from around the world, TIFF showcases new cinematic work by established directors with international reputations as well as movies by talented students and young artists.
• Feature films
• PerspecTIFF (debut feature films)
• Documentary
• Made In ALBANIAn
• Fiction/Live Action (Oscar® & European Film Awards qualifying)
• Animation (Oscar® & European Film Awards qualifying)
• Documentary (European Film Awards qualifying)
• Video Art & Experimental (European Film Awards qualifying)
• Student films (all genres) (Academy Awards® qualifying)
• Balkan Films (all genres)
• In Albanian (all genres)
3. PANORAMA has some thematic sections dedicated to the most sensitive social topics and problematic social groups as for children, women, immigration, integration of persons with disabilities, LGBT, etc. with those sections:
• KIDs
Consists in the application of original live-action and animated short film scripts and other short form scripts of all genres (max. 20 pages).
The said competition did not aim to evaluate only the best script, but to evaluate from our partners, producers and distributors, the best and most possible script to be produced by them and with the greatest chances to be successfully distributed in the most popular international festivals for short films.
Besides the competition program TIFF reserves a large space to the special programs and screenings.
1. FOCUS is a special program, which is based on tribute or homage to the cinema author and/or the filmography of a given country.
2. RetrospecTIFF and TIFF Classics brings to the new audience the most prominent national or international authors of the film history.
TIFF will continue to have a large space to the special program KIDs, an exclusive program for children from 5-15 age average. This initiative comes as a long-term investment to raise and educate future cinematic audiences with artistic films through acquired projects in Creative Europe for the distribution and promotion of European films.
4. REFLECTING ALBANIA is the oldest program of the festival, dedicated to the foreign filmmakers who have produced their films in Albania or in Albanian speaking territory.
5. Oscar® Nominated Short Films & European Film Awards Shorts Tour
6. FesTIFFal is a special program with selected films by festival partners.
TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL has the pleasure to announce four major services available for the applicants. Since its inception in 2003, TIFF received over 50,000 short and feature films from over 120 countries around the world. Out of all these applications more than 200 films can be chosen each year for the competition program. With these four new services, TIFF offers the opportunity to many films to be shown in alternative ways (TV, online, market, special programs) in a wider audience and experts.
The applicants must optionally apply clearly for each one of these new services.
• TIFF.TV Competition
With our media TV partners we offer the possibility to directors screening their films (selected for the official competitive program or not) to the Albanian audience and win the TV juries and audience awards.
• TIFF on Tour
TIFF will act as ambassador for the submitted films and will travel with a selection to other Albanian cities during the year. TIFF will also propose special screenings to other regional festivals in accordance to a specific subject or theme of each collaborative festival.
• TIFF Online Library
TIFF offer the online presentation of each film, in a dedicated page, as a part of a film library, with all related information and with the possibility to receive comments from the international internet audience and industry. The screening of films is open to anyone without charges. The films will be available for viewing in the film library as long as director/producer wishes.
• TIFF Market Corner
TIFF will create a market corner, where potential buyers can watch all films and make their selection. TIFF will also act as a festival promoter and distributor. In case of financial contract with a distributor, TIFF will receive a fee of 5%.
Find us:
info@tiranafilmfest.org | www.tiranafilmfest.org | facebook.com/TiranaFilmFest |
instagram.com/tiranafilmfest | twitter@TiranaFilmFest | youtube.com/user/TiranaFilmFestival1 | vimeo.com/ tiranafilmfest | linkedin.com/ company/1796049/admin/
FAM Fest International Film Festival 2018
Ayrsley Cinemas
9110 Kings Parade Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28273
Festival Start Date 08/09/2018
Carolina Regional
Film Feature
Film Short
Music Video
Shoot Your Short Screenplay Competition
The festival is envisaged by Miniboxoffice, is a leading independent film festival organizing company based in India & serving the world’s short filmmakers community. Our film festival touches the every aspect of cinema & life since year 2010. The Miniboxoffice has served to almost more than 6500 filmmakers worldwide so far. With strong audience base from 63 countries, professional network of 1800 film schools & 80000 film professionals here we take the opportunity to dedicate the Miniboxoffice Online Festivals to the world’s short film making community. Come & join Miniboxoffice Online Festivals & create branding for you as filmmaker. For sure it would be an exciting experience for you.