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MAshRome Film Fest’s aim is to promote and divulge Mash Up and Remix culture as well as to direct the audience’s attention to a selection of audiovisual works from all over the world, created thanks to the exploitation of new and experimental techniques -Mash Up/Remix- able to represent contemporary artistic expressions.
Das Festival wird von der CinemArt Association of Pineda de Mar organisiert. Es ist ein internationales Festival mit dem Ziel, einen bestimmten Raum für die Entdeckung, Vorführung und Verbreitung von Kurzfilmen zu fördern.
Die thematische Hauptachse des Festivals ist die Komödie. Das Thema und das Genre der Produktionen sind jedoch kostenlos. Qualität und Originalität werden als Hauptziel priorisiert, und die Produktion ist beispiellos.
Der unabhängige Showcase Diversity in Cannes Short Film & Web Series Showcase wurde ins Leben gerufen, um Inhaltsersteller mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund zu ermutigen, ihre Geschichten während der Filmfestspiele von Cannes zu teilen. Er fördert die Arbeit verschiedener Filmemacher (Denken, Rasse, Geschlecht, Alter, Religion, körperliche Fähigkeiten und sexuelle Orientierung) und würdigt sie weltweit für ihre filmischen Leistungen.
Die sechs bis acht Filme und Webserien ALLER teilnahmeberechtigten Beiträge, die von Beyond Borders: Diversity in Cannes und seinen Partnern ermittelt wurden, werden im Wettbewerb berücksichtigt und im Mai 2018 im Rahmen des Diversity in Cannes Short Film & Webseries Showcase im Mai 2018 auf einer unabhängigen Veranstaltung während der Filmfestspiele von Cannes gezeigt. Die Gewinner werden von einer Jury ermittelt und im Showcase bekannt gegeben.
Während die Veranstaltungen gleichzeitig mit den Filmfestspielen von Cannes in Frankreich stattfinden, ist das Diversity in Cannes Short Film Showcase eine UNABHÄNGIGE VERANSTALTUNG!!!
The Diabolique International Film Festival takes place September 19-20, 2014 in Bloomington, Indiana for the premiere showcase of independent genre cinema, featuring horror, sci-fi, fantasy and animation.
The Diabolique International Film Festival began more than 8 years ago. Since 2007 we have screened over 250 films from more than a dozen countries, and from almost every state in the US. We’ve had the honor of hosting visiting filmmakers from around the country, and from around the world. Over the years, we have gained a reputation as a festival that truly values independent genre films and the people who make them. Many of the movies from our past festivals have been picked up by major distributors, and our event has provided numerous networking opportunities.
As a result, we’ve been featured in a variety of national publications, having been recognized by MovieMaker Magazine as one of the “Top 25 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Fee,” and one of the “13 Horror Film Festivals to Die For.”
The new year brings some big changes to the festival, including a new name, new venue, and new sponsors. We’re particularly excited to announce our partnership with one of the fastest growing genre publications in the world, Diabolique Magazine. The publishers of Diabolique bring their considerable industry connections and marketing reach to the table in a way that we hope will propel this festival forward for many years to come.
In addition to a name change, we’re also excited to announce our new venue, IU Cinema on the Indiana University campus. With state-of-the-art 2K and 4K digital projection (as well as 16mm and 35mm film projection) IU Cinema offers the highest possible projection quality.
Der Wettbewerb richtet sich an Filmemacher aus der ganzen Welt, die Kurz- und Dokumentarfilme produzieren.
Ziel ist es, Kurz- und Dokumentarfilme zu bewerten, deren Ziel Ausdruckskraft und kulturelle Verbreitung ist, und damit ein Kinoereignis im gesamten Val d'Intelvi ins Leben zu rufen.
Initiated by Katadrom Arts and Culture and Social Politics Association based in Istanbul- ‘The 4th International Changing Perspectives Short Film Festival’ will be held between the dates of 6th - 8th of May 2016 in Istanbul, to then continue its yearly tour across other cities: Berlin, Yogyakarta, and other cities around the world.
The Festival will screen about 100 short features, short documentaries, short animations etc. of young filmmakers, students and teams who express different perspectives, concepts and imaginations about border.
Festival Date: 6 - 8 May 2015, Istanbul
Deadline for the submission of the films: 28th of March 2016
The topic of 2016 - “Border”
This year, the main topic of the festival will be “Border”. There will be a festival section about 15 films, a photography exhibition and a panel discussion focusing on the main topic.
There are so many different borders: physical borders, geographical borders, social borders, mental borders, political borders, sexual borders, religious borders, imaginary borders – to name just a few.
To be born or to live on one side or the other of a border is often random.
However, it’s not so easy to let go of the constrictions borders create, as our identities are often shaped upon a deep conviction of belonging to one, unique place, country, religion or gender. During the festival we want to explore the different aspects of border providing a platform for all the diverse perspectives on the topic. Besides 2016 thematic-focused program, the festival will also screen films under its traditional sections: Exchange Experience, Cultural Insights, Ridicule, Umbrella.
Short films which do not exceed 20 minutes – (documentaries less than 30 minutes), music videos, experimental films etc. – all with English subtitles – will be screened during the festival.
• Films should be no longer than 20 minutes
• Documentaries should be no longer than 30 minutes
• Films dealing with the topics mentioned above will be preferred.
• All films in a language other than English must have English subtitles.
• After official selection of a film the festival is qualified to use excerpts from the film, with a maximum of 1 minute for promotional purposes (The total duration of the excerpts is not to exceed more than 10% of the film running time).
• As Changing Perspectives Film Festival is a take-away Festival it should be accepted that films will be screened in different places apart from the festival
Festival Date: 6 -8 May 2016, Istanbul
Deadline for the submission of the films: 28th of March 2016
Statement of agreement
I hereby confirm that I have read all of the rules and regulations listed in the International Changing Perspectives Short Film Festival (icpsff) submission guidelines and the terms and conditions listed in the release form, before submitting my film work mentioned above, to the Changing Perspectives Short Film Festival 2016. I also confirm that I understand and agree to abide by all of the guidelines, rules and regulations posted by icpsff relating to the submission of my work to the Changing Perspectives Short Film Festival in general and in particular.
I understood and agreed that, if my film will be selected for the festival program as a take away film festival, icpsff can screen my film during the year in different cities and countries maximum 5 times at a festival selection from the program. Film makers will just be informed of other screenings by e-mail.
The Festival Committee is responsible for resolving all issues that are beyond the scope of Festival rules & regulations and disputes or disagreements that might occur.
Festival Office
Katadrom Arts, Culture and Social Politics Association
Huseyinaga Mah. Nane Sokak No: 12/4
Istiklal Cad. Beyoglu - Istanbul 34435 TURKEY
T: 90 212 252 49 24 F: 90 212 245 62 48 -
Das INTERNATIONALE FILMFESTIVAL FÜR KINDER UND JUGENDLICHE findet jährlich mit dem Ziel statt, einen Überblick über die neuen Filmproduktionen für Kinder und Jugendliche zu den besten und unterschiedlichsten Materialien der Region zu geben. Es zielt auch darauf ab, lokale Distributoren zu motivieren, neue Filme, Fernsehsendungen und neue Formate mit seiner umfangreichen Programmierung zu kaufen. Divercine ist ein offenes Festival, das er nie dafür berechnet hat, Werke an Ihre Auswahl zu senden.
True to David Reuben's classic book "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask " we love movies that give us new insights on topics like sexual liberation, erotic fantasies, BDSM, sexual shame, cultural sexual diffrences, the "new" prudery, pornography, the impact of the internet porn on our sexuality and sex activism. The discourse with the filmmakers and actors is very important to us. Therefore we try to invite as many protagonists and directors as possible to our festival and thus offer the audience the opportunity for a dialogue.
Wir sind ein unabhängiges Festival, das sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, etablierte Musiker und Filmemacher in einem Forum zusammenzubringen, um die Kurzfilme zu feiern. Das Dublin International Short Film and Music Festival feiert die künstlerische, pädagogische und historische Bedeutung von Kurzfilmen und Musik. Es bietet unabhängigen Filmkünstlern eine Plattform, auf der sie ihre Arbeit teilen und einen Dialog mit der Community aufnehmen können. Es fördert die Diskussion und das Studium des Filmemachens.
DISFMF ist das größte unabhängige Kurzfilmfestival in Irland. 2025 feiern wir das 14-jährige Bestehen.
Im Jahr 2024 haben wir über 90 Kurzfilme aus der ganzen Welt ausgewählt. Das Festival hat etablierte, aufstrebende und preisgekrönte Filmemacher der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht.
Zurück im Kino fand das Festival am Abend der Preisverleihung im Cineworld, dem größten Kino Irlands, und im Sugar Club statt.
DISFMF wird aus der Sicht unabhängiger Filmemacher durchgeführt.
Regisseur und Produzent jedes ausgewählten Films erhalten freien Eintritt zu allen Veranstaltungsorten und Vorführungen.
Alle Arten von Kurzfilmen werden akzeptiert. Hier einige Beispiele: Action, Adaption, Abenteuer, Werbung, Animation, Arthouse, Schwarze Komödie, Kinder/Familie, Komödie, Dokumentarfilm, Drama, Experimental, Fantasy, Historisch, Melodrama, Krimi & Gangster, Biopics, Film-Noir, Roadfilms, Super-Heroes, Super-Natural, Mockumentary, Independent, Musikvideo, Musical, Realität, Religiös, Romanze, Science Fiction, Stumm, Sport, Student, Thriller/Suspanse, Fernsehen und mehr.
FARO 1540 - Verband zur Verteidigung und Förderung des Umwelt- und Kulturerbes von Faro organisiert nach dem Erfolg der letzten Ausgaben von FARCUME - Internationales Kurzfilmfestival von Faro die 11. Ausgabe dieses Festivals, das vom 26. bis 28. September 2025 in der Stadt Faro stattfinden wird.
Diese 15. Ausgabe von FARCUME beabsichtigt, Werke im Bereich Kurzfilme mit einer Länge von bis zu 18 Minuten auszustellen und zu bewerben, die in drei Kategorien unterteilt sind: Animation, Dokumentarfilm und Fiktion.
An diesem Festival können alle in- und ausländischen Bürger einzeln oder in Gruppen teilnehmen, indem sie einfach die Bestimmungen der Verordnung einhalten, ein Anmeldeformular ausfüllen und ihre Werke bis zum 11. Juli 2025, vorbehaltlich der Vorauswahl, an die Organisation senden.
Der Hauptzweck dieses Festivals bleibt derselbe: neue Talente bekannt zu machen und zu fördern sowie die hervorragende Arbeit, die in diesem Bereich geleistet wurde, aber nicht immer die gewünschte und verdiente Förderung findet, in der Öffentlichkeit bekannt zu machen.
Mit anderen Worten, FARCUME beabsichtigt, in einem informellen Umfeld, guter Laune und einer entspannten Atmosphäre das Engagement, die Hingabe, die Kreativität und die Verdienste von Regisseuren, Schauspielern und technischen Teams zu belohnen und anzuerkennen, die mit bescheidenen Mitteln Werke von hoher Qualität entwickeln können.
Angesichts der Prinzipien und Ziele von „FARO 1540“, das sogar den Status einer Nichtregierungsorganisation (Non Governmental Environmental Organization) hat, wird das Festival auch weiterhin ein starkes Umweltbewusstsein und Sensibilität walten lassen und die Teilnehmer davor warnen, Kurzfilme zu zeigen, in denen Missachtung der Umwelt, Ungleichheit der Menschenrechte oder Tiermissbrauch behauptet oder gefördert wird. Es wird ein Umweltmanagementplan weiterentwickelt, der speziell für diese Veranstaltung „entworfen“ wurde, um die Optimierung der Ressourcen sicherzustellen, die für die Förderung und Durchführung der Veranstaltung und die Entsorgung der anfallenden Abfälle benötigt werden.
COMIC VIDEO is the first International Festival entirely devoted to comic short film (Pavia, Italy, September 18th to 20th). Free subscriptions are now open to filmmakers authors of Short-Com, Viral, Gags, Jokes and FREE theme. Awards for 5,000 euros and, for the first time in the history of such events, the subscribers have the opportunity to earn money and get in touch with the major sponsor on the market. Each candidate has the opportunity to shoot a viral for our sponsors who are really, seriously interested in the creativity of the filmmakers.
The San Diego International Kids' Film Festival promotes the idea of entertainment with education. Supported by many across the world, the festival supports the entertainment and education industries by showcasing international films, and gives young, aspiring filmmakers a channel to communicate to an international community. The resulting collaboration produces a unique multicultural experience, engaging young viewers with positive media, as a diverse education.
Colchester Film Festival is an international film festival taking place annually in Colchester (UK).
We showcase some of the best short and feature films from the UK and around the world as well as offering a programme of workshops, master classes and panel discussions from industry professionals for anyone wanting to learn more about filmmaking and the film industry.
Last year we received an amazing selection of short films from all around the world, from first time filmmakers to Oscar nominated short films.
It's FREE to submit until June 1st.
The Honolulu Film Awards is a crossroads of the world, bridging the gap between East and West, in the spirit of independent cinema and the beautiful island of Oahu, Hawaii. The Honolulu Film Awards recognizes outstanding achievement in filmmaking from around the world. It is our mission to recognize and celebrate the finest independent cinema the world has to offer while helping to advance the careers of promising filmmakers by providing a platform through which their talents can be recognized.
Mario Cervantes ha organizado el XII Festival de cine social ManzanaREC que tendrá lugar en febrero de 2025 en la localidad de Manzanares (Ciudad Real). Los trabajos serán exhibidos en la Sala de la Casa de Cultura de Manzanares.
The California Film Awards recognizes and celebrates important world cinema that represents the forefront of aesthetic, critical and entertainment standards in contemporary independent filmmaking and screenwriting, honoring new and cutting-edge American and foreign independent films in several competition categories. Partnering with notable film industry companies, film educators, directors, producers, and writers, the California Film Awards provides a forum for talented filmmakers to be recognized for their work, creativity, and achievements.
Cordoba International Film Festival, is an educational film platform, cultural, artistic, industrial, and a prime symbol of the city and the country.
In the 9th version of the festival, again converge producers, directors, distributors, film critics, actors and audience around the latest and outstanding national and international productions, handing Cordoba and the country a single framework for meeting quality and today.
Every film selected have a official selection in CORDOBA FILM FESTIVAL in the year event.
The excellent results obtained in the last years -great influx of public, international visits, quality and novelty of the films shown, press coverage, diversity of high convocatoria- related activities confirmed that Cordoba International Film Festival has become a benchmark of national cinematography and international: a window of culture for which Colombia looks and opens to the world.
In this context, one of the objectives is to continue complementing and enhancing the explosive audiovisual industry in Colombia, through a space for development and promotion as attractive as Cordoba International Film Festival Industry, whose excellent results last year, we intend to continue developing in this edition. Also, Cordoba International Film Festival is a showcase to appreciate firsts and pre-premieres of international films of recent invoice and quality, both directors of prestige as young talent.
Since its 1st edition in Barcelos in 2008, the ART&TUR Festival has effectively fulfilled its mission of making known to the world the best audiovisual productions in Portugal and in the world.
As a forum for sharing experiences, the ART&TUR Festival has achieved a high international recognition, thanks to the quality and quantity of films that it distinguishes annually, as well as its integration into a worldwide network of similar festivals: CIFFT (International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals) that annually elects the best tourism film worldwide, among all the films that travel the international circuit of 16 festivals.
From 2018, ART&TUR Film Festival rights were transferred from APTUR to Centro de Portugal Film Commission (CPFC). Associated to this change, and thanks to an agreement between the CPFC and the Regional Tourism Entity of Center of Portugal, the ART&TUR Festival will now be held in the Central Region, roaming through the various municipalities of the Center of Portugal.
There are 2 different competitions for you: TOURFILM & DOC
Worldwide entries are invited: Advertising, Promotional Films, Animation, Independent Travel Videos, Documentaries, Webdocs and TV Programmes