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“Se podes olhar, vê, se podes ver, repara” - José Saramago.
O cinema é a arte de contar uma história através do olhar do cineasta, e ele o responsável por selecionar as histórias que serão contadas, e como elas serão contadas, além disso ele é responsável pela forma que elas serão vistas pelo público. É o olhar que diz o que é interessante ou não, é o olhar que diz quais histórias serão imortalizadas artisticamente pelo cinema. E este festival é para valorizar o olhar dos cineastas mundo afora, para celebrar e consagrar as suas originalidades, identidades e riquezas cinematográficas, as finalidades deste festival são de exibir e premiar tais características tão únicas além de compartilhar e socializar tais experiências e formas de se fazer cinema de forma gratuita para os espectadores.
A temática do festival é livre, pois acreditamos que o cinema é uma ferramenta muito rica e com um potencial fantástico para encantar e surpreender as pessoas, por tanto, limitar um festival que exalta o olhar cinematográfico seria o mesmo que limitar o potencial criativo desta incrível ferramenta humana que é o cinema.
O festival foi idealizado para ser on-line, para que assim possa atingir pessoas do mundo todo. Que ao agregar uma mostra internacional, tais cineastas possam presenciar o festival sem precisar se deslocar a outro país e ainda compartilhar a sua exibição com amigos, familiares e fãs.
Nós do Olhar Film Festival, sabemos o quanto é difícil agregar espectadores ao cinema independente e concorrer com plataformas de streamings, e com a grande indústria do cinema. Entretanto, também sabemos o imenso potencial e riqueza que o cinema independente possui e o quanto isso pode mudar e impactar a vida das pessoas. Por isso que o Olhar Film Festival é um festival aberto ao público e visa levar o cinema independente ao maior número de pessoas possíveis mundo afora.
CON-TEMPORARY Art Observatorium - Art of Freedom 2nd edition
Accepted works: videos (moving pictures, performance, etc) and still pictures (photography and all visual arts.)
Venue: CTAO Gallery - Lavagna, Italian Riviera, Northern Italy
Duration: three weeks
CAREFULLY READ RULES & TERMS: submission is free but a small contribution will be required only to participants.
In occasion of CTAO exhibition season 2023-2024, CON-TEMPORARY Art Observatorium presents "Art of Freedom - 2nd Edition", a collective art exhibition cycle that will be held at CTAO Exhibition Room in Lavagna, Italy.
FREE THEME: differently from all our group exhibitions, the cycle "Art of Freedom" is characterised by the absence of a leading theme, leaving total freedom to the artists, who are chosen on personality and contents, so that they can freely propose their most personal view, without fear of prejudices or censorship. This does not prevent them to freely take inspiration from freedom and to express in that sense. After all, art IS freedom, and freedom is a value that is always menaced, needing constant attention in order not to lose it.
For three thousand years, the Jewish people have been scattered around the world. That is why Jewish cinema is created in many different countries, alongside with special festivals that select and showcase those films. The Jewish Film Festival® in Moscow became the first of its kind in Russia. It was founded in 2015 and has been held annually ever since.
What is the Jewish cinema, after all? It encompasses far more than films made by Jewish directors or films which star famous Jewish actors. The never-ending search for Jewish identity, assimilation of diasporas and philosophy of self-determination and separation of the Jewish people in a society, return to the past, glorification of national heroes and mourning of victims, challenges of today’s world and the problem of relevance and preservation of traditions - these and many other issues attract filmmakers of all countries and continents. By searching and selecting the best Jewish films during the course of the past year we have attempted to shape an answer to the question of what these rapidly changing ethnic-themed films really are. Moscow, a large metropolitan area, a place where many cultures and nationalities live side-by-side, is one of the world’s most fitting locations for a festival that represents a dialogue of national communities.
The MJFF holds screenings of the most important and resonant Jewish films of the latest years. At the centre of the Festival is the Feature Films Competition Program, which is complemented by screenings of documentary films, short films and documentary shorts (as part of either competition programs or special screenings), as well as by discussions with experts on different topics raised in films and critics who specialize in Jewish cinema.
YATAY International Vertical Festival based in Córdoba, Argentina. First exclusive festival of audiovisual content in 9:16 format in Argentina.
We propose ourselves as a space for exploring the vertical format as an expressive medium for audiovisual content. We seek to become a space for dissemination; propose the development of productions in this format and create training spaces.
YATAY is produced and organized in an assembly way by students and workers from the audiovisual field, design, communication and performing arts.
Contest is open to everyone !
Topic of the contest is "The Dream life".
You can submit your any type of film up to 15 minutes max.
Festival Atmospheres uses all kinds of art forms in order to arouse afterthought and commitment to an accessible and constructive sustainable development.
The Esseoesse Cultural Association announces the competition "CortoDino Film Festival Dino De Laurentiis 2024 - XIV Edition", a competition that stems from desire to remember and celebrate, in his native land and in commemorative and propositive terms, the figure and work of Dino De Laurentis. The Metropolitan city of Naples, Vesuvian areas, “Giorgio De Chirico’s Secondary School of Art and Communication”, the others secondary schools of the area and the main cultural associations of the Vesuvian and Campanian areas will collaborate in the event.
So, the main aim of the initiative is to create an opportunity for meeting, confrontation and knowledge of young filmmakers who enter the cinematographic sector, in which the influence left by the illustrious “Torrese” has certainly been significant, promoting cinematographic culture through the inclusion of disadvantaged people and the research and promotion of works by talents from Campania, and also national and international.
The presence of the world of solidarity, cultural associations and of school is the clearest sign of the purpose of connecting in particular with the world of young people.
Cortodino Film Festival XIV edition will take place in November 2024. Cities, places and days of the event will be subsequently communicated.
Organized by Histérico- Associação de Artes (Histérico - Arts Association).
This event has the Gardunha Mountain has the main reason.
The theme is the ‘Paranormal’. This must be explicit on films at contest.
MAFIC: “MÁLAGA- INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL”: Training, BUSINESS AND APPRECIATION Space for new audiovisual, Artistic and Cinematographic products; Academic laboratories; suitable land for the meeting and exchange of alliances and development of projects between the regional, national and international industry.
MAFIC: is composed of 3 EXPERIENCES designed as follows:
REMA: "EXHIBITION ROUTE - MALAGUEÑA": Exclusive Exhibition Spaces throughout the municipality, of the latest Audiovisual Productions - Cinematographic, International, National, and Regional.
MAM “MÁLAGA AUDIOVISUAL AND ART, MARKETING” offers you opportunities that allow you to expand your network of contacts and learn about the regional, national or international Audiovisual market in artistic areas (cinema, theater, music, designers, plastic artists, costumes, decoration, comics, etc.)
They are laboratories of investigation and knowledge, where illustrious and recognized personages, will expose to the public in general or specific, detailed information of subjects of the cinematographic industry.
8th Pilar de la Horadada International Film Festival - CORTOPILAR | PILAR AWARDS 2024
The Rural Film Festival emerged in the city of Ayacucho in 2016 from an initiative presented by Mr. Emilio Quiroga to the Directorate of Culture to promote audiovisual production in our city.
Below, we list some of the central ideas, according to time and resources, that have been and will be developed within this space:
- General direction and coordination of the Rural Film Festival.
- Promotion and promotion of the movie theater and alternative projection spaces.
- Linkage and cooperation between rural and urban schools.
- Generation of socio-educational projects in schools, institutes and training centers.
- Provision of courses and training open to the community.
- Production of content and audiovisual resources for Municipal offices.
- Production of local short films that cover fiction and non-fiction stories, documentaries, on various topics.
Every year we launch an open call nationwide for fiction and non-fiction short films that cover Rural life from its form and/or content. Our intention is to get to know and enrich ourselves with productions from other places in our country.
The Festival provides training and support programs with theoretical and practical tools for audiovisual production to those who join this initiative. We refer to teachers and students from schools, institutions, neighborhood headquarters, organizations or groups who wish to participate.
This experience became a much larger phenomenon around the initially proposed Film Festival. We are motivated by the need to consolidate a space that seeks to generate identity, value culture, emphasis on human relationships and also commercial links that derive from this massive meeting that can be used to make goods, services and trades visible in pursuit of profit. mutual of the community.
Another important point is to strengthen the ties of our community with those people and groups that come to our city from both nearby towns and also from other cities and provinces of our country summoned by the social event that the Festival represents.
We will use the Festival as a construction tool committed to our social context and in accordance with sustainable production mechanisms considering current communication channels and technology. We will approach the audiovisual understood as an object to think about and in constant transformation.
It is necessary, from our intervention, to guarantee access to a symbolic language, essential to navigate the world around us and construct the images and sounds of our time, this being a necessary task for the development of society, the strengthening of democracy , equity and access to work.
This short films contest up in order to motivate people to convey their ideas through cinema.
The theme that identifies it is based on the idea of "slowness" or "slow life", what we understand as a bunch of actions (respect for the Environment and people, responsible consumption, defense of culture, decrease, life and leisure alternative, cooperation, food sovereignty, social economy ...) that make individuals improve their quality of life, control their time and be critical of the current economic and social system.
Kerala Short Film Festival will offer celebration of Cinema, with live screenings of Local & International amazing quality independent Cinema. Film categories include Narrative Shorts, Documentary , Short Films, Animated Films, Music Videos, Ad films and Student Productions from all over the world. What Filmmakers will experience? Keeping the event truly international Kerala Short Film Festival will have the following programs, press opportunities, networking occasions, industry attendance, Discussion Forum & high-quality Workshops.
The Shawna Shea Film Festival (SSFF) is a fringe independent international film festival. We love quirky and experimental films as much as we love straight narratives. All are welcome.
Established in 2012 the SSFF is a fundraiser for the Shawna E Shea Memorial Foundation Inc, a 501(c)(3), to honor Shawna's unique independent spirit by highlighting truly independent films that share the same quality.
The funds raised from the festival go towards scholarships and fellowships, including a Women in Film Fellowship.
Every year we have an opening night networking party and on the closing night we have an awards ceremony and party with food and a band. It is a party!
This festival is created with the aim of providing new opportunities to audiovisual creators in the world, whether or not they have experience, in this festival creativity, talent and script are part of the components to be evaluated. And most importantly, all the recorded material must be with your cell phone.
A space where the encounter with the diverse is welcome, since it enables the crisis and reflection on the hegemonic.
The Roman road VIA XIV has crossed the Monterrey Valley for 2,000 years. Today the roads and railways, some of them built on the old Roman roads, and others that run parallel and a short distance away, give us an idea of its importance and validity.
During all this time they have been a path of new ideas, progress and culture. The Verin short film festival wants to continue this path of culture, bringing the gaze of creators from all over the world around carnival, emigration and the border.
Date: August 28th to September 6th, 2025.
Place: Municipal Auditorium and Assembly Hall of the Casa da Cultura de Verín
SHORTS MEXICO has become the largest International short film festival in Latin America. Do not miss the chance to be part of its 20th celebration.
SHORTS MEXICO - Mexico International Short Film Festival call for entries begins February 17th through May 31st, 2025 at 23:59 (CST) Mexico City. We are open to receive Short Films from all over the world inviting all production genres.
SHORTS MEXICO is recognized as the biggest International short film festival in Iberoamerica. An international exhibition platform specialized in short films. It promotes cinema creative expressions, diverse voices, distinctive and innovative visions, bold quality films from filmmakers from all over the world. At SHORTS MEXICO we encourage the growth and development of short films as well as the filmmakers.
The 20th Edition of SHORTS MEXICO will be held from September 1st through the 30th 2025 in Mexico City. The National Cinematheque of Mexico is the main venue of the festival, and the most prestigious cinema venue in the country. The festival amounts other important venues as CINEMEX Theaters, one of the largest cinema chains in the world, famous Vasconcelo´s Library, Centro Cultural Universitario de la UNAM, CDMX´s Cultural Centers, etc. The festival amounts over 70 venues in Mexico, and holds exhibitions in every one of the 32 States of the Mexican Republic, so the event truly occurs throughout the entire country of Mexico. Since the pandemic, SHORTS MÉXICO is presented in a hybrid format, holding virtual and televised exhibitions as well, having over 1 million spectators per edition.
Throughout the year the festival features previews, exhibitions, retrospectives and master classes. The Shorts Mexico Tour includes cities, towns and villages of Mexico, as well as exhibitions in various countries around the world. Shorts Mexico Academy, consists in master classes and conferences, an academic offer aimed at developing professionalization in various specialized areas of filmmaking. The festival will also present Shorts México Pitching Competition, Work In Progress Contest, and its Screenplay Short Film Competition, with the goal of encouraging and promoting the creation and production of quality films.
INTERNATIONAL Competition (Live Action, Animation and Documentary)
IBEROAMERICAN Competition (Live Action, Animation and Documentary)
MEXICAN Competition (Live Action, Animation, Documentary, NeoMex)
Once your short film is registered, you are eligible to participate in all the festival sections, either competitive, showcase, or special programes.
International - Iberoamerican
- World Cinema
- Queer Shorts (LGBTTTQ+)
- Fantascorto (Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Horror)
- Ecoshorts (Environmental Conservation)
- Kids
- Indigenous Peoples
- Afro Shorts (African diaspora and culture)
- Fun Shorts (Comedy)
- Experimental
- International (Live Action, Animation, Documentary, Experimental)
- AI Shorts (Artificial Intelligence)
- Mexican (Live Action, Documentary)
- Pueblos Indígenas y Originarios
- Infantil – Kids
- Mujeres Mexicanas en el Cine
- Queer Shorts (LGBTTTQ+)
- Afro Shorts (Cultura y Diáspora Africana)
- Fantascorto (Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Horror)
- Experimental
- Ecoshorts (conservación ambiental)
- Funshorts (Cine de Comedia)
- AI Shorts (Inteligencia Artificial)
Call for Participation
The International Competition
on Lesbian Gay Transgender and Questioning audiovisual works.
Deadline: september 30, 2024
Preliminary remarks
The Association i Ken Onlus announces a competition for audiovisual lesbian gay transgender and/or questioning-themed works, at the 17th edition of OMOVIES – Lesbian Gay Transgender and Questioning Film Festival. The Festival will be held both on-line and in the cinema room.
The Caracas Ibero-American Film Festival was born with a clear intention of serving as dissemination and recognition for any type of cinematic expression of Ibero-American directors or productions of first and second works, fiction and documentaries, feature films and short films, student and professional productions. All can be postulated at the festival that, beyond its competitive character, for the selection of the independent pieces of the current film scene.
The first initiative to create a Caracas Film Festival arose with its founding in 2003; however, it was suspended after five editions and has now been refounded again.
The Caracas Ibero-American Film Festival is part of the National System of Film Festivals and Samples in Venezuela (SNFMCV), independent association created under the authorization of the National Autonomous Film Center (CNAC). The Festival is an IMDB qualifying.
The Festival was refounded at the initiative of the writer and filmmaker Francisco Villarroel to promote independent cinema in the Ibero-American region, mainly from new filmmakers.
It is currently carried out in a non-face-to-face manner.
Castle Film Festival
Technical Institute of Applied Arts
Organizing the student festival for short films
An occasion for students who study cinema, In specialized institutes and academies, Or independent learners, To show their films and experiences to a different audience.
The films will be showed in one of the most ancient castles of the East, the Citadel of Damascus from October 24 – 28 / /2021.a certificate of appreciation.