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The Festival in their editions has received the cooperation and participation of various institutions and organizations in cinematic character and national and international reach, such as;
• Mexican Film Institute IMCINE
• Film Training Center CCC
• Cooperative Action Film seasonings CCAC
• National Register of Actors RNA
• Mexican Institute of Film and Humanities Research Imich
The Film Festival in Paracho had projected internationally recognized such as RUPESTRE film work; THE DOCUMENTARY, filmmaker Alberto Zúñiga and Oscar nominated short film LA PARKA by filmmaker Gabriel Serra.
The purpose of the festival is to definitively promote film production in the region by inviting national and international figures to spend a few days in the Thames, thereby bringing knowledge of the region, its people and its culture closer together. It will be a regional and territorial festival that will have national and international categories and will transform Támesis and its rural areas into movie theaters for 4 days.
ABYCINE – FESTIVAL Y MERCADO DE CINE INDEPENDIENTE DE ALBACETE tiene entre sus objetivos fundamentales la difusión y promoción de películas y cortometrajes de categoría artística que, por una u otra razón, no disfrutan de la distribución regular en los circuitos convencionales de exhibición.
El Festival trata de cubrir, en la medida de lo posible, este importante vacío, siendo otro de sus objetivos, y no de menor importancia, presentar una selección de películas participantes que atiendan las nuevas corrientes del cine joven contemporáneo, el fenómeno “indie” en el cine español y la educación de la mirada en las nuevas generaciones de espectadores.
CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI International Film Festival's main objective is to provide the opportunity for filmmakers from all over the world to excel, and to have the best work selected and showcased in a celebration of cinema, as well as to give filmmakers a platform to network amongst fellow professionals and cinematic artists. CSIFF is looking forward to fostering these relationships and to helping extraordinary filmmakers get their projects seen by global audiences. CSIFF unites cinematic, cultural, educational more over Inspirational objectives by presenting its film discoveries.
The CSIFF is dedicated to showcasing new and innovative films while fostering the next generation of filmmakers. It is a strong advocate for social change, and encourages cultural diversity and understanding between nations. It strives to foster the movie art of all continents by stimulating the development of quality cinema and promoting meetings between cinema professionals from around the world.
The CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI International Film Festival is dedicated to showcasing the spirit, passion, and skill of the best new filmmakers from around the world for audiences around the world.
We are also including and actively supporting not only the finest examples of classic moviemaking, but works that are experimental, breaking ground in new non-narrative forms and crossing over into the video arts. All films will be reviewed as they are submitted, and the best in each category will be chosen to screen at the festival. A jury of industry professionals will then view the finalists and choose the winning selections.
Filmmakers planning on attending should notify the film festival as soon as possible, so their names may be listed in the scheduled program at the venue where their film will be shown. https://csiff.buddhafest.in/
Since 2009, the Puerto Rico Queer Filmfest is the first and largest LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) themed festival in the Caribbean region. We are seeking out films from all over the world to be screened at the Festival’s Twelfth Edition in May 2024, as well as special screenings.
FICSEM Festival, in the Mediterranean area.
For major reasons, and having been immersed in a situation in which we have all been affected, we have decided to adapt to the current situation, and give a new focus to our festival. Maintaining the enthusiasm and passion we feel for the artistic world.
Our festival is aimed at the dissemination and promotion of film authors related to topics of social and/or ecological value.
Because we believe in the power of art as a transformative medium, our contribution from this festival is to give visibility to projects that address environmental and social changes in which we are immersed. We are an international festival because we understand the world beyond barriers, and because we are moved by the need to get to know other cultures and share the best of ours, as it contributes to any improvement in any corner of the world.
The Mediterranean is the climate that surrounds us, and we feel identified with it. In terms of warmth, closeness and transparency. We are a festival that is starting strong, with a large number of committed artists who share our cause, and the desire to share.
And that is why we are not afraid to break the most classic festival patterns. So much so, that in the award for best actor and/or actress, the recognition of the award falls on their social and/or ecological work... And not only on their skills.
Despite having firm ideological foundations. We open ourselves to other artistic areas and initiatives.
The Flor Azul international short film festival will be held at the 25 de Febrero Cultural Center (Caballito, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina) on September 25, 2021.
The festival is organized by the 25 de Febrero Cultural Center and the 25 de Febrero group.
International Festival of Shortfilms of Errenteria, which in 2021 celebrates its XXVI edition. Our festival is characterized by a commitment to the Basque short film, a Basque defense and a promotion of the Spanish short film.
Since the International Short film Contest Festival “Ciudad de Soria” considers at all times Short Films CINEMA in capital and appreciates as essential culture dissemination, our purpose is to promote as mean of audiovisual expression; the contribution to acknowledgment and dissemination. This format must be essentially and basically a part of CINEMA.
Cortometrajes y Largometrajes
realizados entre 2014 y 2023
La inscripción es GRATUITA
Todos los géneros pueden participar
No aceptamos inscripciones a través de distribuidoras. Solo aceptamos inscripciones de los autores de los films.
Cada filmmaker solo puede inscribir 1 película.
Deadline inscripción: 15 mayo del 2022
Los Ganadores se anunciarán durante el 31 de mayo del 2022
Fantasy & horror film festival “FANTFEST” , has been organized for the first time in October 2013 under the name of HRIZANTEMA. The festival takes the place among the small, independent festivals of explicit genres. The horror and fantasy film genre has survived the countless transformations from the very beginnings of cinema. Artists, film - makers, professionals and enthusiast, through the time, have positioned the genres of horror and fantasy and sealed its status among the other genres. Since 2021. festival changed the name to FANTFEST.
TAF, Thessaloniki Animation Festival is an international Animation Festival in Greece which promotes the art of animation through its annual gathering in October. The festival was founded, established and directed by ADDART; a non profit organization that "adds" art & culture everywhere. The creators of the festival are artists themselves, filled with love for the art of animation. Based in the heart of Thessaloniki, TAF aims to encourage and promote all aspects of creativity by hosting local as well as international events and activities for kids and adults alike!
TAF is the only Animation festival in town and every year it grows bigger. We like to showcase innovating films, guests, workshops and Master Classes to Thessaloniki in a great venue and award them for their inspiration and technique!
TAF is a festival free of entrance with a no-fee policy for the filmmakers.
Cinema allows us to meet. The cinema makes it possible to travel kilometers in seconds, and move in time regardless of the time. Get to know other cultures, feel close despite the distances.
For 18 years, the Lapacho Latin American Short Film Festival has strengthened its roots with the exhibition of regional, national and international short films, sharing experiences and promoting meetings between filmmakers from the province of Chaco to the country and the world.
The 2022 edition will take place in mixed mode: in person and virtually simultaneously. In addition to the functions in the theater respecting the care and prevention measures, and for the third consecutive year, the Festival will take place virtually through the page www.cine.chaco.gob.ar, where the complete grid, talks, workshops will be available. and master classes.
As always we will try to promote the meeting between performers, their projects and perspectives towards the future. The actors and actresses, the producers, the technicians, and also the other arts integrated in various forms will have their space in this festival of cinema. And of course, the prominent place will always be for the public that joins us from their seats and from the comfort of their homes.
1. Brain Film Fest
The Brain Film Fest (BFF) is an international film festival dedicated to highlighting and promoting the creation and dissemination of feature films and short films about any aspect of the brain, from its amazing abilities and conditions to its pathologies. The BFF is jointly organized by the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and Minimal Films. In addition to being a film competition, the BFF will also organize throughout the festival other in-person and online social, cultural and/or scientific events that focus on the brain.
The 8th edition of the Brain Film Fest will be held from March 12 to 16, 2025.
Rome Prisma Film Awards was founded in 2018 by Stefano Perletta and the production company Il Varco. Hosted by Cinema Azzurro Scipioni, in its first year it saw Silvano Agosti as the president of the jury, a legendary Italian director that has worked alongside the greatest Italian professionals like Ennio Morricone, Vittorio Storaro, Nicola Piovani and many others. Over the course of its second year it moved to Cinema dei Piccoli, one of the oldest movie theaters of Rome, in the heart of Villa Borghese park since 1934.
In September 2020 we embarked on a new path under the curatorship of a new artistic director, Marcello Di Trocchio. During the Covid-19 pandemic that shut down festivals all over the world, we created a monthly streaming on Twitch with a teeming community following us from every corner of the Earth. In July 2021, after the re-opening of cinemas in Italy, we moved to one of the city’s most prestigious and characteristic movie theaters, located in the historic Campo de’ Fiori square: Cinema Farnese, where we started having screenings every two months.
From January 2022 we started a little big revolution: we opened the invitation to the events not only to the Rome-based film audience, but also to all filmmakers who had submitted their own project to our festival in the months preceding the event. In this way, one edition after the other, we contributed to making the Prisma events not only film evenings different from the others, but also a real opportunity to come together for hundreds of filmmakers from all over the world, who all too often feel lost in front of the endless quantity of audiovisual products that every day, at an unstoppable speed, are made, shared and forgotten – and who also feel equally lost in front of the thousands of film festivals that all too often, rather than opportunities to meet, seem to offer laurels to be exhibited on movie posters and social media.
That’s how the Prisma Awards have organically grown into one of the most community driven festivals, gathering over the last three years alone more than 300 artists between directors, producers, actors and movie professionals, coming from all parts of Italy, Europe and the world.
From September 2022, in order to raise the quality of the events, we have started reducing their number: from six a year to three, one every four months, always at Cinema Farnese – each time showcasing short films capable of making the audience laugh, cry, in any case be moved, together in the embracing darkness of the movie hall.
During the course of six years we have received more than 17.000 film projects from 150+ countries and we’ve been reviewed more than 900 times, thus becoming the #1 most reviewed film festival in Europe and one of the best reviewed in general.
Many of the films we’ve screened have passed through first-class festivals, like the short films August Sky by Jasmin Tenucci or Fár by Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter, both winners of the Special Mention at Cannes Film Festival (2021 and 2023 editions), or Censor of Dreams by Leo Berne and Raphaël Rodriguez and Ice Merchants by João Gonzalez, both shortlisted in the Academy Awards (2022 and 2023 editions), or Nate Milton’s Eli from the official selection of Sundance Film Festival. At the same time, we are always proud to bring to the big screen also unpublished gems that we fortunately intercept and that almost nobody else shows.
We never stop collecting the best of emerging cinema, from all kinds of budgets, genres and cultural origins, and we can’t wait to see, day after day, year after year, more stimulating authors and more interested viewers to join us in this beautiful, challenging, creative journey.
These are the Rome Prisma Film Awards. We unite people, through films, in the very heart of Rome.
The International Short Film Festival Psarokokalo is an annual festival held in Greece since 2007. The festival aims to provide a showcase for the work of new filmmakers from around the world and to promote the diversity and richness of the short film. The festival is part of a project aiming to research, promote and develop the art of filmmaking. The festival program includes screenings of short films from Greece and abroad as well as audiovisual events, lectures, masterclasses, exhibitions, and live concerts. The quality of its screenings, lectures, exhibitions have managed to make it a reference point for cinephiles, filmmakers, professionals, and new artists. Each year the activities of the festival expanded, receiving more participation from different countries and getting bigger support from filmmakers and professionals. The festival aims to travel across borders to develop a spirit of friendship and cooperation with international festivals and filmmakers from all over the world. Psarokokalo International Short Film Festival is run by Kyklos a nonprofit organization based in Athens whose purpose is to promote actions relating to cinema and public awareness of environmental issues. ‘Kyklos’ in Greek means cycle and the vision of the cycle is the respect for fundamental rights including freedom equal opportunities and cultural diversity
Founded in 1961, Amnesty International is an independent NGO that works for the defense of human rights all over the world. Through our field researches, conscious raising campaigns, petitions and letters, and public human rights advocacy, we work for a world in which every human being is entitled to the rights stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in other international texts.
Accordingly, our campaigns focus on themes such as the liberty of expression, women’s rights, children’s rights, refugees and migrant’s rights, discriminations, impunity, the death penalty amongst others.
Cinema has always been and will always be a way in which human rights violations can be exposed and denounced. For that, Amnesty International France is pleased to announce the opening of submissions f edition of its annual cinema festival “Au Cinéma pour les droits humains” (To Cinema for Human Rights), which will take place in March 2019. The festival takes place each year in different cities of the south of France and with last year’s edition having had more than 3800 members at the audience. Therefore, we are searching for different entries for our festival. We are searching for films that touch on one or several human rights issues that are connected to any of our campaigns, such as the liberty of expression, women’s rights, impunity, and discriminations amongst other things.
If you feel that your film speaks of one or several major human rights issues, and you wish to submit it for selection, then please do send us a link this address in order to review it: acdhamnesty@gmail.com Also, please make sure that the film contains FRENCH SUBTITLES OR IS IN FRENCH LANGAGE. Once our selection committee has a decision, then we will notify you as soon as possible
13th Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival-24 is an amalgamation of unleash cinematic creativity & madness of cine-goers of beautiful city of Kolkata. The Kolkata city is the hub of Bengali Cinema, a culturally rich & destination of many budding filmmakers since past century. The festival objective is to give momentum to the short cinema & to foster the growth of new breed of filmmakers.
The humble journey of KSIFF has began in year 2012 to mark the 100 years celebration of Indian cinema & to salute the contribution of the Bengali film industry towards the development of cinema in India. The 2012 to 2023 editions of festival were huge success with participation from all over India & foreign nations and are the trendsetter festival in India & now in huge demand among young filmmakers.
The festival provide platform to aspiring and professional filmmakers for showcasing their talent with networking & marketing opportunities in film industry. The festival also hosts master classes & short film market. The festival objective is to create short films culture, promotion of upcoming filmmakers, developing sources of revenue generation for short films and to make short film making a commercial enterprise.
Black Oaks Pictures and Materiali Sonori Cinema present the third edition of Sentiero Film Factory, a Festival based in Florence - Tuscany for short films and short screenplays.
Sentiero Film Factory is open to Italian and foreign directors, filmmakers, producers, authors, writers and film school students.
The Festival also offers a market and networking events designed for professionals of the film industry, such as panels, workshops and forums.