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International Documentary Film Festival «Interdoc» will be in Moscow and other cities of Russia and the World.
The festival will feature various themes and genres of documentary films.
Most of the proceeds from the festival will go to the development and popularization of documentary films.
Part of the funds will be directed to charitable foundations and part of the funds will cover organizational expenses.
Carnival Information -
We’re Women Directors Film Carnival, Initiative taken by well experienced and well connected Media Professionals with aim to provide a platform for Women Directors, Producers, Editors, Writers and Cinema Lovers to share their works. We give a space for women in all areas of filmmaking to share their stories, experiences, and expertise. As we strongly believes that Media in our society can be reshaped to have a stronger positive impact on our society, If we educate and empower more Women to work in the medium, take part and active involvement in ownership of the industry, and educate the people on these issues. We at Women Director Film Carnival wants to shine a light on Women being overlooked for jobs with the lack of equal opportunity that is given in the Film and Television industry and create conversations and opportunities for Women to develop an industry that has equal opportunity.
Schedule -
This three-day extravaganza, consisting of Indoor and Outdoor red carpet film screenings, fashion shows, workshops, and of course Food Court. It's a celebration of women and all who love women. Films and Screenings are selected and hosted by filmmakers, professors, and other notable figures in the world of film. In addition to exhibiting the next new wave of women filmmakers, We will also makes time to pay tribute to films by Women with Historical significance.
Preview -
Premiering in Campus of The Creative Work in the capital city, New Delhi, India for its first annual festival.
Independent producers La Produktiva Films (Sabadell) and Plans Films (Caldes de Montbui) organize inDOCumentari, an international festival dedicated to documentary film in any of its expressions.
The 19th GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival(GISFF2021, former Asiana International Short Film Festival) is presented by the GwangHwaMun Executive Committee.
Skepto International Film Festival is a competitive festival dedicated to short films, without restrictions on subject matter, style, or production budget. The main goal of the festival is to give visibility to independent filmmakers from all over the world and to build an open space where they can freely exchange ideas. Video productions of any genre or style are allowed. Audiovisuals created through the use of artificial intelligence in all its forms are also included.
The thirteenth edition of the festival will take place in Cagliari from October 2023 to June 2024: the main competition will be held in October 2023 in Cagliari, and there will also be two side events at locations to be identified in Italy and/or Europe and to be held at later dates, in any case by June 2024. The final date and location of the Festival and the two side events will be announced on the official website of the event www.skepto.net
Link International Film Festival is an international competitive cultural event that serves to inspire and connect filmmakers and audiences throughout the region and beyond. It is a cultural expression that aspires to unite through ideas and ideals, diversifying minds, promoting understanding, and cultivating compassion and camaraderie among people regardless of their differences.
Linares Fantástico es una Muestra Iberoamericana de Cine Fantástico y de Terror, un evento ciudadano sin fines de lucro, realizado desde hace 8 años al norte de México.
National Fiction Shorts
International Fiction Shorts
Animated shorts
Short Documentaries
Canary Shorts
Children's Shorts
The International Film Festival of the Autonomous University of Baja California promotes the exchange of experiences in the field of audiovisual production, as well as knowledge building around the cinematographic phenomenon.
Aullido International Video Show CONVOCA to present works to select those who will integrate their 9th International Video Clip to be held in March 2021 in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.
Short films from around the World be shown at the New Generation Art Festival.
There is nothing else like it. Selected films will have a one-hour online screening during a one-day film festival on our festival platform. There is a reception before screening and afterward.
Our judges for this festival are Flavia Dima, Simon Denda, Nino Varsimashvili, Milou Gevers, Ali Firoozjang.
The Tychetainìa Festival is organized by the Film Production House "SNAPORAZ FILM PRODUCTION" in collaboration with "ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE ARTAVA" and will be held in Taranto at the Palazzo Galeota in Via Duomo, for the length of two days: 10/11 October 2020.
It is an independent festival, entirely dedicated to film and culture from around the world.
The Tychetainìa Festival is an opportunity to meet and learn about quality cinema. Alongside the competition section dedicated to film products from all over the world, literary reviews are planned on the theme «Cinema», non-competitive retrospectives, each year different. Furthermore, at the discretion of the organization, some "Personal" or Exhibitions dedicated to particular "cinematographic" characters can be provided.
The AnimAcción is one of the artistic projects of the "Cultural Association Sen Mood of Nome", and returns in its second edition. AnimAcción is a festival of short films of animation, which shows the artistic potential of a whole new generation of animators.
Animation is an artistic discipline that offers unlimited potential in the hands of artists who want to use it, a creative and imaginative potential.
This call for shorts is born of our desire to offer the public a fun show with the intention of increasing the cultural offer of the city of A Coruña and its region.
The selected short films will be screened on Thursday 19 December in the Marilyn Monroe Hall of the Metropolitan Forum (A Coruña), Friday 13 December in the Rego da Balsa Library (Carballo) and Saturday 14 December in a cultural space in the city center of A Coruña. The public present at the event will proclaim the winning work with their vote.
The day of the screening will be the occasion to create a bridge between artists and public and meet some of the creators present in the room. We will take the opportunity to ask them questions and be able to discuss the world of animation, talk about their works and their artistic experiences.
Video summary of the last edition:
The festival aims to spread new insights and reflections on culture, anthropology,
Art and nature A window to the world just around the corner.
Promoting works by independent audiovisual producers from around the world whose
Thematic and aesthetic treatments generate debate, new knowledge and reflections.
Feature films, short films and short films, in fiction, animation and documentary genres.
FICP has the thematic axes of culture, history, art and the relationship of the
Men with the socio-cultural, natural and territorial environment.
The Futbolero World Film Festival seeks to promote football as a space for intercultural dialogue and heritage of humanity, through the meeting of different actors in this social phenomenon. It proposes as axes of work: Audiovisual Media, Conversations, Sports Practice, Literature and Diploma Training.
The International Film Festival of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (Cinema Movilh) is shown on feature films, shorts and documentaries largest and best known of Chile that takes place every year in Santiago and then travels sexual diversity regions. Local or foreign works can be projected at the Festival after postulating in the form indicated in these rules.
The Universe Multicultural Film Festival seeks to bring to the best of classic and contemporary filmmaking from the world; Committed to enlightening the public with a unique international film program, a forum for cultural understanding and enriching educational opportunities. The Festival focuses on showcasing diverse cultural and heritages films, supports the creation and advancement of innovative and artistic cinematic works of both emerging and seasoned filmmakers and proudly embraces the passion, independent spirit and vision of these talented artists. With the integration of the local community and educational institutions into all aspects of the Festival, the Festival stimulates an interest in the study and appreciation of film and encourages people of all ages and background to participate and share the harmony universe.