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El Festival Virtual de Cortos SOMOS AFRO, se concibe con la idea central de dar cuenta de la identidad de los afro-descendientes en América latina y el Caribe, posibilitando expresar a través del audiovisual, su identidad, las fortalezas y propuestas sociales, culturales, políticas y económicas de sus comunidades.
El Festival exhibirá cortometrajes de cualquier formato dentro de una temática caracterizada por la identidad afro-descendiente, reivindicando el papel de las comunidades afro en el mundo. El proceso es abierto a personas de cualquier nacionalidad, raza, etnia o género.
Es un Festival joven, independiente, incluyente y sensible que se interesa por conocer mediante el lenguaje audiovisual la realidad de las comunidades afro-descendientes. Este evento será realizado del 01 de abril al 21 de mayo del 2015 a través de la plataforma Web
After five years of a successful run as the New York City International Film Festival and after many of our films got distribution, we decided to create NYCIFF-St. Lucia edition. We want to open another door for filmmakers from around the world, and establish St. Lucia as a center for the film industry, while highlighting unknown talents from the Caribbean.
FILMI: Toronto South Asian film festival showcasing the best in South Asian cinema from Canada and around the world.
FILMI will celebrate it's 19th anniversary with a full schedule of screenings, industry workshops and party's. November 10th - 11th, 2018 at Harbourfront Centre Theatre.
The vision of the Filmi South Asian Film Festival is to promote, discover and celebrate cinematic endeavours by talented South Asian filmmakers, and highlight works with South Asian themes and artists that can be brought to a mainstream audience.
Em 2024, o Festival Internacional de Cinema de Iquique (Ficiqq) celebrará seu 15º aniversário. O Ficiqq é um evento único na região de Tarapacá, financiado nesta ocasião pelo Fundo de Desenvolvimento Audiovisual de 2024 e patrocinado pela SQM Yodo Nutrición Vegetal e produzido pela Volcánica Films.
O 8º Festival de Cinema SciFi retorna ao principal local de exibição de Sydney no Event Cinemas, George Street, de 23 a 26 de setembro de 2021.
SciFi Film Festival é um evento anual em Sydney, Austrália, dedicado a celebrar e promover histórias fantásticas de ficção científica, fantasia e gênero de terror, da Austrália em todo o mundo.
Nosso programa com curadoria inclui, os mais recentes filmes indie e mainstream para exibições temáticas e clássicos de culto, bem como eventos agradáveis à multidão, de fóruns a perguntas e respostas com cineastas e sua equipe, também temos uma mistura eclética de atividades de espetáculos laterais que são divertidas, peculiares e vão mudar de vez em quando.
O 14º ano incluirá novas adições e competições! O International Horror Hotel Film Festival and Convention é realizado todo mês de junho no nordeste de Ohio. Temos competições abertas para filmes e roteiros nos seguintes gêneros: experimental (somente filmes), fantasia, terror, comédia de terror, terror, terror, ficção científica e suspense. Também aceitamos trailers, videoclipes, pilotos de TV (filme ou roteiro) e episódios da web (filme ou roteiro) para projetos dos gêneros listados.
A competição também está aberta para nossa competição de trilha sonora de filmes de terror (inscrições por meio de nosso site). No evento, também temos competições de maquiagem Scream King/Scream Queen e FX ao vivo.
Este ano, também realizaremos a segunda competição anual de filmes Room 237, onde os cineastas competirão para criar um filme em 30 dias usando uma arma do crime atribuída durante uma reunião inicial do zoom. Mais informações sobre a competição cinematográfica Room 237 estarão disponíveis no site do Horror Hotel Film Festival até janeiro de 2024. Comece a montar sua equipe e prepare-se para competir!
O evento conta com quatro dias de exibições de filmes, dois dias de painéis de discussão e palestras, uma convenção que começa na sexta-feira à tarde, convidados especiais, festas de karaokê de networking, competições ao vivo e muito mais.
O FOGO!! A Mostra é o primeiro festival de cinema LGBT na Espanha: criado em 1995 pelo Casal Lambda, em Barcelona, aborda a diversidade afetiva em seu sentido mais amplo por meio de uma seleção cuidadosa de longas-metragens, documentários e curtas-metragens. Uma seleção de cinema artístico e uma abordagem educacional são suas principais características.
Durante duas semanas no início de junho - principalmente no Instituto Francês, mas também em outros locais internos ou ao ar livre da cidade -, um grande público é convidado a apreciar esse marco cultural de Barcelona, com histórias e depoimentos de pessoas livres, criadores que quebram barreiras e lutadores pelos direitos humanos, todos os quais ajudam com amor a construir um mundo mais justo e livre.
O nome do festival é uma homenagem à revista nova-iorquina de mesmo nome do final dos anos 20, FIRE!! , liderado pelo escritor negro homossexual Richard Bruce Nugent, retratado em um dos filmes mais icônicos do festival, Brother to Brother, que exibimos há alguns anos.
Estamos procurando filmes que tenham sido censurados, banidos ou que tenham encontrado barreiras para serem exibidos por motivos políticos, sociais, corporativos, religiosos, entre outros, em qualquer lugar do mundo e nos últimos dois anos.
O Censurados Film Festival é um festival de cinema que divulga e torna visível “o cinema que eles não querem que você veja”. Com sede no Perú, o festival está comprometido com a liberdade de expressão, os direitos humanos e a diversidade por meio da exibição de filmes e da organização de atividades artísticas e educacionais. Durante o evento cinematográfico, também é gerado um espaço de diálogo sobre censura, onde a diversidade de vozes, expressões artísticas e ideias pode encontrar um lugar para coexistir e se expressar livremente.
Cidade e datas da 11ª edição do Festival: Arequipa, de 18 a 24 de janeiro de 2025.
Prazo: 1º de novembro de 2024.
1. Competição de censura. Filmes de ficção, documentários, animação e/ou experimentação cinematográfica de qualquer lugar do mundo que tenham sido censurados devido a pressões ou interesses políticos, religiosos, corporativos, autoritários ou sociais, entre outros, ou que tenham sido vítimas de ameaças e/ou violência, seja durante sua investigação, produção ou realização, bem como em sua exibição e/ou distribuição. É um requisito essencial fornecer informações demonstráveis sobre a censura, ameaça, pressão ou violência que o filme sofreu. Duas tesouras serão premiadas, uma para cada uma das seguintes categorias:
Tesoura de Melhor Longa-Metragem Censurada (Duração: +30 minutos).
Tesoura de melhor curta-metragem censurada (duração: -30 minutos).
2. Competição internacional. Filmes de ficção, documentários, animação e/ou experimentação cinematográfica de qualquer lugar do mundo, exceto do Perú, que abordam estética e discursivamente questões de censura e/ou liberdade e expressão artísticas. Sem limite de duração.
3. Competição peruana. Filmes peruanos de ficção, documentário, animação e experimentação cinematográfica sem limite de duração que abordam formalmente e discursivamente questões políticas, sociais e culturais com liberdade criativa. Um prêmio de 1.500 soles será oferecido para o filme vencedor.
A judged film festival described as "Sundance with Fangs" by Newsday Long Island. We provide a venue for showcasing your films within a celebratory & respectful environment, where fans can enjoy the independent films entered by those of you who passionately craft your Strange-ifical, Weird-ifical, Horror-ifical, Sci-fi-tastical, Fantastical and Macabre-licious films. The opportunity to win awards, increase film visibility via press and possibly obtain distribution is always part of the equation with the Macabre Faire Film Festival.
For starters the word "Macabre" is pronounced: Ma-Cob. The "re" is hardly ever heard. What does it mean?
Although it is an adjective meaning: disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury, WE ARE NOT SOLELY A HORROR FILM FESTIVAL but instead a whole lot more than that. We usually approach the Macabre Faire Film Festival with a lighter touch in the sense that, not all of the films screened are horror and instead many may simply be considered a bit on the darker side. Of course, we will add some horror to this festival but, when we hear the word "Macabre" we remember those hauntingly fascinating films that starred legendary greats such as:
Vincent Price & Peter Cushing or those fantastic Gothic horrors like the "Hammer" films. These names in themselves represent what "macabre" means to us. What we are saying is that the word "Macabre" DOES NOT mean we only accept HORROR films but instead that we welcome those films that can tap into our fears through what you don't see or hear. A dark drama, mystery, suspense, thriller or dark comedy can do a lovely job making us feel uncomfortable in the dark. So folks, this is what many of the films selected for the Macabre Faire Film Festival offer. A buffet for any pallet. About the only thing we may have to say "No Thanks" to would be a romantic comedy/drama... unless, there's a monster under the bed during love making or other dark element.
All submitted films are pre-screened by select judges that includes Eileen Dietz, our Festival Ambassador, of the original "The Exorcist" film to ensure the films have followed guidelines and are an overall fit for the festival. Then the films are passed on to another set of judges consisting of more filmmakers, film critics, genre film fans and or seasoned actors to choose the Official Selections. Once these selections have been identified there is an additional judging process in collaboration with the original pre-screening judges to identify the different category nominees. Once you have been notified we insist on having the film festival entry form filled out and submitted back to the festival via email or snail mail within 4 weeks of acceptance. This form can be found on our website or it has been emailed to you as an attachment with your initial welcoming email.
URGENT NOTE: IF THERE IS NO CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE FESTIVAL AND INDIVIDUAL WHO SUBMITTED THE ACCEPTED FILM WITHIN 4 WEEKS FROM INITIAL ACCEPTANCE NOTIFICATION, WHICH ALL FILMMAKERS RECEIVE FROM FESTHOME BY DEADLINE DATE, YOUR FILM WILL NO LONGER BE AN OFFICIAL SELECTION IN THE MACABRE FAIRE FILM FESTIVAL. So we urge everyone to check their spam folders at all times and or ensure to make contact with the festival within 4 weeks of the acceptance notification. Failure to do so will exclude your film from the festival. Please take the time to ACTUALLY READ all the pages of the submission form which contains mailing address information (if needed) and other very important details which includes getting your discs or film posters sent to the festival in a timely fashion. This does not mean mailing materials in 2 weeks before the event as they will not be accepted.
Moving on...
January's festival always falls on Martin Luther King Jr weekend for easy remembering. This 4 day event start with Thursday and Friday being solely screening days with minimal panels within 3 screening rooms. The festival continues for another 2 days with Saturday screenings starting at 12pm into midnight within 4-5 screening rooms and an intimately sized vendor room with additional panels available for guests. Saturday evening is capped with an elaborate Red Carpet Gala Award Ceremony that offers a glamorous atmosphere filled with Press, Photos, Entertainment, Dinner and Awards! This is NOT to be missed.
Sunday captures the conversations from the night prior winners and more. A perfect day to catch those shorts you may have missed as it usually hosts an encore segment for short films from 12pm until 6pm. Be sure to visit the vendor room before the day is over and sit in on another panel or other special treat before it all ends until the following year.
Several films that have screened at MFFF have received distribution at this time for titles like: Cannibal Diner, Caesar & Otto's Deadly XMas, Caesar & Otto's Paranormal Halloween, Model Hunger, The Perfect House, House of Afflictions, Dead Woman's Hollow, The Long Island Serial Killer, The Ghouligans, Devil Knows His Own, Coyote, and others being discussed at this very moment. Will yours be next?
A ficha de inscrição devidamente assinada, bem como a autorização, devem ser obrigatoriamente enviadas por correio, mesmo que tenha optado por alojar o filme neste site.
Estamos ansiosos para ir em uma viagem sônica e festejar nossos olhos ao mesmo tempo!
Se tiver um vídeo musical publicado num portal da Internet, envie-o para o Music Malt Video Awards. O melhor do lote receberá um troféu, um certificado e um cesto de presente atraente. Também compartilharemos os vídeos vencedores em nosso site com um perfil na barca/artista. Desenvolvido pela Eastern Fare, uma organização musical e casa de produção em Bangalore, Índia, o MMVA é um festival de música que dará uma plataforma para o próximo indie, bem como músicos estabelecidos, para mostrar seus vídeos musicais para um público mais amplo.
Datas e Prazos
— Data
do Festival: 18 de dezembro de 2019 Data de
abertura: 17 de julho de 2019
Prazo de Inscrição: 10 de dezembro de 2019
This year's show is a mixed cocktail with a strong stir from the flaming absinthe spoon.
Again proving the world isn't flat, we are set to tour with one of our best shows to date. To provide you with a taste of what's what... We are proud to present Jonas Georgakakis' "Saga of Biorn" a ferociously funny animated Nordic tale divulging the absolute truth about how one might earn the right to enter Valhalla. Then there is Javier Mrad's "Techopolis," an absolutely amazing 12min stop motion piece resembling Fritz Lang's Metropolis black and white film. This is the only show where so many entertaining films like these take the spotlight and are given full theatrical effect.
Before the "Festival of Animation" it was difficult to see independent, experimental, and foreign animation. Spike and Mike embarks on yearly world-wide film hunting expeditions. They have signed-on animation from the National Film Board of Canada, Cal Arts, Sheridan, Royal College of Art, Annecy, and select studios active amongst the art-house scene that at one time did not have a public venue. This Festival has come to be known as one of the most anticipated touring events on the circuit.
Initially, Spike and Mike produced the "Classic Festival" and later both the "Classic" and "Sick and Twisted" simultaneously- but by the early 2000s, the "Classic Festival of Animation" was phased into hiatus by the Sick and Twisted Festival (mainly featuring shorts venturing into the non sequitur e.g. "Lloyd's Lunchbox"). "The Festival" (meaning the current show) premieres a new cavalcade of adventurous films annually. Spike & Mike's "New Generation Animation" noted as the latest genre in animation, without question is now premiering the most captivating film-set of thought provoking concepts, humor, story, and daring production design in animation.
In animation, it is important to have an accurate gauge on the pulsating shifts in pop culture. Spike and Mike's content has evolved with the changing tastes of our times. The shows in their entirety have toured globally in theaters, film festivals (such as Cannes, Sundance, Annecy), college campuses, and dynamic events such as the Vans Warped Tour, the Winter X Games, and with the nu-metal band Korn.
Cineport film festival It's an independent film festival that hold in Iran.
- The Cineport Film Festival is to support independent filmmakers, movie stars, and talents to get international recognition, exposure, and opportunity for their careers.
جشنواره ی "دریچه سینما" جشنواره ی فیلمی مستقل است که در ایران برگزار می شود.
این جشنواره برای حمایت و شناسایی فیلمسازان جوان و مستعد برپا شده است تا آنان را در محیطی بین المللی کنار هم آورده و به آن ها فرصتی برای شناخته شدن و توسعه ی کاری دهد.
The Cineport Online Film Festival is open to all student and independent films. All genres will be accepted for review, including shorts, animation, experimental, and documentary.
Eligibility Requirements
Submissions to the Cineport Online Film Festival can be shot or created in any format (Film, digital video, animation, flash, etc.).
All films must be in English and subtitled in English or Persian
Short form must be under 42 minutes total running time.
Long form must be over 42 minutes.
Submission format: USA-Region playable DVD (DVD-R, DVD+R) at XP (Highest) quality (Full screen Hi-resolution). No other media formats (VHS tape, etc.) will be accepted.
How to Submit
Trough or
Must submit a small filmmaker biography or back story no more than 250 words in length.
The The Cineport Film Festival mission is not only creating platforms for filmmakers, movie stars, and talents to compete in their respective field, but also providing opportunities for the overall winners of the Festival to get their film recognized in the region.
- We focus in the details of every film. We are not only focusing on the overall of the movie but on the brilliance of every aspect, every department, and every performance. Every brilliant art deserves an award.
- All films can join different categories as this will increase your chance of winning.
$5,000 prize for the most fun and creative video. The top entries will be publicly shown in the culmination of Orlando's year-long celebration of the life, times, issues and works of Charles Dickens.
The Oregon Underground Film Festival, part of the series of festivals online, organized by Clockwork Film Institute, this first edition we show that there is more underground, dirty, forbidden, Cinema of the underworld, giving the most remote parts of the world guerrilla theater, anarchic and subversive.
The International Film Festival Sansueña is devoted to short films and feature traditional ANIMATION, optical and digital toys disseminating quality films that hardly reach Spain. Thus, gradually the Festival is intended as a field.
O Festival de Cinema Independente de Roma (RIFF) é o primeiro festival de cinema independente e internacional da Itália. Seu objetivo é unir o entusiasmo pelo cinema e pelo cinema entre jovens cineastas com as realidades da produção e distribuição de filmes. Desde sua primeira edição em 2001, o RIFF se tornou um evento seguido com cada vez mais interesse pelo público em Roma e uma referência para cineastas mundiais. Nesses anos, o Riff recebeu obras provenientes dos 5 continentes, acabando sendo uma testemunha atenta representativa das direções e paixões da indústria cinematográfica independente.
Global Music Awards (GMA) goal is to celebrate truly independent musicians, rather than being like other music talent competitions that honor only the best-selling recording artists. GMA is a showcase for original music, unique voices and emerging artists.
As an independent artist, it is always a challenge to build momentum and grow a musical resume that makes people stand up and pay attention. If you win GMA honors, it will establish your credibility as well as help you schedule bookings and secure dates. Mentioning that you have been honored by Global Music Awards will cause people to pause and take more time to consider your music. This will be helpful as you shop your music and seek more promotion, distribution, radio play, etc. The GMA issues press releases in support of GMA winners and thus helps GMA’s talented artists achieve success. In a nutshell, we allow our winners to use the credibility of the GMA name to open doors as independent artists.
Our goals are to provide talented musicians with our stamp of approval and generate buzz about their music. We will announce the GMA winners to our propriety email list of 30,000+ musicians and industry insiders. Our list is filled with music managers, music supervisors, record label executives and other industry insiders. We will blog about GMA winners in our bi-weekly newsletter, Backstage at the Global Music Awards. We will also issue a press release via to music media and news outlets around the world. Our efforts are intended to raise the public awareness of GMA winners and foster the credibility they deserve.
Winning a Global Music Award honors is a huge accomplishment. It proves that musicians can make it outside of the major label system and still be recognized for their work. The artists who win this award are just as talented as some of the biggest artists in the country. GMA impacts people in an incredibly positive way and fulfills an important role in exposing worthy independent music to a wider audience.
Billboard and Grammy are not the only awards that mean you made great music. Global Music Awards is a prestigious international music competition that brings attention to artists who are traditionally underrepresented by mass media. Global Music Awards are prestigious and are increasingly recognized by industry insiders to give legitimacy to outstanding artists. Beyond the joy of personal validation that winning GMA brings, the GMA honors are real attention-getters.