Miniboxoffice Online Festivals are established with the mission to provide online platform to showcase the world’s remarkable short films without any physical boundary. It gives audience a chance to understand the culture of different nations through the art of short cinema created by young auteur. By participating in Miniboxoffice Online Festivals filmmakers get chance to network with the large number of filmmakers worldwide which increase the scope of working internationally & at the same time festival exposes the work to industry professionals. The festival will promote the work & audience can comments & interact with filmmakers using our platform.
The festival is envisaged by Miniboxoffice, is a leading independent film festival organizing company based in India & serving the world’s short filmmakers community. Our film festival touches the every aspect of cinema & life since year 2010. The Miniboxoffice has served to almost more than 6500 filmmakers worldwide so far. With strong audience base from 80 countries, professional network of 1800 film schools & 80000 film professionals here we take the opportunity to dedicate the Miniboxoffice Online Festivals to the world’s short film making community. Come & join Miniboxoffice Online Festivals & create branding for you as filmmaker. For sure it would be an exciting experience for you.
Международный кинофестиваль в Хихоне и Хихоне (FICX) призван продемонстрировать широкий и разнообразный выбор авторских фильмов, которые в настоящее время производятся по всему миру и особенно ориентированы на инновационные фильмы и начинающих кинематографистов. Высококачественное, индивидуальное, молодое по своей форме, яркое и независимое кино на творческом уровне. При отборе конкурсантов фестиваль будет отдавать предпочтение тем работам, представляющим интерес, мировая, международная, европейская или испанская премьера которых состоится в FICX, а также работам, не имеющим коммерческих дистрибьюторских соглашений на территории Испании.
Международная федерация ассоциаций кинопродюсеров (FIAPF) признала «Специализированным фестивалем»
ANTOFACINE, Международный кинофестиваль в Антофагасте, собирает национальных и международных кинематографистов; исходя из этого мы хотели бы внести свой вклад в:
● Продвижение художественных, научно-популярных и анимационных фильмов в качестве инструментов культурных и социальных преобразований в интересах всех жителей региона Антофагаста.
● Содействие развитию аудиовизуальных проектов в регионе и стране, поддержка создания профессионального пространства для продвижения местных, национальных и международных аудиовизуальных произведений; содействие формированию аудитории и создание в Антофагасте места встречи для необходимого взаимодействия всех соответствующих представителей аудиовизуальной индустрии.
12-я версия Международного кинофестиваля в Антофагасте ANTOFACINE 2023 пройдет с 14 по 18 ноября в городе Антофагаста и других местах региона.
Animation professionals, either as individuals or as collectives, may participate, as well as film-makers, visual artists, students and general public.
La Associació Crear per la Identitat i la Memòria (ACIM) organiza la V Muestra de Cortometrajes por la Identidad y convoca a los autores a enviar sus obras. La Muestra tendrá lugar en Barcelona el 30 de noviembre y el 1 y 2 de diciembre de 2016, y reunirá cortometrajes que aborden el tema del robo de la identidad, su reconocimiento y recuperación, y las consecuencias personales y sociales. ACIM promueve actividades de denuncia del robo de identidad, especialmente la de ninos y está en estrecho contacto con la Asociación Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo. El secuestro de niños y cambio de identidad fue una práctica sistemática durante la última dictadura militar argentina así como durante la dictadura franquista y otros gobiernos de facto. ACIM considera fundamental luchar por la restitución de la identidad, que es un derecho inalienable. La Muestra tiene el objetivo de promover a través del cine un espacio que analice y debata el tema del robo de la identidad en todas sus dimensiones culturales, psicológicas, sociales y biológicas.
Цели кинофестиваля TRIFI заключаются в следующем:
- поощрять и поощрять будущих художников и ремесленников в искусстве, средствах массовой информации и технологии производства фильмов.
- повышать осведомленность общественности и воспринимать кинофильмы как форму искусства, и
- содействовать просвещению широкой общественности в этих областях путем организации ежегодных киновыставок, лекций, семинаров, практикумов и других мероприятий.
Девиз TRIFI: «Просветить независимые фильмы с ограниченным бюджетом, используя неограниченное воображение!»
Фильмы также могут быть выбраны для показа без дополнительной платы на конференции Radcon SF&F в Pasco WA 15-17 февраля 2019 года - Сиэтл Криптикон 3-5 мая 2019 года (2-часовой блок - только шорты ужасов)
TRIFI (TCIF3) — некоммерческая организация штата Вашингтон. Зарегистрированная организация, не облагающая налогом 501c3
Кинофестиваль «Seize the Film» ориентирован на показы фильмов на тему инвалидности/по крайней мере один актёр — инвалид. Кинофестиваль выходит в Нови-Саде (Сербия), Риеке (Хорватия), Баня-Луке (Босния и Герцеговина) и Которе (Черногория).
Помимо показов фильмов на тему инвалидности, фестиваль также предлагает сопутствующие программы и постпродакшн — кинокараван, включающий показы в культурных пространствах, школах, на других фестивалях и «Seize the film Kids» — показы фильмов, подходящих для детей в возрасте 7-12 лет (в Сербии).
Forster Film Festival is an annual event, now in its 8th year, showcasing an inspired program of entertaining, thought-provoking and life-affirming short films.
Strongly supported by local business and media, FFF is a stunning place to watch world class international short films. Sparkling lakes and gorgeous beaches serve as the backdrop for this exciting event, situated in a prime Australian vacation destination.
"A fantastic event in a spectacular location" Sue Milliken, former Chair of Australian Film Commission.
Only for national Brazilian filmmakers
The Lookout Wild Film Festival is an outdoor adventure and conservation festival in Chattanooga, Tenn., that aims to celebrate what we call "wild" films. We are looking for projects that celebrate the wild places around the Southeast, North America and the world.
Topics of such films may include — but are not limited to — exploration, conservation, nature, wildlife, survival and outdoor activities such as adventure sports. Some sports/activities we hope to encompass are: rock climbing, cycling, paddling, hiking, hang gliding, skiing, running, mountain biking, fishing, birding, snowshoeing, caving, boarding (snow, wake, skate and others), horseback riding, surfing, multisport, slack lining, base jumping and whatever else people are doing outside.
We are looking for narrative and documentary films, feature-length, shorts and everything in between.
But beyond any specific activity or theme, the LWFF board is looking for films that share our love of the outdoors and storytelling. We want films that take us places we can't go — or haven't gone yet. We want films that help us see things with a new perspective.
Films will be shown over three days at the historic Chattanooga Choo Choo.
Chattanooga is a youthful, growing outdoor mecca drawing in top experts and athletes from around the United States. The city are also garnering attention from media outlets and tourism groups, headlined by Outside Magazine calling the Scenic City its "Best City Ever" in 2011 and the New York Times declaring that Chattanooga has the fastest Internet speeds in the country in 2010.
We believe that the Lookout Wild Film Festival will be key part of Chattanooga's continued growth as a destination for both outdoor enthusiasts and young, techie creatives. We hope to see you here!
6th CinemAvvenire Film Festival carries on and strengthens the International/European dimension of the Associazione Centro Internazionale CinemAvvenire, a project managed with enthusiasm and determination since 1992 through the starting idea by Gillo Pontecorvo.
Lumière 2015 signs a crucial step forward; the previous edition hosted 100 feature films and 200 shorts from 60 different Countries.
Each tool of the festival is at disposal for the discover and the exploration of new styles and talents, assisting and supporting the independent productions setting a European platform for their expectations. A look at the past won’t be ignored –bringing to light some unpopular zone of Cinema History – as it belongs to the logic of discovery too.
We have concluded many deals with several partners around Europe. This partnerships are planned to decentralize the event with the aim to promote young talents inside a European web allowing audiovisual works to get a broader circulation around EU.
This European direction led us choosing the platypus as logo for our festival. It unites different parts from different animals and this feature makes it unique. It has a duckbill, the tail as rodents, the paws as reptiles and it lays eggs notwithstanding it is a mammal animal. Its skills let it free form categorization and guardian of a precious metaphor: united in diversity.
Клуб кинокультуры «Segni nuovi» в сотрудничестве с клубом кинокультуры «Alcamo Doc» организует пятнадцатый выпуск международного конкурса короткометражных фильмов «Cortiamo».
Фестиваль «Кортиамо 2020» разделен на следующие специальные разделы:
- Анимация
- Суды и права - Премия издательства «ernestodilorenzo»
- Кортиссими (максимальная продолжительность 3 минуты)
- Документальное кино - Премия «Alcamo Doc»
- До 25 лет - Премия ACEC
- Гендерное равенство
- Школы - Премия «Альдо Филиппи»
- Видеоклип
Следует уточнить, что участники раздела «Видео клип» должны прямо заявить, что они уполномочены участвовать в конкурсе правообладателями песни.
Каждый короткометражный фильм сможет участвовать в более чем одной секции, а все представленные короткометражные фильмы автоматически участвуют в отборе на приз «Лучший фильм» и «Новые знаки».
Только те, кто выбран в «лучший фильм», также будут соревноваться за «общественный приз».
Born in Barcelona in 1998 MECAL Pro, International Short Film Festival of Barcelona. Currently with 17 editions and recognition of Creative Media program of the European Union, Chile reaches its fourth edition.
The Festival aims to provide and create a platform for Chilean Short Film Festival, which collaborates with other European and Latin American festivals level and serves as a showcase for Latin American filmmakers to project the European market. Mecal Chile is an opportunity for the Chilean public to watch quality cinema with all the art scene.
International programming Chile Mecal Mecal is in charge of Barcelona.
Mecal Chile Festival is organized and produced by the prestigious agency of Arts and Culture, Causes Agency, whose management involves the development of a cultural bridge between the cities of Barcelona and Santiago de Chile.
Welcome to Mecal Chile.
Jaime Carmona Daroch, Director.
In March 2004 the 1st international short film festival for films by artists was held in Gstaad, Switzerland, with the ultimate prize being 'The Golden Cow of Gstaad'. For the organisers of Gstaad Film, the event was a great success: Many artists made use of the possibility to present their works at the festival & the quality of the program was high, attracting many films from Switzerland and entries from as far away as Argentina. The three days of the festival gave many possibilities for interesting contacts, not only for we the organisers, but also for a numerous and interested audience who were left excited, enthralled and enriched by the experience.
The positive reaction generated over the three-day period encouraged us to start organising a second festival. To improve the organisation and to give the participants/entrants more time, we decided to organise the festival in a two-year cycle, as a biennale.
Films by artists, filmmakers, independent filmmakers and documentarians and / or community organizations, groups, local television and / or community college students and social production of Ecuador, Latin America and the world will be accepted.
The interest is to get audiovisual productions to places that are excluded from the film-culture in order to create spaces for reflection upon the awareness of community sectors, educational institutions, universities, neighborhoods and cities, and recover public spaces for the audiovisual in Ecuador.
Epic ACG fest is a unique event showcase animation, comics and games. Though screening, exhibition and competition, bring together the creative elements, the artists and the general public from worldwide.
During the festival, EACG is also hosting the Live Demonstrations, Networking Receptions, Master Workshops, Panel Discussions, Business Symposiums, Recruiting and the Professional Exhibits offered throughout the event as well as the One-On-One Personal Consultations with creative professionals from top studios and educational institutions both local and international. The Award ceremony is a red carpet event that provides recognition and great memories.
Epic ACG fest will screening animations from worldwide
One of the main events dedicated to the promotion of contemporary production of Ibero-American animation cinema reaches its 18th edition punctuated with attractions, in addition to the already traditional parade of the main animated productions in Portuguese and Spanish.
The 18th edition of CORTOCOMENIUS intends to show the best valencian productions , with the intention of promoting, broadcast and support to the development of the digital cinema.